Abstract:Classifier-free guidance (CFG) is a key technique for improving conditional generation in diffusion models, enabling more accurate control while enhancing sample quality. It is natural to extend this technique to video diffusion, which generates video conditioned on a variable number of context frames, collectively referred to as history. However, we find two key challenges to guiding with variable-length history: architectures that only support fixed-size conditioning, and the empirical observation that CFG-style history dropout performs poorly. To address this, we propose the Diffusion Forcing Transformer (DFoT), a video diffusion architecture and theoretically grounded training objective that jointly enable conditioning on a flexible number of history frames. We then introduce History Guidance, a family of guidance methods uniquely enabled by DFoT. We show that its simplest form, vanilla history guidance, already significantly improves video generation quality and temporal consistency. A more advanced method, history guidance across time and frequency further enhances motion dynamics, enables compositional generalization to out-of-distribution history, and can stably roll out extremely long videos. Website:
Abstract:Mirroring the complex structures and diverse functions of natural organisms is a long-standing challenge in robotics. Modern fabrication techniques have dramatically expanded feasible hardware, yet deploying these systems requires control software to translate desired motions into actuator commands. While conventional robots can easily be modeled as rigid links connected via joints, it remains an open challenge to model and control bio-inspired robots that are often multi-material or soft, lack sensing capabilities, and may change their material properties with use. Here, we introduce Neural Jacobian Fields, an architecture that autonomously learns to model and control robots from vision alone. Our approach makes no assumptions about the robot's materials, actuation, or sensing, requires only a single camera for control, and learns to control the robot without expert intervention by observing the execution of random commands. We demonstrate our method on a diverse set of robot manipulators, varying in actuation, materials, fabrication, and cost. Our approach achieves accurate closed-loop control and recovers the causal dynamic structure of each robot. By enabling robot control with a generic camera as the only sensor, we anticipate our work will dramatically broaden the design space of robotic systems and serve as a starting point for lowering the barrier to robotic automation.
Abstract:This paper presents Diffusion Forcing, a new training paradigm where a diffusion model is trained to denoise a set of tokens with independent per-token noise levels. We apply Diffusion Forcing to sequence generative modeling by training a causal next-token prediction model to generate one or several future tokens without fully diffusing past ones. Our approach is shown to combine the strengths of next-token prediction models, such as variable-length generation, with the strengths of full-sequence diffusion models, such as the ability to guide sampling to desirable trajectories. Our method offers a range of additional capabilities, such as (1) rolling-out sequences of continuous tokens, such as video, with lengths past the training horizon, where baselines diverge and (2) new sampling and guiding schemes that uniquely profit from Diffusion Forcing's variable-horizon and causal architecture, and which lead to marked performance gains in decision-making and planning tasks. In addition to its empirical success, our method is proven to optimize a variational lower bound on the likelihoods of all subsequences of tokens drawn from the true joint distribution. Project website:
Abstract:Skinning is a popular way to rig and deform characters for animation, to compute reduced-order simulations, and to define features for geometry processing. Methods built on skinning rely on weight functions that distribute the influence of each degree of freedom across the mesh. Automatic skinning methods generate these weight functions with minimal user input, usually by solving a variational problem on a mesh whose boundary is the skinned surface. This formulation necessitates tetrahedralizing the volume inside the surface, which brings with it meshing artifacts, the possibility of tetrahedralization failure, and the impossibility of generating weights for surfaces that are not closed. We introduce a mesh-free and robust automatic skinning method that generates high-quality skinning weights comparable to the current state of the art without volumetric meshes. Our method reliably works even on open surfaces and triangle soups where current methods fail. We achieve this through the use of a Lagrangian representation for skinning weights, which circumvents the need for finite elements while optimizing the biharmonic energy.
Abstract:Real-world geometry and 3D vision tasks are replete with challenging symmetries that defy tractable analytical expression. In this paper, we introduce Neural Isometries, an autoencoder framework which learns to map the observation space to a general-purpose latent space wherein encodings are related by isometries whenever their corresponding observations are geometrically related in world space. Specifically, we regularize the latent space such that maps between encodings preserve a learned inner product and commute with a learned functional operator, in the same manner as rigid-body transformations commute with the Laplacian. This approach forms an effective backbone for self-supervised representation learning, and we demonstrate that a simple off-the-shelf equivariant network operating in the pre-trained latent space can achieve results on par with meticulously-engineered, handcrafted networks designed to handle complex, nonlinear symmetries. Furthermore, isometric maps capture information about the respective transformations in world space, and we show that this allows us to regress camera poses directly from the coefficients of the maps between encodings of adjacent views of a scene.
Abstract:While 2D diffusion models generate realistic, high-detail images, 3D shape generation methods like Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) built on these 2D diffusion models produce cartoon-like, over-smoothed shapes. To help explain this discrepancy, we show that the image guidance used in Score Distillation can be understood as the velocity field of a 2D denoising generative process, up to the choice of a noise term. In particular, after a change of variables, SDS resembles a high-variance version of Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models (DDIM) with a differently-sampled noise term: SDS introduces noise i.i.d. randomly at each step, while DDIM infers it from the previous noise predictions. This excessive variance can lead to over-smoothing and unrealistic outputs. We show that a better noise approximation can be recovered by inverting DDIM in each SDS update step. This modification makes SDS's generative process for 2D images almost identical to DDIM. In 3D, it removes over-smoothing, preserves higher-frequency detail, and brings the generation quality closer to that of 2D samplers. Experimentally, our method achieves better or similar 3D generation quality compared to other state-of-the-art Score Distillation methods, all without training additional neural networks or multi-view supervision, and providing useful insights into relationship between 2D and 3D asset generation with diffusion models.
Abstract:This paper introduces FlowMap, an end-to-end differentiable method that solves for precise camera poses, camera intrinsics, and per-frame dense depth of a video sequence. Our method performs per-video gradient-descent minimization of a simple least-squares objective that compares the optical flow induced by depth, intrinsics, and poses against correspondences obtained via off-the-shelf optical flow and point tracking. Alongside the use of point tracks to encourage long-term geometric consistency, we introduce differentiable re-parameterizations of depth, intrinsics, and pose that are amenable to first-order optimization. We empirically show that camera parameters and dense depth recovered by our method enable photo-realistic novel view synthesis on 360-degree trajectories using Gaussian Splatting. Our method not only far outperforms prior gradient-descent based bundle adjustment methods, but surprisingly performs on par with COLMAP, the state-of-the-art SfM method, on the downstream task of 360-degree novel view synthesis (even though our method is purely gradient-descent based, fully differentiable, and presents a complete departure from conventional SfM).
Abstract:Robot co-design, where the morphology of a robot is optimized jointly with a learned policy to solve a specific task, is an emerging area of research. It holds particular promise for soft robots, which are amenable to novel manufacturing techniques that can realize learned morphologies and actuators. Inspired by nature and recent novel robot designs, we propose to go a step further and explore the novel reconfigurable robots, defined as robots that can change their morphology within their lifetime. We formalize control of reconfigurable soft robots as a high-dimensional reinforcement learning (RL) problem. We unify morphology change, locomotion, and environment interaction in the same action space, and introduce an appropriate, coarse-to-fine curriculum that enables us to discover policies that accomplish fine-grained control of the resulting robots. We also introduce DittoGym, a comprehensive RL benchmark for reconfigurable soft robots that require fine-grained morphology changes to accomplish the tasks. Finally, we evaluate our proposed coarse-to-fine algorithm on DittoGym and demonstrate robots that learn to change their morphology several times within a sequence, uniquely enabled by our RL algorithm. More results are available at
Abstract:We introduce pixelSplat, a feed-forward model that learns to reconstruct 3D radiance fields parameterized by 3D Gaussian primitives from pairs of images. Our model features real-time and memory-efficient rendering for scalable training as well as fast 3D reconstruction at inference time. To overcome local minima inherent to sparse and locally supported representations, we predict a dense probability distribution over 3D and sample Gaussian means from that probability distribution. We make this sampling operation differentiable via a reparameterization trick, allowing us to back-propagate gradients through the Gaussian splatting representation. We benchmark our method on wide-baseline novel view synthesis on the real-world RealEstate10k and ACID datasets, where we outperform state-of-the-art light field transformers and accelerate rendering by 2.5 orders of magnitude while reconstructing an interpretable and editable 3D radiance field.
Abstract:We present Intrinsic Image Diffusion, a generative model for appearance decomposition of indoor scenes. Given a single input view, we sample multiple possible material explanations represented as albedo, roughness, and metallic maps. Appearance decomposition poses a considerable challenge in computer vision due to the inherent ambiguity between lighting and material properties and the lack of real datasets. To address this issue, we advocate for a probabilistic formulation, where instead of attempting to directly predict the true material properties, we employ a conditional generative model to sample from the solution space. Furthermore, we show that utilizing the strong learned prior of recent diffusion models trained on large-scale real-world images can be adapted to material estimation and highly improves the generalization to real images. Our method produces significantly sharper, more consistent, and more detailed materials, outperforming state-of-the-art methods by $1.5dB$ on PSNR and by $45\%$ better FID score on albedo prediction. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets.