Abstract:The phenomenon of reflection is quite common in digital images, posing significant challenges for various applications such as computer vision, photography, and image processing. Traditional methods for reflection removal often struggle to achieve clean results while maintaining high fidelity and robustness, particularly in real-world scenarios. Over the past few decades, numerous deep learning-based approaches for reflection removal have emerged, yielding impressive results. In this survey, we conduct a comprehensive review of the current literature by focusing on key venues such as ICCV, ECCV, CVPR, NeurIPS, etc., as these conferences and journals have been central to advances in the field. Our review follows a structured paper selection process, and we critically assess both single-stage and two-stage deep learning methods for reflection removal. The contribution of this survey is three-fold: first, we provide a comprehensive summary of the most recent work on single-image reflection removal; second, we outline task hypotheses, current deep learning techniques, publicly available datasets, and relevant evaluation metrics; and third, we identify key challenges and opportunities in deep learning-based reflection removal, highlighting the potential of this rapidly evolving research area.
Abstract:Vehicle detection in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) captured images has wide applications in aerial photography and remote sensing. There are many public benchmark datasets proposed for the vehicle detection and tracking in UAV images. Recent studies show that adding an adversarial patch on objects can fool the well-trained deep neural networks based object detectors, posing security concerns to the downstream tasks. However, the current public UAV datasets might ignore the diverse altitudes, vehicle attributes, fine-grained instance-level annotation in mostly side view with blurred vehicle roof, so none of them is good to study the adversarial patch based vehicle detection attack problem. In this paper, we propose a new dataset named EVD4UAV as an altitude-sensitive benchmark to evade vehicle detection in UAV with 6,284 images and 90,886 fine-grained annotated vehicles. The EVD4UAV dataset has diverse altitudes (50m, 70m, 90m), vehicle attributes (color, type), fine-grained annotation (horizontal and rotated bounding boxes, instance-level mask) in top view with clear vehicle roof. One white-box and two black-box patch based attack methods are implemented to attack three classic deep neural networks based object detectors on EVD4UAV. The experimental results show that these representative attack methods could not achieve the robust altitude-insensitive attack performance.
Abstract:Detecting the salient objects in a remote sensing image has wide applications for the interdisciplinary research. Many existing deep learning methods have been proposed for Salient Object Detection (SOD) in remote sensing images and get remarkable results. However, the recent adversarial attack examples, generated by changing a few pixel values on the original remote sensing image, could result in a collapse for the well-trained deep learning based SOD model. Different with existing methods adding perturbation to original images, we propose to jointly tune adversarial exposure and additive perturbation for attack and constrain image close to cloudy image as Adversarial Cloud. Cloud is natural and common in remote sensing images, however, camouflaging cloud based adversarial attack and defense for remote sensing images are not well studied before. Furthermore, we design DefenseNet as a learn-able pre-processing to the adversarial cloudy images so as to preserve the performance of the deep learning based remote sensing SOD model, without tuning the already deployed deep SOD model. By considering both regular and generalized adversarial examples, the proposed DefenseNet can defend the proposed Adversarial Cloud in white-box setting and other attack methods in black-box setting. Experimental results on a synthesized benchmark from the public remote sensing SOD dataset (EORSSD) show the promising defense against adversarial cloud attacks.
Abstract:Deep learning-based intelligent vehicle perception has been developing prominently in recent years to provide a reliable source for motion planning and decision making in autonomous driving. A large number of powerful deep learning-based methods can achieve excellent performance in solving various perception problems of autonomous driving. However, these deep learning methods still have several limitations, for example, the assumption that lab-training (source domain) and real-testing (target domain) data follow the same feature distribution may not be practical in the real world. There is often a dramatic domain gap between them in many real-world cases. As a solution to this challenge, deep transfer learning can handle situations excellently by transferring the knowledge from one domain to another. Deep transfer learning aims to improve task performance in a new domain by leveraging the knowledge of similar tasks learned in another domain before. Nevertheless, there are currently no survey papers on the topic of deep transfer learning for intelligent vehicle perception. To the best of our knowledge, this paper represents the first comprehensive survey on the topic of the deep transfer learning for intelligent vehicle perception. This paper discusses the domain gaps related to the differences of sensor, data, and model for the intelligent vehicle perception. The recent applications, challenges, future researches in intelligent vehicle perception are also explored.
Abstract:The processing and recognition of geoscience images have wide applications. Most of existing researches focus on understanding the high-quality geoscience images by assuming that all the images are clear. However, in many real-world cases, the geoscience images might contain occlusions during the image acquisition. This problem actually implies the image inpainting problem in computer vision and multimedia. To the best of our knowledge, all the existing image inpainting algorithms learn to repair the occluded regions for a better visualization quality, they are excellent for natural images but not good enough for geoscience images by ignoring the geoscience related tasks. This paper aims to repair the occluded regions for a better geoscience task performance with the advanced visualization quality simultaneously, without changing the current deployed deep learning based geoscience models. Because of the complex context of geoscience images, we propose a coarse-to-fine encoder-decoder network with coarse-to-fine adversarial context discriminators to reconstruct the occluded image regions. Due to the limited data of geoscience images, we use a MaskMix based data augmentation method to exploit more information from limited geoscience image data. The experimental results on three public geoscience datasets for remote sensing scene recognition, cross-view geolocation and semantic segmentation tasks respectively show the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method.
Abstract:Large-scale deep neural networks (DNNs) such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved impressive performance in audio classification for their powerful capacity and strong generalization ability. However, when training a DNN model on low-resource tasks, it is usually prone to overfitting the small data and learning too much redundant information. To address this issue, we propose to use variational information bottleneck (VIB) to mitigate overfitting and suppress irrelevant information. In this work, we conduct experiments ona 4-layer CNN. However, the VIB framework is ready-to-use and could be easily utilized with many other state-of-the-art network architectures. Evaluation on a few audio datasets shows that our approach significantly outperforms baseline methods, yielding more than 5.0% improvement in terms of classification accuracy in some low-source settings.