Abstract:Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting has proven highly effective for enhancing complex reasoning in Large Language Models (LLMs) and Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs). Yet, it struggles in complex spatial reasoning tasks. Nonetheless, human cognition extends beyond language alone, enabling the remarkable capability to think in both words and images. Inspired by this mechanism, we propose a new reasoning paradigm, Multimodal Visualization-of-Thought (MVoT). It enables visual thinking in MLLMs by generating image visualizations of their reasoning traces. To ensure high-quality visualization, we introduce token discrepancy loss into autoregressive MLLMs. This innovation significantly improves both visual coherence and fidelity. We validate this approach through several dynamic spatial reasoning tasks. Experimental results reveal that MVoT demonstrates competitive performance across tasks. Moreover, it exhibits robust and reliable improvements in the most challenging scenarios where CoT fails. Ultimately, MVoT establishes new possibilities for complex reasoning tasks where visual thinking can effectively complement verbal reasoning.
Abstract:Time series forecasting plays a crucial role in data mining, driving rapid advancements across numerous industries. With the emergence of large models, time series foundation models (TSFMs) have exhibited remarkable generalization capabilities, such as zero-shot learning, through large-scale pre-training. Meanwhile, Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) methods have been widely employed to enhance the performance of foundation models on unseen data, allowing models to access to external knowledge. In this paper, we introduce TimeRAF, a Retrieval-Augmented Forecasting model that enhance zero-shot time series forecasting through retrieval-augmented techniques. We develop customized time series knowledge bases that are tailored to the specific forecasting tasks. TimeRAF employs an end-to-end learnable retriever to extract valuable information from the knowledge base. Additionally, we propose Channel Prompting for knowledge integration, which effectively extracts relevant information from the retrieved knowledge along the channel dimension. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our model, showing significant improvement across various domains and datasets.
Abstract:Comprehensive evaluation of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) has recently garnered widespread attention in the research community. However, we observe that existing benchmarks present several common barriers that make it difficult to measure the significant challenges that models face in the real world, including: 1) small data scale leads to a large performance variance; 2) reliance on model-based annotations results in restricted data quality; 3) insufficient task difficulty, especially caused by the limited image resolution. To tackle these issues, we introduce MME-RealWorld. Specifically, we collect more than $300$K images from public datasets and the Internet, filtering $13,366$ high-quality images for annotation. This involves the efforts of professional $25$ annotators and $7$ experts in MLLMs, contributing to $29,429$ question-answer pairs that cover $43$ subtasks across $5$ real-world scenarios, extremely challenging even for humans. As far as we know, MME-RealWorld is the largest manually annotated benchmark to date, featuring the highest resolution and a targeted focus on real-world applications. We further conduct a thorough evaluation involving $28$ prominent MLLMs, such as GPT-4o, Gemini 1.5 Pro, and Claude 3.5 Sonnet. Our results show that even the most advanced models struggle with our benchmarks, where none of them reach $60\%$ accuracy. The challenges of perceiving high-resolution images and understanding complex real-world scenarios remain urgent issues to be addressed. The data and evaluation code are released at https://mme-realworld.github.io/ .
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) provide a promising tool that enable robots to perform complex robot reasoning tasks. However, the limited context window of contemporary LLMs makes reasoning over long time horizons difficult. Embodied tasks such as those that one might expect a household robot to perform typically require that the planner consider information acquired a long time ago (e.g., properties of the many objects that the robot previously encountered in the environment). Attempts to capture the world state using an LLM's implicit internal representation is complicated by the paucity of task- and environment-relevant information available in a robot's action history, while methods that rely on the ability to convey information via the prompt to the LLM are subject to its limited context window. In this paper, we propose Statler, a framework that endows LLMs with an explicit representation of the world state as a form of ``memory'' that is maintained over time. Integral to Statler is its use of two instances of general LLMs -- a world-model reader and a world-model writer -- that interface with and maintain the world state. By providing access to this world state ``memory'', Statler improves the ability of existing LLMs to reason over longer time horizons without the constraint of context length. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on three simulated table-top manipulation domains and a real robot domain, and show that it improves the state-of-the-art in LLM-based robot reasoning. Project website: https://statler-lm.github.io/
Abstract:Hyperparameter optimization, also known as hyperparameter tuning, is a widely recognized technique for improving model performance. Regrettably, when training private ML models, many practitioners often overlook the privacy risks associated with hyperparameter optimization, which could potentially expose sensitive information about the underlying dataset. Currently, the sole existing approach to allow privacy-preserving hyperparameter optimization is to uniformly and randomly select hyperparameters for a number of runs, subsequently reporting the best-performing hyperparameter. In contrast, in non-private settings, practitioners commonly utilize "adaptive" hyperparameter optimization methods such as Gaussian process-based optimization, which select the next candidate based on information gathered from previous outputs. This substantial contrast between private and non-private hyperparameter optimization underscores a critical concern. In our paper, we introduce DP-HyPO, a pioneering framework for "adaptive" private hyperparameter optimization, aiming to bridge the gap between private and non-private hyperparameter optimization. To accomplish this, we provide a comprehensive differential privacy analysis of our framework. Furthermore, we empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of DP-HyPO on a diverse set of real-world and synthetic datasets.
Abstract:This paper studies federated linear contextual bandits under the notion of user-level differential privacy (DP). We first introduce a unified federated bandits framework that can accommodate various definitions of DP in the sequential decision-making setting. We then formally introduce user-level central DP (CDP) and local DP (LDP) in the federated bandits framework, and investigate the fundamental trade-offs between the learning regrets and the corresponding DP guarantees in a federated linear contextual bandits model. For CDP, we propose a federated algorithm termed as $\texttt{ROBIN}$ and show that it is near-optimal in terms of the number of clients $M$ and the privacy budget $\varepsilon$ by deriving nearly-matching upper and lower regret bounds when user-level DP is satisfied. For LDP, we obtain several lower bounds, indicating that learning under user-level $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-LDP must suffer a regret blow-up factor at least $\min\{1/\varepsilon,M\}$ or $\min\{1/\sqrt{\varepsilon},\sqrt{M}\}$ under different conditions.
Abstract:We investigate the contraction properties of locally differentially private mechanisms. More specifically, we derive tight upper bounds on the divergence between $PK$ and $QK$ output distributions of an $\epsilon$-LDP mechanism $K$ in terms of a divergence between the corresponding input distributions $P$ and $Q$, respectively. Our first main technical result presents a sharp upper bound on the $\chi^2$-divergence $\chi^2(PK\|QK)$ in terms of $\chi^2(P\|Q)$ and $\epsilon$. We also show that the same result holds for a large family of divergences, including KL-divergence and squared Hellinger distance. The second main technical result gives an upper bound on $\chi^2(PK\|QK)$ in terms of total variation distance $TV(P, Q)$ and $\epsilon$. We then utilize these bounds to establish locally private versions of the Cram\'er-Rao bound, Le Cam's, Assouad's, and the mutual information methods, which are powerful tools for bounding minimax estimation risks. These results are shown to lead to better privacy analyses than the state-of-the-arts in several statistical problems such as entropy and discrete distribution estimation, non-parametric density estimation, and hypothesis testing.
Abstract:Many modern machine learning algorithms are composed of simple private algorithms; thus, an increasingly important problem is to efficiently compute the overall privacy loss under composition. In this study, we introduce the Edgeworth Accountant, an analytical approach to composing differential privacy guarantees of private algorithms. The Edgeworth Accountant starts by losslessly tracking the privacy loss under composition using the $f$-differential privacy framework, which allows us to express the privacy guarantees using privacy-loss log-likelihood ratios (PLLRs). As the name suggests, this accountant next uses the Edgeworth expansion to the upper and lower bounds the probability distribution of the sum of the PLLRs. Moreover, by relying on a technique for approximating complex distributions using simple ones, we demonstrate that the Edgeworth Accountant can be applied to the composition of any noise-addition mechanism. Owing to certain appealing features of the Edgeworth expansion, the $(\epsilon, \delta)$-differential privacy bounds offered by this accountant are non-asymptotic, with essentially no extra computational cost, as opposed to the prior approaches in, wherein the running times increase with the number of compositions. Finally, we demonstrate that our upper and lower $(\epsilon, \delta)$-differential privacy bounds are tight in federated analytics and certain regimes of training private deep learning models.
Abstract:We study the problem of robustly estimating the parameter $p$ of an Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graph on $n$ nodes, where a $\gamma$ fraction of nodes may be adversarially corrupted. After showing the deficiencies of canonical estimators, we design a computationally-efficient spectral algorithm which estimates $p$ up to accuracy $\tilde O(\sqrt{p(1-p)}/n + \gamma\sqrt{p(1-p)} /\sqrt{n}+ \gamma/n)$ for $\gamma < 1/60$. Furthermore, we give an inefficient algorithm with similar accuracy for all $\gamma <1/2$, the information-theoretic limit. Finally, we prove a nearly-matching statistical lower bound, showing that the error of our algorithms is optimal up to logarithmic factors.
Abstract:We study stochastic convex optimization with heavy-tailed data under the constraint of differential privacy. Most prior work on this problem is restricted to the case where the loss function is Lipschitz. Instead, as introduced by Wang, Xiao, Devadas, and Xu, we study general convex loss functions with the assumption that the distribution of gradients has bounded $k$-th moments. We provide improved upper bounds on the excess population risk under approximate differential privacy of $\tilde{O}\left(\sqrt{\frac{d}{n}}+\left(\frac{d}{\epsilon n}\right)^{\frac{k-1}{k}}\right)$ and $\tilde{O}\left(\frac{d}{n}+\left(\frac{d}{\epsilon n}\right)^{\frac{2k-2}{k}}\right)$ for convex and strongly convex loss functions, respectively. We also prove nearly-matching lower bounds under the constraint of pure differential privacy, giving strong evidence that our bounds are tight.