Abstract:Full-Duplex Speech Dialogue Systems (Full-Duplex SDS) have significantly enhanced the naturalness of human-machine interaction by enabling real-time bidirectional communication. However, existing approaches face challenges such as difficulties in independent module optimization and contextual noise interference due to highly coupled architectural designs and oversimplified binary state modeling. This paper proposes FlexDuo, a flexible full-duplex control module that decouples duplex control from spoken dialogue systems through a plug-and-play architectural design. Furthermore, inspired by human information-filtering mechanisms in conversations, we introduce an explicit Idle state. On one hand, the Idle state filters redundant noise and irrelevant audio to enhance dialogue quality. On the other hand, it establishes a semantic integrity-based buffering mechanism, reducing the risk of mutual interruptions while ensuring accurate response transitions. Experimental results on the Fisher corpus demonstrate that FlexDuo reduces the false interruption rate by 24.9% and improves response accuracy by 7.6% compared to integrated full-duplex dialogue system baselines. It also outperforms voice activity detection (VAD) controlled baseline systems in both Chinese and English dialogue quality. The proposed modular architecture and state-based dialogue model provide a novel technical pathway for building flexible and efficient duplex dialogue systems.
Abstract:Recent innovations in light sheet microscopy, paired with developments in tissue clearing techniques, enable the 3D imaging of large mammalian tissues with cellular resolution. Combined with the progress in large-scale data analysis, driven by deep learning, these innovations empower researchers to rapidly investigate the morphological and functional properties of diverse biological samples. Segmentation, a crucial preliminary step in the analysis process, can be automated using domain-specific deep learning models with expert-level performance. However, these models exhibit high sensitivity to domain shifts, leading to a significant drop in accuracy when applied to data outside their training distribution. To address this limitation, and inspired by the recent success of self-supervised learning in training generalizable models, we organized the SELMA3D Challenge during the MICCAI 2024 conference. SELMA3D provides a vast collection of light-sheet images from cleared mice and human brains, comprising 35 large 3D images-each with over 1000^3 voxels-and 315 annotated small patches for finetuning, preliminary testing and final testing. The dataset encompasses diverse biological structures, including vessel-like and spot-like structures. Five teams participated in all phases of the challenge, and their proposed methods are reviewed in this paper. Quantitative and qualitative results from most participating teams demonstrate that self-supervised learning on large datasets improves segmentation model performance and generalization. We will continue to support and extend SELMA3D as an inaugural MICCAI challenge focused on self-supervised learning for 3D microscopy image segmentation.
Abstract:Accurate estimation of core (irreversibly damaged tissue) and penumbra (salvageable tissue) volumes is essential for ischemic stroke treatment decisions. Perfusion CT, the clinical standard, estimates these volumes but is affected by variations in deconvolution algorithms, implementations, and thresholds. Core tissue expands over time, with growth rates influenced by thrombus location, collateral circulation, and inherent patient-specific factors. Understanding this tissue growth is crucial for determining the need to transfer patients to comprehensive stroke centers, predicting the benefits of additional reperfusion attempts during mechanical thrombectomy, and forecasting final clinical outcomes. This work presents the ISLES'24 challenge, which addresses final post-treatment stroke infarct prediction from pre-interventional acute stroke imaging and clinical data. ISLES'24 establishes a unique 360-degree setting where all feasibly accessible clinical data are available for participants, including full CT acute stroke imaging, sub-acute follow-up MRI, and clinical tabular data. The contributions of this work are two-fold: first, we introduce a standardized benchmarking of final stroke infarct segmentation algorithms through the ISLES'24 challenge; second, we provide insights into infarct segmentation using multimodal imaging and clinical data strategies by identifying outperforming methods on a finely curated dataset. The outputs of this challenge are anticipated to enhance clinical decision-making and improve patient outcome predictions. All ISLES'24 materials, including data, performance evaluation scripts, and leading algorithmic strategies, are available to the research community following \url{https://isles-24.grand-challenge.org/}.
Abstract:Stroke remains a leading cause of global morbidity and mortality, placing a heavy socioeconomic burden. Over the past decade, advances in endovascular reperfusion therapy and the use of CT and MRI imaging for treatment guidance have significantly improved patient outcomes and are now standard in clinical practice. To develop machine learning algorithms that can extract meaningful and reproducible models of brain function for both clinical and research purposes from stroke images - particularly for lesion identification, brain health quantification, and prognosis - large, diverse, and well-annotated public datasets are essential. While only a few datasets with (sub-)acute stroke data were previously available, several large, high-quality datasets have recently been made publicly accessible. However, these existing datasets include only MRI data. In contrast, our dataset is the first to offer comprehensive longitudinal stroke data, including acute CT imaging with angiography and perfusion, follow-up MRI at 2-9 days, as well as acute and longitudinal clinical data up to a three-month outcome. The dataset includes a training dataset of n = 150 and a test dataset of n = 100 scans. Training data is publicly available, while test data will be used exclusively for model validation. We are making this dataset available as part of the 2024 edition of the Ischemic Stroke Lesion Segmentation (ISLES) challenge (https://www.isles-challenge.org/), which continuously aims to establish benchmark methods for acute and sub-acute ischemic stroke lesion segmentation, aiding in creating open stroke imaging datasets and evaluating cutting-edge image processing algorithms.
Abstract:Blood vessel networks, represented as 3D graphs, help predict disease biomarkers, simulate blood flow, and aid in synthetic image generation, relevant in both clinical and pre-clinical settings. However, generating realistic vessel graphs that correspond to an anatomy of interest is challenging. Previous methods aimed at generating vessel trees mostly in an autoregressive style and could not be applied to vessel graphs with cycles such as capillaries or specific anatomical structures such as the Circle of Willis. Addressing this gap, we introduce the first application of \textit{denoising diffusion models} in 3D vessel graph generation. Our contributions include a novel, two-stage generation method that sequentially denoises node coordinates and edges. We experiment with two real-world vessel datasets, consisting of microscopic capillaries and major cerebral vessels, and demonstrate the generalizability of our method for producing diverse, novel, and anatomically plausible vessel graphs.
Abstract:The Circle of Willis (CoW) is an important network of arteries connecting major circulations of the brain. Its vascular architecture is believed to affect the risk, severity, and clinical outcome of serious neuro-vascular diseases. However, characterizing the highly variable CoW anatomy is still a manual and time-consuming expert task. The CoW is usually imaged by two angiographic imaging modalities, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and computed tomography angiography (CTA), but there exist limited public datasets with annotations on CoW anatomy, especially for CTA. Therefore we organized the TopCoW Challenge in 2023 with the release of an annotated CoW dataset and invited submissions worldwide for the CoW segmentation task, which attracted over 140 registered participants from four continents. TopCoW dataset was the first public dataset with voxel-level annotations for CoW's 13 vessel components, made possible by virtual-reality (VR) technology. It was also the first dataset with paired MRA and CTA from the same patients. TopCoW challenge aimed to tackle the CoW characterization problem as a multiclass anatomical segmentation task with an emphasis on topological metrics. The top performing teams managed to segment many CoW components to Dice scores around 90%, but with lower scores for communicating arteries and rare variants. There were also topological mistakes for predictions with high Dice scores. Additional topological analysis revealed further areas for improvement in detecting certain CoW components and matching CoW variant's topology accurately. TopCoW represented a first attempt at benchmarking the CoW anatomical segmentation task for MRA and CTA, both morphologically and topologically.
Abstract:Panoramic X-rays are frequently used in dentistry for treatment planning, but their interpretation can be both time-consuming and prone to error. Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to aid in the analysis of these X-rays, thereby improving the accuracy of dental diagnoses and treatment plans. Nevertheless, designing automated algorithms for this purpose poses significant challenges, mainly due to the scarcity of annotated data and variations in anatomical structure. To address these issues, the Dental Enumeration and Diagnosis on Panoramic X-rays Challenge (DENTEX) has been organized in association with the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) in 2023. This challenge aims to promote the development of algorithms for multi-label detection of abnormal teeth, using three types of hierarchically annotated data: partially annotated quadrant data, partially annotated quadrant-enumeration data, and fully annotated quadrant-enumeration-diagnosis data, inclusive of four different diagnoses. In this paper, we present the results of evaluating participant algorithms on the fully annotated data, additionally investigating performance variation for quadrant, enumeration, and diagnosis labels in the detection of abnormal teeth. The provision of this annotated dataset, alongside the results of this challenge, may lay the groundwork for the creation of AI-powered tools that can offer more precise and efficient diagnosis and treatment planning in the field of dentistry. The evaluation code and datasets can be accessed at https://github.com/ibrahimethemhamamci/DENTEX
Abstract:A central problem in computational biophysics is protein structure prediction, i.e., finding the optimal folding of a given amino acid sequence. This problem has been studied in a classical abstract model, the HP model, where the protein is modeled as a sequence of H (hydrophobic) and P (polar) amino acids on a lattice. The objective is to find conformations maximizing H-H contacts. It is known that even in this reduced setting, the problem is intractable (NP-hard). In this work, we apply deep reinforcement learning (DRL) to the two-dimensional HP model. We can obtain the conformations of best known energies for benchmark HP sequences with lengths from 20 to 50. Our DRL is based on a deep Q-network (DQN). We find that a DQN based on long short-term memory (LSTM) architecture greatly enhances the RL learning ability and significantly improves the search process. DRL can sample the state space efficiently, without the need of manual heuristics. Experimentally we show that it can find multiple distinct best-known solutions per trial. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of deep reinforcement learning in the HP model for protein folding.
Abstract:Processing-in-memory (PIM), an increasingly studied neuromorphic hardware, promises orders of energy and throughput improvements for deep learning inference. Leveraging the massively parallel and efficient analog computing inside memories, PIM circumvents the bottlenecks of data movements in conventional digital hardware. However, an extra quantization step (i.e. PIM quantization), typically with limited resolution due to hardware constraints, is required to convert the analog computing results into digital domain. Meanwhile, non-ideal effects extensively exist in PIM quantization because of the imperfect analog-to-digital interface, which further compromises the inference accuracy. In this paper, we propose a method for training quantized networks to incorporate PIM quantization, which is ubiquitous to all PIM systems. Specifically, we propose a PIM quantization aware training (PIM-QAT) algorithm, and introduce rescaling techniques during backward and forward propagation by analyzing the training dynamics to facilitate training convergence. We also propose two techniques, namely batch normalization (BN) calibration and adjusted precision training, to suppress the adverse effects of non-ideal linearity and stochastic thermal noise involved in real PIM chips. Our method is validated on three mainstream PIM decomposition schemes, and physically on a prototype chip. Comparing with directly deploying conventionally trained quantized model on PIM systems, which does not take into account this extra quantization step and thus fails, our method provides significant improvement. It also achieves comparable inference accuracy on PIM systems as that of conventionally quantized models on digital hardware, across CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 datasets using various network depths for the most popular network topology.
Abstract:Neural network quantization is a promising compression technique to reduce memory footprint and save energy consumption, potentially leading to real-time inference. However, there is a performance gap between quantized and full-precision models. To reduce it, existing quantization approaches require high-precision INT32 or full-precision multiplication during inference for scaling or dequantization. This introduces a noticeable cost in terms of memory, speed, and required energy. To tackle these issues, we present F8Net, a novel quantization framework consisting of only fixed-point 8-bit multiplication. To derive our method, we first discuss the advantages of fixed-point multiplication with different formats of fixed-point numbers and study the statistical behavior of the associated fixed-point numbers. Second, based on the statistical and algorithmic analysis, we apply different fixed-point formats for weights and activations of different layers. We introduce a novel algorithm to automatically determine the right format for each layer during training. Third, we analyze a previous quantization algorithm -- parameterized clipping activation (PACT) -- and reformulate it using fixed-point arithmetic. Finally, we unify the recently proposed method for quantization fine-tuning and our fixed-point approach to show the potential of our method. We verify F8Net on ImageNet for MobileNet V1/V2 and ResNet18/50. Our approach achieves comparable and better performance, when compared not only to existing quantization techniques with INT32 multiplication or floating-point arithmetic, but also to the full-precision counterparts, achieving state-of-the-art performance.