Abstract:Motion forecasting (MF) for autonomous driving aims at anticipating trajectories of surrounding agents in complex urban scenarios. In this work, we investigate a mixed strategy in MF training that first pre-train motion forecasters on pseudo-labeled data, then fine-tune them on annotated data. To obtain pseudo-labeled trajectories, we propose a simple pipeline that leverages off-the-shelf single-frame 3D object detectors and non-learning trackers. The whole pre-training strategy including pseudo-labeling is coined as PPT. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that: (1) combining PPT with supervised fine-tuning on annotated data achieves superior performance on diverse testbeds, especially under annotation-efficient regimes, (2) scaling up to multiple datasets improves the previous state-of-the-art and (3) PPT helps enhance cross-dataset generalization. Our findings showcase PPT as a promising pre-training solution for robust motion forecasting in diverse autonomous driving contexts.
Abstract:Machine learning based autonomous driving systems often face challenges with safety-critical scenarios that are rare in real-world data, hindering their large-scale deployment. While increasing real-world training data coverage could address this issue, it is costly and dangerous. This work explores generating safety-critical driving scenarios by modifying complex real-world regular scenarios through trajectory optimization. We propose ReGentS, which stabilizes generated trajectories and introduces heuristics to avoid obvious collisions and optimization problems. Our approach addresses unrealistic diverging trajectories and unavoidable collision scenarios that are not useful for training robust planner. We also extend the scenario generation framework to handle real-world data with up to 32 agents. Additionally, by using a differentiable simulator, our approach simplifies gradient descent-based optimization involving a simulator, paving the way for future advancements. The code is available at https://github.com/valeoai/ReGentS.
Abstract:Online object segmentation and tracking in Lidar point clouds enables autonomous agents to understand their surroundings and make safe decisions. Unfortunately, manual annotations for these tasks are prohibitively costly. We tackle this problem with the task of class-agnostic unsupervised online instance segmentation and tracking. To that end, we leverage an instance segmentation backbone and propose a new training recipe that enables the online tracking of objects. Our network is trained on pseudo-labels, eliminating the need for manual annotations. We conduct an evaluation using metrics adapted for temporal instance segmentation. Computing these metrics requires temporally-consistent instance labels. When unavailable, we construct these labels using the available 3D bounding boxes and semantic labels in the dataset. We compare our method against strong baselines and demonstrate its superiority across two different outdoor Lidar datasets.
Abstract:We tackle the challenging problem of source-free unsupervised domain adaptation (SFUDA) for 3D semantic segmentation. It amounts to performing domain adaptation on an unlabeled target domain without any access to source data; the available information is a model trained to achieve good performance on the source domain. A common issue with existing SFUDA approaches is that performance degrades after some training time, which is a by product of an under-constrained and ill-posed problem. We discuss two strategies to alleviate this issue. First, we propose a sensible way to regularize the learning problem. Second, we introduce a novel criterion based on agreement with a reference model. It is used (1) to stop the training when appropriate and (2) as validator to select hyperparameters without any knowledge on the target domain. Our contributions are easy to implement and readily amenable for all SFUDA methods, ensuring stable improvements over all baselines. We validate our findings on various 3D lidar settings, achieving state-of-the-art performance. The project repository (with code) is: github.com/valeoai/TTYD.
Abstract:Motion forecasting is crucial in autonomous driving systems to anticipate the future trajectories of surrounding agents such as pedestrians, vehicles, and traffic signals. In end-to-end forecasting, the model must jointly detect from sensor data (cameras or LiDARs) the position and past trajectories of the different elements of the scene and predict their future location. We depart from the current trend of tackling this task via end-to-end training from perception to forecasting and we use a modular approach instead. Following a recent study, we individually build and train detection, tracking, and forecasting modules. We then only use consecutive finetuning steps to integrate the modules better and alleviate compounding errors. Our study reveals that this simple yet effective approach significantly improves performance on the end-to-end forecasting benchmark. Consequently, our solution ranks first in the Argoverse 2 end-to-end Forecasting Challenge held at CVPR 2024 Workshop on Autonomous Driving (WAD), with 63.82 mAPf. We surpass forecasting results by +17.1 points over last year's winner and by +13.3 points over this year's runner-up. This remarkable performance in forecasting can be explained by our modular paradigm, which integrates finetuning strategies and significantly outperforms the end-to-end-trained counterparts.
Abstract:We introduce a self-supervised pretraining method, called OcFeat, for camera-only Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) segmentation networks. With OccFeat, we pretrain a BEV network via occupancy prediction and feature distillation tasks. Occupancy prediction provides a 3D geometric understanding of the scene to the model. However, the geometry learned is class-agnostic. Hence, we add semantic information to the model in the 3D space through distillation from a self-supervised pretrained image foundation model. Models pretrained with our method exhibit improved BEV semantic segmentation performance, particularly in low-data scenarios. Moreover, empirical results affirm the efficacy of integrating feature distillation with 3D occupancy prediction in our pretraining approach.
Abstract:We present a surprisingly simple and efficient method for self-supervision of 3D backbone on automotive Lidar point clouds. We design a contrastive loss between features of Lidar scans captured in the same scene. Several such approaches have been proposed in the literature from PointConstrast, which uses a contrast at the level of points, to the state-of-the-art TARL, which uses a contrast at the level of segments, roughly corresponding to objects. While the former enjoys a great simplicity of implementation, it is surpassed by the latter, which however requires a costly pre-processing. In BEVContrast, we define our contrast at the level of 2D cells in the Bird's Eye View plane. Resulting cell-level representations offer a good trade-off between the point-level representations exploited in PointContrast and segment-level representations exploited in TARL: we retain the simplicity of PointContrast (cell representations are cheap to compute) while surpassing the performance of TARL in downstream semantic segmentation.
Abstract:Self-supervised image networks can be used to address complex 2D tasks (e.g., semantic segmentation, object discovery) very efficiently and with little or no downstream supervision. However, self-supervised 3D networks on lidar data do not perform as well for now. A few methods therefore propose to distill high-quality self-supervised 2D features into 3D networks. The most recent ones doing so on autonomous driving data show promising results. Yet, a performance gap persists between these distilled features and fully-supervised ones. In this work, we revisit 2D-to-3D distillation. First, we propose, for semantic segmentation, a simple approach that leads to a significant improvement compared to prior 3D distillation methods. Second, we show that distillation in high capacity 3D networks is key to reach high quality 3D features. This actually allows us to significantly close the gap between unsupervised distilled 3D features and fully-supervised ones. Last, we show that our high-quality distilled representations can also be used for open-vocabulary segmentation and background/foreground discovery.
Abstract:Learning models on one labeled dataset that generalize well on another domain is a difficult task, as several shifts might happen between the data domains. This is notably the case for lidar data, for which models can exhibit large performance discrepancies due for instance to different lidar patterns or changes in acquisition conditions. This paper addresses the corresponding Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) task for semantic segmentation. To mitigate this problem, we introduce an unsupervised auxiliary task of learning an implicit underlying surface representation simultaneously on source and target data. As both domains share the same latent representation, the model is forced to accommodate discrepancies between the two sources of data. This novel strategy differs from classical minimization of statistical divergences or lidar-specific state-of-the-art domain adaptation techniques. Our experiments demonstrate that our method achieves a better performance than the current state of the art in synthetic-to-real and real-to-real scenarios.
Abstract:Casting semantic segmentation of outdoor LiDAR point clouds as a 2D problem, e.g., via range projection, is an effective and popular approach. These projection-based methods usually benefit from fast computations and, when combined with techniques which use other point cloud representations, achieve state-of-the-art results. Today, projection-based methods leverage 2D CNNs but recent advances in computer vision show that vision transformers (ViTs) have achieved state-of-the-art results in many image-based benchmarks. In this work, we question if projection-based methods for 3D semantic segmentation can benefit from these latest improvements on ViTs. We answer positively but only after combining them with three key ingredients: (a) ViTs are notoriously hard to train and require a lot of training data to learn powerful representations. By preserving the same backbone architecture as for RGB images, we can exploit the knowledge from long training on large image collections that are much cheaper to acquire and annotate than point clouds. We reach our best results with pre-trained ViTs on large image datasets. (b) We compensate ViTs' lack of inductive bias by substituting a tailored convolutional stem for the classical linear embedding layer. (c) We refine pixel-wise predictions with a convolutional decoder and a skip connection from the convolutional stem to combine low-level but fine-grained features of the the convolutional stem with the high-level but coarse predictions of the ViT encoder. With these ingredients, we show that our method, called RangeViT, outperforms existing projection-based methods on nuScenes and SemanticKITTI. We provide the implementation code at https://github.com/valeoai/rangevit.