Abstract:Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning (EvoRL) has emerged as a promising approach to overcoming the limitations of traditional reinforcement learning (RL) by integrating the Evolutionary Computation (EC) paradigm with RL. However, the population-based nature of EC significantly increases computational costs, thereby restricting the exploration of algorithmic design choices and scalability in large-scale settings. To address this challenge, we introduce $\texttt{$\textbf{EvoRL}$}$, the first end-to-end EvoRL framework optimized for GPU acceleration. The framework executes the entire training pipeline on accelerators, including environment simulations and EC processes, leveraging hierarchical parallelism through vectorization and compilation techniques to achieve superior speed and scalability. This design enables the efficient training of large populations on a single machine. In addition to its performance-oriented design, $\texttt{$\textbf{EvoRL}$}$ offers a comprehensive platform for EvoRL research, encompassing implementations of traditional RL algorithms (e.g., A2C, PPO, DDPG, TD3, SAC), Evolutionary Algorithms (e.g., CMA-ES, OpenES, ARS), and hybrid EvoRL paradigms such as Evolutionary-guided RL (e.g., ERL, CEM-RL) and Population-Based AutoRL (e.g., PBT). The framework's modular architecture and user-friendly interface allow researchers to seamlessly integrate new components, customize algorithms, and conduct fair benchmarking and ablation studies. The project is open-source and available at:
Abstract:In the domain of multi-objective optimization, evolutionary algorithms are distinguished by their capability to generate a diverse population of solutions that navigate the trade-offs inherent among competing objectives. This has catalyzed the ascension of evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO) as a prevalent approach. Despite the effectiveness of the EMO paradigm, the analysis of resultant solution sets presents considerable challenges. This is primarily attributed to the high-dimensional nature of the data and the constraints imposed by static visualization methods, which frequently culminate in visual clutter and impede interactive exploratory analysis. To address these challenges, this paper introduces ParetoLens, a visual analytics framework specifically tailored to enhance the inspection and exploration of solution sets derived from the multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. Utilizing a modularized, algorithm-agnostic design, ParetoLens enables a detailed inspection of solution distributions in both decision and objective spaces through a suite of interactive visual representations. This approach not only mitigates the issues associated with static visualizations but also supports a more nuanced and flexible analysis process. The usability of the framework is evaluated through case studies and expert interviews, demonstrating its potential to uncover complex patterns and facilitate a deeper understanding of multi-objective optimization solution sets. A demo website of ParetoLens is available at
Abstract:Robot foundation models, particularly Vision-Language-Action (VLA) models, have garnered significant attention for their ability to enhance robot policy learning, greatly improving robot generalization and robustness. OpenAI recent model, o1, showcased impressive capabilities in solving complex problems by utilizing extensive reasoning chains. This prompts an important question: can robot models achieve better performance in multi-task, complex environments by reviewing prior observations and then providing task-specific reasoning to guide action prediction? In this paper, we introduce \textbf{Chain-of-Affordance (CoA)}, a novel approach to scaling robot models by incorporating reasoning in the format of sequential robot affordances to facilitate task completion. Specifically, we prompt the model to consider the following four types of affordances before taking action: a) object affordance - what object to manipulate and where it is; b) grasp affordance - the specific object part to grasp; c) spatial affordance - the optimal space to place the object; and d) movement affordance - the collision-free path for movement. By integrating this knowledge into the policy model, the robot gains essential context, allowing it to act with increased precision and robustness during inference. Our experiments demonstrate that CoA achieves superior performance than state-of-the-art robot foundation models, such as OpenVLA and Octo. Additionally, CoA shows strong generalization to unseen object poses, identifies free space, and avoids obstacles in novel environments.
Abstract:This paper introduces a comprehensive planning and navigation framework that address these limitations by integrating semantic mapping, adaptive coverage planning, dynamic obstacle avoidance and precise trajectory tracking. Our framework begins by generating panoptic occupancy local semantic maps and accurate localization information from data aligned between a monocular camera, IMU, and GPS. This information is combined with input terrain point clouds or preloaded terrain information to initialize the planning process. We propose the Radiant Field-Informed Coverage Planning algorithm, which utilizes a diffusion field model to dynamically adjust the robot's coverage trajectory and speed based on environmental attributes such as dirtiness and dryness. By modeling the spatial influence of the robot's actions using a Gaussian field, ensures a speed-optimized, uniform coverage trajectory while adapting to varying environmental conditions.
Abstract:Diffusion Policy is a powerful technique tool for learning end-to-end visuomotor robot control. It is expected that Diffusion Policy possesses scalability, a key attribute for deep neural networks, typically suggesting that increasing model size would lead to enhanced performance. However, our observations indicate that Diffusion Policy in transformer architecture (\DP) struggles to scale effectively; even minor additions of layers can deteriorate training outcomes. To address this issue, we introduce Scalable Diffusion Transformer Policy for visuomotor learning. Our proposed method, namely \textbf{\methodname}, introduces two modules that improve the training dynamic of Diffusion Policy and allow the network to better handle multimodal action distribution. First, we identify that \DP~suffers from large gradient issues, making the optimization of Diffusion Policy unstable. To resolve this issue, we factorize the feature embedding of observation into multiple affine layers, and integrate it into the transformer blocks. Additionally, our utilize non-causal attention which allows the policy network to \enquote{see} future actions during prediction, helping to reduce compounding errors. We demonstrate that our proposed method successfully scales the Diffusion Policy from 10 million to 1 billion parameters. This new model, named \methodname, can effectively scale up the model size with improved performance and generalization. We benchmark \methodname~across 50 different tasks from MetaWorld and find that our largest \methodname~outperforms \DP~with an average improvement of 21.6\%. Across 7 real-world robot tasks, our ScaleDP demonstrates an average improvement of 36.25\% over DP-T on four single-arm tasks and 75\% on three bimanual tasks. We believe our work paves the way for scaling up models for visuomotor learning. The project page is available at
Abstract:Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) have emerged as powerful tools for solving complex optimization problems characterized by multiple, often conflicting, objectives. While advancements have been made in computational efficiency as well as diversity and convergence of solutions, a critical challenge persists: the internal evolutionary mechanisms are opaque to human users. Drawing upon the successes of explainable AI in explaining complex algorithms and models, we argue that the need to understand the underlying evolutionary operators and population dynamics within MOEAs aligns well with a visual analytics paradigm. This paper introduces ParetoTracker, a visual analytics framework designed to support the comprehension and inspection of population dynamics in the evolutionary processes of MOEAs. Informed by preliminary literature review and expert interviews, the framework establishes a multi-level analysis scheme, which caters to user engagement and exploration ranging from examining overall trends in performance metrics to conducting fine-grained inspections of evolutionary operations. In contrast to conventional practices that require manual plotting of solutions for each generation, ParetoTracker facilitates the examination of temporal trends and dynamics across consecutive generations in an integrated visual interface. The effectiveness of the framework is demonstrated through case studies and expert interviews focused on widely adopted benchmark optimization problems.
Abstract:Drawing on the intricate structures of the brain, Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) emerge as a transformative development in artificial intelligence, closely emulating the complex dynamics of biological neural networks. While SNNs show promising efficiency on specialized sparse-computational hardware, their practical training often relies on conventional GPUs. This reliance frequently leads to extended computation times when contrasted with traditional Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), presenting significant hurdles for advancing SNN research. To navigate this challenge, we present a novel temporal fusion method, specifically designed to expedite the propagation dynamics of SNNs on GPU platforms, which serves as an enhancement to the current significant approaches for handling deep learning tasks with SNNs. This method underwent thorough validation through extensive experiments in both authentic training scenarios and idealized conditions, confirming its efficacy and adaptability for single and multi-GPU systems. Benchmarked against various existing SNN libraries/implementations, our method achieved accelerations ranging from $5\times$ to $40\times$ on NVIDIA A100 GPUs. Publicly available experimental codes can be found at
Abstract:Stochastic diffusion processes are pervasive in nature, from the seemingly erratic Brownian motion to the complex interactions of synaptically-coupled spiking neurons. Recently, drawing inspiration from Langevin dynamics, neuromorphic diffusion models were proposed and have become one of the major breakthroughs in the field of generative artificial intelligence. Unlike discriminative models that have been well developed to tackle classification or regression tasks, diffusion models as well as other generative models such as ChatGPT aim at creating content based upon contexts learned. However, the more complex algorithms of these models result in high computational costs using today's technologies, creating a bottleneck in their efficiency, and impeding further development. Here, we develop a spintronic voltage-controlled magnetoelectric memory hardware for the neuromorphic diffusion process. The in-memory computing capability of our spintronic devices goes beyond current Von Neumann architecture, where memory and computing units are separated. Together with the non-volatility of magnetic memory, we can achieve high-speed and low-cost computing, which is desirable for the increasing scale of generative models in the current era. We experimentally demonstrate that the hardware-based true random diffusion process can be implemented for image generation and achieve comparable image quality to software-based training as measured by the Frechet inception distance (FID) score, achieving ~10^3 better energy-per-bit-per-area over traditional hardware.
Abstract:Traditional invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces (iBCIs) typically depend on neural decoding processes conducted on workstations within laboratory settings, which prevents their everyday usage. Implementing these decoding processes on edge devices, such as the wearables, introduces considerable challenges related to computational demands, processing speed, and maintaining accuracy. This study seeks to identify an optimal neural decoding backbone that boasts robust performance and swift inference capabilities suitable for edge deployment. We executed a series of neural decoding experiments involving nonhuman primates engaged in random reaching tasks, evaluating four prospective models, Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), Transformer, Receptance Weighted Key Value (RWKV), and Selective State Space model (Mamba), across several metrics: single-session decoding, multi-session decoding, new session fine-tuning, inference speed, calibration speed, and scalability. The findings indicate that although the GRU model delivers sufficient accuracy, the RWKV and Mamba models are preferable due to their superior inference and calibration speeds. Additionally, RWKV and Mamba comply with the scaling law, demonstrating improved performance with larger data sets and increased model sizes, whereas GRU shows less pronounced scalability, and the Transformer model requires computational resources that scale prohibitively. This paper presents a thorough comparative analysis of the four models in various scenarios. The results are pivotal in pinpointing an optimal backbone that can handle increasing data volumes and is viable for edge implementation. This analysis provides essential insights for ongoing research and practical applications in the field.
Abstract:As one of the emerging challenges in Automated Machine Learning, the Hardware-aware Neural Architecture Search (HW-NAS) tasks can be treated as black-box multi-objective optimization problems (MOPs). An important application of HW-NAS is real-time semantic segmentation, which plays a pivotal role in autonomous driving scenarios. The HW-NAS for real-time semantic segmentation inherently needs to balance multiple optimization objectives, including model accuracy, inference speed, and hardware-specific considerations. Despite its importance, benchmarks have yet to be developed to frame such a challenging task as multi-objective optimization. To bridge the gap, we introduce a tailored streamline to transform the task of HW-NAS for real-time semantic segmentation into standard MOPs. Building upon the streamline, we present a benchmark test suite, CitySeg/MOP, comprising fifteen MOPs derived from the Cityscapes dataset. The CitySeg/MOP test suite is integrated into the EvoXBench platform to provide seamless interfaces with various programming languages (e.g., Python and MATLAB) for instant fitness evaluations. We comprehensively assessed the CitySeg/MOP test suite on various multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, showcasing its versatility and practicality. Source codes are available at