Abstract:Domain adaptation (DA) for cardiac ultrasound image segmentation is clinically significant and valuable. However, previous domain adaptation methods are prone to be affected by the incomplete pseudo-label and low-quality target to source images. Human-centric domain adaptation has great advantages of human cognitive guidance to help model adapt to target domain and reduce reliance on labels. Doctor gaze trajectories contains a large amount of cross-domain human guidance. To leverage gaze information and human cognition for guiding domain adaptation, we propose gaze-assisted human-centric domain adaptation (GAHCDA), which reliably guides the domain adaptation of cardiac ultrasound images. GAHCDA includes following modules: (1) Gaze Augment Alignment (GAA): GAA enables the model to obtain human cognition general features to recognize segmentation target in different domain of cardiac ultrasound images like humans. (2) Gaze Balance Loss (GBL): GBL fused gaze heatmap with outputs which makes the segmentation result structurally closer to the target domain. The experimental results illustrate that our proposed framework is able to segment cardiac ultrasound images more effectively in the target domain than GAN-based methods and other self-train based methods, showing great potential in clinical application.
Abstract:Test-time adaptation aims to adapt pre-trained deep neural networks using solely online unlabelled test data during inference. Although TTA has shown promise in visual applications, its potential in time series contexts remains largely unexplored. Existing TTA methods, originally designed for visual tasks, may not effectively handle the complex temporal dynamics of real-world time series data, resulting in suboptimal adaptation performance. To address this gap, we propose Augmented Contrastive Clustering with Uncertainty-aware Prototyping (ACCUP), a straightforward yet effective TTA method for time series data. Initially, our approach employs augmentation ensemble on the time series data to capture diverse temporal information and variations, incorporating uncertainty-aware prototypes to distill essential characteristics. Additionally, we introduce an entropy comparison scheme to selectively acquire more confident predictions, enhancing the reliability of pseudo labels. Furthermore, we utilize augmented contrastive clustering to enhance feature discriminability and mitigate error accumulation from noisy pseudo labels, promoting cohesive clustering within the same class while facilitating clear separation between different classes. Extensive experiments conducted on three real-world time series datasets and an additional visual dataset demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization potential of the proposed method, advancing the underexplored realm of TTA for time series data.
Abstract:Sparse views X-ray computed tomography has emerged as a contemporary technique to mitigate radiation dose. Because of the reduced number of projection views, traditional reconstruction methods can lead to severe artifacts. Recently, research studies utilizing deep learning methods has made promising progress in removing artifacts for Sparse-View Computed Tomography (SVCT). However, given the limitations on the generalization capability of deep learning models, current methods usually train models on fixed sampling rates, affecting the usability and flexibility of model deployment in real clinical settings. To address this issue, our study proposes a adaptive reconstruction method to achieve high-performance SVCT reconstruction at any sampling rate. Specifically, we design a novel imaging degradation operator in the proposed sampling diffusion model for SVCT (CT-SDM) to simulate the projection process in the sinogram domain. Thus, the CT-SDM can gradually add projection views to highly undersampled measurements to generalize the full-view sinograms. By choosing an appropriate starting point in diffusion inference, the proposed model can recover the full-view sinograms from any sampling rate with only one trained model. Experiments on several datasets have verified the effectiveness and robustness of our approach, demonstrating its superiority in reconstructing high-quality images from sparse-view CT scans across various sampling rates.
Abstract:Sparse-View Computed Tomography (SVCT) offers low-dose and fast imaging but suffers from severe artifacts. Optimizing the sampling strategy is an essential approach to improving the imaging quality of SVCT. However, current methods typically optimize a universal sampling strategy for all types of scans, overlooking the fact that the optimal strategy may vary depending on the specific scanning task, whether it involves particular body scans (e.g., chest CT scans) or downstream clinical applications (e.g., disease diagnosis). The optimal strategy for one scanning task may not perform as well when applied to other tasks. To address this problem, we propose a deep learning framework that learns task-specific sampling strategies with a multi-task approach to train a unified reconstruction network while tailoring optimal sampling strategies for each individual task. Thus, a task-specific sampling strategy can be applied for each type of scans to improve the quality of SVCT imaging and further assist in performance of downstream clinical usage. Extensive experiments across different scanning types provide validation for the effectiveness of task-specific sampling strategies in enhancing imaging quality. Experiments involving downstream tasks verify the clinical value of learned sampling strategies, as evidenced by notable improvements in downstream task performance. Furthermore, the utilization of a multi-task framework with a shared reconstruction network facilitates deployment on current imaging devices with switchable task-specific modules, and allows for easily integrate new tasks without retraining the entire model.
Abstract:Model intellectual property (IP) protection has attracted growing attention as science and technology advancements stem from human intellectual labor and computational expenses. Ensuring IP safety for trainers and owners is of utmost importance, particularly in domains where ownership verification and applicability authorization are required. A notable approach to safeguarding model IP involves proactively preventing the use of well-trained models of authorized domains from unauthorized domains. In this paper, we introduce a novel Compact Un-transferable Pyramid Isolation Domain (CUPI-Domain) which serves as a barrier against illegal transfers from authorized to unauthorized domains. Drawing inspiration from human transitive inference and learning abilities, the CUPI-Domain is designed to obstruct cross-domain transfers by emphasizing the distinctive style features of the authorized domain. This emphasis leads to failure in recognizing irrelevant private style features on unauthorized domains. To this end, we propose novel CUPI-Domain generators, which select features from both authorized and CUPI-Domain as anchors. Then, we fuse the style features and semantic features of these anchors to generate labeled and style-rich CUPI-Domain. Additionally, we design external Domain-Information Memory Banks (DIMB) for storing and updating labeled pyramid features to obtain stable domain class features and domain class-wise style features. Based on the proposed whole method, the novel style and discriminative loss functions are designed to effectively enhance the distinction in style and discriminative features between authorized and unauthorized domains, respectively. Moreover, we provide two solutions for utilizing CUPI-Domain based on whether the unauthorized domain is known: target-specified CUPI-Domain and target-free CUPI-Domain.
Abstract:Source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) aims to adapt a model pre-trained on a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain without access to source data, preserving the source domain's privacy. While SFDA is prevalent in computer vision, it remains largely unexplored in time series analysis. Existing SFDA methods, designed for visual data, struggle to capture the inherent temporal dynamics of time series, hindering adaptation performance. This paper proposes MAsk And imPUte (MAPU), a novel and effective approach for time series SFDA. MAPU addresses the critical challenge of temporal consistency by introducing a novel temporal imputation task. This task involves randomly masking time series signals and leveraging a dedicated temporal imputer to recover the original signal within the learned embedding space, bypassing the complexities of noisy raw data. Notably, MAPU is the first method to explicitly address temporal consistency in the context of time series SFDA. Additionally, it offers seamless integration with existing SFDA methods, providing greater flexibility. We further introduce E-MAPU, which incorporates evidential uncertainty estimation to address the overconfidence issue inherent in softmax predictions. To achieve that, we leverage evidential deep learning to obtain a better-calibrated pre-trained model and adapt the target encoder to map out-of-support target samples to a new feature representation closer to the source domain's support. This fosters better alignment, ultimately enhancing adaptation performance. Extensive experiments on five real-world time series datasets demonstrate that both MAPU and E-MAPU achieve significant performance gains compared to existing methods. These results highlight the effectiveness of our proposed approaches for tackling various time series domain adaptation problems.
Abstract:Deep learning has been extensively applied in medical image reconstruction, where Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Vision Transformers (ViTs) represent the predominant paradigms, each possessing distinct advantages and inherent limitations: CNNs exhibit linear complexity with local sensitivity, whereas ViTs demonstrate quadratic complexity with global sensitivity. The emerging Mamba has shown superiority in learning visual representation, which combines the advantages of linear scalability and global sensitivity. In this study, we introduce MambaMIR, an Arbitrary-Masked Mamba-based model with wavelet decomposition for joint medical image reconstruction and uncertainty estimation. A novel Arbitrary Scan Masking (ASM) mechanism ``masks out'' redundant information to introduce randomness for further uncertainty estimation. Compared to the commonly used Monte Carlo (MC) dropout, our proposed MC-ASM provides an uncertainty map without the need for hyperparameter tuning and mitigates the performance drop typically observed when applying dropout to low-level tasks. For further texture preservation and better perceptual quality, we employ the wavelet transformation into MambaMIR and explore its variant based on the Generative Adversarial Network, namely MambaMIR-GAN. Comprehensive experiments have been conducted for multiple representative medical image reconstruction tasks, demonstrating that the proposed MambaMIR and MambaMIR-GAN outperform other baseline and state-of-the-art methods in different reconstruction tasks, where MambaMIR achieves the best reconstruction fidelity and MambaMIR-GAN has the best perceptual quality. In addition, our MC-ASM provides uncertainty maps as an additional tool for clinicians, while mitigating the typical performance drop caused by the commonly used dropout.
Abstract:The recent Mamba model has shown remarkable adaptability for visual representation learning, including in medical imaging tasks. This study introduces MambaMIR, a Mamba-based model for medical image reconstruction, as well as its Generative Adversarial Network-based variant, MambaMIR-GAN. Our proposed MambaMIR inherits several advantages, such as linear complexity, global receptive fields, and dynamic weights, from the original Mamba model. The innovated arbitrary-mask mechanism effectively adapt Mamba to our image reconstruction task, providing randomness for subsequent Monte Carlo-based uncertainty estimation. Experiments conducted on various medical image reconstruction tasks, including fast MRI and SVCT, which cover anatomical regions such as the knee, chest, and abdomen, have demonstrated that MambaMIR and MambaMIR-GAN achieve comparable or superior reconstruction results relative to state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, the estimated uncertainty maps offer further insights into the reliability of the reconstruction quality. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/ayanglab/MambaMIR.
Abstract:Multiphase contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) scan is clinically significant to demonstrate the anatomy at different phases. In practice, such a multiphase CECT scan inherently takes longer time and deposits much more radiation dose into a patient body than a regular CT scan, and reduction of the radiation dose typically compromise the CECT image quality and its diagnostic value. With Joint Condition and Circle-Supervision, here we propose a novel Poisson Flow Generative Model (JCCS-PFGM) to promote the progressive low-dose reconstruction for multiphase CECT. JCCS-PFGM is characterized by the following three aspects: a progressive low-dose reconstruction scheme, a circle-supervision strategy, and a joint condition mechanism. Our extensive experiments are performed on a clinical dataset consisting of 11436 images. The results show that our JCCS-PFGM achieves promising PSNR up to 46.3dB, SSIM up to 98.5%, and MAE down to 9.67 HU averagely on phases I, II and III, in quantitative evaluations, as well as gains high-quality readable visualizations in qualitative assessments. All of these findings reveal our method a great potential to be adapted for clinical CECT scans at a much-reduced radiation dose.
Abstract:Failure to recognize samples from the classes unseen during training is a major limit of artificial intelligence (AI) in real-world implementation of retinal anomaly classification. To resolve this obstacle, we propose an uncertainty-inspired open-set (UIOS) model which was trained with fundus images of 9 common retinal conditions. Besides the probability of each category, UIOS also calculates an uncertainty score to express its confidence. Our UIOS model with thresholding strategy achieved an F1 score of 99.55%, 97.01% and 91.91% for the internal testing set, external testing set and non-typical testing set, respectively, compared to the F1 score of 92.20%, 80.69% and 64.74% by the standard AI model. Furthermore, UIOS correctly predicted high uncertainty scores, which prompted the need for a manual check, in the datasets of rare retinal diseases, low-quality fundus images, and non-fundus images. This work provides a robust method for real-world screening of retinal anomalies.