Abstract:The vehicle dynamics model serves as a vital component of autonomous driving systems, as it describes the temporal changes in vehicle state. In a long period, researchers have made significant endeavors to accurately model vehicle dynamics. Traditional physics-based methods employ mathematical formulae to model vehicle dynamics, but they are unable to adequately describe complex vehicle systems due to the simplifications they entail. Recent advancements in deep learning-based methods have addressed this limitation by directly regressing vehicle dynamics. However, the performance and generalization capabilities still require further enhancement. In this letter, we address these problems by proposing a vehicle dynamics correction system that leverages deep neural networks to correct the state residuals of a physical model instead of directly estimating the states. This system greatly reduces the difficulty of network learning and thus improves the estimation accuracy of vehicle dynamics. Furthermore, we have developed a novel Transformer-based dynamics residual correction network, DyTR. This network implicitly represents state residuals as high-dimensional queries, and iteratively updates the estimated residuals by interacting with dynamics state features. The experiments in simulations demonstrate the proposed system works much better than physics model, and our proposed DyTR model achieves the best performances on dynamics state residual correction task, reducing the state prediction errors of a simple 3 DoF vehicle model by an average of 92.3% and 59.9% in two dataset, respectively.
Abstract:In autonomous driving, recent advances in lane segment perception provide autonomous vehicles with a comprehensive understanding of driving scenarios. Moreover, incorporating prior information input into such perception model represents an effective approach to ensure the robustness and accuracy. However, utilizing diverse sources of prior information still faces three key challenges: the acquisition of high-quality prior information, alignment between prior and online perception, efficient integration. To address these issues, we investigate prior augmentation from a novel perspective of trajectory priors. In this paper, we initially extract crowdsourcing trajectory data from Argoverse2 motion forecasting dataset and encode trajectory data into rasterized heatmap and vectorized instance tokens, then we incorporate such prior information into the online mapping model through different ways. Besides, with the purpose of mitigating the misalignment between prior and online perception, we design a confidence-based fusion module that takes alignment into account during the fusion process. We conduct extensive experiments on OpenLane-V2 dataset. The results indicate that our method's performance significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Along with the rapid growth of autonomous vehicles (AVs), more and more demands are required for environment perception technology. Among others, HD mapping has become one of the more prominent roles in helping the vehicle realize essential tasks such as localization and path planning. While increasing research efforts have been directed toward HD Map development. However, a comprehensive overview of the overall HD map mapping and update framework is still lacking. This article introduces the development and current state of the algorithm involved in creating HD map mapping and its maintenance. As part of this study, the primary data preprocessing approach of processing raw data to information ready to feed for mapping and update purposes, semantic segmentation, and localization are also briefly reviewed. Moreover, the map taxonomy, ontology, and quality assessment are extensively discussed, the map data's general representation method is presented, and the mapping algorithm ranging from SLAM to transformers learning-based approaches are also discussed. The development of the HD map update algorithm, from change detection to the update methods, is also presented. Finally, the authors discuss possible future developments and the remaining challenges in HD map mapping and update technology. This paper simultaneously serves as a position paper and tutorial to those new to HD map mapping and update domains.
Abstract:3D occupancy prediction (Occ) is a rapidly rising challenging perception task in the field of autonomous driving which represents the driving scene as uniformly partitioned 3D voxel grids with semantics. Compared to 3D object detection, grid perception has great advantage of better recognizing irregularly shaped, unknown category, or partially occluded general objects. However, existing 3D occupancy networks (occnets) are both computationally heavy and label-hungry. In terms of model complexity, occnets are commonly composed of heavy Conv3D modules or transformers on the voxel level. In terms of label annotations requirements, occnets are supervised with large-scale expensive dense voxel labels. Model and data inefficiency, caused by excessive network parameters and label annotations requirement, severely hinder the onboard deployment of occnets. This paper proposes an efficient 3d occupancy network (EFFOcc), that targets the minimal network complexity and label requirement while achieving state-of-the-art accuracy. EFFOcc only uses simple 2D operators, and improves Occ accuracy to the state-of-the-art on multiple large-scale benchmarks: Occ3D-nuScenes, Occ3D-Waymo, and OpenOccupancy-nuScenes. On Occ3D-nuScenes benchmark, EFFOcc has only 18.4M parameters, and achieves 50.46 in terms of mean IoU (mIoU), to our knowledge, it is the occnet with minimal parameters compared with related occnets. Moreover, we propose a two-stage active learning strategy to reduce the requirements of labelled data. Active EFFOcc trained with 6\% labelled voxels achieves 47.19 mIoU, which is 95.7% fully supervised performance. The proposed EFFOcc also supports improved vision-only occupancy prediction with the aid of region-decomposed distillation. Code and demo videos will be available at https://github.com/synsin0/EFFOcc.
Abstract:Constructing high-definition (HD) maps is a crucial requirement for enabling autonomous driving. In recent years, several map segmentation algorithms have been developed to address this need, leveraging advancements in Bird's-Eye View (BEV) perception. However, existing models still encounter challenges in producing realistic and consistent semantic map layouts. One prominent issue is the limited utilization of structured priors inherent in map segmentation masks. In light of this, we propose DiffMap, a novel approach specifically designed to model the structured priors of map segmentation masks using latent diffusion model. By incorporating this technique, the performance of existing semantic segmentation methods can be significantly enhanced and certain structural errors present in the segmentation outputs can be effectively rectified. Notably, the proposed module can be seamlessly integrated into any map segmentation model, thereby augmenting its capability to accurately delineate semantic information. Furthermore, through extensive visualization analysis, our model demonstrates superior proficiency in generating results that more accurately reflect real-world map layouts, further validating its efficacy in improving the quality of the generated maps.
Abstract:Monocular Re-Localization (MRL) is a critical component in numerous autonomous applications, which estimates 6 degree-of-freedom poses with regards to the scene map based on a single monocular image. In recent decades, significant progress has been made in the development of MRL techniques. Numerous landmark algorithms have accomplished extraordinary success in terms of localization accuracy and robustness against visual interference. In MRL research, scene maps are represented in various forms, and they determine how MRL methods work and even how MRL methods perform. However, to the best of our knowledge, existing surveys do not provide systematic reviews of MRL from the respective of map. This survey fills the gap by comprehensively reviewing MRL methods employing monocular cameras as main sensors, promoting further research. 1) We commence by delving into the problem definition of MRL and exploring current challenges, while also comparing ours with with previous published surveys. 2) MRL methods are then categorized into five classes according to the representation forms of utilized map, i.e., geo-tagged frames, visual landmarks, point clouds, and vectorized semantic map, and we review the milestone MRL works of each category. 3) To quantitatively and fairly compare MRL methods with various map, we also review some public datasets and provide the performances of some typical MRL methods. The strengths and weakness of different types of MRL methods are analyzed. 4) We finally introduce some topics of interest in this field and give personal opinions. This survey can serve as a valuable referenced materials for newcomers and researchers interested in MRL, and a continuously updated summary of this survey, including reviewed papers and datasets, is publicly available to the community at: https://github.com/jinyummiao/map-in-mono-reloc.
Abstract:High-precision vehicle localization with commercial setups is a crucial technique for high-level autonomous driving tasks. Localization with a monocular camera in LiDAR map is a newly emerged approach that achieves promising balance between cost and accuracy, but estimating pose by finding correspondences between such cross-modal sensor data is challenging, thereby damaging the localization accuracy. In this paper, we address the problem by proposing a novel Transformer-based neural network to register 2D images into 3D LiDAR map in an end-to-end manner. Poses are implicitly represented as high-dimensional feature vectors called pose queries and can be iteratively updated by interacting with the retrieved relevant information from cross-model features using attention mechanism in a proposed POse Estimator Transformer (POET) module. Moreover, we apply a multiple hypotheses aggregation method that estimates the final poses by performing parallel optimization on multiple randomly initialized pose queries to reduce the network uncertainty. Comprehensive analysis and experimental results on public benchmark conclude that the proposed image-to-LiDAR map localization network could achieve state-of-the-art performances in challenging cross-modal localization tasks.
Abstract:The idea of cooperative perception is to benefit from shared perception data between multiple vehicles and overcome the limitations of on-board sensors on single vehicle. However, the fusion of multi-vehicle information is still challenging due to inaccurate localization, limited communication bandwidth and ambiguous fusion. Past practices simplify the problem by placing a precise GNSS localization system, manually specify the number of connected vehicles and determine the fusion strategy. This paper proposes a map-based cooperative perception framework, named map container, to improve the accuracy and robustness of cooperative perception, which ultimately overcomes this problem. The concept 'Map Container' denotes that the map serves as the platform to transform all information into the map coordinate space automatically and incorporate different sources of information in a distributed fusion architecture. In the proposed map container, the GNSS signal and the matching relationship between sensor feature and map feature are considered to optimize the estimation of environment states. Evaluation on simulation dataset and real-vehicle platform result validates the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Abstract:Low-bit quantization is challenging to maintain high performance with limited model capacity (e.g., 4-bit for both weights and activations). Naturally, the distribution of both weights and activations in deep neural network are Gaussian-like. Nevertheless, due to the limited bitwidth of low-bit model, uniform-like distributed weights and activations have been proved to be more friendly to quantization while preserving accuracy~\cite{Han2015Learning}. Motivated by this, we propose Scale-Clip, a Distribution Reshaping technique that can reshape weights or activations into a uniform-like distribution in a dynamic manner. Furthermore, to increase the model capability for a low-bit model, a novel Group-based Quantization algorithm is proposed to split the filters into several groups. Different groups can learn different quantization parameters, which can be elegantly merged in to batch normalization layer without extra computational cost in the inference stage. Finally, we integrate Scale-Clip technique with Group-based Quantization algorithm and propose the Group-based Distribution Reshaping Quantization (GDQR) framework to further improve the quantization performance. Experiments on various networks (e.g. VGGNet and ResNet) and vision tasks (e.g. classification, detection and segmentation) demonstrate that our framework achieves good performance.
Abstract:High precision localization is a crucial requirement for the autonomous driving system. Traditional positioning methods have some limitations in providing stable and accurate vehicle poses, especially in an urban environment. Herein, we propose a novel self-localizing method using a monocular camera and a 3D compact semantic map. Pre-collected information of the road landmarks is stored in a self-defined map with a minimal amount of data. We recognize landmarks using a deep neural network, followed with a geometric feature extraction process which promotes the measurement accuracy. The vehicle location and posture are estimated by minimizing a self-defined re-projection residual error to evaluate the map-to-image registration, together with a robust association method. We validate the effectiveness of our approach by applying this method to localize a vehicle in an open dataset, achieving the RMS accuracy of 0.345 meter with reduced sensor setup and map storage compared to the state of art approaches. We also evaluate some key steps and discuss the contribution of the subsystems.