Abstract:Motion forecasting (MF) for autonomous driving aims at anticipating trajectories of surrounding agents in complex urban scenarios. In this work, we investigate a mixed strategy in MF training that first pre-train motion forecasters on pseudo-labeled data, then fine-tune them on annotated data. To obtain pseudo-labeled trajectories, we propose a simple pipeline that leverages off-the-shelf single-frame 3D object detectors and non-learning trackers. The whole pre-training strategy including pseudo-labeling is coined as PPT. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that: (1) combining PPT with supervised fine-tuning on annotated data achieves superior performance on diverse testbeds, especially under annotation-efficient regimes, (2) scaling up to multiple datasets improves the previous state-of-the-art and (3) PPT helps enhance cross-dataset generalization. Our findings showcase PPT as a promising pre-training solution for robust motion forecasting in diverse autonomous driving contexts.
Abstract:Solving parametric partial differential equations (PDEs) presents significant challenges for data-driven methods due to the sensitivity of spatio-temporal dynamics to variations in PDE parameters. Machine learning approaches often struggle to capture this variability. To address this, data-driven approaches learn parametric PDEs by sampling a very large variety of trajectories with varying PDE parameters. We first show that incorporating conditioning mechanisms for learning parametric PDEs is essential and that among them, $\textit{adaptive conditioning}$, allows stronger generalization. As existing adaptive conditioning methods do not scale well with respect to the number of parameters to adapt in the neural solver, we propose GEPS, a simple adaptation mechanism to boost GEneralization in Pde Solvers via a first-order optimization and low-rank rapid adaptation of a small set of context parameters. We demonstrate the versatility of our approach for both fully data-driven and for physics-aware neural solvers. Validation performed on a whole range of spatio-temporal forecasting problems demonstrates excellent performance for generalizing to unseen conditions including initial conditions, PDE coefficients, forcing terms and solution domain. $\textit{Project page}$:
Abstract:Physics-informed deep learning often faces optimization challenges due to the complexity of solving partial differential equations (PDEs), which involve exploring large solution spaces, require numerous iterations, and can lead to unstable training. These challenges arise particularly from the ill-conditioning of the optimization problem, caused by the differential terms in the loss function. To address these issues, we propose learning a solver, i.e., solving PDEs using a physics-informed iterative algorithm trained on data. Our method learns to condition a gradient descent algorithm that automatically adapts to each PDE instance, significantly accelerating and stabilizing the optimization process and enabling faster convergence of physics-aware models. Furthermore, while traditional physics-informed methods solve for a single PDE instance, our approach addresses parametric PDEs. Specifically, our method integrates the physical loss gradient with the PDE parameters to solve over a distribution of PDE parameters, including coefficients, initial conditions, or boundary conditions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through empirical experiments on multiple datasets, comparing training and test-time optimization performance.
Abstract:Machine learning based autonomous driving systems often face challenges with safety-critical scenarios that are rare in real-world data, hindering their large-scale deployment. While increasing real-world training data coverage could address this issue, it is costly and dangerous. This work explores generating safety-critical driving scenarios by modifying complex real-world regular scenarios through trajectory optimization. We propose ReGentS, which stabilizes generated trajectories and introduces heuristics to avoid obvious collisions and optimization problems. Our approach addresses unrealistic diverging trajectories and unavoidable collision scenarios that are not useful for training robust planner. We also extend the scenario generation framework to handle real-world data with up to 32 agents. Additionally, by using a differentiable simulator, our approach simplifies gradient descent-based optimization involving a simulator, paving the way for future advancements. The code is available at
Abstract:Web-scale search systems typically tackle the scalability challenge with a two-step paradigm: retrieval and ranking. The retrieval step, also known as candidate selection, often involves extracting standardized entities, creating an inverted index, and performing term matching for retrieval. Such traditional methods require manual and time-consuming development of query models. In this paper, we discuss applying learning-to-retrieve technology to enhance LinkedIns job search and recommendation systems. In the realm of promoted jobs, the key objective is to improve the quality of applicants, thereby delivering value to recruiter customers. To achieve this, we leverage confirmed hire data to construct a graph that evaluates a seeker's qualification for a job, and utilize learned links for retrieval. Our learned model is easy to explain, debug, and adjust. On the other hand, the focus for organic jobs is to optimize seeker engagement. We accomplished this by training embeddings for personalized retrieval, fortified by a set of rules derived from the categorization of member feedback. In addition to a solution based on a conventional inverted index, we developed an on-GPU solution capable of supporting both KNN and term matching efficiently.
Abstract:Point-level supervised temporal action localization (PTAL) aims at recognizing and localizing actions in untrimmed videos where only a single point (frame) within every action instance is annotated in training data. Without temporal annotations, most previous works adopt the multiple instance learning (MIL) framework, where the input video is segmented into non-overlapped short snippets, and action classification is performed independently on every short snippet. We argue that the MIL framework is suboptimal for PTAL because it operates on separated short snippets that contain limited temporal information. Therefore, the classifier only focuses on several easy-to-distinguish snippets instead of discovering the whole action instance without missing any relevant snippets. To alleviate this problem, we propose a novel method that localizes actions by generating and evaluating action proposals of flexible duration that involve more comprehensive temporal information. Moreover, we introduce an efficient clustering algorithm to efficiently generate dense pseudo labels that provide stronger supervision, and a fine-grained contrastive loss to further refine the quality of pseudo labels. Experiments show that our proposed method achieves competitive or superior performance to the state-of-the-art methods and some fully-supervised methods on four benchmarks: ActivityNet 1.3, THUMOS 14, GTEA, and BEOID datasets.
Abstract:For numerical design, the development of efficient and accurate surrogate models is paramount. They allow us to approximate complex physical phenomena, thereby reducing the computational burden of direct numerical simulations. We propose INFINITY, a deep learning model that utilizes implicit neural representations (INRs) to address this challenge. Our framework encodes geometric information and physical fields into compact representations and learns a mapping between them to infer the physical fields. We use an airfoil design optimization problem as an example task and we evaluate our approach on the challenging AirfRANS dataset, which closely resembles real-world industrial use-cases. The experimental results demonstrate that our framework achieves state-of-the-art performance by accurately inferring physical fields throughout the volume and surface. Additionally we demonstrate its applicability in contexts such as design exploration and shape optimization: our model can correctly predict drag and lift coefficients while adhering to the equations.
Abstract:Although widely explored, time series modeling continues to encounter significant challenges when confronted with real-world data. We propose a novel modeling approach leveraging Implicit Neural Representations (INR). This approach enables us to effectively capture the continuous aspect of time series and provides a natural solution to recurring modeling issues such as handling missing data, dealing with irregular sampling, or unaligned observations from multiple sensors. By introducing conditional modulation of INR parameters and leveraging meta-learning techniques, we address the issue of generalization to both unseen samples and time window shifts. Through extensive experimentation, our model demonstrates state-of-the-art performance in forecasting and imputation tasks, while exhibiting flexibility in handling a wide range of challenging scenarios that competing models cannot.
Abstract:Machine learning approaches for solving partial differential equations require learning mappings between function spaces. While convolutional or graph neural networks are constrained to discretized functions, neural operators present a promising milestone toward mapping functions directly. Despite impressive results they still face challenges with respect to the domain geometry and typically rely on some form of discretization. In order to alleviate such limitations, we present CORAL, a new method that leverages coordinate-based networks for solving PDEs on general geometries. CORAL is designed to remove constraints on the input mesh, making it applicable to any spatial sampling and geometry. Its ability extends to diverse problem domains, including PDE solving, spatio-temporal forecasting, and inverse problems like geometric design. CORAL demonstrates robust performance across multiple resolutions and performs well in both convex and non-convex domains, surpassing or performing on par with state-of-the-art models.
Abstract:Effective data-driven PDE forecasting methods often rely on fixed spatial and / or temporal discretizations. This raises limitations in real-world applications like weather prediction where flexible extrapolation at arbitrary spatiotemporal locations is required. We address this problem by introducing a new data-driven approach, DINo, that models a PDE's flow with continuous-time dynamics of spatially continuous functions. This is achieved by embedding spatial observations independently of their discretization via Implicit Neural Representations in a small latent space temporally driven by a learned ODE. This separate and flexible treatment of time and space makes DINo the first data-driven model to combine the following advantages. It extrapolates at arbitrary spatial and temporal locations; it can learn from sparse irregular grids or manifolds; at test time, it generalizes to new grids or resolutions. DINo outperforms alternative neural PDE forecasters in a variety of challenging generalization scenarios on representative PDE systems.