Abstract:This paper explores the possibility of learning custom tokens for representing new concepts in Vision-Language Models (VLMs). Our aim is to learn tokens that can be effective for both discriminative and generative tasks while composing well with words to form new input queries. The targeted concept is specified in terms of a small set of images and a parent concept described using text. We operate on CLIP text features and propose to use a combination of a textual inversion loss and a classification loss to ensure that text features of the learned token are aligned with image features of the concept in the CLIP embedding space. We restrict the learned token to a low-dimensional subspace spanned by tokens for attributes that are appropriate for the given super-class. These modifications improve the quality of compositions of the learned token with natural language for generating new scenes. Further, we show that learned custom tokens can be used to form queries for text-to-image retrieval task, and also have the important benefit that composite queries can be visualized to ensure that the desired concept is faithfully encoded. Based on this, we introduce the method of Generation Aided Image Retrieval, where the query is modified at inference time to better suit the search intent. On the DeepFashion2 dataset, our method improves Mean Reciprocal Retrieval (MRR) over relevant baselines by 7%.
Abstract:The "state" of State Space Models (SSMs) represents their memory, which fades exponentially over an unbounded span. By contrast, Attention-based models have "eidetic" (i.e., verbatim, or photographic) memory over a finite span (context size). Hybrid architectures combine State Space layers with Attention, but still cannot recall the distant past and can access only the most recent tokens eidetically. Unlike current methods of combining SSM and Attention layers, we allow the state to be allocated based on relevancy rather than recency. In this way, for every new set of query tokens, our models can "eidetically" access tokens from beyond the Attention span of current Hybrid SSMs without requiring extra hardware resources. We describe a method to expand the memory span of the hybrid state by "reserving" a fraction of the Attention context for tokens retrieved from arbitrarily distant in the past, thus expanding the eidetic memory span of the overall state. We call this reserved fraction of tokens the "expansion span," and the mechanism to retrieve and aggregate it "Span-Expanded Attention" (SE-Attn). To adapt Hybrid models to using SE-Attn, we propose a novel fine-tuning method that extends LoRA to Hybrid models (HyLoRA) and allows efficient adaptation on long spans of tokens. We show that SE-Attn enables us to efficiently adapt pre-trained Hybrid models on sequences of tokens up to 8 times longer than the ones used for pre-training. We show that HyLoRA with SE-Attn is cheaper and more performant than alternatives like LongLoRA when applied to Hybrid models on natural language benchmarks with long-range dependencies, such as PG-19, RULER, and other common natural language downstream tasks.
Abstract:We empirically study the scaling properties of various Diffusion Transformers (DiTs) for text-to-image generation by performing extensive and rigorous ablations, including training scaled DiTs ranging from 0.3B upto 8B parameters on datasets up to 600M images. We find that U-ViT, a pure self-attention based DiT model provides a simpler design and scales more effectively in comparison with cross-attention based DiT variants, which allows straightforward expansion for extra conditions and other modalities. We identify a 2.3B U-ViT model can get better performance than SDXL UNet and other DiT variants in controlled setting. On the data scaling side, we investigate how increasing dataset size and enhanced long caption improve the text-image alignment performance and the learning efficiency.
Abstract:Speculative decoding aims to speed up autoregressive generation of a language model by verifying in parallel the tokens generated by a smaller draft model.In this work, we explore the effectiveness of learning-free, negligible-cost draft strategies, namely $N$-grams obtained from the model weights and the context. While the predicted next token of the base model is rarely the top prediction of these simple strategies, we observe that it is often within their top-$k$ predictions for small $k$. Based on this, we show that combinations of simple strategies can achieve significant inference speedups over different tasks. The overall performance is comparable to more complex methods, yet does not require expensive preprocessing or modification of the base model, and allows for seamless `plug-and-play' integration into pipelines.
Abstract:The semantic similarity between sample expressions measures the distance between their latent 'meaning'. Such meanings are themselves typically represented by textual expressions, often insufficient to differentiate concepts at fine granularity. We propose a novel approach whereby the semantic similarity among textual expressions is based not on other expressions they can be rephrased as, but rather based on the imagery they evoke. While this is not possible with humans, generative models allow us to easily visualize and compare generated images, or their distribution, evoked by a textual prompt. Therefore, we characterize the semantic similarity between two textual expressions simply as the distance between image distributions they induce, or 'conjure.' We show that by choosing the Jensen-Shannon divergence between the reverse-time diffusion stochastic differential equations (SDEs) induced by each textual expression, this can be directly computed via Monte-Carlo sampling. Our method contributes a novel perspective on semantic similarity that not only aligns with human-annotated scores, but also opens up new avenues for the evaluation of text-conditioned generative models while offering better interpretability of their learnt representations.
Abstract:Visual document understanding (VDU) is a challenging task that involves understanding documents across various modalities (text and image) and layouts (forms, tables, etc.). This study aims to enhance generalizability of small VDU models by distilling knowledge from LLMs. We identify that directly prompting LLMs often fails to generate informative and useful data. In response, we present a new framework (called DocKD) that enriches the data generation process by integrating external document knowledge. Specifically, we provide an LLM with various document elements like key-value pairs, layouts, and descriptions, to elicit open-ended answers. Our experiments show that DocKD produces high-quality document annotations and surpasses the direct knowledge distillation approach that does not leverage external document knowledge. Moreover, student VDU models trained with solely DocKD-generated data are not only comparable to those trained with human-annotated data on in-domain tasks but also significantly excel them on out-of-domain tasks.
Abstract:We propose a method for metric-scale monocular depth estimation. Inferring depth from a single image is an ill-posed problem due to the loss of scale from perspective projection during the image formation process. Any scale chosen is a bias, typically stemming from training on a dataset; hence, existing works have instead opted to use relative (normalized, inverse) depth. Our goal is to recover metric-scaled depth maps through a linear transformation. The crux of our method lies in the observation that certain objects (e.g., cars, trees, street signs) are typically found or associated with certain types of scenes (e.g., outdoor). We explore whether language descriptions can be used to transform relative depth predictions to those in metric scale. Our method, RSA, takes as input a text caption describing objects present in an image and outputs the parameters of a linear transformation which can be applied globally to a relative depth map to yield metric-scaled depth predictions. We demonstrate our method on recent general-purpose monocular depth models on indoors (NYUv2) and outdoors (KITTI). When trained on multiple datasets, RSA can serve as a general alignment module in zero-shot settings. Our method improves over common practices in aligning relative to metric depth and results in predictions that are comparable to an upper bound of fitting relative depth to ground truth via a linear transformation.
Abstract:We study the capability of Video-Language (VidL) models in understanding compositions between objects, attributes, actions and their relations. Composition understanding becomes particularly challenging for video data since the compositional relations rapidly change over time in videos. We first build a benchmark named AARO to evaluate composition understanding related to actions on top of spatial concepts. The benchmark is constructed by generating negative texts with incorrect action descriptions for a given video and the model is expected to pair a positive text with its corresponding video. Furthermore, we propose a training method called NAVERO which utilizes video-text data augmented with negative texts to enhance composition understanding. We also develop a negative-augmented visual-language matching loss which is used explicitly to benefit from the generated negative text. We compare NAVERO with other state-of-the-art methods in terms of compositional understanding as well as video-text retrieval performance. NAVERO achieves significant improvement over other methods for both video-language and image-language composition understanding, while maintaining strong performance on traditional text-video retrieval tasks.
Abstract:We describe a basic correspondence between linear algebraic structures within vector embeddings in artificial neural networks and conditional independence constraints on the probability distributions modeled by these networks. Our framework aims to shed light on the emergence of structural patterns in data representations, a phenomenon widely acknowledged but arguably still lacking a solid formal grounding. Specifically, we introduce a characterization of compositional structures in terms of "interaction decompositions," and we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the presence of such structures within the representations of a model.
Abstract:We describe a family of architectures to support transductive inference by allowing memory to grow to a finite but a-priori unknown bound while making efficient use of finite resources for inference. Current architectures use such resources to represent data either eidetically over a finite span ("context" in Transformers), or fading over an infinite span (in State Space Models, or SSMs). Recent hybrid architectures have combined eidetic and fading memory, but with limitations that do not allow the designer or the learning process to seamlessly modulate the two, nor to extend the eidetic memory span. We leverage ideas from Stochastic Realization Theory to develop a class of models called B'MOJO to seamlessly combine eidetic and fading memory within an elementary composable module. The overall architecture can be used to implement models that can access short-term eidetic memory "in-context," permanent structural memory "in-weights," fading memory "in-state," and long-term eidetic memory "in-storage" by natively incorporating retrieval from an asynchronously updated memory. We show that Transformers, existing SSMs such as Mamba, and hybrid architectures such as Jamba are special cases of B'MOJO and describe a basic implementation, to be open sourced, that can be stacked and scaled efficiently in hardware. We test B'MOJO on transductive inference tasks, such as associative recall, where it outperforms existing SSMs and Hybrid models; as a baseline, we test ordinary language modeling where B'MOJO achieves perplexity comparable to similarly-sized Transformers and SSMs up to 1.4B parameters, while being up to 10% faster to train. Finally, we show that B'MOJO's ability to modulate eidetic and fading memory results in better inference on longer sequences tested up to 32K tokens, four-fold the length of the longest sequences seen during training.