Abstract:Live-streaming services have attracted widespread popularity due to their real-time interactivity and entertainment value. Users can engage with live-streaming authors by participating in live chats, posting likes, or sending virtual gifts to convey their preferences and support. However, the live-streaming services faces serious data-sparsity problem, which can be attributed to the following two points: (1) User's valuable behaviors are usually sparse, e.g., like, comment and gift, which are easily overlooked by the model, making it difficult to describe user's personalized preference. (2) The main exposure content on our platform is short-video, which is 9 times higher than the exposed live-streaming, leading to the inability of live-streaming content to fully model user preference. To this end, we propose a Frequency-Aware Model for Cross-Domain Live-Streaming Recommendation, termed as FARM. Specifically, we first present the intra-domain frequency aware module to enable our model to perceive user's sparse yet valuable behaviors, i.e., high-frequency information, supported by the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). To transfer user preference across the short-video and live-streaming domains, we propose a novel preference align before fuse strategy, which consists of two parts: the cross-domain preference align module to align user preference in both domains with contrastive learning, and the cross-domain preference fuse module to further fuse user preference in both domains using a serious of tailor-designed attention mechanisms. Extensive offline experiments and online A/B testing on Kuaishou live-streaming services demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of FARM. Our FARM has been deployed in online live-streaming services and currently serves hundreds of millions of users on Kuaishou.
Abstract:Recommendation systems (RecSys) are designed to connect users with relevant items from a vast pool of candidates while aligning with the business goals of the platform. A typical industrial RecSys is composed of two main stages, retrieval and ranking: (1) the retrieval stage aims at searching hundreds of item candidates satisfied user interests; (2) based on the retrieved items, the ranking stage aims at selecting the best dozen items by multiple targets estimation for each item candidate, including classification and regression targets. Compared with ranking model, the retrieval model absence of item candidate information during inference, therefore retrieval models are often trained by classification target only (e.g., click-through rate), but failed to incorporate regression target (e.g., the expected watch-time), which limit the effectiveness of retrieval. In this paper, we propose the Controllable Retrieval Model (CRM), which integrates regression information as conditional features into the two-tower retrieval paradigm. This modification enables the retrieval stage could fulfill the target gap with ranking model, enhancing the retrieval model ability to search item candidates satisfied the user interests and condition effectively. We validate the effectiveness of CRM through real-world A/B testing and demonstrate its successful deployment in Kuaishou short-video recommendation system, which serves over 400 million users.
Abstract:In large-scale content recommendation systems, retrieval serves as the initial stage in the pipeline, responsible for selecting thousands of candidate items from billions of options to pass on to ranking modules. Traditionally, the dominant retrieval method has been Embedding-Based Retrieval (EBR) using a Deep Neural Network (DNN) dual-tower structure. However, applying transformer in retrieval tasks has been the focus of recent research, though real-world industrial deployment still presents significant challenges. In this paper, we introduce KuaiFormer, a novel transformer-based retrieval framework deployed in a large-scale content recommendation system. KuaiFormer fundamentally redefines the retrieval process by shifting from conventional score estimation tasks (such as click-through rate estimate) to a transformer-driven Next Action Prediction paradigm. This shift enables more effective real-time interest acquisition and multi-interest extraction, significantly enhancing retrieval performance. KuaiFormer has been successfully integrated into Kuaishou App's short-video recommendation system since May 2024, serving over 400 million daily active users and resulting in a marked increase in average daily usage time of Kuaishou users. We provide insights into both the technical and business aspects of deploying transformer in large-scale recommendation systems, addressing practical challenges encountered during industrial implementation. Our findings offer valuable guidance for engineers and researchers aiming to leverage transformer models to optimize large-scale content recommendation systems.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a novel model named DemiNet (short for DEpendency-Aware Multi-Interest Network}) to address the above two issues. To be specific, we first consider various dependency types between item nodes and perform dependency-aware heterogeneous attention for denoising and obtaining accurate sequence item representations. Secondly, for multiple interests extraction, multi-head attention is conducted on top of the graph embedding. To filter out noisy inter-item correlations and enhance the robustness of extracted interests, self-supervised interest learning is introduced to the above two steps. Thirdly, to aggregate the multiple interests, interest experts corresponding to different interest routes give rating scores respectively, while a specialized network assigns the confidence of each score. Experimental results on three real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed DemiNet significantly improves the overall recommendation performance over several state-of-the-art baselines. Further studies verify the efficacy and interpretability benefits brought from the fine-grained user interest modeling.
Abstract:Traditional industrial recommenders are usually trained on a single business domain and then serve for this domain. In large commercial platforms, however, it is often the case that the recommenders need to make click-through rate (CTR) predictions for multiple business domains. Different domains have overlapping user groups and items, thus exist commonalities. Since the specific user group may be different and the user behaviors may change within a specific domain, different domains also have distinctions. The distinctions result in different domain-specific data distributions, which makes it hard for a single shared model to work well on all domains. To address the problem, we present Star Topology Adaptive Recommender (STAR), where one model is learned to serve all domains effectively. Concretely, STAR has the star topology, which consists of the shared centered parameters and domain-specific parameters. The shared parameters are used to learn commonalities of all domains and the domain-specific parameters capture domain distinction for more refined prediction. Given requests from different domains, STAR can adapt its parameters conditioned on the domain. The experimental result from production data validates the superiority of the proposed STAR model. Up to now, STAR has been deployed in the display advertising system of Alibaba, obtaining averaging 8.0% improvement on CTR and 6.0% on RPM (Revenue Per Mille).