Abstract:Lane detection plays an important role in autonomous driving perception systems. As deep learning algorithms gain popularity, monocular lane detection methods based on deep learning have demonstrated superior performance and emerged as a key research direction in autonomous driving perception. The core design of these algorithmic frameworks can be summarized as follows: (1) Task paradigm, focusing on lane instance-level discrimination; (2) Lane modeling, representing lanes as a set of learnable parameters in the neural network; (3) Global context supplementation, enhancing the detection of obscure lanes; (4) Perspective effect elimination, providing 3D lanes usable for downstream applications. From these perspectives, this paper presents a comprehensive overview of existing methods, encompassing both the increasingly mature 2D lane detection approaches and the developing 3D lane detection works. For a relatively fair comparison, in addition to comparing the performance of mainstream methods on different benchmarks, their inference speed is also investigated under a unified setting. Moreover, we present some extended works on lane detection, including multi-task perception, video lane detection, online high-definition map construction, and lane topology reasoning, to offer readers a comprehensive roadmap for the evolution of lane detection. Finally, we point out some potential future research directions in this field. We exhaustively collect the papers and codes of existing works at https://github.com/Core9724/Awesome-Lane-Detection and will keep tracing the research.
Abstract:Recent advances in high-definition (HD) map construction from surround-view images have highlighted their cost-effectiveness in deployment. However, prevailing techniques often fall short in accurately extracting and utilizing road features, as well as in the implementation of view transformation. In response, we introduce HeightMapNet, a novel framework that establishes a dynamic relationship between image features and road surface height distributions. By integrating height priors, our approach refines the accuracy of Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) features beyond conventional methods. HeightMapNet also introduces a foreground-background separation network that sharply distinguishes between critical road elements and extraneous background components, enabling precise focus on detailed road micro-features. Additionally, our method leverages multi-scale features within the BEV space, optimally utilizing spatial geometric information to boost model performance. HeightMapNet has shown exceptional results on the challenging nuScenes and Argoverse 2 datasets, outperforming several widely recognized approaches. The code will be available at \url{https://github.com/adasfag/HeightMapNet/}.
Abstract:Vehicle detection in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) captured images has wide applications in aerial photography and remote sensing. There are many public benchmark datasets proposed for the vehicle detection and tracking in UAV images. Recent studies show that adding an adversarial patch on objects can fool the well-trained deep neural networks based object detectors, posing security concerns to the downstream tasks. However, the current public UAV datasets might ignore the diverse altitudes, vehicle attributes, fine-grained instance-level annotation in mostly side view with blurred vehicle roof, so none of them is good to study the adversarial patch based vehicle detection attack problem. In this paper, we propose a new dataset named EVD4UAV as an altitude-sensitive benchmark to evade vehicle detection in UAV with 6,284 images and 90,886 fine-grained annotated vehicles. The EVD4UAV dataset has diverse altitudes (50m, 70m, 90m), vehicle attributes (color, type), fine-grained annotation (horizontal and rotated bounding boxes, instance-level mask) in top view with clear vehicle roof. One white-box and two black-box patch based attack methods are implemented to attack three classic deep neural networks based object detectors on EVD4UAV. The experimental results show that these representative attack methods could not achieve the robust altitude-insensitive attack performance.
Abstract:We present MM-AU, a novel dataset for Multi-Modal Accident video Understanding. MM-AU contains 11,727 in-the-wild ego-view accident videos, each with temporally aligned text descriptions. We annotate over 2.23 million object boxes and 58,650 pairs of video-based accident reasons, covering 58 accident categories. MM-AU supports various accident understanding tasks, particularly multimodal video diffusion to understand accident cause-effect chains for safe driving. With MM-AU, we present an Abductive accident Video understanding framework for Safe Driving perception (AdVersa-SD). AdVersa-SD performs video diffusion via an Object-Centric Video Diffusion (OAVD) method which is driven by an abductive CLIP model. This model involves a contrastive interaction loss to learn the pair co-occurrence of normal, near-accident, accident frames with the corresponding text descriptions, such as accident reasons, prevention advice, and accident categories. OAVD enforces the causal region learning while fixing the content of the original frame background in video generation, to find the dominant cause-effect chain for certain accidents. Extensive experiments verify the abductive ability of AdVersa-SD and the superiority of OAVD against the state-of-the-art diffusion models. Additionally, we provide careful benchmark evaluations for object detection and accident reason answering since AdVersa-SD relies on precise object and accident reason information.
Abstract:In autonomous driving, predicting the behavior (turning left, stopping, etc.) of target vehicles is crucial for the self-driving vehicle to make safe decisions and avoid accidents. Existing deep learning-based methods have shown excellent and accurate performance, but the black-box nature makes it untrustworthy to apply them in practical use. In this work, we explore the interpretability of behavior prediction of target vehicles by an Episodic Memory implanted Neural Decision Tree (abbrev. eMem-NDT). The structure of eMem-NDT is constructed by hierarchically clustering the text embedding of vehicle behavior descriptions. eMem-NDT is a neural-backed part of a pre-trained deep learning model by changing the soft-max layer of the deep model to eMem-NDT, for grouping and aligning the memory prototypes of the historical vehicle behavior features in training data on a neural decision tree. Each leaf node of eMem-NDT is modeled by a neural network for aligning the behavior memory prototypes. By eMem-NDT, we infer each instance in behavior prediction of vehicles by bottom-up Memory Prototype Matching (MPM) (searching the appropriate leaf node and the links to the root node) and top-down Leaf Link Aggregation (LLA) (obtaining the probability of future behaviors of vehicles for certain instances). We validate eMem-NDT on BLVD and LOKI datasets, and the results show that our model can obtain a superior performance to other methods with clear explainability. The code is available at https://github.com/JWFangit/eMem-NDT.
Abstract:The multi-agent perception system collects visual data from sensors located on various agents and leverages their relative poses determined by GPS signals to effectively fuse information, mitigating the limitations of single-agent sensing, such as occlusion. However, the precision of GPS signals can be influenced by a range of factors, including wireless transmission and obstructions like buildings. Given the pivotal role of GPS signals in perception fusion and the potential for various interference, it becomes imperative to investigate whether specific GPS signals can easily mislead the multi-agent perception system. To address this concern, we frame the task as an adversarial attack challenge and introduce \textsc{AdvGPS}, a method capable of generating adversarial GPS signals which are also stealthy for individual agents within the system, significantly reducing object detection accuracy. To enhance the success rates of these attacks in a black-box scenario, we introduce three types of statistically sensitive natural discrepancies: appearance-based discrepancy, distribution-based discrepancy, and task-aware discrepancy. Our extensive experiments on the OPV2V dataset demonstrate that these attacks substantially undermine the performance of state-of-the-art methods, showcasing remarkable transferability across different point cloud based 3D detection systems. This alarming revelation underscores the pressing need to address security implications within multi-agent perception systems, thereby underscoring a critical area of research.
Abstract:Vehicle Re-identification (Re-ID) has been broadly studied in the last decade; however, the different camera view angle leading to confused discrimination in the feature subspace for the vehicles of various poses, is still challenging for the Vehicle Re-ID models in the real world. To promote the Vehicle Re-ID models, this paper proposes to synthesize a large number of vehicle images in the target pose, whose idea is to project the vehicles of diverse poses into the unified target pose so as to enhance feature discrimination. Considering that the paired data of the same vehicles in different traffic surveillance cameras might be not available in the real world, we propose the first Pair-flexible Pose Guided Image Synthesis method for Vehicle Re-ID, named as VehicleGAN in this paper, which works for both supervised and unsupervised settings without the knowledge of geometric 3D models. Because of the feature distribution difference between real and synthetic data, simply training a traditional metric learning based Re-ID model with data-level fusion (i.e., data augmentation) is not satisfactory, therefore we propose a new Joint Metric Learning (JML) via effective feature-level fusion from both real and synthetic data. Intensive experimental results on the public VeRi-776 and VehicleID datasets prove the accuracy and effectiveness of our proposed VehicleGAN and JML.
Abstract:Traffic accident detection and anticipation is an obstinate road safety problem and painstaking efforts have been devoted. With the rapid growth of video data, Vision-based Traffic Accident Detection and Anticipation (named Vision-TAD and Vision-TAA) become the last one-mile problem for safe driving and surveillance safety. However, the long-tailed, unbalanced, highly dynamic, complex, and uncertain properties of traffic accidents form the Out-of-Distribution (OOD) feature for Vision-TAD and Vision-TAA. Current AI development may focus on these OOD but important problems. What has been done for Vision-TAD and Vision-TAA? What direction we should focus on in the future for this problem? A comprehensive survey is important. We present the first survey on Vision-TAD in the deep learning era and the first-ever survey for Vision-TAA. The pros and cons of each research prototype are discussed in detail during the investigation. In addition, we also provide a critical review of 31 publicly available benchmarks and related evaluation metrics. Through this survey, we want to spawn new insights and open possible trends for Vision-TAD and Vision-TAA tasks.
Abstract:Driver attention prediction implies the intention understanding of where the driver intends to go and what object the driver concerned about, which commonly provides a driving task-guided traffic scene understanding. Some recent works explore driver attention prediction in critical or accident scenarios and find a positive role in helping accident prediction, while the promotion ability is constrained by the prediction accuracy of driver attention maps. In this work, we explore the network connection gating mechanism for driver attention prediction (Gate-DAP). Gate-DAP aims to learn the importance of different spatial, temporal, and modality information in driving scenarios with various road types, occasions, and light and weather conditions. The network connection gating in Gate-DAP consists of a spatial encoding network gating, long-short-term memory network gating, and information type gating modules. Each connection gating operation is plug-and-play and can be flexibly assembled, which makes the architecture of Gate-DAP transparent for evaluating different spatial, temporal, and information types for driver attention prediction. Evaluations on DADA-2000 and BDDA datasets verify the superiority of the proposed method with the comparison with state-of-the-art approaches. The code is available on https://github.com/JWFangit/Gate-DAP.
Abstract:Traffic flow prediction (TFP) is a fundamental problem of the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), as it models the latent spatial-temporal dependency of traffic flow for potential congestion prediction. Recent graph-based models with multiple kinds of attention mechanisms have achieved promising performance. However, existing methods for traffic flow prediction tend to inherit the bias pattern from the dataset and lack interpretability. To this end, we propose a Counterfactual Graph Transformer (CGT) model with an instance-level explainer (e.g., finding the important subgraphs) specifically designed for TFP. We design a perturbation mask generator over input sensor features at the time dimension and the graph structure on the graph transformer module to obtain spatial and temporal counterfactual explanations. By searching the optimal perturbation masks on the input data feature and graph structures, we can obtain the concise and dominant data or graph edge links for the subsequent TFP task. After re-training the utilized graph transformer model after counterfactual perturbation, we can obtain improved and interpretable traffic flow prediction. Extensive results on three real-world public datasets show that CGT can produce reliable explanations and is promising for traffic flow prediction.