Abstract:The phenomenon of reflection is quite common in digital images, posing significant challenges for various applications such as computer vision, photography, and image processing. Traditional methods for reflection removal often struggle to achieve clean results while maintaining high fidelity and robustness, particularly in real-world scenarios. Over the past few decades, numerous deep learning-based approaches for reflection removal have emerged, yielding impressive results. In this survey, we conduct a comprehensive review of the current literature by focusing on key venues such as ICCV, ECCV, CVPR, NeurIPS, etc., as these conferences and journals have been central to advances in the field. Our review follows a structured paper selection process, and we critically assess both single-stage and two-stage deep learning methods for reflection removal. The contribution of this survey is three-fold: first, we provide a comprehensive summary of the most recent work on single-image reflection removal; second, we outline task hypotheses, current deep learning techniques, publicly available datasets, and relevant evaluation metrics; and third, we identify key challenges and opportunities in deep learning-based reflection removal, highlighting the potential of this rapidly evolving research area.
Abstract:Fundus image captures rear of an eye, and which has been studied for the diseases identification, classification, segmentation, generation, and biological traits association using handcrafted, conventional, and deep learning methods. In biological traits estimation, most of the studies have been carried out for the age prediction and gender classification with convincing results. However, the current study utilizes the cutting-edge deep learning (DL) algorithms to estimate biological traits in terms of age and gender together with associating traits to retinal visuals. For the traits association, our study embeds aging as the label information into the proposed DL model to learn knowledge about the effected regions with aging. Our proposed DL models, named FAG-Net and FGC-Net, correspondingly estimate biological traits (age and gender) and generates fundus images. FAG-Net can generate multiple variants of an input fundus image given a list of ages as conditions. Our study analyzes fundus images and their corresponding association with biological traits, and predicts of possible spreading of ocular disease on fundus images given age as condition to the generative model. Our proposed models outperform the randomly selected state of-the-art DL models.
Abstract:Image Super-Resolution (ISR), which aims at recovering High-Resolution (HR) images from the corresponding Low-Resolution (LR) counterparts. Although recent progress in ISR has been remarkable. However, they are way too computationally intensive to be deployed on edge devices, since most of the recent approaches are deep learning-based. Besides, these methods always fail in real-world scenes, since most of them adopt a simple fixed "ideal" bicubic downsampling kernel from high-quality images to construct LR/HR training pairs which may lose track of frequency-related details. In this work, an approach for real-time ISR on mobile devices is presented, which is able to deal with a wide range of degradations in real-world scenarios. Extensive experiments on traditional super-resolution datasets (Set5, Set14, BSD100, Urban100, Manga109, DIV2K) and real-world images with a variety of degradations demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-art methods, resulting in higher PSNR and SSIM, lower noise and better visual quality. Most importantly, our method achieves real-time performance on mobile or edge devices.
Abstract:This paper reviews the AIM 2020 challenge on efficient single image super-resolution with focus on the proposed solutions and results. The challenge task was to super-resolve an input image with a magnification factor x4 based on a set of prior examples of low and corresponding high resolution images. The goal is to devise a network that reduces one or several aspects such as runtime, parameter count, FLOPs, activations, and memory consumption while at least maintaining PSNR of MSRResNet. The track had 150 registered participants, and 25 teams submitted the final results. They gauge the state-of-the-art in efficient single image super-resolution.