Vehicle detection in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) captured images has wide applications in aerial photography and remote sensing. There are many public benchmark datasets proposed for the vehicle detection and tracking in UAV images. Recent studies show that adding an adversarial patch on objects can fool the well-trained deep neural networks based object detectors, posing security concerns to the downstream tasks. However, the current public UAV datasets might ignore the diverse altitudes, vehicle attributes, fine-grained instance-level annotation in mostly side view with blurred vehicle roof, so none of them is good to study the adversarial patch based vehicle detection attack problem. In this paper, we propose a new dataset named EVD4UAV as an altitude-sensitive benchmark to evade vehicle detection in UAV with 6,284 images and 90,886 fine-grained annotated vehicles. The EVD4UAV dataset has diverse altitudes (50m, 70m, 90m), vehicle attributes (color, type), fine-grained annotation (horizontal and rotated bounding boxes, instance-level mask) in top view with clear vehicle roof. One white-box and two black-box patch based attack methods are implemented to attack three classic deep neural networks based object detectors on EVD4UAV. The experimental results show that these representative attack methods could not achieve the robust altitude-insensitive attack performance.