Abstract:Diffusion Transformers (DiTs) have achieved state-of-the-art (SOTA) image generation quality but suffer from high latency and memory inefficiency, making them difficult to deploy on resource-constrained devices. One key efficiency bottleneck is that existing DiTs apply equal computation across all regions of an image. However, not all image tokens are equally important, and certain localized areas require more computation, such as objects. To address this, we propose DiffRatio-MoD, a dynamic DiT inference framework with differentiable compression ratios, which automatically learns to dynamically route computation across layers and timesteps for each image token, resulting in Mixture-of-Depths (MoD) efficient DiT models. Specifically, DiffRatio-MoD integrates three features: (1) A token-level routing scheme where each DiT layer includes a router that is jointly fine-tuned with model weights to predict token importance scores. In this way, unimportant tokens bypass the entire layer's computation; (2) A layer-wise differentiable ratio mechanism where different DiT layers automatically learn varying compression ratios from a zero initialization, resulting in large compression ratios in redundant layers while others remain less compressed or even uncompressed; (3) A timestep-wise differentiable ratio mechanism where each denoising timestep learns its own compression ratio. The resulting pattern shows higher ratios for noisier timesteps and lower ratios as the image becomes clearer. Extensive experiments on both text-to-image and inpainting tasks show that DiffRatio-MoD effectively captures dynamism across token, layer, and timestep axes, achieving superior trade-offs between generation quality and efficiency compared to prior works.
Abstract:Virtual Try-On (VTON) is a highly active line of research, with increasing demand. It aims to replace a piece of garment in an image with one from another, while preserving person and garment characteristics as well as image fidelity. Current literature takes a supervised approach for the task, impairing generalization and imposing heavy computation. In this paper, we present a novel zero-shot training-free method for inpainting a clothing garment by reference. Our approach employs the prior of a diffusion model with no additional training, fully leveraging its native generalization capabilities. The method employs extended attention to transfer image information from reference to target images, overcoming two significant challenges. We first initially warp the reference garment over the target human using deep features, alleviating "texture sticking". We then leverage the extended attention mechanism with careful masking, eliminating leakage of reference background and unwanted influence. Through a user study, qualitative, and quantitative comparison to state-of-the-art approaches, we demonstrate superior image quality and garment preservation compared unseen clothing pieces or human figures.
Abstract:We introduce a novel diffusion transformer, LazyDiffusion, that generates partial image updates efficiently. Our approach targets interactive image editing applications in which, starting from a blank canvas or an image, a user specifies a sequence of localized image modifications using binary masks and text prompts. Our generator operates in two phases. First, a context encoder processes the current canvas and user mask to produce a compact global context tailored to the region to generate. Second, conditioned on this context, a diffusion-based transformer decoder synthesizes the masked pixels in a "lazy" fashion, i.e., it only generates the masked region. This contrasts with previous works that either regenerate the full canvas, wasting time and computation, or confine processing to a tight rectangular crop around the mask, ignoring the global image context altogether. Our decoder's runtime scales with the mask size, which is typically small, while our encoder introduces negligible overhead. We demonstrate that our approach is competitive with state-of-the-art inpainting methods in terms of quality and fidelity while providing a 10x speedup for typical user interactions, where the editing mask represents 10% of the image.
Abstract:In recent years, the role of image generative models in facial reenactment has been steadily increasing. Such models are usually subject-agnostic and trained on domain-wide datasets. The appearance of the reenacted individual is learned from a single image, and hence, the entire breadth of the individual's appearance is not entirely captured, leading these methods to resort to unfaithful hallucination. Thanks to recent advancements, it is now possible to train a personalized generative model tailored specifically to a given individual. In this paper, we propose a novel method for facial reenactment using a personalized generator. We train the generator using frames from a short, yet varied, self-scan video captured using a simple commodity camera. Images synthesized by the personalized generator are guaranteed to preserve identity. The premise of our work is that the task of reenactment is thus reduced to accurately mimicking head poses and expressions. To this end, we locate the desired frames in the latent space of the personalized generator using carefully designed latent optimization. Through extensive evaluation, we demonstrate state-of-the-art performance for facial reenactment. Furthermore, we show that since our reenactment takes place in a semantic latent space, it can be semantically edited and stylized in post-processing.
Abstract:Can one inject new concepts into an already trained generative model, while respecting its existing structure and knowledge? We propose a new task - domain expansion - to address this. Given a pretrained generator and novel (but related) domains, we expand the generator to jointly model all domains, old and new, harmoniously. First, we note the generator contains a meaningful, pretrained latent space. Is it possible to minimally perturb this hard-earned representation, while maximally representing the new domains? Interestingly, we find that the latent space offers unused, "dormant" directions, which do not affect the output. This provides an opportunity: By "repurposing" these directions, we can represent new domains without perturbing the original representation. In fact, we find that pretrained generators have the capacity to add several - even hundreds - of new domains! Using our expansion method, one "expanded" model can supersede numerous domain-specific models, without expanding the model size. Additionally, a single expanded generator natively supports smooth transitions between domains, as well as composition of domains. Code and project page available at https://yotamnitzan.github.io/domain-expansion/.
Abstract:We introduce MyStyle, a personalized deep generative prior trained with a few shots of an individual. MyStyle allows to reconstruct, enhance and edit images of a specific person, such that the output is faithful to the person's key facial characteristics. Given a small reference set of portrait images of a person (~100), we tune the weights of a pretrained StyleGAN face generator to form a local, low-dimensional, personalized manifold in the latent space. We show that this manifold constitutes a personalized region that spans latent codes associated with diverse portrait images of the individual. Moreover, we demonstrate that we obtain a personalized generative prior, and propose a unified approach to apply it to various ill-posed image enhancement problems, such as inpainting and super-resolution, as well as semantic editing. Using the personalized generative prior we obtain outputs that exhibit high-fidelity to the input images and are also faithful to the key facial characteristics of the individual in the reference set. We demonstrate our method with fair-use images of numerous widely recognizable individuals for whom we have the prior knowledge for a qualitative evaluation of the expected outcome. We evaluate our approach against few-shots baselines and show that our personalized prior, quantitatively and qualitatively, outperforms state-of-the-art alternatives.
Abstract:Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have established themselves as a prevalent approach to image synthesis. Of these, StyleGAN offers a fascinating case study, owing to its remarkable visual quality and an ability to support a large array of downstream tasks. This state-of-the-art report covers the StyleGAN architecture, and the ways it has been employed since its conception, while also analyzing its severe limitations. It aims to be of use for both newcomers, who wish to get a grasp of the field, and for more experienced readers that might benefit from seeing current research trends and existing tools laid out. Among StyleGAN's most interesting aspects is its learned latent space. Despite being learned with no supervision, it is surprisingly well-behaved and remarkably disentangled. Combined with StyleGAN's visual quality, these properties gave rise to unparalleled editing capabilities. However, the control offered by StyleGAN is inherently limited to the generator's learned distribution, and can only be applied to images generated by StyleGAN itself. Seeking to bring StyleGAN's latent control to real-world scenarios, the study of GAN inversion and latent space embedding has quickly gained in popularity. Meanwhile, this same study has helped shed light on the inner workings and limitations of StyleGAN. We map out StyleGAN's impressive story through these investigations, and discuss the details that have made StyleGAN the go-to generator. We further elaborate on the visual priors StyleGAN constructs, and discuss their use in downstream discriminative tasks. Looking forward, we point out StyleGAN's limitations and speculate on current trends and promising directions for future research, such as task and target specific fine-tuning.
Abstract:In this paper, we perform an in-depth study of the properties and applications of aligned generative models. We refer to two models as aligned if they share the same architecture, and one of them (the child) is obtained from the other (the parent) via fine-tuning to another domain, a common practice in transfer learning. Several works already utilize some basic properties of aligned StyleGAN models to perform image-to-image translation. Here, we perform the first detailed exploration of model alignment, also focusing on StyleGAN. First, we empirically analyze aligned models and provide answers to important questions regarding their nature. In particular, we find that the child model's latent spaces are semantically aligned with those of the parent, inheriting incredibly rich semantics, even for distant data domains such as human faces and churches. Second, equipped with this better understanding, we leverage aligned models to solve a diverse set of tasks. In addition to image translation, we demonstrate fully automatic cross-domain image morphing. We further show that zero-shot vision tasks may be performed in the child domain, while relying exclusively on supervision in the parent domain. We demonstrate qualitatively and quantitatively that our approach yields state-of-the-art results, while requiring only simple fine-tuning and inversion.
Abstract:We propose a novel method for solving regression tasks using few-shot or weak supervision. At the core of our method is the fundamental observation that GANs are incredibly successful at encoding semantic information within their latent space, even in a completely unsupervised setting. For modern generative frameworks, this semantic encoding manifests as smooth, linear directions which affect image attributes in a disentangled manner. These directions have been widely used in GAN-based image editing. We show that such directions are not only linear, but that the magnitude of change induced on the respective attribute is approximately linear with respect to the distance traveled along them. By leveraging this observation, our method turns a pre-trained GAN into a regression model, using as few as two labeled samples. This enables solving regression tasks on datasets and attributes which are difficult to produce quality supervision for. Additionally, we show that the same latent-distances can be used to sort collections of images by the strength of given attributes, even in the absence of explicit supervision. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate that our method can be applied across a wide range of domains, leverage multiple latent direction discovery frameworks, and achieve state-of-the-art results in few-shot and low-supervision settings, even when compared to methods designed to tackle a single task.
Abstract:Recently, there has been a surge of diverse methods for performing image editing by employing pre-trained unconditional generators. Applying these methods on real images, however, remains a challenge, as it necessarily requires the inversion of the images into their latent space. To successfully invert a real image, one needs to find a latent code that reconstructs the input image accurately, and more importantly, allows for its meaningful manipulation. In this paper, we carefully study the latent space of StyleGAN, the state-of-the-art unconditional generator. We identify and analyze the existence of a distortion-editability tradeoff and a distortion-perception tradeoff within the StyleGAN latent space. We then suggest two principles for designing encoders in a manner that allows one to control the proximity of the inversions to regions that StyleGAN was originally trained on. We present an encoder based on our two principles that is specifically designed for facilitating editing on real images by balancing these tradeoffs. By evaluating its performance qualitatively and quantitatively on numerous challenging domains, including cars and horses, we show that our inversion method, followed by common editing techniques, achieves superior real-image editing quality, with only a small reconstruction accuracy drop.