Abstract:We conduct the convergence analysis of parameter estimation in the contaminated mixture of experts. This model is motivated from the prompt learning problem where ones utilize prompts, which can be formulated as experts, to fine-tune a large-scaled pre-trained model for learning downstream tasks. There are two fundamental challenges emerging from the analysis: (i) the proportion in the mixture of the pre-trained model and the prompt may converge to zero where the prompt vanishes during the training; (ii) the algebraic interaction among parameters of the pre-trained model and the prompt can occur via some partial differential equation and decelerate the prompt learning. In response, we introduce a distinguishability condition to control the previous parameter interaction. Additionally, we also consider various types of expert structures to understand their effects on the parameter estimation. In each scenario, we provide comprehensive convergence rates of parameter estimation along with the corresponding minimax lower bounds.
Abstract:Mixture of Experts (MoE) models are highly effective in scaling model capacity while preserving computational efficiency, with the gating network, or router, playing a central role by directing inputs to the appropriate experts. In this paper, we establish a novel connection between MoE frameworks and attention mechanisms, demonstrating how quadratic gating can serve as a more expressive and efficient alternative. Motivated by this insight, we explore the implementation of quadratic gating within MoE models, identifying a connection between the self-attention mechanism and the quadratic gating. We conduct a comprehensive theoretical analysis of the quadratic softmax gating MoE framework, showing improved sample efficiency in expert and parameter estimation. Our analysis provides key insights into optimal designs for quadratic gating and expert functions, further elucidating the principles behind widely used attention mechanisms. Through extensive evaluations, we demonstrate that the quadratic gating MoE outperforms the traditional linear gating MoE. Moreover, our theoretical insights have guided the development of a novel attention mechanism, which we validated through extensive experiments. The results demonstrate its favorable performance over conventional models across various tasks.
Abstract:With the growing prominence of the Mixture of Experts (MoE) architecture in developing large-scale foundation models, we investigate the Hierarchical Mixture of Experts (HMoE), a specialized variant of MoE that excels in handling complex inputs and improving performance on targeted tasks. Our investigation highlights the advantages of using varied gating functions, moving beyond softmax gating within HMoE frameworks. We theoretically demonstrate that applying tailored gating functions to each expert group allows HMoE to achieve robust results, even when optimal gating functions are applied only at select hierarchical levels. Empirical validation across diverse scenarios supports these theoretical claims. This includes large-scale multimodal tasks, image classification, and latent domain discovery and prediction tasks, where our modified HMoE models show great performance improvements.
Abstract:Prompt-based techniques, such as prompt-tuning and prefix-tuning, have gained prominence for their efficiency in fine-tuning large pre-trained models. Despite their widespread adoption, the theoretical foundations of these methods remain limited. For instance, in prefix-tuning, we observe that a key factor in achieving performance parity with full fine-tuning lies in the reparameterization strategy. However, the theoretical principles underpinning the effectiveness of this approach have yet to be thoroughly examined. Our study demonstrates that reparameterization is not merely an engineering trick but is grounded in deep theoretical foundations. Specifically, we show that the reparameterization strategy implicitly encodes a shared structure between prefix key and value vectors. Building on recent insights into the connection between prefix-tuning and mixture of experts models, we further illustrate that this shared structure significantly improves sample efficiency in parameter estimation compared to non-shared alternatives. The effectiveness of prefix-tuning across diverse tasks is empirically confirmed to be enhanced by the shared structure, through extensive experiments in both visual and language domains. Additionally, we uncover similar structural benefits in prompt-tuning, offering new perspectives on its success. Our findings provide theoretical and empirical contributions, advancing the understanding of prompt-based methods and their underlying mechanisms.
Abstract:Accurate insect pest recognition plays a critical role in agriculture. It is a challenging problem due to the intricate characteristics of insects. In this paper, we present DeWi, novel learning assistance for insect pest classification. With a one-stage and alternating training strategy, DeWi simultaneously improves several Convolutional Neural Networks in two perspectives: discrimination (by optimizing a triplet margin loss in a supervised training manner) and generalization (via data augmentation). From that, DeWi can learn discriminative and in-depth features of insect pests (deep) yet still generalize well to a large number of insect categories (wide). Experimental results show that DeWi achieves the highest performances on two insect pest classification benchmarks (76.44\% accuracy on the IP102 dataset and 99.79\% accuracy on the D0 dataset, respectively). In addition, extensive evaluations and ablation studies are conducted to thoroughly investigate our DeWi and demonstrate its superiority. Our source code is available at https://github.com/toannguyen1904/DeWi.
Abstract:Exploiting the power of pre-trained models, prompt-based approaches stand out compared to other continual learning solutions in effectively preventing catastrophic forgetting, even with very few learnable parameters and without the need for a memory buffer. While existing prompt-based continual learning methods excel in leveraging prompts for state-of-the-art performance, they often lack a theoretical explanation for the effectiveness of prompting. This paper conducts a theoretical analysis to unravel how prompts bestow such advantages in continual learning, thus offering a new perspective on prompt design. We first show that the attention block of pre-trained models like Vision Transformers inherently encodes a special mixture of experts architecture, characterized by linear experts and quadratic gating score functions. This realization drives us to provide a novel view on prefix tuning, reframing it as the addition of new task-specific experts, thereby inspiring the design of a novel gating mechanism termed Non-linear Residual Gates (NoRGa). Through the incorporation of non-linear activation and residual connection, NoRGa enhances continual learning performance while preserving parameter efficiency. The effectiveness of NoRGa is substantiated both theoretically and empirically across diverse benchmarks and pretraining paradigms.
Abstract:The cosine router in sparse Mixture of Experts (MoE) has recently emerged as an attractive alternative to the conventional linear router. Indeed, the cosine router demonstrates favorable performance in image and language tasks and exhibits better ability to mitigate the representation collapse issue, which often leads to parameter redundancy and limited representation potentials. Despite its empirical success, a comprehensive analysis of the cosine router in sparse MoE has been lacking. Considering the least square estimation of the cosine routing sparse MoE, we demonstrate that due to the intrinsic interaction of the model parameters in the cosine router via some partial differential equations, regardless of the structures of the experts, the estimation rates of experts and model parameters can be as slow as $\mathcal{O}(1/\log^{\tau}(n))$ where $\tau > 0$ is some constant and $n$ is the sample size. Surprisingly, these pessimistic non-polynomial convergence rates can be circumvented by the widely used technique in practice to stabilize the cosine router -- simply adding noises to the $\mathbb{L}_{2}$ norms in the cosine router, which we refer to as \textit{perturbed cosine router}. Under the strongly identifiable settings of the expert functions, we prove that the estimation rates for both the experts and model parameters under the perturbed cosine routing sparse MoE are significantly improved to polynomial rates. Finally, we conduct extensive simulation studies in both synthetic and real data settings to empirically validate our theoretical results.
Abstract:The softmax gating function is arguably the most popular choice in mixture of experts modeling. Despite its widespread use in practice, softmax gating may lead to unnecessary competition among experts, potentially causing the undesirable phenomenon of representation collapse due to its inherent structure. In response, the sigmoid gating function has been recently proposed as an alternative and has been demonstrated empirically to achieve superior performance. However, a rigorous examination of the sigmoid gating function is lacking in current literature. In this paper, we verify theoretically that sigmoid gating, in fact, enjoys a higher sample efficiency than softmax gating for the statistical task of expert estimation. Towards that goal, we consider a regression framework in which the unknown regression function is modeled as a mixture of experts, and study the rates of convergence of the least squares estimator in the over-specified case in which the number of experts fitted is larger than the true value. We show that two gating regimes naturally arise and, in each of them, we formulate identifiability conditions for the expert functions and derive the corresponding convergence rates. In both cases, we find that experts formulated as feed-forward networks with commonly used activation such as $\mathrm{ReLU}$ and $\mathrm{GELU}$ enjoy faster convergence rates under sigmoid gating than softmax gating. Furthermore, given the same choice of experts, we demonstrate that the sigmoid gating function requires a smaller sample size than its softmax counterpart to attain the same error of expert estimation and, therefore, is more sample efficient.
Abstract:We consider the parameter estimation problem in the deviated Gaussian mixture of experts in which the data are generated from $(1 - \lambda^{\ast}) g_0(Y| X)+ \lambda^{\ast} \sum_{i = 1}^{k_{\ast}} p_{i}^{\ast} f(Y|(a_{i}^{\ast})^{\top}X+b_i^{\ast},\sigma_{i}^{\ast})$, where $X, Y$ are respectively a covariate vector and a response variable, $g_{0}(Y|X)$ is a known function, $\lambda^{\ast} \in [0, 1]$ is true but unknown mixing proportion, and $(p_{i}^{\ast}, a_{i}^{\ast}, b_{i}^{\ast}, \sigma_{i}^{\ast})$ for $1 \leq i \leq k^{\ast}$ are unknown parameters of the Gaussian mixture of experts. This problem arises from the goodness-of-fit test when we would like to test whether the data are generated from $g_{0}(Y|X)$ (null hypothesis) or they are generated from the whole mixture (alternative hypothesis). Based on the algebraic structure of the expert functions and the distinguishability between $g_0$ and the mixture part, we construct novel Voronoi-based loss functions to capture the convergence rates of maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) for our models. We further demonstrate that our proposed loss functions characterize the local convergence rates of parameter estimation more accurately than the generalized Wasserstein, a loss function being commonly used for estimating parameters in the Gaussian mixture of experts.
Abstract:Mixture of experts (MoE) model is a statistical machine learning design that aggregates multiple expert networks using a softmax gating function in order to form a more intricate and expressive model. Despite being commonly used in several applications owing to their scalability, the mathematical and statistical properties of MoE models are complex and difficult to analyze. As a result, previous theoretical works have primarily focused on probabilistic MoE models by imposing the impractical assumption that the data are generated from a Gaussian MoE model. In this work, we investigate the performance of the least squares estimators (LSE) under a deterministic MoE model where the data are sampled according to a regression model, a setting that has remained largely unexplored. We establish a condition called strong identifiability to characterize the convergence behavior of various types of expert functions. We demonstrate that the rates for estimating strongly identifiable experts, namely the widely used feed forward networks with activation functions $\mathrm{sigmoid}(\cdot)$ and $\tanh(\cdot)$, are substantially faster than those of polynomial experts, which we show to exhibit a surprising slow estimation rate. Our findings have important practical implications for expert selection.