Abstract:Text-to-image (T2I) generation has made significant advances in recent years, but challenges still remain in the generation of perceptual artifacts, misalignment with complex prompts, and safety. The prevailing approach to address these issues involves collecting human feedback on generated images, training reward models to estimate human feedback, and then fine-tuning T2I models based on the reward models to align them with human preferences. However, while existing reward fine-tuning methods can produce images with higher rewards, they may change model behavior in unexpected ways. For example, fine-tuning for one quality aspect (e.g., safety) may degrade other aspects (e.g., prompt alignment), or may lead to reward hacking (e.g., finding a way to increase rewards without having the intended effect). In this paper, we propose Focus-N-Fix, a region-aware fine-tuning method that trains models to correct only previously problematic image regions. The resulting fine-tuned model generates images with the same high-level structure as the original model but shows significant improvements in regions where the original model was deficient in safety (over-sexualization and violence), plausibility, or other criteria. Our experiments demonstrate that Focus-N-Fix improves these localized quality aspects with little or no degradation to others and typically imperceptible changes in the rest of the image. Disclaimer: This paper contains images that may be overly sexual, violent, offensive, or harmful.
Abstract:In online combinatorial allocations/auctions, n bidders sequentially arrive, each with a combinatorial valuation (such as submodular/XOS) over subsets of m indivisible items. The aim is to immediately allocate a subset of the remaining items to maximize the total welfare, defined as the sum of bidder valuations. A long line of work has studied this problem when the bidder valuations come from known independent distributions. In particular, for submodular/XOS valuations, we know 2-competitive algorithms/mechanisms that set a fixed price for each item and the arriving bidders take their favorite subset of the remaining items given these prices. However, these algorithms traditionally presume the availability of the underlying distributions as part of the input to the algorithm. Contrary to this assumption, practical scenarios often require the learning of distributions, a task complicated by limited sample availability. This paper investigates the feasibility of achieving O(1)-competitive algorithms under the realistic constraint of having access to only a limited number of samples from the underlying bidder distributions. Our first main contribution shows that a mere single sample from each bidder distribution is sufficient to yield an O(1)-competitive algorithm for submodular/XOS valuations. This result leverages a novel extension of the secretary-style analysis, employing the sample to have the algorithm compete against itself. Although online, this first approach does not provide an online truthful mechanism. Our second main contribution shows that a polynomial number of samples suffices to yield a $(2+\epsilon)$-competitive online truthful mechanism for submodular/XOS valuations and any constant $\epsilon>0$. This result is based on a generalization of the median-based algorithm for the single-item prophet inequality problem to combinatorial settings with multiple items.
Abstract:We introduce Imagen 3, a latent diffusion model that generates high quality images from text prompts. We describe our quality and responsibility evaluations. Imagen 3 is preferred over other state-of-the-art (SOTA) models at the time of evaluation. In addition, we discuss issues around safety and representation, as well as methods we used to minimize the potential harm of our models.
Abstract:Human feedback plays a critical role in learning and refining reward models for text-to-image generation, but the optimal form the feedback should take for learning an accurate reward function has not been conclusively established. This paper investigates the effectiveness of fine-grained feedback which captures nuanced distinctions in image quality and prompt-alignment, compared to traditional coarse-grained feedback (for example, thumbs up/down or ranking between a set of options). While fine-grained feedback holds promise, particularly for systems catering to diverse societal preferences, we show that demonstrating its superiority to coarse-grained feedback is not automatic. Through experiments on real and synthetic preference data, we surface the complexities of building effective models due to the interplay of model choice, feedback type, and the alignment between human judgment and computational interpretation. We identify key challenges in eliciting and utilizing fine-grained feedback, prompting a reassessment of its assumed benefits and practicality. Our findings -- e.g., that fine-grained feedback can lead to worse models for a fixed budget, in some settings; however, in controlled settings with known attributes, fine grained rewards can indeed be more helpful -- call for careful consideration of feedback attributes and potentially beckon novel modeling approaches to appropriately unlock the potential value of fine-grained feedback in-the-wild.
Abstract:In this paper, we present the $\texttt{e-COP}$ algorithm, the first policy optimization algorithm for constrained Reinforcement Learning (RL) in episodic (finite horizon) settings. Such formulations are applicable when there are separate sets of optimization criteria and constraints on a system's behavior. We approach this problem by first establishing a policy difference lemma for the episodic setting, which provides the theoretical foundation for the algorithm. Then, we propose to combine a set of established and novel solution ideas to yield the $\texttt{e-COP}$ algorithm that is easy to implement and numerically stable, and provide a theoretical guarantee on optimality under certain scaling assumptions. Through extensive empirical analysis using benchmarks in the Safety Gym suite, we show that our algorithm has similar or better performance than SoTA (non-episodic) algorithms adapted for the episodic setting. The scalability of the algorithm opens the door to its application in safety-constrained Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback for Large Language or Diffusion Models.
Abstract:We present a simple and efficient method to leverage emerging text-to-image generative models in creating large-scale synthetic supervision for the task of damage assessment from aerial images. While significant recent advances have resulted in improved techniques for damage assessment using aerial or satellite imagery, they still suffer from poor robustness to domains where manual labeled data is unavailable, directly impacting post-disaster humanitarian assistance in such under-resourced geographies. Our contribution towards improving domain robustness in this scenario is two-fold. Firstly, we leverage the text-guided mask-based image editing capabilities of generative models and build an efficient and easily scalable pipeline to generate thousands of post-disaster images from low-resource domains. Secondly, we propose a simple two-stage training approach to train robust models while using manual supervision from different source domains along with the generated synthetic target domain data. We validate the strength of our proposed framework under cross-geography domain transfer setting from xBD and SKAI images in both single-source and multi-source settings, achieving significant improvements over a source-only baseline in each case.
Abstract:Sequential posted pricing auctions are popular because of their simplicity in practice and their tractability in theory. A usual assumption in their study is that the Bayesian prior distributions of the buyers are known to the seller, while in reality these priors can only be accessed from historical data. To overcome this assumption, we study sequential posted pricing in the bandit learning model, where the seller interacts with $n$ buyers over $T$ rounds: In each round the seller posts $n$ prices for the $n$ buyers and the first buyer with a valuation higher than the price takes the item. The only feedback that the seller receives in each round is the revenue. Our main results obtain nearly-optimal regret bounds for single-item sequential posted pricing in the bandit learning model. In particular, we achieve an $\tilde{O}(\mathsf{poly}(n)\sqrt{T})$ regret for buyers with (Myerson's) regular distributions and an $\tilde{O}(\mathsf{poly}(n)T^{{2}/{3}})$ regret for buyers with general distributions, both of which are tight in the number of rounds $T$. Our result for regular distributions was previously not known even for the single-buyer setting and relies on a new half-concavity property of the revenue function in the value space. For $n$ sequential buyers, our technique is to run a generalized single-buyer algorithm for all the buyers and to carefully bound the regret from the sub-optimal pricing of the suffix buyers.
Abstract:We present a framework for ranking images within their class based on the strength of spurious cues present. By measuring the gap in accuracy on the highest and lowest ranked images (we call this spurious gap), we assess spurious feature reliance for $89$ diverse ImageNet models, finding that even the best models underperform in images with weak spurious presence. However, the effect of spurious cues varies far more dramatically across classes, emphasizing the crucial, often overlooked, class-dependence of the spurious correlation problem. While most spurious features we observe are clarifying (i.e. improving test-time accuracy when present, as is typically expected), we surprisingly find many cases of confusing spurious features, where models perform better when they are absent. We then close the spurious gap by training new classification heads on lowly ranked (i.e. without common spurious cues) images, resulting in improved effective robustness to distribution shifts (ObjectNet, ImageNet-R, ImageNet-Sketch). We also propose a second metric to assess feature reliability, finding that spurious features are generally less reliable than non-spurious (core) ones, though again, spurious features can be more reliable for certain classes. To enable our analysis, we annotated $5,000$ feature-class dependencies over {\it all} of ImageNet as core or spurious using minimal human supervision. Finally, we show the feature discovery and spuriosity ranking framework can be extended to other datasets like CelebA and WaterBirds in a lightweight fashion with only linear layer training, leading to discovering a previously unknown racial bias in the Celeb-A hair classification.
Abstract:Deep neural networks can be unreliable in the real world when the training set does not adequately cover all the settings where they are deployed. Focusing on image classification, we consider the setting where we have an error distribution $\mathcal{E}$ representing a deployment scenario where the model fails. We have access to a small set of samples $\mathcal{E}_{sample}$ from $\mathcal{E}$ and it can be expensive to obtain additional samples. In the traditional model development framework, mitigating failures of the model in $\mathcal{E}$ can be challenging and is often done in an ad hoc manner. In this paper, we propose a general methodology for model debugging that can systemically improve model performance on $\mathcal{E}$ while maintaining its performance on the original test set. Our key assumption is that we have access to a large pool of weakly (noisily) labeled data $\mathcal{F}$. However, naively adding $\mathcal{F}$ to the training would hurt model performance due to the large extent of label noise. Our Data-Centric Debugging (DCD) framework carefully creates a debug-train set by selecting images from $\mathcal{F}$ that are perceptually similar to the images in $\mathcal{E}_{sample}$. To do this, we use the $\ell_2$ distance in the feature space (penultimate layer activations) of various models including ResNet, Robust ResNet and DINO where we observe DINO ViTs are significantly better at discovering similar images compared to Resnets. Compared to LPIPS, we find that our method reduces compute and storage requirements by 99.58\%. Compared to the baselines that maintain model performance on the test set, we achieve significantly (+9.45\%) improved results on the debug-heldout sets.
Abstract:The Prophet Inequality and Pandora's Box problems are fundamental stochastic problem with applications in Mechanism Design, Online Algorithms, Stochastic Optimization, Optimal Stopping, and Operations Research. A usual assumption in these works is that the probability distributions of the $n$ underlying random variables are given as input to the algorithm. Since in practice these distributions need to be learned, we initiate the study of such stochastic problems in the Multi-Armed Bandits model. In the Multi-Armed Bandits model we interact with $n$ unknown distributions over $T$ rounds: in round $t$ we play a policy $x^{(t)}$ and receive a partial (bandit) feedback on the performance of $x^{(t)}$. The goal is to minimize the regret, which is the difference over $T$ rounds in the total value of the optimal algorithm that knows the distributions vs. the total value of our algorithm that learns the distributions from the partial feedback. Our main results give near-optimal $\tilde{O}(\mathsf{poly}(n)\sqrt{T})$ total regret algorithms for both Prophet Inequality and Pandora's Box. Our proofs proceed by maintaining confidence intervals on the unknown indices of the optimal policy. The exploration-exploitation tradeoff prevents us from directly refining these confidence intervals, so the main technique is to design a regret upper bound that is learnable while playing low-regret Bandit policies.