Abstract:In this paper, we describe our systems in which the objective is to determine whether a given news article could be considered as hyperpartisan. Hyperpartisan news is news that takes an extremely polarized political standpoint with an intention of creating political divide among the public. We attempted several approaches, including n-grams, sentiment analysis, as well as sentence and document representation using pre-tained ELMo. Our best system using pre-trained ELMo with Bidirectional LSTM achieved an accuracy of 83% through 10-fold cross-validation without much hyperparameter tuning.
Abstract:Optimization is crucial for MEC networks to function efficiently and reliably, most of which are NP-hard and lack efficient approximation algorithms. This leads to a paucity of optimal solution, constraining the effectiveness of conventional deep learning approaches. Most existing learning-based methods necessitate extensive optimal data and fail to exploit the potential benefits of suboptimal data that can be obtained with greater efficiency and effectiveness. Taking the multi-server multi-user computation offloading (MSCO) problem, which is widely observed in systems like Internet-of-Vehicles (IoV) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) networks, as a concrete scenario, we present a Graph Diffusion-based Solution Generation (GDSG) method. This approach is designed to work with suboptimal datasets while converging to the optimal solution large probably. We transform the optimization issue into distribution-learning and offer a clear explanation of learning from suboptimal training datasets. We build GDSG as a multi-task diffusion model utilizing a Graph Neural Network (GNN) to acquire the distribution of high-quality solutions. We use a simple and efficient heuristic approach to obtain a sufficient amount of training data composed entirely of suboptimal solutions. In our implementation, we enhance the backbone GNN and achieve improved generalization. GDSG also reaches nearly 100\% task orthogonality, ensuring no interference between the discrete and continuous generation tasks. We further reveal that this orthogonality arises from the diffusion-related training loss, rather than the neural network architecture itself. The experiments demonstrate that GDSG surpasses other benchmark methods on both the optimal and suboptimal training datasets. The MSCO datasets has open-sourced at http://ieee-dataport.org/13824, as well as the GDSG algorithm codes at https://github.com/qiyu3816/GDSG.
Abstract:Optimization is crucial for MEC networks to function efficiently and reliably, most of which are NP-hard and lack efficient approximation algorithms. This leads to a paucity of optimal solution, constraining the effectiveness of conventional deep learning approaches. Most existing learning-based methods necessitate extensive optimal data and fail to exploit the potential benefits of suboptimal data that can be obtained with greater efficiency and effectiveness. Taking the multi-server multi-user computation offloading (MSCO) problem, which is widely observed in systems like Internet-of-Vehicles (IoV) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) networks, as a concrete scenario, we present a Graph Diffusion-based Solution Generation (GDSG) method. This approach is designed to work with suboptimal datasets while converging to the optimal solution large probably. We transform the optimization issue into distribution-learning and offer a clear explanation of learning from suboptimal training datasets. We build GDSG as a multi-task diffusion model utilizing a Graph Neural Network (GNN) to acquire the distribution of high-quality solutions. We use a simple and efficient heuristic approach to obtain a sufficient amount of training data composed entirely of suboptimal solutions. In our implementation, we enhance the backbone GNN and achieve improved generalization. GDSG also reaches nearly 100\% task orthogonality, ensuring no interference between the discrete and continuous generation tasks. We further reveal that this orthogonality arises from the diffusion-related training loss, rather than the neural network architecture itself. The experiments demonstrate that GDSG surpasses other benchmark methods on both the optimal and suboptimal training datasets. The MSCO datasets has open-sourced at http://ieee-dataport.org/13824, as well as the GDSG algorithm codes at https://github.com/qiyu3816/GDSG.
Abstract:Network optimization is a fundamental challenge in the Internet of Things (IoT) network, often characterized by complex features that make it difficult to solve these problems. Recently, generative diffusion models (GDMs) have emerged as a promising new approach to network optimization, with the potential to directly address these optimization problems. However, the application of GDMs in this field is still in its early stages, and there is a noticeable lack of theoretical research and empirical findings. In this study, we first explore the intrinsic characteristics of generative models. Next, we provide a concise theoretical proof and intuitive demonstration of the advantages of generative models over discriminative models in network optimization. Based on this exploration, we implement GDMs as optimizers aimed at learning high-quality solution distributions for given inputs, sampling from these distributions during inference to approximate or achieve optimal solutions. Specifically, we utilize denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) and employ a classifier-free guidance mechanism to manage conditional guidance based on input parameters. We conduct extensive experiments across three challenging network optimization problems. By investigating various model configurations and the principles of GDMs as optimizers, we demonstrate the ability to overcome prediction errors and validate the convergence of generated solutions to optimal solutions.We provide code and data at https://github.com/qiyu3816/DiffSG.
Abstract:In recent years, the development of robots capable of operating in both aerial and aquatic environments has gained significant attention. This study presents the design and fabrication of a novel aerial-aquatic locomotion robot (AALR). Inspired by the diving beetle, the AALR incorporates a biomimetic propulsion mechanism with power and recovery strokes. The variable stiffness propulsion module (VSPM) uses low melting point alloy (LMPA) and variable stiffness joints (VSJ) to achieve efficient aquatic locomotion while reduce harm to marine life. The AALR's innovative design integrates the VSPM into the arms of a traditional quadrotor, allowing for effective aerial-aquatic locomotion. The VSPM adjusts joint stiffness through temperature control, meeting locomotion requirements in both aerial and aquatic modes. A dynamic model for the VSPM was developed, with optimized dimensional parameters to increase propulsion force. Experiments focused on aquatic mode analysis and demonstrated the AALR's swimming capability, achieving a maximum swimming speed of 77 mm/s underwater. The results confirm the AALR's effective performance in water environment, highlighting its potential for versatile, eco-friendly operations.
Abstract:Data debugging is to find a subset of the training data such that the model obtained by retraining on the subset has a better accuracy. A bunch of heuristic approaches are proposed, however, none of them are guaranteed to solve this problem effectively. This leaves an open issue whether there exists an efficient algorithm to find the subset such that the model obtained by retraining on it has a better accuracy. To answer this open question and provide theoretical basis for further study on developing better algorithms for data debugging, we investigate the computational complexity of the problem named Debuggable. Given a machine learning model $\mathcal{M}$ obtained by training on dataset $D$ and a test instance $(\mathbf{x}_\text{test},y_\text{test})$ where $\mathcal{M}(\mathbf{x}_\text{test})\neq y_\text{test}$, Debuggable is to determine whether there exists a subset $D^\prime$ of $D$ such that the model $\mathcal{M}^\prime$ obtained by retraining on $D^\prime$ satisfies $\mathcal{M}^\prime(\mathbf{x}_\text{test})=y_\text{test}$. To cover a wide range of commonly used models, we take SGD-trained linear classifier as the model and derive the following main results. (1) If the loss function and the dimension of the model are not fixed, Debuggable is NP-complete regardless of the training order in which all the training samples are processed during SGD. (2) For hinge-like loss functions, a comprehensive analysis on the computational complexity of Debuggable is provided; (3) If the loss function is a linear function, Debuggable can be solved in linear time, that is, data debugging can be solved easily in this case. These results not only highlight the limitations of current approaches but also offer new insights into data debugging.
Abstract:RGB-Thermal (RGB-T) crowd counting is a challenging task, which uses thermal images as complementary information to RGB images to deal with the decreased performance of unimodal RGB-based methods in scenes with low-illumination or similar backgrounds. Most existing methods propose well-designed structures for cross-modal fusion in RGB-T crowd counting. However, these methods have difficulty in encoding cross-modal contextual semantic information in RGB-T image pairs. Considering the aforementioned problem, we propose a two-stream RGB-T crowd counting network called Multi-Attention Fusion Network (MAFNet), which aims to fully capture long-range contextual information from the RGB and thermal modalities based on the attention mechanism. Specifically, in the encoder part, a Multi-Attention Fusion (MAF) module is embedded into different stages of the two modality-specific branches for cross-modal fusion at the global level. In addition, a Multi-modal Multi-scale Aggregation (MMA) regression head is introduced to make full use of the multi-scale and contextual information across modalities to generate high-quality crowd density maps. Extensive experiments on two popular datasets show that the proposed MAFNet is effective for RGB-T crowd counting and achieves the state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:Not everyone is wealthy enough to have hundreds of GPUs or TPUs. Therefore, we've got to find a way out. In this paper, we introduce a data-efficient instance segmentation method we used in the 2021 VIPriors Instance Segmentation Challenge. Our solution is a modified version of Swin Transformer, based on the mmdetection which is a powerful toolbox. To solve the problem of lack of data, we utilize data augmentation including random flip and multiscale training to train our model. During inference, multiscale fusion is used to boost the performance. We only use a single GPU during the whole training and testing stages. In the end, our team named THU_IVG_2018 achieved the result of 0.366 for AP@0.50:0.95 on the test set, which is competitive with other top-ranking methods while only one GPU is used. Besides, our method achieved the AP@0.50:0.95 (medium) of 0.592, which ranks second among all contestants. In the end, our team ranked third among all the contestants, as announced by the organizers.
Abstract:All generative models have to combat missing modes. The conventional wisdom is by reducing a statistical distance (such as f-divergence) between the generated distribution and the provided data distribution through training. We defy this wisdom. We show that even a small statistical distance does not imply a plausible mode coverage, because this distance measures a global similarity between two distributions, but not their similarity in local regions--which is needed to ensure a complete mode coverage. From a starkly different perspective, we view the battle against missing modes as a two-player game, between a player choosing a data point and an adversary choosing a generator aiming to cover that data point. Enlightened by von Neumann's minimax theorem, we see that if a generative model can approximate a data distribution moderately well under a global statistical distance measure, then we should be able to find a mixture of generators which collectively covers every data point and thus every mode with a lower-bounded probability density. A constructive realization of this minimax duality--that is, our proposed algorithm of finding the mixture of generators--is connected to a multiplicative weights update rule. We prove the pointwise coverage guarantee of our algorithm, and our experiments on real and synthetic data confirm better mode coverage over recent approaches that also use a mixture of generators but focus on global statistical distances.
Abstract:Camera-equipped unmanned vehicles (UVs) have received a lot of attention in data collection for construction monitoring applications. To develop an autonomous platform, the UV should be able to process multiple modules (e.g., context-awareness, control, localization, and mapping) on an embedded platform. Pixel-wise semantic segmentation provides a UV with the ability to be contextually aware of its surrounding environment. However, in the case of mobile robotic systems with limited computing resources, the large size of the segmentation model and high memory usage requires high computing resources, which a major challenge for mobile UVs (e.g., a small-scale vehicle with limited payload and space). To overcome this challenge, this paper presents a light and efficient deep neural network architecture to run on an embedded platform in real-time. The proposed model segments navigable space on an image sequence (i.e., a video stream), which is essential for an autonomous vehicle that is based on machine vision. The results demonstrate the performance efficiency of the proposed architecture compared to the existing models and suggest possible improvements that could make the model even more efficient, which is necessary for the future development of the autonomous robotics systems.