Collage of Information Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou, China
Abstract:Lately, the practice of utilizing task-specific fine-tuning has been implemented to improve the performance of large language models (LLM) in subsequent tasks. Through the integration of diverse LLMs, the overall competency of LLMs is significantly boosted. Nevertheless, traditional ensemble methods are notably memory-intensive, necessitating the simultaneous loading of all specialized models into GPU memory. To address the inefficiency, model merging strategies have emerged, merging all LLMs into one model to reduce the memory footprint during inference. Despite these advances, model merging often leads to parameter conflicts and performance decline as the number of experts increases. Previous methods to mitigate these conflicts include post-pruning and partial merging. However, both approaches have limitations, particularly in terms of performance and storage efficiency when merged experts increase. To address these challenges, we introduce Channel Merging, a novel strategy designed to minimize parameter conflicts while enhancing storage efficiency. This method clusters and merges channel parameters based on their similarity to form several groups offline. By ensuring that only highly similar parameters are merged within each group, it significantly reduces parameter conflicts. During inference, we can instantly look up the expert parameters from the merged groups, preserving specialized knowledge. Our experiments demonstrate that Channel Merging consistently delivers high performance, matching unmerged models in tasks like English and Chinese reasoning, mathematical reasoning, and code generation. Moreover, it obtains results comparable to model ensemble with just 53% parameters when used with a task-specific router.
Abstract:The emergence of 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has recently sparked a renewed wave of dense visual SLAM research. However, current methods face challenges such as sensitivity to artifacts and noise, sub-optimal selection of training viewpoints, and a lack of light global optimization. In this paper, we propose a dense SLAM system that tightly couples 3DGS with ORB features. We design a joint optimization approach for robust tracking and effectively reducing the impact of noise and artifacts. This involves combining novel geometric observations, derived from accumulated transmittance, with ORB features extracted from pixel data. Furthermore, to improve mapping quality, we propose an adaptive Gaussian expansion and regularization method that enables Gaussian primitives to represent the scene compactly. This is coupled with a viewpoint selection strategy based on the hybrid graph to mitigate over-fitting effects and enhance convergence quality. Finally, our approach achieves compact and high-quality scene representations and accurate localization. GSORB-SLAM has been evaluated on different datasets, demonstrating outstanding performance. The code will be available.
Abstract:In this survey, we design formal verification and control algorithms for autonomous systems with practical safety guarantees using conformal prediction (CP), a statistical tool for uncertainty quantification. We focus on learning-enabled autonomous systems (LEASs) in which the complexity of learning-enabled components (LECs) is a major bottleneck that hampers the use of existing model-based verification and design techniques. Instead, we advocate for the use of CP, and we will demonstrate its use in formal verification, systems and control theory, and robotics. We argue that CP is specifically useful due to its simplicity (easy to understand, use, and modify), generality (requires no assumptions on learned models and data distributions, i.e., is distribution-free), and efficiency (real-time capable and accurate). We pursue the following goals with this survey. First, we provide an accessible introduction to CP for non-experts who are interested in using CP to solve problems in autonomy. Second, we show how to use CP for the verification of LECs, e.g., for verifying input-output properties of neural networks. Third and fourth, we review recent articles that use CP for safe control design as well as offline and online verification of LEASs. We summarize their ideas in a unifying framework that can deal with the complexity of LEASs in a computationally efficient manner. In our exposition, we consider simple system specifications, e.g., robot navigation tasks, as well as complex specifications formulated in temporal logic formalisms. Throughout our survey, we compare to other statistical techniques (e.g., scenario optimization, PAC-Bayes theory, etc.) and how these techniques have been used in verification and control. Lastly, we point the reader to open problems and future research directions.
Abstract:The realm of Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation (WSIS) under box supervision has garnered substantial attention, showcasing remarkable advancements in recent years. However, the limitations of box supervision become apparent in its inability to furnish effective information for distinguishing foreground from background within the specified target box. This research addresses this challenge by introducing pseudo-depth maps into the training process of the instance segmentation network, thereby boosting its performance by capturing depth differences between instances. These pseudo-depth maps are generated using a readily available depth predictor and are not necessary during the inference stage. To enable the network to discern depth features when predicting masks, we integrate a depth prediction layer into the mask prediction head. This innovative approach empowers the network to simultaneously predict masks and depth, enhancing its ability to capture nuanced depth-related information during the instance segmentation process. We further utilize the mask generated in the training process as supervision to distinguish the foreground from the background. When selecting the best mask for each box through the Hungarian algorithm, we use depth consistency as one calculation cost item. The proposed method achieves significant improvements on Cityscapes and COCO dataset.
Abstract:Motivated by the advances in conformal prediction (CP), we propose conformal predictive programming (CPP), an approach to solve chance constrained optimization (CCO) problems, i.e., optimization problems with nonlinear constraint functions affected by arbitrary random parameters. CPP utilizes samples from these random parameters along with the quantile lemma -- which is central to CP -- to transform the CCO problem into a deterministic optimization problem. We then present two tractable reformulations of CPP by: (1) writing the quantile as a linear program along with its KKT conditions (CPP-KKT), and (2) using mixed integer programming (CPP-MIP). CPP comes with marginal probabilistic feasibility guarantees for the CCO problem that are conceptually different from existing approaches, e.g., the sample approximation and the scenario approach. While we explore algorithmic similarities with the sample approximation approach, we emphasize that the strength of CPP is that it can easily be extended to incorporate different variants of CP. To illustrate this, we present robust conformal predictive programming to deal with distribution shifts in the uncertain parameters of the CCO problem.
Abstract:Cell segmentation for multi-modal microscopy images remains a challenge due to the complex textures, patterns, and cell shapes in these images. To tackle the problem, we first develop an automatic cell classification pipeline to label the microscopy images based on their low-level image characteristics, and then train a classification model based on the category labels. Afterward, we train a separate segmentation model for each category using the images in the corresponding category. Besides, we further deploy two types of segmentation models to segment cells with roundish and irregular shapes respectively. Moreover, an efficient and powerful backbone model is utilized to enhance the efficiency of our segmentation model. Evaluated on the Tuning Set of NeurIPS 2022 Cell Segmentation Challenge, our method achieves an F1-score of 0.8795 and the running time for all cases is within the time tolerance.
Abstract:Nuclei segmentation is a fundamental but challenging task in the quantitative analysis of histopathology images. Although fully-supervised deep learning-based methods have made significant progress, a large number of labeled images are required to achieve great segmentation performance. Considering that manually labeling all nuclei instances for a dataset is inefficient, obtaining a large-scale human-annotated dataset is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Therefore, augmenting a dataset with only a few labeled images to improve the segmentation performance is of significant research and application value. In this paper, we introduce the first diffusion-based augmentation method for nuclei segmentation. The idea is to synthesize a large number of labeled images to facilitate training the segmentation model. To achieve this, we propose a two-step strategy. In the first step, we train an unconditional diffusion model to synthesize the Nuclei Structure that is defined as the representation of pixel-level semantic and distance transform. Each synthetic nuclei structure will serve as a constraint on histopathology image synthesis and is further post-processed to be an instance map. In the second step, we train a conditioned diffusion model to synthesize histopathology images based on nuclei structures. The synthetic histopathology images paired with synthetic instance maps will be added to the real dataset for training the segmentation model. The experimental results show that by augmenting 10% labeled real dataset with synthetic samples, one can achieve comparable segmentation results with the fully-supervised baseline.
Abstract:3D scene reconstruction from 2D images has been a long-standing task. Instead of estimating per-frame depth maps and fusing them in 3D, recent research leverages the neural implicit surface as a unified representation for 3D reconstruction. Equipped with data-driven pre-trained geometric cues, these methods have demonstrated promising performance. However, inaccurate prior estimation, which is usually inevitable, can lead to suboptimal reconstruction quality, particularly in some geometrically complex regions. In this paper, we propose a two-stage training process, decouple view-dependent and view-independent colors, and leverage two novel consistency constraints to enhance detail reconstruction performance without requiring extra priors. Additionally, we introduce an essential mask scheme to adaptively influence the selection of supervision constraints, thereby improving performance in a self-supervised paradigm. Experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets show the capability of reducing the interference from prior estimation errors and achieving high-quality scene reconstruction with rich geometric details.
Abstract:One-shot Neural architecture search (One-shot NAS) has been proposed as a time-efficient approach to obtain optimal subnet architectures and weights under different complexity cases by training only once. However, the subnet performance obtained by weight sharing is often inferior to the performance achieved by retraining. In this paper, we investigate the performance gap and attribute it to the use of uniform sampling, which is a common approach in supernet training. Uniform sampling concentrates training resources on subnets with intermediate computational resources, which are sampled with high probability. However, subnets with different complexity regions require different optimal training strategies for optimal performance. To address the problem of uniform sampling, we propose ShiftNAS, a method that can adjust the sampling probability based on the complexity of subnets. We achieve this by evaluating the performance variation of subnets with different complexity and designing an architecture generator that can accurately and efficiently provide subnets with the desired complexity. Both the sampling probability and the architecture generator can be trained end-to-end in a gradient-based manner. With ShiftNAS, we can directly obtain the optimal model architecture and parameters for a given computational complexity. We evaluate our approach on multiple visual network models, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and vision transformers (ViTs), and demonstrate that ShiftNAS is model-agnostic. Experimental results on ImageNet show that ShiftNAS can improve the performance of one-shot NAS without additional consumption. Source codes are available at
Abstract:Prompt learning has become a popular approach for adapting large vision-language models, such as CLIP, to downstream tasks. Typically, prompt learning relies on a fixed prompt token or an input-conditional token to fit a small amount of data under full supervision. While this paradigm can generalize to a certain range of unseen classes, it may struggle when domain gap increases, such as in fine-grained classification and satellite image segmentation. To address this limitation, we propose Retrieval-enhanced Prompt learning (RePrompt), which introduces retrieval mechanisms to cache the knowledge representations from downstream tasks. we first construct a retrieval database from training examples, or from external examples when available. We then integrate this retrieval-enhanced mechanism into various stages of a simple prompt learning baseline. By referencing similar samples in the training set, the enhanced model is better able to adapt to new tasks with few samples. Our extensive experiments over 15 vision datasets, including 11 downstream tasks with few-shot setting and 4 domain generalization benchmarks, demonstrate that RePrompt achieves considerably improved performance. Our proposed approach provides a promising solution to the challenges faced by prompt learning when domain gap increases. The code and models will be available.