Abstract:Stereo matching is a key technique for metric depth estimation in computer vision and robotics. Real-world challenges like occlusion and non-texture hinder accurate disparity estimation from binocular matching cues. Recently, monocular relative depth estimation has shown remarkable generalization using vision foundation models. Thus, to facilitate robust stereo matching with monocular depth cues, we incorporate a robust monocular relative depth model into the recurrent stereo-matching framework, building a new framework for depth foundation model-based stereo-matching, DEFOM-Stereo. In the feature extraction stage, we construct the combined context and matching feature encoder by integrating features from conventional CNNs and DEFOM. In the update stage, we use the depth predicted by DEFOM to initialize the recurrent disparity and introduce a scale update module to refine the disparity at the correct scale. DEFOM-Stereo is verified to have comparable performance on the Scene Flow dataset with state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods and notably shows much stronger zero-shot generalization. Moreover, DEFOM-Stereo achieves SOTA performance on the KITTI 2012, KITTI 2015, Middlebury, and ETH3D benchmarks, ranking 1st on many metrics. In the joint evaluation under the robust vision challenge, our model simultaneously outperforms previous models on the individual benchmarks. Both results demonstrate the outstanding capabilities of the proposed model.
Abstract:Quantum nonlocality describes a stronger form of quantum correlation than that of entanglement. It refutes Einstein's belief of local realism and is among the most distinctive and enigmatic features of quantum mechanics. It is a crucial resource for achieving quantum advantages in a variety of practical applications, ranging from cryptography and certified random number generation via self-testing to machine learning. Nevertheless, the detection of nonlocality, especially in quantum many-body systems, is notoriously challenging. Here, we report an experimental certification of genuine multipartite Bell correlations, which signal nonlocality in quantum many-body systems, up to 24 qubits with a fully programmable superconducting quantum processor. In particular, we employ energy as a Bell correlation witness and variationally decrease the energy of a many-body system across a hierarchy of thresholds, below which an increasing Bell correlation depth can be certified from experimental data. As an illustrating example, we variationally prepare the low-energy state of a two-dimensional honeycomb model with 73 qubits and certify its Bell correlations by measuring an energy that surpasses the corresponding classical bound with up to 48 standard deviations. In addition, we variationally prepare a sequence of low-energy states and certify their genuine multipartite Bell correlations up to 24 qubits via energies measured efficiently by parity oscillation and multiple quantum coherence techniques. Our results establish a viable approach for preparing and certifying multipartite Bell correlations, which provide not only a finer benchmark beyond entanglement for quantum devices, but also a valuable guide towards exploiting multipartite Bell correlation in a wide spectrum of practical applications.
Abstract:Omnidirectional stereo matching (OSM) is an essential and reliable means for $360^{\circ}$ depth sensing. However, following earlier works on conventional stereo matching, prior state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods rely on a 3D encoder-decoder block to regularize the cost volume, causing the whole system complicated and sub-optimal results. Recently, the Recurrent All-pairs Field Transforms (RAFT) based approach employs the recurrent update in 2D and has efficiently improved image-matching tasks, ie, optical flow, and stereo matching. To bridge the gap between OSM and RAFT, we mainly propose an opposite adaptive weighting scheme to seamlessly transform the outputs of spherical sweeping of OSM into the required inputs for the recurrent update, thus creating a recurrent omnidirectional stereo matching (RomniStereo) algorithm. Furthermore, we introduce two techniques, ie, grid embedding and adaptive context feature generation, which also contribute to RomniStereo's performance. Our best model improves the average MAE metric by 40.7\% over the previous SOTA baseline across five datasets. When visualizing the results, our models demonstrate clear advantages on both synthetic and realistic examples. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/HalleyJiang/RomniStereo}.
Abstract:Guiding robots, in the form of canes or cars, have recently been explored to assist blind and low vision (BLV) people. Such robots can provide full or partial autonomy when guiding. However, the pros and cons of different forms and autonomy for guiding robots remain unknown. We sought to fill this gap. We designed autonomy-switchable guiding robotic cane and car. We conducted a controlled lab-study (N=12) and a field study (N=9) on BLV. Results showed that full autonomy received better walking performance and subjective ratings in the controlled study, whereas participants used more partial autonomy in the natural environment as demanding more control. Besides, the car robot has demonstrated abilities to provide a higher sense of safety and navigation efficiency compared with the cane robot. Our findings offered empirical evidence about how the BLV community perceived different machine forms and autonomy, which can inform the design of assistive robots.
Abstract:Stereo-matching is a fundamental problem in computer vision. Despite recent progress by deep learning, improving the robustness is ineluctable when deploying stereo-matching models to real-world applications. Different from the common practices, i.e., developing an elaborate model to achieve robustness, we argue that collecting multiple available datasets for training is a cheaper way to increase generalization ability. Specifically, this report presents an improved RaftStereo trained with a mixed dataset of seven public datasets for the robust vision challenge (denoted as iRaftStereo_RVC). When evaluated on the training sets of Middlebury, KITTI-2015, and ETH3D, the model outperforms its counterparts trained with only one dataset, such as the popular Sceneflow. After fine-tuning the pre-trained model on the three datasets of the challenge, it ranks at 2nd place on the stereo leaderboard, demonstrating the benefits of mixed dataset pre-training.
Abstract:This paper proposes a high-fidelity simulation framework that can estimate the potential safety benefits of vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) pedestrian safety strategies. This simulator can support cooperative perception algorithms in the loop by simulating the environmental conditions, traffic conditions, and pedestrian characteristics at the same time. Besides, the benefit estimation model applied in our framework can systematically quantify both the risk conflict (non-crash condition) and the severity of the pedestrian's injuries (crash condition). An experiment was conducted in this paper that built a digital twin of a crowded urban intersection in China. The result shows that our framework is efficient for safety benefit estimation of V2I pedestrian safety strategies.
Abstract:Quantum computing promises to enhance machine learning and artificial intelligence. Different quantum algorithms have been proposed to improve a wide spectrum of machine learning tasks. Yet, recent theoretical works show that, similar to traditional classifiers based on deep classical neural networks, quantum classifiers would suffer from the vulnerability problem: adding tiny carefully-crafted perturbations to the legitimate original data samples would facilitate incorrect predictions at a notably high confidence level. This will pose serious problems for future quantum machine learning applications in safety and security-critical scenarios. Here, we report the first experimental demonstration of quantum adversarial learning with programmable superconducting qubits. We train quantum classifiers, which are built upon variational quantum circuits consisting of ten transmon qubits featuring average lifetimes of 150 $\mu$s, and average fidelities of simultaneous single- and two-qubit gates above 99.94% and 99.4% respectively, with both real-life images (e.g., medical magnetic resonance imaging scans) and quantum data. We demonstrate that these well-trained classifiers (with testing accuracy up to 99%) can be practically deceived by small adversarial perturbations, whereas an adversarial training process would significantly enhance their robustness to such perturbations. Our results reveal experimentally a crucial vulnerability aspect of quantum learning systems under adversarial scenarios and demonstrate an effective defense strategy against adversarial attacks, which provide a valuable guide for quantum artificial intelligence applications with both near-term and future quantum devices.
Abstract:Catastrophic forgetting describes the fact that machine learning models will likely forget the knowledge of previously learned tasks after the learning process of a new one. It is a vital problem in the continual learning scenario and recently has attracted tremendous concern across different communities. In this paper, we explore the catastrophic forgetting phenomena in the context of quantum machine learning. We find that, similar to those classical learning models based on neural networks, quantum learning systems likewise suffer from such forgetting problem in classification tasks emerging from various application scenes. We show that based on the local geometrical information in the loss function landscape of the trained model, a uniform strategy can be adapted to overcome the forgetting problem in the incremental learning setting. Our results uncover the catastrophic forgetting phenomena in quantum machine learning and offer a practical method to overcome this problem, which opens a new avenue for exploring potential quantum advantages towards continual learning.