Abstract:Over more than a decade there has been an extensive research effort on how to effectively utilize recurrent models and attention. While recurrent models aim to compress the data into a fixed-size memory (called hidden state), attention allows attending to the entire context window, capturing the direct dependencies of all tokens. This more accurate modeling of dependencies, however, comes with a quadratic cost, limiting the model to a fixed-length context. We present a new neural long-term memory module that learns to memorize historical context and helps attention to attend to the current context while utilizing long past information. We show that this neural memory has the advantage of fast parallelizable training while maintaining a fast inference. From a memory perspective, we argue that attention due to its limited context but accurate dependency modeling performs as a short-term memory, while neural memory due to its ability to memorize the data, acts as a long-term, more persistent, memory. Based on these two modules, we introduce a new family of architectures, called Titans, and present three variants to address how one can effectively incorporate memory into this architecture. Our experimental results on language modeling, common-sense reasoning, genomics, and time series tasks show that Titans are more effective than Transformers and recent modern linear recurrent models. They further can effectively scale to larger than 2M context window size with higher accuracy in needle-in-haystack tasks compared to baselines.
Abstract:Modern sequence models (e.g., Transformers, linear RNNs, etc.) emerged as dominant backbones of recent deep learning frameworks, mainly due to their efficiency, representational power, and/or ability to capture long-range dependencies. Adopting these sequence models for graph-structured data has recently gained popularity as the alternative to Message Passing Neural Networks (MPNNs). There is, however, a lack of a common foundation about what constitutes a good graph sequence model, and a mathematical description of the benefits and deficiencies in adopting different sequence models for learning on graphs. To this end, we first present Graph Sequence Model (GSM), a unifying framework for adopting sequence models for graphs, consisting of three main steps: (1) Tokenization, which translates the graph into a set of sequences; (2) Local Encoding, which encodes local neighborhoods around each node; and (3) Global Encoding, which employs a scalable sequence model to capture long-range dependencies within the sequences. This framework allows us to understand, evaluate, and compare the power of different sequence model backbones in graph tasks. Our theoretical evaluations of the representation power of Transformers and modern recurrent models through the lens of global and local graph tasks show that there are both negative and positive sides for both types of models. Building on this observation, we present GSM++, a fast hybrid model that uses the Hierarchical Affinity Clustering (HAC) algorithm to tokenize the graph into hierarchical sequences, and then employs a hybrid architecture of Transformer to encode these sequences. Our theoretical and experimental results support the design of GSM++, showing that GSM++ outperforms baselines in most benchmark evaluations.
Abstract:We study procurement auctions, where an auctioneer seeks to acquire services from strategic sellers with private costs. The quality of services is measured by a submodular function known to the auctioneer. Our goal is to design computationally efficient procurement auctions that (approximately) maximize the difference between the quality of the acquired services and the total cost of the sellers, while ensuring incentive compatibility (IC), individual rationality (IR) for sellers, and non-negative surplus (NAS) for the auctioneer. Our contributions are twofold: (i) we provide an improved analysis of existing algorithms for non-positive submodular function maximization, and (ii) we design efficient frameworks that transform submodular optimization algorithms into mechanisms that are IC, IR, NAS, and approximation-preserving. These frameworks apply to both the offline setting, where all sellers' bids and services are available simultaneously, and the online setting, where sellers arrive in an adversarial order, requiring the auctioneer to make irrevocable decisions. We also explore whether state-of-the-art submodular optimization algorithms can be converted into descending auctions in adversarial settings, where the schedule of descending prices is determined by an adversary. We show that a submodular optimization algorithm satisfying bi-criteria $(1/2, 1)$-approximation in welfare can be effectively adapted to a descending auction. Additionally, we establish a connection between descending auctions and online submodular optimization. Finally, we demonstrate the practical applications of our frameworks by instantiating them with state-of-the-art submodular optimization algorithms and empirically comparing their welfare performance on publicly available datasets with thousands of sellers.
Abstract:We introduce the ParClusterers Benchmark Suite (PCBS) -- a collection of highly scalable parallel graph clustering algorithms and benchmarking tools that streamline comparing different graph clustering algorithms and implementations. The benchmark includes clustering algorithms that target a wide range of modern clustering use cases, including community detection, classification, and dense subgraph mining. The benchmark toolkit makes it easy to run and evaluate multiple instances of different clustering algorithms, which can be useful for fine-tuning the performance of clustering on a given task, and for comparing different clustering algorithms based on different metrics of interest, including clustering quality and running time. Using PCBS, we evaluate a broad collection of real-world graph clustering datasets. Somewhat surprisingly, we find that the best quality results are obtained by algorithms that not included in many popular graph clustering toolkits. The PCBS provides a standardized way to evaluate and judge the quality-performance tradeoffs of the active research area of scalable graph clustering algorithms. We believe it will help enable fair, accurate, and nuanced evaluation of graph clustering algorithms in the future.
Abstract:Fine-tuning language models (LMs) with the Adam optimizer often demands excessive memory, limiting accessibility. The "in-place" version of Stochastic Gradient Descent (IP-SGD) and Memory-Efficient Zeroth-order Optimizer (MeZO) have been proposed to address this. However, IP-SGD still requires substantial memory, and MeZO suffers from slow convergence and degraded final performance due to its zeroth-order nature. This paper introduces Addax, a novel method that improves both memory efficiency and performance of IP-SGD by integrating it with MeZO. Specifically, Addax computes zeroth- or first-order gradients of data points in the minibatch based on their memory consumption, combining these gradient estimates to update directions. By computing zeroth-order gradients for data points that require more memory and first-order gradients for others, Addax overcomes the slow convergence of MeZO and the excessive memory requirement of IP-SGD. Additionally, the zeroth-order gradient acts as a regularizer for the first-order gradient, further enhancing the model's final performance. Theoretically, we establish the convergence of Addax under mild assumptions, demonstrating faster convergence and less restrictive hyper-parameter choices than MeZO. Our experiments with diverse LMs and tasks show that Addax consistently outperforms MeZO regarding accuracy and convergence speed while having a comparable memory footprint. When fine-tuning OPT-13B with one A100 GPU, on average, Addax outperforms MeZO in accuracy/F1 score by 14% and runs 15x faster while using memory similar to MeZO. In our experiments on the larger OPT-30B model, on average, Addax outperforms MeZO in terms of accuracy/F1 score by >16 and runs 30x faster on a single H100 GPU. Moreover, Addax surpasses the performance of standard fine-tuning approaches, such as IP-SGD and Adam, in most tasks with significantly less memory requirement.
Abstract:Differential privacy (DP) offers a robust framework for safeguarding individual data privacy. To utilize DP in training modern machine learning models, differentially private optimizers have been widely used in recent years. A popular approach to privatize an optimizer is to clip the individual gradients and add sufficiently large noise to the clipped gradient. This approach led to the development of DP optimizers that have comparable performance with their non-private counterparts in fine-tuning tasks or in tasks with a small number of training parameters. However, a significant performance drop is observed when these optimizers are applied to large-scale training. This degradation stems from the substantial noise injection required to maintain DP, which disrupts the optimizer's dynamics. This paper introduces DiSK, a novel framework designed to significantly enhance the performance of DP optimizers. DiSK employs Kalman filtering, a technique drawn from control and signal processing, to effectively denoise privatized gradients and generate progressively refined gradient estimations. To ensure practicality for large-scale training, we simplify the Kalman filtering process, minimizing its memory and computational demands. We establish theoretical privacy-utility trade-off guarantees for DiSK, and demonstrate provable improvements over standard DP optimizers like DPSGD in terms of iteration complexity upper-bound. Extensive experiments across diverse tasks, including vision tasks such as CIFAR-100 and ImageNet-1k and language fine-tuning tasks such as GLUE, E2E, and DART, validate the effectiveness of DiSK. The results showcase its ability to significantly improve the performance of DP optimizers, surpassing state-of-the-art results under the same privacy constraints on several benchmarks.
Abstract:The performance of a model trained with \textit{noisy labels} is often improved by simply \textit{retraining} the model with its own predicted \textit{hard} labels (i.e., $1$/$0$ labels). Yet, a detailed theoretical characterization of this phenomenon is lacking. In this paper, we theoretically analyze retraining in a linearly separable setting with randomly corrupted labels given to us and prove that retraining can improve the population accuracy obtained by initially training with the given (noisy) labels. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first such theoretical result. Retraining finds application in improving training with label differential privacy (DP) which involves training with noisy labels. We empirically show that retraining selectively on the samples for which the predicted label matches the given label significantly improves label DP training at \textit{no extra privacy cost}; we call this \textit{consensus-based retraining}. For e.g., when training ResNet-18 on CIFAR-100 with $\epsilon=3$ label DP, we obtain $6.4\%$ improvement in accuracy with consensus-based retraining.
Abstract:We revisit the input perturbations framework for differential privacy where noise is added to the input $A\in \mathcal{S}$ and the result is then projected back to the space of admissible datasets $\mathcal{S}$. Through this framework, we first design novel efficient algorithms to privately release pair-wise cosine similarities. Second, we derive a novel algorithm to compute $k$-way marginal queries over $n$ features. Prior work could achieve comparable guarantees only for $k$ even. Furthermore, we extend our results to $t$-sparse datasets, where our efficient algorithms yields novel, stronger guarantees whenever $t\le n^{5/6}/\log n\,.$ Finally, we provide a theoretical perspective on why \textit{fast} input perturbation algorithms works well in practice. The key technical ingredients behind our results are tight sum-of-squares certificates upper bounding the Gaussian complexity of sets of solutions.
Abstract:We consider a weakly supervised learning problem called Learning from Label Proportions (LLP), where examples are grouped into ``bags'' and only the average label within each bag is revealed to the learner. We study various learning rules for LLP that achieve PAC learning guarantees for classification loss. We establish that the classical Empirical Proportional Risk Minimization (EPRM) learning rule (Yu et al., 2014) achieves fast rates under realizability, but EPRM and similar proportion matching learning rules can fail in the agnostic setting. We also show that (1) a debiased proportional square loss, as well as (2) a recently proposed EasyLLP learning rule (Busa-Fekete et al., 2023) both achieve ``optimistic rates'' (Panchenko, 2002); in both the realizable and agnostic settings, their sample complexity is optimal (up to log factors) in terms of $\epsilon, \delta$, and VC dimension.
Abstract:Neural embedding models have become a fundamental component of modern information retrieval (IR) pipelines. These models produce a single embedding $x \in \mathbb{R}^d$ per data-point, allowing for fast retrieval via highly optimized maximum inner product search (MIPS) algorithms. Recently, beginning with the landmark ColBERT paper, multi-vector models, which produce a set of embedding per data point, have achieved markedly superior performance for IR tasks. Unfortunately, using these models for IR is computationally expensive due to the increased complexity of multi-vector retrieval and scoring. In this paper, we introduce MUVERA (MUlti-VEctor Retrieval Algorithm), a retrieval mechanism which reduces multi-vector similarity search to single-vector similarity search. This enables the usage of off-the-shelf MIPS solvers for multi-vector retrieval. MUVERA asymmetrically generates Fixed Dimensional Encodings (FDEs) of queries and documents, which are vectors whose inner product approximates multi-vector similarity. We prove that FDEs give high-quality $\epsilon$-approximations, thus providing the first single-vector proxy for multi-vector similarity with theoretical guarantees. Empirically, we find that FDEs achieve the same recall as prior state-of-the-art heuristics while retrieving 2-5$\times$ fewer candidates. Compared to prior state of the art implementations, MUVERA achieves consistently good end-to-end recall and latency across a diverse set of the BEIR retrieval datasets, achieving an average of 10$\%$ improved recall with $90\%$ lower latency.