Abstract:With the massive developments of end-to-end (E2E) neural networks, recent years have witnessed unprecedented breakthroughs in automatic speech recognition (ASR). However, the codeswitching phenomenon remains a major obstacle that hinders ASR from perfection, as the lack of labeled data and the variations between languages often lead to degradation of ASR performance. In this paper, we focus exclusively on improving the acoustic encoder of E2E ASR to tackle the challenge caused by the codeswitching phenomenon. Our main contributions are threefold: First, we introduce a novel disentanglement loss to enable the lower-layer of the encoder to capture inter-lingual acoustic information while mitigating linguistic confusion at the higher-layer of the encoder. Second, through comprehensive experiments, we verify that our proposed method outperforms the prior-art methods using pretrained dual-encoders, meanwhile having access only to the codeswitching corpus and consuming half of the parameterization. Third, the apparent differentiation of the encoders' output features also corroborates the complementarity between the disentanglement loss and the mixture-of-experts (MoE) architecture.
Abstract:In recent years, end-to-end speech recognition has emerged as a technology that integrates the acoustic, pronunciation dictionary, and language model components of the traditional Automatic Speech Recognition model. It is possible to achieve human-like recognition without the need to build a pronunciation dictionary in advance. However, due to the relative scarcity of training data on code-switching, the performance of ASR models tends to degrade drastically when encountering this phenomenon. Most past studies have simplified the learning complexity of the model by splitting the code-switching task into multiple tasks dealing with a single language and then learning the domain-specific knowledge of each language separately. Therefore, in this paper, we attempt to introduce language identification information into the middle layer of the ASR model's encoder. We aim to generate acoustic features that imply language distinctions in a more implicit way, reducing the model's confusion when dealing with language switching.
Abstract:Voice, as input, has progressively become popular on mobiles and seems to transcend almost entirely text input. Through voice, the voice search (VS) system can provide a more natural way to meet user's information needs. However, errors from the automatic speech recognition (ASR) system can be catastrophic to the VS system. Building on the recent advanced lightweight autoregressive retrieval model, which has the potential to be deployed on mobiles, leading to a more secure and personal VS assistant. This paper presents a novel study of VS leveraging autoregressive retrieval and tackles the crucial problems facing VS, viz. the performance drop caused by ASR noise, via data augmentations and contrastive learning, showing how explicit and implicit modeling the noise patterns can alleviate the problems. A series of experiments conducted on the Open-Domain Question Answering (ODSQA) confirm our approach's effectiveness and robustness in relation to some strong baseline systems.