Abstract:Self-supervised Object Segmentation (SOS) aims to segment objects without any annotations. Under conditions of multi-camera inputs, the structural, textural and geometrical consistency among each view can be leveraged to achieve fine-grained object segmentation. To make better use of the above information, we propose Surface representation based Self-supervised Object Segmentation (Surface-SOS), a new framework to segment objects for each view by 3D surface representation from multi-view images of a scene. To model high-quality geometry surfaces for complex scenes, we design a novel scene representation scheme, which decomposes the scene into two complementary neural representation modules respectively with a Signed Distance Function (SDF). Moreover, Surface-SOS is able to refine single-view segmentation with multi-view unlabeled images, by introducing coarse segmentation masks as additional input. To the best of our knowledge, Surface-SOS is the first self-supervised approach that leverages neural surface representation to break the dependence on large amounts of annotated data and strong constraints. These constraints typically involve observing target objects against a static background or relying on temporal supervision in videos. Extensive experiments on standard benchmarks including LLFF, CO3D, BlendedMVS, TUM and several real-world scenes show that Surface-SOS always yields finer object masks than its NeRF-based counterparts and surpasses supervised single-view baselines remarkably. Code is available at: https://github.com/zhengxyun/Surface-SOS.
Abstract:Reconstructing dynamic scenes from video sequences is a highly promising task in the multimedia domain. While previous methods have made progress, they often struggle with slow rendering and managing temporal complexities such as significant motion and object appearance/disappearance. In this paper, we propose SaRO-GS as a novel dynamic scene representation capable of achieving real-time rendering while effectively handling temporal complexities in dynamic scenes. To address the issue of slow rendering speed, we adopt a Gaussian primitive-based representation and optimize the Gaussians in 4D space, which facilitates real-time rendering with the assistance of 3D Gaussian Splatting. Additionally, to handle temporally complex dynamic scenes, we introduce a Scale-aware Residual Field. This field considers the size information of each Gaussian primitive while encoding its residual feature and aligns with the self-splitting behavior of Gaussian primitives. Furthermore, we propose an Adaptive Optimization Schedule, which assigns different optimization strategies to Gaussian primitives based on their distinct temporal properties, thereby expediting the reconstruction of dynamic regions. Through evaluations on monocular and multi-view datasets, our method has demonstrated state-of-the-art performance. Please see our project page at https://yjb6.github.io/SaRO-GS.github.io.
Abstract:With the rapid development of stereoscopic display technologies, especially glasses-free 3D screens, and virtual reality devices, stereoscopic conversion has become an important task to address the lack of high-quality stereoscopic image and video resources. Current stereoscopic conversion algorithms typically struggle to balance reconstruction performance and inference efficiency. This paper proposes a planar video real-time stereoscopic conversion network based on multi-plane images (MPI), which consists of a detail branch for generating MPI and a depth-semantic branch for perceiving depth information. Unlike models that depend on explicit depth map inputs, the proposed method employs a lightweight depth-semantic branch to extract depth-aware features implicitly. To optimize the lightweight branch, a heavy training but light inference strategy is adopted, which involves designing a coarse-to-fine auxiliary branch that is only used during the training stage. In addition, the proposed method simplifies the MPI rendering process for stereoscopic conversion scenarios to further accelerate the inference. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve comparable performance to some state-of-the-art (SOTA) models and support real-time inference at 2K resolution. Compared to the SOTA TMPI algorithm, the proposed method obtains similar subjective quality while achieving over $40\times$ inference acceleration.
Abstract:Reconstructing dynamic scenes with large-scale and complex motions remains a significant challenge. Recent techniques like Neural Radiance Fields and 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) have shown promise but still struggle with scenes involving substantial movement. This paper proposes RelayGS, a novel method based on 3DGS, specifically designed to represent and reconstruct highly dynamic scenes. Our RelayGS learns a complete 4D representation with canonical 3D Gaussians and a compact motion field, consisting of three stages. First, we learn a fundamental 3DGS from all frames, ignoring temporal scene variations, and use a learnable mask to separate the highly dynamic foreground from the minimally moving background. Second, we replicate multiple copies of the decoupled foreground Gaussians from the first stage, each corresponding to a temporal segment, and optimize them using pseudo-views constructed from multiple frames within each segment. These Gaussians, termed Relay Gaussians, act as explicit relay nodes, simplifying and breaking down large-scale motion trajectories into smaller, manageable segments. Finally, we jointly learn the scene's temporal motion and refine the canonical Gaussians learned from the first two stages. We conduct thorough experiments on two dynamic scene datasets featuring large and complex motions, where our RelayGS outperforms state-of-the-arts by more than 1 dB in PSNR, and successfully reconstructs real-world basketball game scenes in a much more complete and coherent manner, whereas previous methods usually struggle to capture the complex motion of players. Code will be publicly available at https://github.com/gqk/RelayGS
Abstract:In neural video codecs, current state-of-the-art methods typically adopt multi-scale motion compensation to handle diverse motions. These methods estimate and compress either optical flow or deformable offsets to reduce inter-frame redundancy. However, flow-based methods often suffer from inaccurate motion estimation in complicated scenes. Deformable convolution-based methods are more robust but have a higher bit cost for motion coding. In this paper, we propose a hybrid context generation module, which combines the advantages of the above methods in an optimal way and achieves accurate compensation at a low bit cost. Specifically, considering the characteristics of features at different scales, we adopt flow-guided deformable compensation at largest-scale to produce accurate alignment in detailed regions. For smaller-scale features, we perform flow-based warping to save the bit cost for motion coding. Furthermore, we design a local-global context enhancement module to fully explore the local-global information of previous reconstructed signals. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed Hybrid Local-Global Context learning (HLGC) method can significantly enhance the state-of-the-art methods on standard test datasets.
Abstract:3D scene understanding has become an essential area of research with applications in autonomous driving, robotics, and augmented reality. Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has emerged as a powerful approach, combining explicit modeling with neural adaptability to provide efficient and detailed scene representations. However, three major challenges remain in leveraging 3DGS for scene understanding: 1) an imbalance between appearance and semantics, where dense Gaussian usage for fine-grained texture modeling does not align with the minimal requirements for semantic attributes; 2) inconsistencies between appearance and semantics, as purely appearance-based Gaussians often misrepresent object boundaries; and 3) reliance on top-down instance segmentation methods, which struggle with uneven category distributions, leading to over- or under-segmentation. In this work, we propose InstanceGaussian, a method that jointly learns appearance and semantic features while adaptively aggregating instances. Our contributions include: i) a novel Semantic-Scaffold-GS representation balancing appearance and semantics to improve feature representations and boundary delineation; ii) a progressive appearance-semantic joint training strategy to enhance stability and segmentation accuracy; and iii) a bottom-up, category-agnostic instance aggregation approach that addresses segmentation challenges through farthest point sampling and connected component analysis. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in category-agnostic, open-vocabulary 3D point-level segmentation, highlighting the effectiveness of the proposed representation and training strategies. Project page: https://lhj-git.github.io/InstanceGaussian/
Abstract:Despite the substantial progress of novel view synthesis, existing methods, either based on the Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) or more recently 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), suffer significant degradation when the input becomes sparse. Numerous efforts have been introduced to alleviate this problem, but they still struggle to synthesize satisfactory results efficiently, especially in the large scene. In this paper, we propose SCGaussian, a Structure Consistent Gaussian Splatting method using matching priors to learn 3D consistent scene structure. Considering the high interdependence of Gaussian attributes, we optimize the scene structure in two folds: rendering geometry and, more importantly, the position of Gaussian primitives, which is hard to be directly constrained in the vanilla 3DGS due to the non-structure property. To achieve this, we present a hybrid Gaussian representation. Besides the ordinary non-structure Gaussian primitives, our model also consists of ray-based Gaussian primitives that are bound to matching rays and whose optimization of their positions is restricted along the ray. Thus, we can utilize the matching correspondence to directly enforce the position of these Gaussian primitives to converge to the surface points where rays intersect. Extensive experiments on forward-facing, surrounding, and complex large scenes show the effectiveness of our approach with state-of-the-art performance and high efficiency. Code is available at https://github.com/prstrive/SCGaussian.
Abstract:Recently, the Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) advancement has facilitated few-shot Novel View Synthesis (NVS), which is a significant challenge in 3D vision applications. Despite numerous attempts to reduce the dense input requirement in NeRF, it still suffers from time-consumed training and rendering processes. More recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) achieves real-time high-quality rendering with an explicit point-based representation. However, similar to NeRF, it tends to overfit the train views for lack of constraints. In this paper, we propose \textbf{MVPGS}, a few-shot NVS method that excavates the multi-view priors based on 3D Gaussian Splatting. We leverage the recent learning-based Multi-view Stereo (MVS) to enhance the quality of geometric initialization for 3DGS. To mitigate overfitting, we propose a forward-warping method for additional appearance constraints conforming to scenes based on the computed geometry. Furthermore, we introduce a view-consistent geometry constraint for Gaussian parameters to facilitate proper optimization convergence and utilize a monocular depth regularization as compensation. Experiments show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance with real-time rendering speed. Project page: https://zezeaaa.github.io/projects/MVPGS/
Abstract:Reconstructing the high-fidelity surface from multi-view images, especially sparse images, is a critical and practical task that has attracted widespread attention in recent years. However, existing methods are impeded by the memory constraint or the requirement of ground-truth depths and cannot recover satisfactory geometric details. To this end, we propose SuRF, a new Surface-centric framework that incorporates a new Region sparsification based on a matching Field, achieving good trade-offs between performance, efficiency and scalability. To our knowledge, this is the first unsupervised method achieving end-to-end sparsification powered by the introduced matching field, which leverages the weight distribution to efficiently locate the boundary regions containing surface. Instead of predicting an SDF value for each voxel, we present a new region sparsification approach to sparse the volume by judging whether the voxel is inside the surface region. In this way, our model can exploit higher frequency features around the surface with less memory and computational consumption. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmarks containing complex large-scale scenes show that our reconstructions exhibit high-quality details and achieve new state-of-the-art performance, i.e., 46% improvements with 80% less memory consumption. Code is available at https://github.com/prstrive/SuRF.
Abstract:Recent years have witnessed substantial advancements in the field of 3D reconstruction from 2D images, particularly following the introduction of the neural radiance field (NeRF) technique. However, reconstructing a 3D high dynamic range (HDR) radiance field, which aligns more closely with real-world conditions, from 2D multi-exposure low dynamic range (LDR) images continues to pose significant challenges. Approaches to this issue fall into two categories: grid-based and implicit-based. Implicit methods, using multi-layer perceptrons (MLP), face inefficiencies, limited solvability, and overfitting risks. Conversely, grid-based methods require significant memory and struggle with image quality and long training times. In this paper, we introduce Gaussian Splatting-a recent, high-quality, real-time 3D reconstruction technique-into this domain. We further develop the High Dynamic Range Gaussian Splatting (HDR-GS) method, designed to address the aforementioned challenges. This method enhances color dimensionality by including luminance and uses an asymmetric grid for tone-mapping, swiftly and precisely converting pixel irradiance to color. Our approach improves HDR scene recovery accuracy and integrates a novel coarse-to-fine strategy to speed up model convergence, enhancing robustness against sparse viewpoints and exposure extremes, and preventing local optima. Extensive testing confirms that our method surpasses current state-of-the-art techniques in both synthetic and real-world scenarios. Code will be released at \url{https://github.com/WuJH2001/HDRGS}