Abstract:Targeting the notorious cumulative drift errors in NeRF SLAM, we propose a Semantic-guided Loop Closure with Shared Latent Code, dubbed SLC$^2$-SLAM. Especially, we argue that latent codes stored in many NeRF SLAM systems are not fully exploited, as they are only used for better reconstruction. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective way to detect potential loops using the same latent codes as local features. To further improve the loop detection performance, we use the semantic information, which are also decoded from the same latent codes to guide the aggregation of local features. Finally, with the potential loops detected, we close them with a graph optimization followed by bundle adjustment to refine both the estimated poses and the reconstructed scene. To evaluate the performance of our SLC$^2$-SLAM, we conduct extensive experiments on Replica and ScanNet datasets. Our proposed semantic-guided loop closure significantly outperforms the pre-trained NetVLAD and ORB combined with Bag-of-Words, which are used in all the other NeRF SLAM with loop closure. As a result, our SLC$^2$-SLAM also demonstrated better tracking and reconstruction performance, especially in larger scenes with more loops, like ScanNet.
Abstract:Artificial intelligence is gradually demonstrating its immense potential, and increasing attention is being given to how AI can be harnessed to advance scientific research. In this vision paper, we present our perspectives on how AI can better assist scientific inquiry and explore corresponding technical approach. We have proposed and open-sourced a large model of our KALE-LM model series, Llama3-KALE-LM-Chem-8B, which has achieved outstanding performance in tasks related to the field of chemistry. We hope that our work serves as a strong starting point, helping to realize more intelligent AI and promoting the advancement of human science and technology, as well as societal development.
Abstract:Visual place recognition (VPR) is an essential component of many autonomous and augmented/virtual reality systems. It enables the systems to robustly localize themselves in large-scale environments. Existing VPR methods demonstrate attractive performance at the cost of heavy pre-training and limited generalizability. When deployed in unseen environments, these methods exhibit significant performance drops. Targeting this issue, we present VIPeR, a novel approach for visual incremental place recognition with the ability to adapt to new environments while retaining the performance of previous environments. We first introduce an adaptive mining strategy that balances the performance within a single environment and the generalizability across multiple environments. Then, to prevent catastrophic forgetting in lifelong learning, we draw inspiration from human memory systems and design a novel memory bank for our VIPeR. Our memory bank contains a sensory memory, a working memory and a long-term memory, with the first two focusing on the current environment and the last one for all previously visited environments. Additionally, we propose a probabilistic knowledge distillation to explicitly safeguard the previously learned knowledge. We evaluate our proposed VIPeR on three large-scale datasets, namely Oxford Robotcar, Nordland, and TartanAir. For comparison, we first set a baseline performance with naive finetuning. Then, several more recent lifelong learning methods are compared. Our VIPeR achieves better performance in almost all aspects with the biggest improvement of 13.65% in average performance.
Abstract:Vision Transformer and its variants have been adopted in many visual tasks due to their powerful capabilities, which also bring significant challenges in computation and storage. Consequently, researchers have introduced various compression methods in recent years, among which the pruning techniques are widely used to remove a significant fraction of the network. Therefore, these methods can reduce significant percent of the FLOPs, but often lead to a decrease in model performance. To investigate the underlying causes, we focus on the pruning methods specifically belonging to the pruning-during-training category, then drew inspiration from neuroscience and propose a new concept for artificial neural network models named Neural Burden. We investigate its impact in the model pruning process, and subsequently explore a simple yet effective approach to mitigate the decline in model performance, which can be applied to any pruning-during-training technique. Extensive experiments indicate that the neural burden phenomenon indeed exists, and show the potential of our method. We hope that our findings can provide valuable insights for future research. Code will be made publicly available after this paper is published.
Abstract:To reduce the experimental validation workload for chemical researchers and accelerate the design and optimization of high-energy-density lithium metal batteries, we aim to leverage models to automatically predict Coulombic Efficiency (CE) based on the composition of liquid electrolytes. There are mainly two representative paradigms in existing methods: machine learning and deep learning. However, the former requires intelligent input feature selection and reliable computational methods, leading to error propagation from feature estimation to model prediction, while the latter (e.g. MultiModal-MoLFormer) faces challenges of poor predictive performance and overfitting due to limited diversity in augmented data. To tackle these issues, we propose a novel method COEFF (COlumbic EFficiency prediction via Fine-tuned models), which consists of two stages: pre-training a chemical general model and fine-tuning on downstream domain data. Firstly, we adopt the publicly available MoLFormer model to obtain feature vectors for each solvent and salt in the electrolyte. Then, we perform a weighted average of embeddings for each token across all molecules, with weights determined by the respective electrolyte component ratios. Finally, we input the obtained electrolyte features into a Multi-layer Perceptron or Kolmogorov-Arnold Network to predict CE. Experimental results on a real-world dataset demonstrate that our method achieves SOTA for predicting CE compared to all baselines. Data and code used in this work will be made publicly available after the paper is published.
Abstract:Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have garnered considerable attention as a paradigm for novel view synthesis by learning scene representations from discrete observations. Nevertheless, NeRF exhibit pronounced performance degradation when confronted with sparse view inputs, consequently curtailing its further applicability. In this work, we introduce Hierarchical Geometric, Semantic, and Photometric Guided NeRF (HG3-NeRF), a novel methodology that can address the aforementioned limitation and enhance consistency of geometry, semantic content, and appearance across different views. We propose Hierarchical Geometric Guidance (HGG) to incorporate the attachment of Structure from Motion (SfM), namely sparse depth prior, into the scene representations. Different from direct depth supervision, HGG samples volume points from local-to-global geometric regions, mitigating the misalignment caused by inherent bias in the depth prior. Furthermore, we draw inspiration from notable variations in semantic consistency observed across images of different resolutions and propose Hierarchical Semantic Guidance (HSG) to learn the coarse-to-fine semantic content, which corresponds to the coarse-to-fine scene representations. Experimental results demonstrate that HG3-NeRF can outperform other state-of-the-art methods on different standard benchmarks and achieve high-fidelity synthesis results for sparse view inputs.
Abstract:We present AEGIS-Net, a novel indoor place recognition model that takes in RGB point clouds and generates global place descriptors by aggregating lower-level color, geometry features and higher-level implicit semantic features. However, rather than simple feature concatenation, self-attention modules are employed to select the most important local features that best describe an indoor place. Our AEGIS-Net is made of a semantic encoder, a semantic decoder and an attention-guided feature embedding. The model is trained in a 2-stage process with the first stage focusing on an auxiliary semantic segmentation task and the second one on the place recognition task. We evaluate our AEGIS-Net on the ScanNetPR dataset and compare its performance with a pre-deep-learning feature-based method and five state-of-the-art deep-learning-based methods. Our AEGIS-Net achieves exceptional performance and outperforms all six methods.
Abstract:The improvement of pose estimation accuracy is currently the fundamental problem in mobile robots. This study aims to improve the use of observations to enhance accuracy. The selection of feature points affects the accuracy of pose estimation, leading to the question of how the contribution of observation influences the system. Accordingly, the contribution of information to the pose estimation process is analyzed. Moreover, the uncertainty model, sensitivity model, and contribution theory are formulated, providing a method for calculating the contribution of every residual term. The proposed selection method has been theoretically proven capable of achieving a global statistical optimum. The proposed method is tested on artificial data simulations and compared with the KITTI benchmark. The experiments revealed superior results in contrast to ALOAM and MLOAM. The proposed algorithm is implemented in LiDAR odometry and LiDAR Inertial odometry both indoors and outdoors using diverse LiDAR sensors with different scan modes, demonstrating its effectiveness in improving pose estimation accuracy. A new configuration of two laser scan sensors is subsequently inferred. The configuration is valid for three-dimensional pose localization in a prior map and yields results at the centimeter level.
Abstract:Visible images have been widely used for indoor motion estimation. Thermal images, in contrast, are more challenging to be used in motion estimation since they typically have lower resolution, less texture, and more noise. In this paper, a novel dataset for evaluating the performance of multi-spectral motion estimation systems is presented. The dataset includes both multi-spectral and dense depth images with accurate ground-truth camera poses provided by a motion capture system. All the sequences are recorded from a handheld multi-spectral device, which consists of a standard visible-light camera, a long-wave infrared camera, and a depth camera. The multi-spectral images, including both color and thermal images in full sensor resolution (640 $\times$ 480), are obtained from the hardware-synchronized standard and long-wave infrared camera at 32Hz. The depth images are captured by a Microsoft Kinect2 and can have benefits for learning cross-modalities stereo matching. In addition to the sequences with bright illumination, the dataset also contains scenes with dim or varying illumination. The full dataset, including both raw data and calibration data with detailed specifications of data format, is publicly available.
Abstract:Multi-spectral sensors consisting of a standard (visible-light) camera and a long-wave infrared camera can simultaneously provide both visible and thermal images. Since thermal images are independent from environmental illumination, they can help to overcome certain limitations of standard cameras under complicated illumination conditions. However, due to the difference in the information source of the two types of cameras, their images usually share very low texture similarity. Hence, traditional texture-based feature matching methods cannot be directly applied to obtain stereo correspondences. To tackle this problem, a multi-spectral visual odometry method without explicit stereo matching is proposed in this paper. Bundle adjustment of multi-view stereo is performed on the visible and the thermal images using direct image alignment. Scale drift can be avoided by additional temporal observations of map points with the fixed-baseline stereo. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method can provide accurate visual odometry results with recovered metric scale. Moreover, the proposed method can also provide a metric 3D reconstruction in semi-dense density with multi-spectral information, which is not available from existing multi-spectral methods.