Abstract:Efficient key-value (KV) cache compression is critical for scaling transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) in long sequences and resource-limited settings. Existing methods evict tokens based on their positions or importance scores, but position-based strategies can miss crucial information outside predefined regions, while those relying on global importance scores resulting in strong regional biases, limiting the KV cache's overall context retention and potentially impairing the performance of LLMs on complex tasks. Our wavelet analysis reveals that as tokens approach the end of sequence, their contributions to generation gradually increase and tends to diverge more from neighboring tokens, indicating a smooth transition with increasing complexity and variability from distant to nearby context. Motivated by this observation, we propose TreeKV, an intuitive, training-free method that employs a tree structure for smooth cache compression. TreeKV maintains a fixed cache size, allowing LLMs to deliver high-quality output even in long text scenarios. Unlike most compression methods, TreeKV is applicable to both the generation and prefilling stages. It consistently surpasses all baseline models in language modeling tasks on PG19 and OpenWebText2, allowing LLMs trained with short context window to generalize to longer window with a 16x cache reduction. On the Longbench benchmark, TreeKV achieves the best performance with only 6\% of the budget at optimal efficiency.
Abstract:Transformer models have gained significant attention due to their power in machine learning tasks. Their extensive deployment has raised concerns about the potential leakage of sensitive information during inference. However, when being applied to Transformers, existing approaches based on secure two-party computation (2PC) bring about efficiency limitations in two folds: (1) resource-intensive matrix multiplications in linear layers, and (2) complex non-linear activation functions like $\mathsf{GELU}$ and $\mathsf{Softmax}$. This work presents a new two-party inference framework $\mathsf{Nimbus}$ for Transformer models. For the linear layer, we propose a new 2PC paradigm along with an encoding approach to securely compute matrix multiplications based on an outer-product insight, which achieves $2.9\times \sim 12.5\times$ performance improvements compared to the state-of-the-art (SOTA) protocol. For the non-linear layer, through a new observation of utilizing the input distribution, we propose an approach of low-degree polynomial approximation for $\mathsf{GELU}$ and $\mathsf{Softmax}$, which improves the performance of the SOTA polynomial approximation by $2.9\times \sim 4.0\times$, where the average accuracy loss of our approach is 0.08\% compared to the non-2PC inference without privacy. Compared with the SOTA two-party inference, $\mathsf{Nimbus}$ improves the end-to-end performance of \bert{} inference by $2.7\times \sim 4.7\times$ across different network settings.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) are widely used across various domains, processing millions of daily requests. This surge in demand poses significant challenges in optimizing throughput and latency while keeping costs manageable. The Key-Value (KV) cache, a standard method for retaining previous computations, makes LLM inference highly bounded by memory. While batching strategies can enhance performance, they frequently lead to significant memory fragmentation. Even though cutting-edge systems like vLLM mitigate KV cache fragmentation using paged Attention mechanisms, they still suffer from inefficient memory and computational operations due to the tightly coupled page management and computation kernels. This study introduces the vTensor, an innovative tensor structure for LLM inference based on GPU virtual memory management (VMM). vTensor addresses existing limitations by decoupling computation from memory defragmentation and offering dynamic extensibility. Our framework employs a CPU-GPU heterogeneous approach, ensuring efficient, fragmentation-free memory management while accommodating various computation kernels across different LLM architectures. Experimental results indicate that vTensor achieves an average speedup of 1.86x across different models, with up to 2.42x in multi-turn chat scenarios. Additionally, vTensor provides average speedups of 2.12x and 3.15x in kernel evaluation, reaching up to 3.92x and 3.27x compared to SGLang Triton prefix-prefilling kernels and vLLM paged Attention kernel, respectively. Furthermore, it frees approximately 71.25% (57GB) of memory on the NVIDIA A100 GPU compared to vLLM, enabling more memory-intensive workloads.
Abstract:The quadratic complexity of self-attention in Transformers has hindered the processing of long text. To alleviate this problem, previous works have proposed to sparsify the attention matrix, taking advantage of the observation that crucial information about a token can be derived from its neighbors. These methods typically combine one or another form of local attention and global attention. Such combinations introduce abrupt changes in contextual granularity when going from local to global, which may be undesirable. We believe that a smoother transition could potentially enhance model's ability to capture long-context dependencies. In this study, we introduce Fovea Transformer, a long-context focused transformer that addresses the challenges of capturing global dependencies while maintaining computational efficiency. To achieve this, we construct a multi-scale tree from the input sequence, and use representations of context tokens with a progressively coarser granularity in the tree, as their distance to the query token increases. We evaluate our model on three long-context summarization tasks\footnote{Our code is publicly available at: \textit{https://github.com/ZiweiHe/Fovea-Transformer}}. It achieves state-of-the-art performance on two of them, and competitive results on the third with mixed improvement and setback of the evaluation metrics.
Abstract:Graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown significant accuracy improvements in a variety of graph learning domains, sparking considerable research interest. To translate these accuracy improvements into practical applications, it is essential to develop high-performance and efficient hardware acceleration for GNN models. However, designing GNN accelerators faces two fundamental challenges: the high bandwidth requirement of GNN models and the diversity of GNN models. Previous works have addressed the first challenge by using more expensive memory interfaces to achieve higher bandwidth. For the second challenge, existing works either support specific GNN models or have generic designs with poor hardware utilization. In this work, we tackle both challenges simultaneously. First, we identify a new type of partition-level operator fusion, which we utilize to internally reduce the high bandwidth requirement of GNNs. Next, we introduce partition-level multi-threading to schedule the concurrent processing of graph partitions, utilizing different hardware resources. To further reduce the extra on-chip memory required by multi-threading, we propose fine-grained graph partitioning to generate denser graph partitions. Importantly, these three methods make no assumptions about the targeted GNN models, addressing the challenge of model variety. We implement these methods in a framework called SwitchBlade, consisting of a compiler, a graph partitioner, and a hardware accelerator. Our evaluation demonstrates that SwitchBlade achieves an average speedup of $1.85\times$ and energy savings of $19.03\times$ compared to the NVIDIA V100 GPU. Additionally, SwitchBlade delivers performance comparable to state-of-the-art specialized accelerators.
Abstract:Graph neural networks (GNNs) are powerful tools for exploring and learning from graph structures and features. As such, achieving high-performance execution for GNNs becomes crucially important. Prior works have proposed to explore the sparsity (i.e., low density) in the input graph to accelerate GNNs, which uses the full-graph-level or block-level sparsity format. We show that they fail to balance the sparsity benefit and kernel execution efficiency. In this paper, we propose a novel system, referred to as AdaptGear, that addresses the challenge of optimizing GNNs performance by leveraging kernels tailored to the density characteristics at the subgraph level. Meanwhile, we also propose a method that dynamically chooses the optimal set of kernels for a given input graph. Our evaluation shows that AdaptGear can achieve a significant performance improvement, up to $6.49 \times$ ($1.87 \times$ on average), over the state-of-the-art works on two mainstream NVIDIA GPUs across various datasets.
Abstract:The transformer model is known to be computationally demanding, and prohibitively costly for long sequences, as the self-attention module uses a quadratic time and space complexity with respect to sequence length. Many researchers have focused on designing new forms of self-attention or introducing new parameters to overcome this limitation, however a large portion of them prohibits the model to inherit weights from large pretrained models. In this work, the transformer's inefficiency has been taken care of from another perspective. We propose Fourier Transformer, a simple yet effective approach by progressively removing redundancies in hidden sequence using the ready-made Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) operator to perform Discrete Cosine Transformation (DCT). Fourier Transformer is able to significantly reduce computational costs while retain the ability to inherit from various large pretrained models. Experiments show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performances among all transformer-based models on the long-range modeling benchmark LRA with significant improvement in both speed and space. For generative seq-to-seq tasks including CNN/DailyMail and ELI5, by inheriting the BART weights our model outperforms the standard BART and other efficient models. \footnote{Our code is publicly available at \url{https://github.com/LUMIA-Group/FourierTransformer}}
Abstract:An activation function is an element-wise mathematical function and plays a crucial role in deep neural networks (DNN). Many novel and sophisticated activation functions have been proposed to improve the DNN accuracy but also consume massive memory in the training process with back-propagation. In this study, we propose the nested forward automatic differentiation (Forward-AD), specifically for the element-wise activation function for memory-efficient DNN training. We deploy nested Forward-AD in two widely-used deep learning frameworks, TensorFlow and PyTorch, which support the static and dynamic computation graph, respectively. Our evaluation shows that nested Forward-AD reduces the memory footprint by up to 1.97x than the baseline model and outperforms the recomputation by 20% under the same memory reduction ratio.
Abstract:Quantization is a technique to reduce the computation and memory cost of DNN models, which are getting increasingly large. Existing quantization solutions use fixed-point integer or floating-point types, which have limited benefits, as both require more bits to maintain the accuracy of original models. On the other hand, variable-length quantization uses low-bit quantization for normal values and high-precision for a fraction of outlier values. Even though this line of work brings algorithmic benefits, it also introduces significant hardware overheads due to variable-length encoding and decoding. In this work, we propose a fixed-length adaptive numerical data type called ANT to achieve low-bit quantization with tiny hardware overheads. Our data type ANT leverages two key innovations to exploit the intra-tensor and inter-tensor adaptive opportunities in DNN models. First, we propose a particular data type, flint, that combines the advantages of float and int for adapting to the importance of different values within a tensor. Second, we propose an adaptive framework that selects the best type for each tensor according to its distribution characteristics. We design a unified processing element architecture for ANT and show its ease of integration with existing DNN accelerators. Our design results in 2.8$\times$ speedup and 2.5$\times$ energy efficiency improvement over the state-of-the-art quantization accelerators.
Abstract:Post-training quantization (PTQ) attracts increasing attention due to its convenience in deploying quantized neural networks. Rounding, the primary source of quantization error, is optimized only for model weights, while activations still use the rounding-to-nearest operation. In this work, for the first time, we demonstrate that well-chosen rounding schemes for activations can improve the final accuracy. To deal with the challenge of the dynamicity of the activation rounding scheme, we adaptively adjust the rounding border through a simple function to generate rounding schemes at the inference stage. The border function covers the impact of weight errors, activation errors, and propagated errors to eliminate the bias of the element-wise error, which further benefits model accuracy. We also make the border aware of global errors to better fit different arriving activations. Finally, we propose the AQuant framework to learn the border function. Extensive experiments show that AQuant achieves noticeable improvements with negligible overhead compared with state-of-the-art works and pushes the accuracy of ResNet-18 up to 60.3\% under the 2-bit weight and activation post-training quantization.