Abstract:The current state-of-the-art video generative models can produce commercial-grade videos with highly realistic details. However, they still struggle to coherently present multiple sequential events in the stories specified by the prompts, which is foreseeable an essential capability for future long video generation scenarios. For example, top T2V generative models still fail to generate a video of the short simple story 'how to put an elephant into a refrigerator.' While existing detail-oriented benchmarks primarily focus on fine-grained metrics like aesthetic quality and spatial-temporal consistency, they fall short of evaluating models' abilities to handle event-level story presentation. To address this gap, we introduce StoryEval, a story-oriented benchmark specifically designed to assess text-to-video (T2V) models' story-completion capabilities. StoryEval features 423 prompts spanning 7 classes, each representing short stories composed of 2-4 consecutive events. We employ advanced vision-language models, such as GPT-4V and LLaVA-OV-Chat-72B, to verify the completion of each event in the generated videos, applying a unanimous voting method to enhance reliability. Our methods ensure high alignment with human evaluations, and the evaluation of 11 models reveals its challenge, with none exceeding an average story-completion rate of 50%. StoryEval provides a new benchmark for advancing T2V models and highlights the challenges and opportunities in developing next-generation solutions for coherent story-driven video generation.
Abstract:Recent advancements in diffusion models have shown great promise in producing high-quality video content. However, efficiently training diffusion models capable of integrating directional guidance and controllable motion intensity remains a challenging and under-explored area. This paper introduces Mojito, a diffusion model that incorporates both \textbf{Mo}tion tra\textbf{j}ectory and \textbf{i}ntensi\textbf{t}y contr\textbf{o}l for text to video generation. Specifically, Mojito features a Directional Motion Control module that leverages cross-attention to efficiently direct the generated object's motion without additional training, alongside a Motion Intensity Modulator that uses optical flow maps generated from videos to guide varying levels of motion intensity. Extensive experiments demonstrate Mojito's effectiveness in achieving precise trajectory and intensity control with high computational efficiency, generating motion patterns that closely match specified directions and intensities, providing realistic dynamics that align well with natural motion in real-world scenarios.
Abstract:For AI agents to be helpful to humans, they should be able to follow natural language instructions to complete everyday cooperative tasks in human environments. However, real human instructions inherently possess ambiguity, because the human speakers assume sufficient prior knowledge about their hidden goals and intentions. Standard language grounding and planning methods fail to address such ambiguities because they do not model human internal goals as additional partially observable factors in the environment. We propose a new framework, Follow Instructions with Social and Embodied Reasoning (FISER), aiming for better natural language instruction following in collaborative embodied tasks. Our framework makes explicit inferences about human goals and intentions as intermediate reasoning steps. We implement a set of Transformer-based models and evaluate them over a challenging benchmark, HandMeThat. We empirically demonstrate that using social reasoning to explicitly infer human intentions before making action plans surpasses purely end-to-end approaches. We also compare our implementation with strong baselines, including Chain of Thought prompting on the largest available pre-trained language models, and find that FISER provides better performance on the embodied social reasoning tasks under investigation, reaching the state-of-the-art on HandMeThat.
Abstract:The sliding window model of computation captures scenarios in which data are continually arriving in the form of a stream, and only the most recent $w$ items are used for analysis. In this setting, an algorithm needs to accurately track some desired statistics over the sliding window using a small space. When data streams contain sensitive information about individuals, the algorithm is also urgently needed to provide a provable guarantee of privacy. In this paper, we focus on the two fundamental problems of privately (1) estimating the frequency of an arbitrary item and (2) identifying the most frequent items (i.e., \emph{heavy hitters}), in the sliding window model. We propose \textsc{DPSW-Sketch}, a sliding window framework based on the count-min sketch that not only satisfies differential privacy over the stream but also approximates the results for frequency and heavy-hitter queries within bounded errors in sublinear time and space w.r.t.~$w$. Extensive experiments on five real-world and synthetic datasets show that \textsc{DPSW-Sketch} provides significantly better utility-privacy trade-offs than state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Data selection has emerged as a core issue for large-scale visual-language model pretaining (e.g., CLIP), particularly with noisy web-curated datasets. Three main data selection approaches are: (1) leveraging external non-CLIP models to aid data selection, (2) training new CLIP-style embedding models that are more effective at selecting high-quality data than the original OpenAI CLIP model, and (3) designing better metrics or strategies universally applicable to any CLIP embedding without requiring specific model properties (e.g., CLIPScore is one popular metric). While the first two approaches have been extensively studied, the third remains under-explored. In this paper, we advance the third approach by proposing two new methods. Firstly, instead of classical CLIP scores that only consider the alignment between two modalities from a single sample, we introduce negCLIPLoss, a CLIP loss-inspired method that adds the alignment between one sample and its contrastive pairs as an extra normalization term for better quality measurement. Secondly, when downstream tasks are known, we propose a new norm-based metric, NormSim, to measure the similarity between pretraining data and target data. We test our methods on the data selection benchmark, DataComp~\cite{gadre2023datacomp}. Compared to the best baseline using only OpenAI's CLIP-L/14, our methods achieve a 5.3\% improvement on ImageNet-1k and a 2.8\% improvement on 38 downstream evaluation tasks. Moreover, both negCLIPLoss and NormSim are compatible with existing techniques. By combining our methods with the current best methods DFN~\cite{fang2023data} and HYPE~\cite{kim2024hype}, we can boost average performance on downstream tasks by 0.9\%, achieving a new state-of-the-art.
Abstract:In recent years, data selection has emerged as a core issue for large-scale visual-language model pretraining, especially on noisy web-curated datasets. One widely adopted strategy assigns quality scores such as CLIP similarity for each sample and retains the data pairs with the highest scores. However, these approaches are agnostic of data distribution and always fail to select the most informative samples. To solve this problem, we propose a simple yet theoretically principled metric named Variance Alignment Score (VAS), which has the form $\langle \Sigma_{\text{test}}, \Sigma_i\rangle$. Here, $\Sigma_{\text{test}}$ represents the target (cross-)covariance matrix we aim to align, potentially based on prior knowledge, while $\Sigma_i$ denotes the tensor product of single or multi-modal representations for the $i$-th sample. We further design a new data selection method that maximizes the total VAS. We provide theoretical analysis in a simplified setting to demonstrate the theoretical advantage of VAS over random or other existing data selection. Experimentally, applying VAS and CLIP scores together can outperform baselines by a margin of $1.3\%$ average on 38 evaluation sets for noisy dataset DataComp and $2.5\%$ on VTAB for high-quality dataset CC12M. Additionally, our ablation study also shows visual features are better than text for calculating VAS, and the related classical experimental design methods may fail under this context.
Abstract:We propose Joint MLP/Attention (JoMA) dynamics, a novel mathematical framework to understand the training procedure of multilayer Transformer architectures. This is achieved by integrating out the self-attention layer in Transformers, producing a modified dynamics of MLP layers only. JoMA removes unrealistic assumptions in previous analysis (e.g., lack of residual connection) and predicts that the attention first becomes sparse (to learn salient tokens), then dense (to learn less salient tokens) in the presence of nonlinear activations, while in the linear case, it is consistent with existing works that show attention becomes sparse over time. We leverage JoMA to qualitatively explains how tokens are combined to form hierarchies in multilayer Transformers, when the input tokens are generated by a latent hierarchical generative model. Experiments on models trained from real-world dataset (Wikitext2/Wikitext103) and various pre-trained models (OPT, Pythia) verify our theoretical findings.
Abstract:To leverage the copious amount of data from source tasks and overcome the scarcity of the target task samples, representation learning based on multi-task pretraining has become a standard approach in many applications. However, up until now, most existing works design a source task selection strategy from a purely empirical perspective. Recently, \citet{chen2022active} gave the first active multi-task representation learning (A-MTRL) algorithm which adaptively samples from source tasks and can provably reduce the total sample complexity using the L2-regularized-target-source-relevance parameter $\nu^2$. But their work is theoretically suboptimal in terms of total source sample complexity and is less practical in some real-world scenarios where sparse training source task selection is desired. In this paper, we address both issues. Specifically, we show the strict dominance of the L1-regularized-relevance-based ($\nu^1$-based) strategy by giving a lower bound for the $\nu^2$-based strategy. When $\nu^1$ is unknown, we propose a practical algorithm that uses the LASSO program to estimate $\nu^1$. Our algorithm successfully recovers the optimal result in the known case. In addition to our sample complexity results, we also characterize the potential of our $\nu^1$-based strategy in sample-cost-sensitive settings. Finally, we provide experiments on real-world computer vision datasets to illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
Abstract:Transformer architecture has shown impressive performance in multiple research domains and has become the backbone of many neural network models. However, there is limited understanding on how it works. In particular, with a simple predictive loss, how the representation emerges from the gradient \emph{training dynamics} remains a mystery. In this paper, for 1-layer transformer with one self-attention layer plus one decoder layer, we analyze its SGD training dynamics for the task of next token prediction in a mathematically rigorous manner. We open the black box of the dynamic process of how the self-attention layer combines input tokens, and reveal the nature of underlying inductive bias. More specifically, with the assumption (a) no positional encoding, (b) long input sequence, and (c) the decoder layer learns faster than the self-attention layer, we prove that self-attention acts as a \emph{discriminative scanning algorithm}: starting from uniform attention, it gradually attends more to distinct key tokens for a specific next token to be predicted, and pays less attention to common key tokens that occur across different next tokens. Among distinct tokens, it progressively drops attention weights, following the order of low to high co-occurrence between the key and the query token in the training set. Interestingly, this procedure does not lead to winner-takes-all, but decelerates due to a \emph{phase transition} that is controllable by the learning rates of the two layers, leaving (almost) fixed token combination. We verify this \textbf{\emph{scan and snap}} dynamics on synthetic and real-world data (WikiText).
Abstract:Improving the generalization of deep networks is an important open challenge, particularly in domains without plentiful data. The mixup algorithm improves generalization by linearly interpolating a pair of examples and their corresponding labels. These interpolated examples augment the original training set. Mixup has shown promising results in various classification tasks, but systematic analysis of mixup in regression remains underexplored. Using mixup directly on regression labels can result in arbitrarily incorrect labels. In this paper, we propose a simple yet powerful algorithm, C-Mixup, to improve generalization on regression tasks. In contrast with vanilla mixup, which picks training examples for mixing with uniform probability, C-Mixup adjusts the sampling probability based on the similarity of the labels. Our theoretical analysis confirms that C-Mixup with label similarity obtains a smaller mean square error in supervised regression and meta-regression than vanilla mixup and using feature similarity. Another benefit of C-Mixup is that it can improve out-of-distribution robustness, where the test distribution is different from the training distribution. By selectively interpolating examples with similar labels, it mitigates the effects of domain-associated information and yields domain-invariant representations. We evaluate C-Mixup on eleven datasets, ranging from tabular to video data. Compared to the best prior approach, C-Mixup achieves 6.56%, 4.76%, 5.82% improvements in in-distribution generalization, task generalization, and out-of-distribution robustness, respectively. Code is released at https://github.com/huaxiuyao/C-Mixup.