Abstract:Supervised fine-tuning is a standard method for adapting pre-trained large language models (LLMs) to downstream tasks. Quantization has been recently studied as a post-training technique for efficient LLM deployment. To obtain quantized fine-tuned LLMs, conventional pipelines would first fine-tune the pre-trained models, followed by post-training quantization. This often yields suboptimal performance as it fails to leverage the synergy between fine-tuning and quantization. To effectively realize low-bit quantization of weights, activations, and KV caches in LLMs, we propose an algorithm named Rotated Straight-Through-Estimator (RoSTE), which combines quantization-aware supervised fine-tuning (QA-SFT) with an adaptive rotation strategy that identifies an effective rotation configuration to reduce activation outliers. We provide theoretical insights on RoSTE by analyzing its prediction error when applied to an overparameterized least square quantized training problem. Our findings reveal that the prediction error is directly proportional to the quantization error of the converged weights, which can be effectively managed through an optimized rotation configuration. Experiments on Pythia and Llama models of different sizes demonstrate the effectiveness of RoSTE. Compared to existing post-SFT quantization baselines, our method consistently achieves superior performances across various tasks and different LLM architectures.
Abstract:With Large Language Models (LLMs) recently demonstrating impressive proficiency in code generation, it is promising to extend their abilities to Hardware Description Language (HDL). However, LLMs tend to generate single HDL code blocks rather than hierarchical structures for hardware designs, leading to hallucinations, particularly in complex designs like Domain-Specific Accelerators (DSAs). To address this, we propose HiVeGen, a hierarchical LLM-based Verilog generation framework that decomposes generation tasks into LLM-manageable hierarchical submodules. HiVeGen further harnesses the advantages of such hierarchical structures by integrating automatic Design Space Exploration (DSE) into hierarchy-aware prompt generation, introducing weight-based retrieval to enhance code reuse, and enabling real-time human-computer interaction to lower error-correction cost, significantly improving the quality of generated designs.
Abstract:Car-following (CF) modeling, a fundamental component in microscopic traffic simulation, has attracted increasing interest of researchers in the past decades. In this study, we propose an adaptable personalized car-following framework -MetaFollower, by leveraging the power of meta-learning. Specifically, we first utilize Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML) to extract common driving knowledge from various CF events. Afterward, the pre-trained model can be fine-tuned on new drivers with only a few CF trajectories to achieve personalized CF adaptation. We additionally combine Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) to reflect temporal heterogeneity with high interpretability. Unlike conventional adaptive cruise control (ACC) systems that rely on predefined settings and constant parameters without considering heterogeneous driving characteristics, MetaFollower can accurately capture and simulate the intricate dynamics of car-following behavior while considering the unique driving styles of individual drivers. We demonstrate the versatility and adaptability of MetaFollower by showcasing its ability to adapt to new drivers with limited training data quickly. To evaluate the performance of MetaFollower, we conduct rigorous experiments comparing it with both data-driven and physics-based models. The results reveal that our proposed framework outperforms baseline models in predicting car-following behavior with higher accuracy and safety. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first car-following model aiming to achieve fast adaptation by considering both driver and temporal heterogeneity based on meta-learning.
Abstract:Existing learning rate schedules that do not require specification of the optimization stopping step T are greatly out-performed by learning rate schedules that depend on T. We propose an approach that avoids the need for this stopping time by eschewing the use of schedules entirely, while exhibiting state-of-the-art performance compared to schedules across a wide family of problems ranging from convex problems to large-scale deep learning problems. Our Schedule-Free approach introduces no additional hyper-parameters over standard optimizers with momentum. Our method is a direct consequence of a new theory we develop that unifies scheduling and iterate averaging. An open source implementation of our method is available (https://github.com/facebookresearch/schedule_free).
Abstract:Traffic flow prediction is crucial for intelligent transportation systems. It has experienced significant advancements thanks to the power of deep learning in capturing latent patterns of traffic data. However, recent deep-learning architectures require intricate model designs and lack an intuitive understanding of the mapping from input data to predicted results. Achieving both accuracy and interpretability in traffic prediction models remains to be a challenge due to the complexity of traffic data and the inherent opacity of deep learning models. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel approach, Traffic Flow Prediction LLM (TF-LLM), which leverages large language models (LLMs) to generate interpretable traffic flow predictions. By transferring multi-modal traffic data into natural language descriptions, TF-LLM captures complex spatial-temporal patterns and external factors from comprehensive traffic data. The LLM framework is fine-tuned using language-based instructions to align with spatial-temporal traffic flow data. Empirically, TF-LLM shows competitive accuracy compared with deep learning baselines, while providing intuitive and interpretable predictions. We discuss the spatial-temporal and input dependencies for explainable future flow forecasting, showcasing TF-LLM's potential for diverse city prediction tasks. This paper contributes to advancing explainable traffic prediction models and lays a foundation for future exploration of LLM applications in transportation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to use LLM for interpretable prediction of traffic flow.
Abstract:To ensure safe driving in dynamic environments, autonomous vehicles should possess the capability to accurately predict the lane change intentions of surrounding vehicles in advance and forecast their future trajectories. Existing motion prediction approaches have ample room for improvement, particularly in terms of long-term prediction accuracy and interpretability. In this paper, we address these challenges by proposing LC-LLM, an explainable lane change prediction model that leverages the strong reasoning capabilities and self-explanation abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). Essentially, we reformulate the lane change prediction task as a language modeling problem, processing heterogeneous driving scenario information in natural language as prompts for input into the LLM and employing a supervised fine-tuning technique to tailor the LLM specifically for our lane change prediction task. This allows us to utilize the LLM's powerful common sense reasoning abilities to understand complex interactive information, thereby improving the accuracy of long-term predictions. Furthermore, we incorporate explanatory requirements into the prompts in the inference stage. Therefore, our LC-LLM model not only can predict lane change intentions and trajectories but also provides explanations for its predictions, enhancing the interpretability. Extensive experiments on the large-scale highD dataset demonstrate the superior performance and interpretability of our LC-LLM in lane change prediction task. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to utilize LLMs for predicting lane change behavior. Our study shows that LLMs can encode comprehensive interaction information for driving behavior understanding.
Abstract:Multimodal interactions have been shown to be more flexible, efficient, and adaptable for diverse users and tasks than traditional graphical interfaces. However, existing multimodal development frameworks either do not handle the complexity and compositionality of multimodal commands well or require developers to write a substantial amount of code to support these multimodal interactions. In this paper, we present ReactGenie, a programming framework that uses a shared object-oriented state abstraction to support building complex multimodal mobile applications. Having different modalities share the same state abstraction allows developers using ReactGenie to seamlessly integrate and compose these modalities to deliver multimodal interaction. ReactGenie is a natural extension to the existing workflow of building a graphical app, like the workflow with React-Redux. Developers only have to add a few annotations and examples to indicate how natural language is mapped to the user-accessible functions in the program. ReactGenie automatically handles the complex problem of understanding natural language by generating a parser that leverages large language models. We evaluated the ReactGenie framework by using it to build three demo apps. We evaluated the accuracy of the language parser using elicited commands from crowd workers and evaluated the usability of the generated multimodal app with 16 participants. Our results show that ReactGenie can be used to build versatile multimodal applications with highly accurate language parsers, and the multimodal app can lower users' cognitive load and task completion time.
Abstract:Car-following refers to a control process in which the following vehicle (FV) tries to keep a safe distance between itself and the lead vehicle (LV) by adjusting its acceleration in response to the actions of the vehicle ahead. The corresponding car-following models, which describe how one vehicle follows another vehicle in the traffic flow, form the cornerstone for microscopic traffic simulation and intelligent vehicle development. One major motivation of car-following models is to replicate human drivers' longitudinal driving trajectories. To model the long-term dependency of future actions on historical driving situations, we developed a long-sequence car-following trajectory prediction model based on the attention-based Transformer model. The model follows a general format of encoder-decoder architecture. The encoder takes historical speed and spacing data as inputs and forms a mixed representation of historical driving context using multi-head self-attention. The decoder takes the future LV speed profile as input and outputs the predicted future FV speed profile in a generative way (instead of an auto-regressive way, avoiding compounding errors). Through cross-attention between encoder and decoder, the decoder learns to build a connection between historical driving and future LV speed, based on which a prediction of future FV speed can be obtained. We train and test our model with 112,597 real-world car-following events extracted from the Shanghai Naturalistic Driving Study (SH-NDS). Results show that the model outperforms the traditional intelligent driver model (IDM), a fully connected neural network model, and a long short-term memory (LSTM) based model in terms of long-sequence trajectory prediction accuracy. We also visualized the self-attention and cross-attention heatmaps to explain how the model derives its predictions.
Abstract:Human action recognition is a well-known computer vision and pattern recognition task of identifying which action a man is actually doing. Extracting the keypoint information of a single human with both spatial and temporal features of action sequences plays an essential role to accomplish the task.In this paper, we propose a human action system for Red-Green-Blue(RGB) input video with our own designed module. Based on the efficient Gated Recurrent Unit(GRU) for spatio-temporal feature extraction, we add another sampling module and normalization module to improve the performance of the model in order to recognize the human actions. Furthermore, we build a novel dataset with a similar background and discriminative actions for both human keypoint prediction and behavior recognition. To get a better result, we retrain the pose model with our new dataset to get better performance. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model on our own human behavior recognition dataset and some public datasets.
Abstract:Smart grids are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This paper proposes a game-theoretic approach to evaluate the variations caused by an attacker on the power measurements. Adversaries can gain financial benefits through the manipulation of the meters of smart grids. On the other hand, there is a defender that tries to maintain the accuracy of the meters. A zero-sum game is used to model the interactions between the attacker and defender. In this paper, two different defenders are used and the effectiveness of each defender in different scenarios is evaluated. Multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) and traditional state estimators are the two defenders that are studied in this paper. The utility of the defender is also investigated in adversary-aware and adversary-unaware situations. Our simulations suggest that the utility which is gained by the adversary drops significantly when the MLP is used as the defender. It will be shown that the utility of the defender is variant in different scenarios, based on the defender that is being used. In the end, we will show that this zero-sum game does not yield a pure strategy, and the mixed strategy of the game is calculated.