Chair of Architecture and Building Systems
Abstract:Efficiently synthesizing novel views from sparse inputs while maintaining accuracy remains a critical challenge in 3D reconstruction. While advanced techniques like radiance fields and 3D Gaussian Splatting achieve rendering quality and impressive efficiency with dense view inputs, they suffer from significant geometric reconstruction errors when applied to sparse input views. Moreover, although recent methods leverage monocular depth estimation to enhance geometric learning, their dependence on single-view estimated depth often leads to view inconsistency issues across different viewpoints. Consequently, this reliance on absolute depth can introduce inaccuracies in geometric information, ultimately compromising the quality of scene reconstruction with Gaussian splats. In this paper, we present RDG-GS, a novel sparse-view 3D rendering framework with Relative Depth Guidance based on 3D Gaussian Splatting. The core innovation lies in utilizing relative depth guidance to refine the Gaussian field, steering it towards view-consistent spatial geometric representations, thereby enabling the reconstruction of accurate geometric structures and capturing intricate textures. First, we devise refined depth priors to rectify the coarse estimated depth and insert global and fine-grained scene information to regular Gaussians. Building on this, to address spatial geometric inaccuracies from absolute depth, we propose relative depth guidance by optimizing the similarity between spatially correlated patches of depth and images. Additionally, we also directly deal with the sparse areas challenging to converge by the adaptive sampling for quick densification. Across extensive experiments on Mip-NeRF360, LLFF, DTU, and Blender, RDG-GS demonstrates state-of-the-art rendering quality and efficiency, making a significant advancement for real-world application.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs), endowed with exceptional reasoning capabilities, are adept at discerning profound user interests from historical behaviors, thereby presenting a promising avenue for the advancement of recommendation systems. However, a notable discrepancy persists between the sparse collaborative semantics typically found in recommendation systems and the dense token representations within LLMs. In our study, we propose a novel framework that harmoniously merges traditional recommendation models with the prowess of LLMs. We initiate this integration by transforming ItemIDs into sequences that align semantically with the LLMs space, through the proposed Alignment Tokenization module. Additionally, we design a series of specialized supervised learning tasks aimed at aligning collaborative signals with the subtleties of natural language semantics. To ensure practical applicability, we optimize online inference by pre-caching the top-K results for each user, reducing latency and improving effciency. Extensive experimental evidence indicates that our model markedly improves recall metrics and displays remarkable scalability of recommendation systems.
Abstract:The rapid advancement of diffusion models has significantly improved high-quality image generation, making generated content increasingly challenging to distinguish from real images and raising concerns about potential misuse. In this paper, we observe that diffusion models struggle to accurately reconstruct mid-band frequency information in real images, suggesting the limitation could serve as a cue for detecting diffusion model generated images. Motivated by this observation, we propose a novel method called Frequency-guided Reconstruction Error (FIRE), which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first to investigate the influence of frequency decomposition on reconstruction error. FIRE assesses the variation in reconstruction error before and after the frequency decomposition, offering a robust method for identifying diffusion model generated images. Extensive experiments show that FIRE generalizes effectively to unseen diffusion models and maintains robustness against diverse perturbations.
Abstract:Test-Time Adaptation (TTA) aims to help pre-trained model bridge the gap between source and target datasets using only the pre-trained model and unlabelled test data. A key objective of TTA is to address domain shifts in test data caused by corruption, such as weather changes, noise, or sensor malfunctions. Multi-Modal Continual Test-Time Adaptation (MM-CTTA), an extension of TTA with better real-world applications, further allows pre-trained models to handle multi-modal inputs and adapt to continuously-changing target domains. MM-CTTA typically faces challenges including error accumulation, catastrophic forgetting, and reliability bias, with few existing approaches effectively addressing these issues in multi-modal corruption scenarios. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, Multi-modality Dynamic Analytic Adapter (MDAA), for MM-CTTA tasks. We innovatively introduce analytic learning into TTA, using the Analytic Classifiers (ACs) to prevent model forgetting. Additionally, we develop Dynamic Selection Mechanism (DSM) and Soft Pseudo-label Strategy (SPS), which enable MDAA to dynamically filter reliable samples and integrate information from different modalities. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MDAA achieves state-of-the-art performance on MM-CTTA tasks while ensuring reliable model adaptation.
Abstract:Fully-supervised monocular 3D hand reconstruction is often difficult because capturing the requisite 3D data entails deploying specialized equipment in a controlled environment. We introduce a weakly-supervised method that avoids such requirements by leveraging fundamental principles well-established in the understanding of the human hand's unique structure and functionality. Specifically, we systematically study hand knowledge from different sources, including biomechanics, functional anatomy, and physics. We effectively incorporate these valuable foundational insights into 3D hand reconstruction models through an appropriate set of differentiable training losses. This enables training solely with readily-obtainable 2D hand landmark annotations and eliminates the need for expensive 3D supervision. Moreover, we explicitly model the uncertainty that is inherent in image observations. We enhance the training process by exploiting a simple yet effective Negative Log Likelihood (NLL) loss that incorporates uncertainty into the loss function. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art weakly-supervised methods. For example, our method achieves nearly a 21\% performance improvement on the widely adopted FreiHAND dataset.
Abstract:Entropy regularization has been extensively used in policy optimization algorithms to regularize the optimization landscape and accelerate convergence; however, it comes at the cost of introducing an additional regularization bias. This work quantifies the impact of entropy regularization on the convergence of policy gradient methods for stochastic exit time control problems. We analyze a continuous-time policy mirror descent dynamics, which updates the policy based on the gradient of an entropy-regularized value function and adjusts the strength of entropy regularization as the algorithm progresses. We prove that with a fixed entropy level, the dynamics converges exponentially to the optimal solution of the regularized problem. We further show that when the entropy level decays at suitable polynomial rates, the annealed flow converges to the solution of the unregularized problem at a rate of $\mathcal O(1/S)$ for discrete action spaces and, under suitable conditions, at a rate of $\mathcal O(1/\sqrt{S})$ for general action spaces, with $S$ being the gradient flow time. This paper explains how entropy regularization improves policy optimization, even with the true gradient, from the perspective of convergence rate.
Abstract:Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) has caught significant interest for its effectiveness in knowledge graph completion (KGC), specifically link prediction (LP), with recent KGE models cracking the LP benchmarks. Despite the rapidly growing literature, insufficient attention has been paid to the cooperation between humans and AI on KG. However, humans' capability to analyze graphs conceptually may further improve the efficacy of KGE models with semantic information. To this effect, we carefully designed a human-AI team (HAIT) system dubbed KG-HAIT, which harnesses the human insights on KG by leveraging fully human-designed ad-hoc dynamic programming (DP) on KG to produce human insightful feature (HIF) vectors that capture the subgraph structural feature and semantic similarities. By integrating HIF vectors into the training of KGE models, notable improvements are observed across various benchmarks and metrics, accompanied by accelerated model convergence. Our results underscore the effectiveness of human-designed DP in the task of LP, emphasizing the pivotal role of collaboration between humans and AI on KG. We open avenues for further exploration and innovation through KG-HAIT, paving the way towards more effective and insightful KG analysis techniques.
Abstract:Combining model-based and model-free reinforcement learning approaches, this paper proposes and analyzes an $\epsilon$-policy gradient algorithm for the online pricing learning task. The algorithm extends $\epsilon$-greedy algorithm by replacing greedy exploitation with gradient descent step and facilitates learning via model inference. We optimize the regret of the proposed algorithm by quantifying the exploration cost in terms of the exploration probability $\epsilon$ and the exploitation cost in terms of the gradient descent optimization and gradient estimation errors. The algorithm achieves an expected regret of order $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$ (up to a logarithmic factor) over $T$ trials.
Abstract:While current methods have shown promising progress on estimating 3D human motion from monocular videos, their motion estimates are often physically unrealistic because they mainly consider kinematics. In this paper, we introduce Physics-aware Pretrained Transformer (PhysPT), which improves kinematics-based motion estimates and infers motion forces. PhysPT exploits a Transformer encoder-decoder backbone to effectively learn human dynamics in a self-supervised manner. Moreover, it incorporates physics principles governing human motion. Specifically, we build a physics-based body representation and contact force model. We leverage them to impose novel physics-inspired training losses (i.e., force loss, contact loss, and Euler-Lagrange loss), enabling PhysPT to capture physical properties of the human body and the forces it experiences. Experiments demonstrate that, once trained, PhysPT can be directly applied to kinematics-based estimates to significantly enhance their physical plausibility and generate favourable motion forces. Furthermore, we show that these physically meaningful quantities translate into improved accuracy of an important downstream task: human action recognition.
Abstract:Medical vision-language pre-training (Med-VLP) models have recently accelerated the fast-growing medical diagnostics application. However, most Med-VLP models learn task-specific representations independently from scratch, thereby leading to great inflexibility when they work across multiple fine-tuning tasks. In this work, we propose UniDCP, a Unified medical vision-language model with Dynamic Cross-modal learnable Prompts, which can be plastically applied to multiple medical vision-language tasks. Specifically, we explicitly construct a unified framework to harmonize diverse inputs from multiple pretraining tasks by leveraging cross-modal prompts for unification, which accordingly can accommodate heterogeneous medical fine-tuning tasks. Furthermore, we conceive a dynamic cross-modal prompt optimizing strategy that optimizes the prompts within the shareable space for implicitly processing the shareable clinic knowledge. UniDCP is the first Med-VLP model capable of performing all 8 medical uni-modal and cross-modal tasks over 14 corresponding datasets, consistently yielding superior results over diverse state-of-the-art methods.