School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University
Abstract:3D semantic occupancy prediction is a crucial task in visual perception, as it requires the simultaneous comprehension of both scene geometry and semantics. It plays a crucial role in understanding 3D scenes and has great potential for various applications, such as robotic vision perception and autonomous driving. Many existing works utilize planar-based representations such as Bird's Eye View (BEV) and Tri-Perspective View (TPV). These representations aim to simplify the complexity of 3D scenes while preserving essential object information, thereby facilitating efficient scene representation. However, in dense indoor environments with prevalent occlusions, directly applying these planar-based methods often leads to difficulties in capturing global semantic occupancy, ultimately degrading model performance. In this paper, we present a new vertical slice representation that divides the scene along the vertical axis and projects spatial point features onto the nearest pair of parallel planes. To utilize these slice features, we propose SliceOcc, an RGB camera-based model specifically tailored for indoor 3D semantic occupancy prediction. SliceOcc utilizes pairs of slice queries and cross-attention mechanisms to extract planar features from input images. These local planar features are then fused to form a global scene representation, which is employed for indoor occupancy prediction. Experimental results on the EmbodiedScan dataset demonstrate that SliceOcc achieves a mIoU of 15.45% across 81 indoor categories, setting a new state-of-the-art performance among RGB camera-based models for indoor 3D semantic occupancy prediction. Code is available at
Abstract:Though demonstrating promising potential, LLMs' performance on complex tasks, such as advanced mathematics and complex disease diagnosis is still unsatisfactory. A key issue is the present LLMs learn in a data-driven schema, while the instruction dataset about these complex tasks is both scarce and hard to collect or construct. On the contrary, a prominent phenomenon is that LLMs can learn rather fast on those simpler tasks with adequate prior knowledge captured during pretraining stage. Thus, if the prerequisite and mechanism of such rapid generalization could be elucidated, it could be highly beneficial in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the LLM's ability to learn complex tasks. Thus, in this paper, we employ a gradient-based method, to dissect the process that the SFT process adapts LLMs to downstream tasks via the perspective of attention patterns. We find that: (1) LLMs selectively activate task-specific attention heads during SFT; (2) activation patterns for complex tasks are combinations of basic task patterns; and (3) changes in a few parameters can significantly impact activation patterns after SFT on a small number of samples. Based on these insights, we conduct experiments to examine whether these conclusions could effectively enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of SFT, particularly in handling complex tasks and when instructional resources are scarce. Our research not only uncovers the underlying reasons behind LLMs' rapid learning and generalization mechanisms but also provides practical solutions for addressing data challenges in complex and specialized tasks.
Abstract:With the availability of various instruction datasets, a pivotal challenge is how to effectively select and integrate these instructions to fine-tune large language models (LLMs). Previous research mainly focuses on selecting individual high-quality instructions. However, these works overlooked the joint interactions and dependencies between different categories of instructions, leading to suboptimal selection strategies. Moreover, the nature of these interaction patterns remains largely unexplored, let alone optimize the instruction set with regard to them. To fill these gaps, in this paper, we: (1) systemically investigate interaction and dependency patterns between different categories of instructions, (2) manage to optimize the instruction set concerning the interaction patterns using a linear programming-based method, and optimize the learning schema of SFT using an instruction dependency taxonomy guided curriculum learning. Experimental results across different LLMs demonstrate improved performance over strong baselines on widely adopted benchmarks.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) excel in language tasks, especially with supervised fine-tuning after pre-training. However, their substantial memory and computational requirements hinder practical applications. Structural pruning, which reduces less significant weight dimensions, is one solution. Yet, traditional post-hoc pruning often leads to significant performance loss, with limited recovery from further fine-tuning due to reduced capacity. Since the model fine-tuning refines the general and chaotic knowledge in pre-trained models, we aim to incorporate structural pruning with the fine-tuning, and propose the Pruning-Aware Tuning (PAT) paradigm to eliminate model redundancy while preserving the model performance to the maximum extend. Specifically, we insert the innovative Hybrid Sparsification Modules (HSMs) between the Attention and FFN components to accordingly sparsify the upstream and downstream linear modules. The HSM comprises a lightweight operator and a globally shared trainable mask. The lightweight operator maintains a training overhead comparable to that of LoRA, while the trainable mask unifies the channels to be sparsified, ensuring structural pruning. Additionally, we propose the Identity Loss which decouples the transformation and scaling properties of the HSMs to enhance training robustness. Extensive experiments demonstrate that PAT excels in both performance and efficiency. For example, our Llama2-7b model with a 25\% pruning ratio achieves 1.33$\times$ speedup while outperforming the LoRA-finetuned model by up to 1.26\% in accuracy with a similar training cost. Code:
Abstract:Although achieving promising performance, recent analyses show that current generative large language models (LLMs) may still capture dataset biases and utilize them for generation, leading to poor generalizability and harmfulness of LLMs. However, due to the diversity of dataset biases and the over-optimization problem, previous prior-knowledge-based debiasing methods and fine-tuning-based debiasing methods may not be suitable for current LLMs. To address this issue, we explore combining active learning with the causal mechanisms and propose a casual-guided active learning (CAL) framework, which utilizes LLMs itself to automatically and autonomously identify informative biased samples and induce the bias patterns. Then a cost-effective and efficient in-context learning based method is employed to prevent LLMs from utilizing dataset biases during generation. Experimental results show that CAL can effectively recognize typical biased instances and induce various bias patterns for debiasing LLMs.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) are versatile and demonstrate impressive generalization ability by mining and learning information from extensive unlabeled text. However, they still exhibit reasoning mistakes, often stemming from knowledge deficiencies, which can affect their trustworthiness and reliability. Although users can provide diverse and comprehensive queries, obtaining sufficient and effective feedback is demanding. Furthermore, evaluating LLMs comprehensively with limited labeled samples is difficult. This makes it a challenge to diagnose and remedy the deficiencies of LLMs through rich label-free user queries. To tackle this challenge, we propose a label-free curricular meaningful learning framework (LaMer). LaMer first employs relative entropy to automatically diagnose and quantify the knowledge deficiencies of LLMs in a label-free setting. Next, to remedy the diagnosed knowledge deficiencies, we apply curricular meaningful learning: first, we adopt meaningful learning to adaptively synthesize augmentation data according to the severity of the deficiencies, and then design a curricular deficiency remedy strategy to remedy the knowledge deficiencies of LLMs progressively. Experiments show that LaMer efficiently and effectively diagnoses and remedies knowledge deficiencies in LLMs, improving various LLMs across seven out-of-distribution (OOD) reasoning and language understanding benchmarks, achieving comparable results to baselines with just 40\% training data. LaMer even surpasses methods that rely on labeled datasets for deficiency diagnosis. In application, our label-free method can offer an effective knowledge deficiency diagnostic tool for efficient LLM development.
Abstract:In recent years, with the rapid application of large language models across various fields, the scale of these models has gradually increased, and the resources required for their pre-training have grown exponentially. Training an LLM from scratch will cost a lot of computation resources while scaling up from a smaller model is a more efficient approach and has thus attracted significant attention. In this paper, we present AquilaMoE, a cutting-edge bilingual 8*16B Mixture of Experts (MoE) language model that has 8 experts with 16 billion parameters each and is developed using an innovative training methodology called EfficientScale. This approach optimizes performance while minimizing data requirements through a two-stage process. The first stage, termed Scale-Up, initializes the larger model with weights from a pre-trained smaller model, enabling substantial knowledge transfer and continuous pretraining with significantly less data. The second stage, Scale-Out, uses a pre-trained dense model to initialize the MoE experts, further enhancing knowledge transfer and performance. Extensive validation experiments on 1.8B and 7B models compared various initialization schemes, achieving models that maintain and reduce loss during continuous pretraining. Utilizing the optimal scheme, we successfully trained a 16B model and subsequently the 8*16B AquilaMoE model, demonstrating significant improvements in performance and training efficiency.
Abstract:The recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) with billions of parameters have significantly boosted their performance across various real-world applications. However, the inference processes for these models require substantial energy and computational resources, presenting considerable deployment challenges. In contrast, human brains, which contain approximately 86 billion biological neurons, exhibit significantly greater energy efficiency compared to LLMs with a similar number of parameters. Inspired by this, we redesign 7 to 70 billion parameter LLMs using bio-plausible spiking mechanisms, emulating the efficient behavior of the human brain. We propose the first spiking large language model as recent LLMs termed SpikeLLM. Coupled with the proposed model, a novel spike-driven quantization framework named Optimal Brain Spiking is introduced to reduce the energy cost and accelerate inference speed via two essential approaches: first (second)-order differentiation-based salient channel detection, and per-channel salient outlier expansion with Generalized Integrate-and-Fire neurons. Our proposed spike-driven quantization can plug in main streams of quantization training methods. In the OmniQuant pipeline, SpikeLLM significantly reduces 25.51% WikiText2 perplexity and improves 3.08% average accuracy of 6 zero-shot datasets on a LLAMA2-7B 4A4W model. In the GPTQ pipeline, SpikeLLM realizes a sparse ternary quantization, which achieves additive in all linear layers. Compared with PB-LLM with similar operations, SpikeLLM also exceeds significantly. We will release our code on GitHub.
Abstract:Fast convolution algorithms, including Winograd and FFT, can efficiently accelerate convolution operations in deep models. However, these algorithms depend on high-precision arithmetic to maintain inference accuracy, which conflicts with the model quantization. To resolve this conflict and further improve the efficiency of quantized convolution, we proposes SFC, a new algebra transform for fast convolution by extending the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) with symbolic computing, in which only additions are required to perform the transformation at specific transform points, avoiding the calculation of irrational number and reducing the requirement for precision. Additionally, we enhance convolution efficiency by introducing correction terms to convert invalid circular convolution outputs of the Fourier method into effective ones. The numerical error analysis is presented for the first time in this type of work and proves that our algorithms can provide a 3.68x multiplication reduction for 3x3 convolution, while the Winograd algorithm only achieves a 2.25x reduction with similarly low numerical errors. Experiments carried out on benchmarks and FPGA show that our new algorithms can further improve the computation efficiency of quantized models while maintaining accuracy, surpassing both the quantization-alone method and existing works on fast convolution quantization.
Abstract:Continual Test-Time Adaptation (CTTA), which aims to adapt the pre-trained model to ever-evolving target domains, emerges as an important task for vision models. As current vision models appear to be heavily biased towards texture, continuously adapting the model from one domain distribution to another can result in serious catastrophic forgetting. Drawing inspiration from the human visual system's adeptness at processing both shape and texture according to the famous Trichromatic Theory, we explore the integration of a Mixture-of-Activation-Sparsity-Experts (MoASE) as an adapter for the CTTA task. Given the distinct reaction of neurons with low/high activation to domain-specific/agnostic features, MoASE decomposes the neural activation into high-activation and low-activation components with a non-differentiable Spatial Differentiate Dropout (SDD). Based on the decomposition, we devise a multi-gate structure comprising a Domain-Aware Gate (DAG) that utilizes domain information to adaptive combine experts that process the post-SDD sparse activations of different strengths, and the Activation Sparsity Gate (ASG) that adaptively assigned feature selection threshold of the SDD for different experts for more precise feature decomposition. Finally, we introduce a Homeostatic-Proximal (HP) loss to bypass the error accumulation problem when continuously adapting the model. Extensive experiments on four prominent benchmarks substantiate that our methodology achieves state-of-the-art performance in both classification and segmentation CTTA tasks. Our code is now available at