Abstract:Diffusion models have emerged as powerful tools for generative modeling, demonstrating exceptional capability in capturing target data distributions from large datasets. However, fine-tuning these massive models for specific downstream tasks, constraints, and human preferences remains a critical challenge. While recent advances have leveraged reinforcement learning algorithms to tackle this problem, much of the progress has been empirical, with limited theoretical understanding. To bridge this gap, we propose a stochastic control framework for fine-tuning diffusion models. Building on denoising diffusion probabilistic models as the pre-trained reference dynamics, our approach integrates linear dynamics control with Kullback-Leibler regularization. We establish the well-posedness and regularity of the stochastic control problem and develop a policy iteration algorithm (PI-FT) for numerical solution. We show that PI-FT achieves global convergence at a linear rate. Unlike existing work that assumes regularities throughout training, we prove that the control and value sequences generated by the algorithm maintain the regularity. Additionally, we explore extensions of our framework to parametric settings and continuous-time formulations.
Abstract:Machine learning models are often trained on sensitive data (e.g., medical records and race/gender) that is distributed across different "silos" (e.g., hospitals). These federated learning models may then be used to make consequential decisions, such as allocating healthcare resources. Two key challenges emerge in this setting: (i) maintaining the privacy of each person's data, even if other silos or an adversary with access to the central server tries to infer this data; (ii) ensuring that decisions are fair to different demographic groups (e.g., race/gender). In this paper, we develop a novel algorithm for private and fair federated learning (FL). Our algorithm satisfies inter-silo record-level differential privacy (ISRL-DP), a strong notion of private FL requiring that silo i's sent messages satisfy record-level differential privacy for all i. Our framework can be used to promote different fairness notions, including demographic parity and equalized odds. We prove that our algorithm converges under mild smoothness assumptions on the loss function, whereas prior work required strong convexity for convergence. As a byproduct of our analysis, we obtain the first convergence guarantee for ISRL-DP nonconvex-strongly concave min-max FL. Experiments demonstrate the state-of-the-art fairness-accuracy tradeoffs of our algorithm across different privacy levels.
Abstract:Fine-tuning language models (LMs) with the Adam optimizer often demands excessive memory, limiting accessibility. The "in-place" version of Stochastic Gradient Descent (IP-SGD) and Memory-Efficient Zeroth-order Optimizer (MeZO) have been proposed to address this. However, IP-SGD still requires substantial memory, and MeZO suffers from slow convergence and degraded final performance due to its zeroth-order nature. This paper introduces Addax, a novel method that improves both memory efficiency and performance of IP-SGD by integrating it with MeZO. Specifically, Addax computes zeroth- or first-order gradients of data points in the minibatch based on their memory consumption, combining these gradient estimates to update directions. By computing zeroth-order gradients for data points that require more memory and first-order gradients for others, Addax overcomes the slow convergence of MeZO and the excessive memory requirement of IP-SGD. Additionally, the zeroth-order gradient acts as a regularizer for the first-order gradient, further enhancing the model's final performance. Theoretically, we establish the convergence of Addax under mild assumptions, demonstrating faster convergence and less restrictive hyper-parameter choices than MeZO. Our experiments with diverse LMs and tasks show that Addax consistently outperforms MeZO regarding accuracy and convergence speed while having a comparable memory footprint. When fine-tuning OPT-13B with one A100 GPU, on average, Addax outperforms MeZO in accuracy/F1 score by 14% and runs 15x faster while using memory similar to MeZO. In our experiments on the larger OPT-30B model, on average, Addax outperforms MeZO in terms of accuracy/F1 score by >16 and runs 30x faster on a single H100 GPU. Moreover, Addax surpasses the performance of standard fine-tuning approaches, such as IP-SGD and Adam, in most tasks with significantly less memory requirement.
Abstract:Differential privacy (DP) offers a robust framework for safeguarding individual data privacy. To utilize DP in training modern machine learning models, differentially private optimizers have been widely used in recent years. A popular approach to privatize an optimizer is to clip the individual gradients and add sufficiently large noise to the clipped gradient. This approach led to the development of DP optimizers that have comparable performance with their non-private counterparts in fine-tuning tasks or in tasks with a small number of training parameters. However, a significant performance drop is observed when these optimizers are applied to large-scale training. This degradation stems from the substantial noise injection required to maintain DP, which disrupts the optimizer's dynamics. This paper introduces DiSK, a novel framework designed to significantly enhance the performance of DP optimizers. DiSK employs Kalman filtering, a technique drawn from control and signal processing, to effectively denoise privatized gradients and generate progressively refined gradient estimations. To ensure practicality for large-scale training, we simplify the Kalman filtering process, minimizing its memory and computational demands. We establish theoretical privacy-utility trade-off guarantees for DiSK, and demonstrate provable improvements over standard DP optimizers like DPSGD in terms of iteration complexity upper-bound. Extensive experiments across diverse tasks, including vision tasks such as CIFAR-100 and ImageNet-1k and language fine-tuning tasks such as GLUE, E2E, and DART, validate the effectiveness of DiSK. The results showcase its ability to significantly improve the performance of DP optimizers, surpassing state-of-the-art results under the same privacy constraints on several benchmarks.
Abstract:As Large Language Models (LLMs) proliferate, developing privacy safeguards for these models is crucial. One popular safeguard involves training LLMs in a differentially private manner. However, such solutions are shown to be computationally expensive and detrimental to the utility of these models. Since LLMs are deployed on the cloud and thus only accessible via an API, a Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) provider can protect its downstream data by privatizing the predictions during the decoding process. However, the practicality of such solutions still largely lags behind DP training methods. One recent promising approach, Private Mixing of Ensemble Distributions (PMixED), avoids additive noise by sampling from the output distributions of private LLMs mixed with the output distribution of a public model. Yet, PMixED must satisfy a fixed privacy level for a given number of queries, which is difficult for an analyst to estimate before inference and, hence, does not scale. To this end, we relax the requirements to a more practical setting by introducing Adaptive PMixED (AdaPMixED), a private decoding framework based on PMixED that is adaptive to the private and public output distributions evaluated on a given input query. In this setting, we introduce a noisy screening mechanism that filters out queries with potentially expensive privacy loss, and a data-dependent analysis that exploits the divergence of the private and public output distributions in its privacy loss calculation. Our experimental evaluations demonstrate that our mechanism and analysis can reduce the privacy loss by 16x while preserving the utility over the original PMixED. Furthermore, performing 100K predictions with AdaPMixED still achieves strong utility and a reasonable data-dependent privacy loss of 5.25.
Abstract:Privacy is a growing concern in modern deep-learning systems and applications. Differentially private (DP) training prevents the leakage of sensitive information in the collected training data from the trained machine learning models. DP optimizers, including DP stochastic gradient descent (DPSGD) and its variants, privatize the training procedure by gradient clipping and DP noise injection. However, in practice, DP models trained using DPSGD and its variants often suffer from significant model performance degradation. Such degradation prevents the application of DP optimization in many key tasks, such as foundation model pretraining. In this paper, we provide a novel signal processing perspective to the design and analysis of DP optimizers. We show that a ``frequency domain'' operation called low-pass filtering can be used to effectively reduce the impact of DP noise. More specifically, by defining the ``frequency domain'' for both the gradient and differential privacy (DP) noise, we have developed a new component, called DOPPLER. This component is designed for DP algorithms and works by effectively amplifying the gradient while suppressing DP noise within this frequency domain. As a result, it maintains privacy guarantees and enhances the quality of the DP-protected model. Our experiments show that the proposed DP optimizers with a low-pass filter outperform their counterparts without the filter by 3%-10% in test accuracy on various models and datasets. Both theoretical and practical evidence suggest that the DOPPLER is effective in closing the gap between DP and non-DP training.
Abstract:Ensuring the privacy of Large Language Models (LLMs) is becoming increasingly important. The most widely adopted technique to accomplish this is DP-SGD, which trains a model to guarantee Differential Privacy (DP). However, DP-SGD overestimates an adversary's capabilities in having white box access to the model and, as a result, causes longer training times and larger memory usage than SGD. On the other hand, commercial LLM deployments are predominantly cloud-based; hence, adversarial access to LLMs is black-box. Motivated by these observations, we present Private Mixing of Ensemble Distributions (PMixED): a private prediction protocol for next-token prediction that utilizes the inherent stochasticity of next-token sampling and a public model to achieve Differential Privacy. We formalize this by introducing RD-mollifers which project each of the model's output distribution from an ensemble of fine-tuned LLMs onto a set around a public LLM's output distribution, then average the projected distributions and sample from it. Unlike DP-SGD which needs to consider the model architecture during training, PMixED is model agnostic, which makes PMixED a very appealing solution for current deployments. Our results show that PMixED achieves a stronger privacy guarantee than sample-level privacy and outperforms DP-SGD for privacy $\epsilon = 8$ on large-scale datasets. Thus, PMixED offers a practical alternative to DP training methods for achieving strong generative utility without compromising privacy.
Abstract:Diffusion models have emerged as a powerful tool rivaling GANs in generating high-quality samples with improved fidelity, flexibility, and robustness. A key component of these models is to learn the score function through score matching. Despite empirical success on various tasks, it remains unclear whether gradient-based algorithms can learn the score function with a provable accuracy. As a first step toward answering this question, this paper establishes a mathematical framework for analyzing score estimation using neural networks trained by gradient descent. Our analysis covers both the optimization and the generalization aspects of the learning procedure. In particular, we propose a parametric form to formulate the denoising score-matching problem as a regression with noisy labels. Compared to the standard supervised learning setup, the score-matching problem introduces distinct challenges, including unbounded input, vector-valued output, and an additional time variable, preventing existing techniques from being applied directly. In this paper, we show that with a properly designed neural network architecture, the score function can be accurately approximated by a reproducing kernel Hilbert space induced by neural tangent kernels. Furthermore, by applying an early-stopping rule for gradient descent and leveraging certain coupling arguments between neural network training and kernel regression, we establish the first generalization error (sample complexity) bounds for learning the score function despite the presence of noise in the observations. Our analysis is grounded in a novel parametric form of the neural network and an innovative connection between score matching and regression analysis, facilitating the application of advanced statistical and optimization techniques.
Abstract:Training and deploying machine learning models that meet fairness criteria for protected groups are fundamental in modern artificial intelligence. While numerous constraints and regularization terms have been proposed in the literature to promote fairness in machine learning tasks, most of these methods are not amenable to stochastic optimization due to the complex and nonlinear structure of constraints and regularizers. Here, the term "stochastic" refers to the ability of the algorithm to work with small mini-batches of data. Motivated by the limitation of existing literature, this paper presents a unified stochastic optimization framework for fair empirical risk minimization based on f-divergence measures (f-FERM). The proposed stochastic algorithm enjoys theoretical convergence guarantees. In addition, our experiments demonstrate the superiority of fairness-accuracy tradeoffs offered by f-FERM for almost all batch sizes (ranging from full-batch to batch size of one). Moreover, we show that our framework can be extended to the case where there is a distribution shift from training to the test data. Our extension is based on a distributionally robust optimization reformulation of f-FERM objective under $L_p$ norms as uncertainty sets. Again, in this distributionally robust setting, f-FERM not only enjoys theoretical convergence guarantees but also outperforms other baselines in the literature in the tasks involving distribution shifts. An efficient stochastic implementation of $f$-FERM is publicly available.
Abstract:While training fair machine learning models has been studied extensively in recent years, most developed methods rely on the assumption that the training and test data have similar distributions. In the presence of distribution shifts, fair models may behave unfairly on test data. There have been some developments for fair learning robust to distribution shifts to address this shortcoming. However, most proposed solutions are based on the assumption of having access to the causal graph describing the interaction of different features. Moreover, existing algorithms require full access to data and cannot be used when small batches are used (stochastic/batch implementation). This paper proposes the first stochastic distributionally robust fairness framework with convergence guarantees that do not require knowledge of the causal graph. More specifically, we formulate the fair inference in the presence of the distribution shift as a distributionally robust optimization problem under $L_p$ norm uncertainty sets with respect to the Exponential Renyi Mutual Information (ERMI) as the measure of fairness violation. We then discuss how the proposed method can be implemented in a stochastic fashion. We have evaluated the presented framework's performance and efficiency through extensive experiments on real datasets consisting of distribution shifts.