Michael Pokorny
Abstract:Benchmarks are important tools for tracking the rapid advancements in large language model (LLM) capabilities. However, benchmarks are not keeping pace in difficulty: LLMs now achieve over 90\% accuracy on popular benchmarks like MMLU, limiting informed measurement of state-of-the-art LLM capabilities. In response, we introduce Humanity's Last Exam (HLE), a multi-modal benchmark at the frontier of human knowledge, designed to be the final closed-ended academic benchmark of its kind with broad subject coverage. HLE consists of 3,000 questions across dozens of subjects, including mathematics, humanities, and the natural sciences. HLE is developed globally by subject-matter experts and consists of multiple-choice and short-answer questions suitable for automated grading. Each question has a known solution that is unambiguous and easily verifiable, but cannot be quickly answered via internet retrieval. State-of-the-art LLMs demonstrate low accuracy and calibration on HLE, highlighting a significant gap between current LLM capabilities and the expert human frontier on closed-ended academic questions. To inform research and policymaking upon a clear understanding of model capabilities, we publicly release HLE at https://lastexam.ai.
Abstract:Low-rank adaptations (LoRAs) have revolutionized the finetuning of large foundation models, enabling efficient adaptation even with limited computational resources. The resulting proliferation of LoRAs presents exciting opportunities for applying machine learning techniques that take these low-rank weights themselves as inputs. In this paper, we investigate the potential of Learning on LoRAs (LoL), a paradigm where LoRA weights serve as input to machine learning models. For instance, an LoL model that takes in LoRA weights as inputs could predict the performance of the finetuned model on downstream tasks, detect potentially harmful finetunes, or even generate novel model edits without traditional training methods. We first identify the inherent parameter symmetries of low rank decompositions of weights, which differ significantly from the parameter symmetries of standard neural networks. To efficiently process LoRA weights, we develop several symmetry-aware invariant or equivariant LoL models, using tools such as canonicalization, invariant featurization, and equivariant layers. We finetune thousands of text-to-image diffusion models and language models to collect datasets of LoRAs. In numerical experiments on these datasets, we show that our LoL architectures are capable of processing low rank weight decompositions to predict CLIP score, finetuning data attributes, finetuning data membership, and accuracy on downstream tasks.
Abstract:Many algorithms and observed phenomena in deep learning appear to be affected by parameter symmetries -- transformations of neural network parameters that do not change the underlying neural network function. These include linear mode connectivity, model merging, Bayesian neural network inference, metanetworks, and several other characteristics of optimization or loss-landscapes. However, theoretical analysis of the relationship between parameter space symmetries and these phenomena is difficult. In this work, we empirically investigate the impact of neural parameter symmetries by introducing new neural network architectures that have reduced parameter space symmetries. We develop two methods, with some provable guarantees, of modifying standard neural networks to reduce parameter space symmetries. With these new methods, we conduct a comprehensive experimental study consisting of multiple tasks aimed at assessing the effect of removing parameter symmetries. Our experiments reveal several interesting observations on the empirical impact of parameter symmetries; for instance, we observe linear mode connectivity between our networks without alignment of weight spaces, and we find that our networks allow for faster and more effective Bayesian neural network training.
Abstract:In many applications, we desire neural networks to exhibit invariance or equivariance to certain groups due to symmetries inherent in the data. Recently, frame-averaging methods emerged to be a unified framework for attaining symmetries efficiently by averaging over input-dependent subsets of the group, i.e., frames. What we currently lack is a principled understanding of the design of frames. In this work, we introduce a canonization perspective that provides an essential and complete view of the design of frames. Canonization is a classic approach for attaining invariance by mapping inputs to their canonical forms. We show that there exists an inherent connection between frames and canonical forms. Leveraging this connection, we can efficiently compare the complexity of frames as well as determine the optimality of certain frames. Guided by this principle, we design novel frames for eigenvectors that are strictly superior to existing methods -- some are even optimal -- both theoretically and empirically. The reduction to the canonization perspective further uncovers equivalences between previous methods. These observations suggest that canonization provides a fundamental understanding of existing frame-averaging methods and unifies existing equivariant and invariant learning methods.
Abstract:Machine learning on graphs, especially using graph neural networks (GNNs), has seen a surge in interest due to the wide availability of graph data across a broad spectrum of disciplines, from life to social and engineering sciences. Despite their practical success, our theoretical understanding of the properties of GNNs remains highly incomplete. Recent theoretical advancements primarily focus on elucidating the coarse-grained expressive power of GNNs, predominantly employing combinatorial techniques. However, these studies do not perfectly align with practice, particularly in understanding the generalization behavior of GNNs when trained with stochastic first-order optimization techniques. In this position paper, we argue that the graph machine learning community needs to shift its attention to developing a more balanced theory of graph machine learning, focusing on a more thorough understanding of the interplay of expressive power, generalization, and optimization.
Abstract:Neural networks efficiently encode learned information within their parameters. Consequently, many tasks can be unified by treating neural networks themselves as input data. When doing so, recent studies demonstrated the importance of accounting for the symmetries and geometry of parameter spaces. However, those works developed architectures tailored to specific networks such as MLPs and CNNs without normalization layers, and generalizing such architectures to other types of networks can be challenging. In this work, we overcome these challenges by building new metanetworks - neural networks that take weights from other neural networks as input. Put simply, we carefully build graphs representing the input neural networks and process the graphs using graph neural networks. Our approach, Graph Metanetworks (GMNs), generalizes to neural architectures where competing methods struggle, such as multi-head attention layers, normalization layers, convolutional layers, ResNet blocks, and group-equivariant linear layers. We prove that GMNs are expressive and equivariant to parameter permutation symmetries that leave the input neural network functions unchanged. We validate the effectiveness of our method on several metanetwork tasks over diverse neural network architectures.
Abstract:Recent work has shown the utility of developing machine learning models that respect the structure and symmetries of eigenvectors. These works promote sign invariance, since for any eigenvector v the negation -v is also an eigenvector. However, we show that sign invariance is theoretically limited for tasks such as building orthogonally equivariant models and learning node positional encodings for link prediction in graphs. In this work, we demonstrate the benefits of sign equivariance for these tasks. To obtain these benefits, we develop novel sign equivariant neural network architectures. Our models are based on a new analytic characterization of sign equivariant polynomials and thus inherit provable expressiveness properties. Controlled synthetic experiments show that our networks can achieve the theoretically predicted benefits of sign equivariant models. Code is available at https://github.com/cptq/Sign-Equivariant-Nets.
Abstract:Self-supervised learning converts raw perceptual data such as images to a compact space where simple Euclidean distances measure meaningful variations in data. In this paper, we extend this formulation by adding additional geometric structure to the embedding space by enforcing transformations of input space to correspond to simple (i.e., linear) transformations of embedding space. Specifically, in the contrastive learning setting, we introduce an equivariance objective and theoretically prove that its minima forces augmentations on input space to correspond to rotations on the spherical embedding space. We show that merely combining our equivariant loss with a non-collapse term results in non-trivial representations, without requiring invariance to data augmentations. Optimal performance is achieved by also encouraging approximate invariance, where input augmentations correspond to small rotations. Our method, CARE: Contrastive Augmentation-induced Rotational Equivariance, leads to improved performance on downstream tasks, and ensures sensitivity in embedding space to important variations in data (e.g., color) that standard contrastive methods do not achieve. Code is available at https://github.com/Sharut/CARE.
Abstract:Transformers for graph data are increasingly widely studied and successful in numerous learning tasks. Graph inductive biases are crucial for Graph Transformers, and previous works incorporate them using message-passing modules and/or positional encodings. However, Graph Transformers that use message-passing inherit known issues of message-passing, and differ significantly from Transformers used in other domains, thus making transfer of research advances more difficult. On the other hand, Graph Transformers without message-passing often perform poorly on smaller datasets, where inductive biases are more crucial. To bridge this gap, we propose the Graph Inductive bias Transformer (GRIT) -- a new Graph Transformer that incorporates graph inductive biases without using message passing. GRIT is based on several architectural changes that are each theoretically and empirically justified, including: learned relative positional encodings initialized with random walk probabilities, a flexible attention mechanism that updates node and node-pair representations, and injection of degree information in each layer. We prove that GRIT is expressive -- it can express shortest path distances and various graph propagation matrices. GRIT achieves state-of-the-art empirical performance across a variety of graph datasets, thus showing the power that Graph Transformers without message-passing can deliver.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNN) are inherently limited in their expressive power. Recent seminal works (Xu et al., 2019; Morris et al., 2019b) introduced the Weisfeiler-Lehman (WL) hierarchy as a measure of expressive power. Although this hierarchy has propelled significant advances in GNN analysis and architecture developments, it suffers from several significant limitations. These include a complex definition that lacks direct guidance for model improvement and a WL hierarchy that is too coarse to study current GNNs. This paper introduces an alternative expressive power hierarchy based on the ability of GNNs to calculate equivariant polynomials of a certain degree. As a first step, we provide a full characterization of all equivariant graph polynomials by introducing a concrete basis, significantly generalizing previous results. Each basis element corresponds to a specific multi-graph, and its computation over some graph data input corresponds to a tensor contraction problem. Second, we propose algorithmic tools for evaluating the expressiveness of GNNs using tensor contraction sequences, and calculate the expressive power of popular GNNs. Finally, we enhance the expressivity of common GNN architectures by adding polynomial features or additional operations / aggregations inspired by our theory. These enhanced GNNs demonstrate state-of-the-art results in experiments across multiple graph learning benchmarks.