Abstract:In this study, we introduce a novel method to predict mental health by building machine learning models for a non-invasive wearable device equipped with Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF) and Fluorescence Spectroscopy (FS) sensors. Besides, we present the corresponding dataset to predict mental health, e.g. depression, anxiety, and stress levels via the DAS-21 questionnaire. To our best knowledge, this is the world's largest and the most generalized dataset ever collected for both LDF and FS studies. The device captures cutaneous blood microcirculation parameters, and wavelet analysis of the LDF signal extracts key rhythmic oscillations. The dataset, collected from 132 volunteers aged 18-94 from 19 countries, explores relationships between physiological features, demographics, lifestyle habits, and health conditions. We employed a variety of machine learning methods to classify stress detection, in which LightGBM is identified as the most effective model for stress detection, achieving a ROC AUC of 0.7168 and a PR AUC of 0.8852. In addition, we also incorporated Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques into our analysis to investigate deeper insights into the model's predictions. Our results suggest that females, younger individuals and those with a higher Body Mass Index (BMI) or heart rate have a greater likelihood of experiencing mental health conditions like stress and anxiety. All related code and data are published online: https://github.com/leduckhai/Wearable_LDF-FS.
Abstract:To address catastrophic forgetting in Continual Relation Extraction (CRE), many current approaches rely on memory buffers to rehearse previously learned knowledge while acquiring new tasks. Recently, prompt-based methods have emerged as potent alternatives to rehearsal-based strategies, demonstrating strong empirical performance. However, upon analyzing existing prompt-based approaches for CRE, we identified several critical limitations, such as inaccurate prompt selection, inadequate mechanisms for mitigating forgetting in shared parameters, and suboptimal handling of cross-task and within-task variances. To overcome these challenges, we draw inspiration from the relationship between prefix-tuning and mixture of experts, proposing a novel approach that employs a prompt pool for each task, capturing variations within each task while enhancing cross-task variances. Furthermore, we incorporate a generative model to consolidate prior knowledge within shared parameters, eliminating the need for explicit data storage. Extensive experiments validate the efficacy of our approach, demonstrating superior performance over state-of-the-art prompt-based and rehearsal-free methods in continual relation extraction.
Abstract:Prompt-based approaches offer a cutting-edge solution to data privacy issues in continual learning, particularly in scenarios involving multiple data suppliers where long-term storage of private user data is prohibited. Despite delivering state-of-the-art performance, its impressive remembering capability can become a double-edged sword, raising security concerns as it might inadvertently retain poisoned knowledge injected during learning from private user data. Following this insight, in this paper, we expose continual learning to a potential threat: backdoor attack, which drives the model to follow a desired adversarial target whenever a specific trigger is present while still performing normally on clean samples. We highlight three critical challenges in executing backdoor attacks on incremental learners and propose corresponding solutions: (1) \emph{Transferability}: We employ a surrogate dataset and manipulate prompt selection to transfer backdoor knowledge to data from other suppliers; (2) \emph{Resiliency}: We simulate static and dynamic states of the victim to ensure the backdoor trigger remains robust during intense incremental learning processes; and (3) \emph{Authenticity}: We apply binary cross-entropy loss as an anti-cheating factor to prevent the backdoor trigger from devolving into adversarial noise. Extensive experiments across various benchmark datasets and continual learners validate our continual backdoor framework, achieving up to $100\%$ attack success rate, with further ablation studies confirming our contributions' effectiveness.
Abstract:The cosine router in sparse Mixture of Experts (MoE) has recently emerged as an attractive alternative to the conventional linear router. Indeed, the cosine router demonstrates favorable performance in image and language tasks and exhibits better ability to mitigate the representation collapse issue, which often leads to parameter redundancy and limited representation potentials. Despite its empirical success, a comprehensive analysis of the cosine router in sparse MoE has been lacking. Considering the least square estimation of the cosine routing sparse MoE, we demonstrate that due to the intrinsic interaction of the model parameters in the cosine router via some partial differential equations, regardless of the structures of the experts, the estimation rates of experts and model parameters can be as slow as $\mathcal{O}(1/\log^{\tau}(n))$ where $\tau > 0$ is some constant and $n$ is the sample size. Surprisingly, these pessimistic non-polynomial convergence rates can be circumvented by the widely used technique in practice to stabilize the cosine router -- simply adding noises to the $\mathbb{L}_{2}$ norms in the cosine router, which we refer to as \textit{perturbed cosine router}. Under the strongly identifiable settings of the expert functions, we prove that the estimation rates for both the experts and model parameters under the perturbed cosine routing sparse MoE are significantly improved to polynomial rates. Finally, we conduct extensive simulation studies in both synthetic and real data settings to empirically validate our theoretical results.
Abstract:Exploiting the power of pre-trained models, prompt-based approaches stand out compared to other continual learning solutions in effectively preventing catastrophic forgetting, even with very few learnable parameters and without the need for a memory buffer. While existing prompt-based continual learning methods excel in leveraging prompts for state-of-the-art performance, they often lack a theoretical explanation for the effectiveness of prompting. This paper conducts a theoretical analysis to unravel how prompts bestow such advantages in continual learning, thus offering a new perspective on prompt design. We first show that the attention block of pre-trained models like Vision Transformers inherently encodes a special mixture of experts architecture, characterized by linear experts and quadratic gating score functions. This realization drives us to provide a novel view on prefix tuning, reframing it as the addition of new task-specific experts, thereby inspiring the design of a novel gating mechanism termed Non-linear Residual Gates (NoRGa). Through the incorporation of non-linear activation and residual connection, NoRGa enhances continual learning performance while preserving parameter efficiency. The effectiveness of NoRGa is substantiated both theoretically and empirically across diverse benchmarks and pretraining paradigms.
Abstract:Generalization in Visual Question Answering (VQA) requires models to answer questions about images with contexts beyond the training distribution. Existing attempts primarily refine unimodal aspects, overlooking enhancements in multimodal aspects. Besides, diverse interpretations of the input lead to various modes of answer generation, highlighting the role of causal reasoning between interpreting and answering steps in VQA. Through this lens, we propose Cognitive pathways VQA (CopVQA) improving the multimodal predictions by emphasizing causal reasoning factors. CopVQA first operates a pool of pathways that capture diverse causal reasoning flows through interpreting and answering stages. Mirroring human cognition, we decompose the responsibility of each stage into distinct experts and a cognition-enabled component (CC). The two CCs strategically execute one expert for each stage at a time. Finally, we prioritize answer predictions governed by pathways involving both CCs while disregarding answers produced by either CC, thereby emphasizing causal reasoning and supporting generalization. Our experiments on real-life and medical data consistently verify that CopVQA improves VQA performance and generalization across baselines and domains. Notably, CopVQA achieves a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) on PathVQA dataset and comparable accuracy to the current SOTA on VQA-CPv2, VQAv2, and VQA RAD, with one-fourth of the model size.
Abstract:Understanding causal relationships within Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs) is essential for unraveling the gene interactions in cellular processes. However, causal discovery in GRNs is a challenging problem for multiple reasons including the existence of cyclic feedback loops and uncertainty that yields diverse possible causal structures. Previous works in this area either ignore cyclic dynamics (assume acyclic structure) or struggle with scalability. We introduce Swift-DynGFN as a novel framework that enhances causal structure learning in GRNs while addressing scalability concerns. Specifically, Swift-DynGFN exploits gene-wise independence to boost parallelization and to lower computational cost. Experiments on real single-cell RNA velocity and synthetic GRN datasets showcase the advancement in learning causal structure in GRNs and scalability in larger systems.
Abstract:The aim of object-centric vision is to construct an explicit representation of the objects in a scene. This representation is obtained via a set of interchangeable modules called \emph{slots} or \emph{object files} that compete for local patches of an image. The competition has a weak inductive bias to preserve spatial continuity; consequently, one slot may claim patches scattered diffusely throughout the image. In contrast, the inductive bias of human vision is strong, to the degree that attention has classically been described with a spotlight metaphor. We incorporate a spatial-locality prior into state-of-the-art object-centric vision models and obtain significant improvements in segmenting objects in both synthetic and real-world datasets. Similar to human visual attention, the combination of image content and spatial constraints yield robust unsupervised object-centric learning, including less sensitivity to model hyperparameters.
Abstract:In 2022, the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) conducted the latest Language Recognition Evaluation (LRE) in an ongoing series administered by NIST since 1996 to foster research in language recognition and to measure state-of-the-art technology. Similar to previous LREs, LRE22 focused on conversational telephone speech (CTS) and broadcast narrowband speech (BNBS) data. LRE22 also introduced new evaluation features, such as an emphasis on African languages, including low resource languages, and a test set consisting of segments containing between 3s and 35s of speech randomly sampled and extracted from longer recordings. A total of 21 research organizations, forming 16 teams, participated in this 3-month long evaluation and made a total of 65 valid system submissions to be evaluated. This paper presents an overview of LRE22 and an analysis of system performance over different evaluation conditions. The evaluation results suggest that Oromo and Tigrinya are easier to detect while Xhosa and Zulu are more challenging. A greater confusability is seen for some language pairs. When speech duration increased, system performance significantly increased up to a certain duration, and then a diminishing return on system performance is observed afterward.
Abstract:Agents that can understand and reason over the dynamics of objects can have a better capability to act robustly and generalize to novel scenarios. Such an ability, however, requires a suitable representation of the scene as well as an understanding of the mechanisms that govern the interactions of different subsets of objects. To address this problem, we propose RSM, or Reusable Slotwise Mechanisms, that jointly learns a slotwise representation of the scene and a modular architecture that dynamically chooses one mechanism among a set of reusable mechanisms to predict the next state of each slot. RSM crucially takes advantage of a \textit{Central Contextual Information (CCI)}, which lets each selected reusable mechanism access the rest of the slots through a bottleneck, effectively allowing for modeling higher order and complex interactions that might require a sparse subset of objects. We show how this model outperforms state-of-the-art methods in a variety of next-step prediction tasks ranging from grid-world environments to Atari 2600 games. Particularly, we challenge methods that model the dynamics with Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) on top of slotwise representations, and modular architectures that restrict the interactions to be only pairwise. Finally, we show that RSM is able to generalize to scenes with objects varying in number and shape, highlighting its out-of-distribution generalization capabilities. Our implementation is available online\footnote{\hyperlink{https://github.com/trangnnp/RSM}{github.com/trangnnp/RSM}}.