Abstract:Prior efforts in building computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) systems often treat automatic pronunciation assessment (APA) and mispronunciation detection and diagnosis (MDD) as separate fronts: the former aims to provide multiple pronunciation aspect scores across diverse linguistic levels, while the latter focuses instead on pinpointing the precise phonetic pronunciation errors made by non-native language learners. However, it is generally expected that a full-fledged CAPT system should perform both functionalities simultaneously and efficiently. In response to this surging demand, we in this work first propose HMamba, a novel CAPT approach that seamlessly integrates APA and MDD tasks in parallel. In addition, we introduce a novel loss function, decoupled cross-entropy loss (deXent), specifically tailored for MDD to facilitate better-supervised learning for detecting mispronounced phones, thereby enhancing overall performance. A comprehensive set of empirical results on the speechocean762 benchmark dataset demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach on APA. Notably, our proposed approach also yields a considerable improvement in MDD performance over a strong baseline, achieving an F1-score of 63.85%. Our codes are made available at https://github.com/Fuann/hmamba
Abstract:Code-switching-where multilingual speakers alternately switch between languages during conversations-still poses significant challenges to end-to-end (E2E) automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems due to phenomena of both acoustic and semantic confusion. This issue arises because ASR systems struggle to handle the rapid alternation of languages effectively, which often leads to significant performance degradation. Our main contributions are at least threefold: First, we incorporate language identification (LID) information into several intermediate layers of the encoder, aiming to enrich output embeddings with more detailed language information. Secondly, through the novel application of language boundary alignment loss, the subsequent ASR modules are enabled to more effectively utilize the knowledge of internal language posteriors. Third, we explore the feasibility of using language posteriors to facilitate deep interaction between shared encoder and language-specific encoders. Through comprehensive experiments on the SEAME corpus, we have verified that our proposed method outperforms the prior-art method, disentangle based mixture-of-experts (D-MoE), further enhancing the acuity of the encoder to languages.
Abstract:Long document summarization poses a significant challenge in natural language processing due to input lengths that exceed the capacity of most state-of-the-art pre-trained language models. This study proposes a hierarchical framework that segments and condenses information from long documents, subsequently fine-tuning the processed text with an abstractive summarization model. Unsupervised topic segmentation methods identify semantically appropriate breakpoints. The condensation stage utilizes an unsupervised generation model to generate condensed data, and our current experiments employ ChatGPT(v3.5). The summarization stage fine-tunes the abstractive summarization model on the condensed data to generate the final results. This framework enables long documents to be processed on models even when the document length exceeds the model's maximum input size. The exclusion of the entire document from the summarization model reduces the time and computational resources required for training, making the framework suitable for contexts with constrained local computational resources.
Abstract:Automated speaking assessment in conversation tests (ASAC) aims to evaluate the overall speaking proficiency of an L2 (second-language) speaker in a setting where an interlocutor interacts with one or more candidates. Although prior ASAC approaches have shown promising performance on their respective datasets, there is still a dearth of research specifically focused on incorporating the coherence of the logical flow within a conversation into the grading model. To address this critical challenge, we propose a hierarchical graph model that aptly incorporates both broad inter-response interactions (e.g., discourse relations) and nuanced semantic information (e.g., semantic words and speaker intents), which is subsequently fused with contextual information for the final prediction. Extensive experimental results on the NICT-JLE benchmark dataset suggest that our proposed modeling approach can yield considerable improvements in prediction accuracy with respect to various assessment metrics, as compared to some strong baselines. This also sheds light on the importance of investigating coherence-related facets of spoken responses in ASAC.
Abstract:Second language (L2) learners can improve their pronunciation by imitating golden speech, especially when the speech that aligns with their respective speech characteristics. This study explores the hypothesis that learner-specific golden speech generated with zero-shot text-to-speech (ZS-TTS) techniques can be harnessed as an effective metric for measuring the pronunciation proficiency of L2 learners. Building on this exploration, the contributions of this study are at least two-fold: 1) design and development of a systematic framework for assessing the ability of a synthesis model to generate golden speech, and 2) in-depth investigations of the effectiveness of using golden speech in automatic pronunciation assessment (APA). Comprehensive experiments conducted on the L2-ARCTIC and Speechocean762 benchmark datasets suggest that our proposed modeling can yield significant performance improvements with respect to various assessment metrics in relation to some prior arts. To our knowledge, this study is the first to explore the role of golden speech in both ZS-TTS and APA, offering a promising regime for computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT).
Abstract:End-to-end (E2E) automatic speech recognition (ASR) models have become standard practice for various commercial applications. However, in real-world scenarios, the long-tailed nature of word distribution often leads E2E ASR models to perform well on common words but fall short in recognizing uncommon ones. Recently, the notion of a contextual adapter (CA) was proposed to infuse external knowledge represented by a context word list into E2E ASR models. Although CA can improve recognition performance on rare words, two crucial data imbalance problems remain. First, when using low-frequency words as context words during training, since these words rarely occur in the utterance, CA becomes prone to overfit on attending to the <no-context> token due to higher-frequency words not being present in the context list. Second, the long-tailed distribution within the context list itself still causes the model to perform poorly on low-frequency context words. In light of this, we explore in-depth the impact of altering the context list to have words with different frequency distributions on model performance, and meanwhile extend CA with a simple yet effective context-balanced learning objective. A series of experiments conducted on the AISHELL-1 benchmark dataset suggests that using all vocabulary words from the training corpus as the context list and pairing them with our balanced objective yields the best performance, demonstrating a significant reduction in character error rate (CER) by up to 1.21% and a more pronounced 9.44% reduction in the error rate of zero-shot words.
Abstract:Cross-domain speech enhancement (SE) is often faced with severe challenges due to the scarcity of noise and background information in an unseen target domain, leading to a mismatch between training and test conditions. This study puts forward a novel data simulation method to address this issue, leveraging noise-extractive techniques and generative adversarial networks (GANs) with only limited target noisy speech data. Notably, our method employs a noise encoder to extract noise embeddings from target-domain data. These embeddings aptly guide the generator to synthesize utterances acoustically fitted to the target domain while authentically preserving the phonetic content of the input clean speech. Furthermore, we introduce the notion of dynamic stochastic perturbation, which can inject controlled perturbations into the noise embeddings during inference, thereby enabling the model to generalize well to unseen noise conditions. Experiments on the VoiceBank-DEMAND benchmark dataset demonstrate that our domain-adaptive SE method outperforms an existing strong baseline based on data simulation.
Abstract:Automatic Speech Assessment (ASA) has seen notable advancements with the utilization of self-supervised features (SSL) in recent research. However, a key challenge in ASA lies in the imbalanced distribution of data, particularly evident in English test datasets. To address this challenge, we approach ASA as an ordinal classification task, introducing Weighted Vectors Ranking Similarity (W-RankSim) as a novel regularization technique. W-RankSim encourages closer proximity of weighted vectors in the output layer for similar classes, implying that feature vectors with similar labels would be gradually nudged closer to each other as they converge towards corresponding weighted vectors. Extensive experimental evaluations confirm the effectiveness of our approach in improving ordinal classification performance for ASA. Furthermore, we propose a hybrid model that combines SSL and handcrafted features, showcasing how the inclusion of handcrafted features enhances performance in an ASA system.
Abstract:Automatic pronunciation assessment (APA) manages to evaluate the pronunciation proficiency of a second language (L2) learner in a target language. Existing efforts typically draw on regression models for proficiency score prediction, where the models are trained to estimate target values without explicitly accounting for phoneme-awareness in the feature space. In this paper, we propose a contrastive phonemic ordinal regularizer (ConPCO) tailored for regression-based APA models to generate more phoneme-discriminative features while considering the ordinal relationships among the regression targets. The proposed ConPCO first aligns the phoneme representations of an APA model and textual embeddings of phonetic transcriptions via contrastive learning. Afterward, the phoneme characteristics are retained by regulating the distances between inter- and intra-phoneme categories in the feature space while allowing for the ordinal relationships among the output targets. We further design and develop a hierarchical APA model to evaluate the effectiveness of our method. Extensive experiments conducted on the speechocean762 benchmark dataset suggest the feasibility and efficacy of our approach in relation to some cutting-edge baselines.
Abstract:Automated speaking assessment (ASA) typically involves automatic speech recognition (ASR) and hand-crafted feature extraction from the ASR transcript of a learner's speech. Recently, self-supervised learning (SSL) has shown stellar performance compared to traditional methods. However, SSL-based ASA systems are faced with at least three data-related challenges: limited annotated data, uneven distribution of learner proficiency levels and non-uniform score intervals between different CEFR proficiency levels. To address these challenges, we explore the use of two novel modeling strategies: metric-based classification and loss reweighting, leveraging distinct SSL-based embedding features. Extensive experimental results on the ICNALE benchmark dataset suggest that our approach can outperform existing strong baselines by a sizable margin, achieving a significant improvement of more than 10% in CEFR prediction accuracy.