Abstract:Functional brain connectome is crucial for deciphering the neural mechanisms underlying cognitive functions and neurological disorders. Graph deep learning models have recently gained tremendous popularity in this field. However, their actual effectiveness in modeling the brain connectome remains unclear. In this study, we re-examine graph deep learning models based on four large-scale neuroimaging studies encompassing diverse cognitive and clinical outcomes. Surprisingly, we find that the message aggregation mechanism, a hallmark of graph deep learning models, does not help with predictive performance as typically assumed, but rather consistently degrades it. To address this issue, we propose a hybrid model combining a linear model with a graph attention network through dual pathways, achieving robust predictions and enhanced interpretability by revealing both localized and global neural connectivity patterns. Our findings urge caution in adopting complex deep learning models for functional brain connectome analysis, emphasizing the need for rigorous experimental designs to establish tangible performance gains and perhaps more importantly, to pursue improvements in model interpretability.
Abstract:Graph neural networks (GNNs) are powerful machine learning models designed to handle irregularly structured data. However, their generic design often proves inadequate for analyzing brain connectomes in Alzheimer's Disease (AD), highlighting the need to incorporate domain knowledge for optimal performance. Infusing AD-related knowledge into GNNs is a complicated task. Existing methods typically rely on collaboration between computer scientists and domain experts, which can be both time-intensive and resource-demanding. To address these limitations, this paper presents a novel self-guided, knowledge-infused multimodal GNN that autonomously incorporates domain knowledge into the model development process. Our approach conceptualizes domain knowledge as natural language and introduces a specialized multimodal GNN capable of leveraging this uncurated knowledge to guide the learning process of the GNN, such that it can improve the model performance and strengthen the interpretability of the predictions. To evaluate our framework, we curated a comprehensive dataset of recent peer-reviewed papers on AD and integrated it with multiple real-world AD datasets. Experimental results demonstrate the ability of our method to extract relevant domain knowledge, provide graph-based explanations for AD diagnosis, and improve the overall performance of the GNN. This approach provides a more scalable and efficient alternative to inject domain knowledge for AD compared with the manual design from the domain expert, advancing both prediction accuracy and interpretability in AD diagnosis.
Abstract:In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have been widely adopted in political science tasks such as election prediction, sentiment analysis, policy impact assessment, and misinformation detection. Meanwhile, the need to systematically understand how LLMs can further revolutionize the field also becomes urgent. In this work, we--a multidisciplinary team of researchers spanning computer science and political science--present the first principled framework termed Political-LLM to advance the comprehensive understanding of integrating LLMs into computational political science. Specifically, we first introduce a fundamental taxonomy classifying the existing explorations into two perspectives: political science and computational methodologies. In particular, from the political science perspective, we highlight the role of LLMs in automating predictive and generative tasks, simulating behavior dynamics, and improving causal inference through tools like counterfactual generation; from a computational perspective, we introduce advancements in data preparation, fine-tuning, and evaluation methods for LLMs that are tailored to political contexts. We identify key challenges and future directions, emphasizing the development of domain-specific datasets, addressing issues of bias and fairness, incorporating human expertise, and redefining evaluation criteria to align with the unique requirements of computational political science. Political-LLM seeks to serve as a guidebook for researchers to foster an informed, ethical, and impactful use of Artificial Intelligence in political science. Our online resource is available at: http://political-llm.org/.
Abstract:Brain connectivity alternations associated with brain disorders have been widely reported in resting-state functional imaging (rs-fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). While many dual-modal fusion methods based on graph neural networks (GNNs) have been proposed, they generally follow homogenous fusion ways ignoring rich heterogeneity of dual-modal information. To address this issue, we propose a novel method that integrates functional and structural connectivity based on heterogeneous graph neural networks (HGNNs) to better leverage the rich heterogeneity in dual-modal images. We firstly use blood oxygen level dependency and whiter matter structure information provided by rs-fMRI and DTI to establish homo-meta-path, capturing node relationships within the same modality. At the same time, we propose to establish hetero-meta-path based on structure-function coupling and brain community searching to capture relations among cross-modal nodes. Secondly, we further introduce a heterogeneous graph pooling strategy that automatically balances homo- and hetero-meta-path, effectively leveraging heterogeneous information and preventing feature confusion after pooling. Thirdly, based on the flexibility of heterogeneous graphs, we propose a heterogeneous graph data augmentation approach that can conveniently address the sample imbalance issue commonly seen in clinical diagnosis. We evaluate our method on ADNI-3 dataset for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) diagnosis. Experimental results indicate the proposed method is effective and superior to other algorithms, with a mean classification accuracy of 93.3%.
Abstract:Radiology Report Generation (RRG) has achieved significant progress with the advancements of multimodal generative models. However, the evaluation in the domain suffers from a lack of fair and robust metrics. We reveal that, high performance on RRG with existing lexical-based metrics (e.g. BLEU) might be more of a mirage - a model can get a high BLEU only by learning the template of reports. This has become an urgent problem for RRG due to the highly patternized nature of these reports. In this work, we un-intuitively approach this problem by proposing the Layman's RRG framework, a layman's terms-based dataset, evaluation and training framework that systematically improves RRG with day-to-day language. We first contribute the translated Layman's terms dataset. Building upon the dataset, we then propose a semantics-based evaluation method, which is proved to mitigate the inflated numbers of BLEU and provides fairer evaluation. Last, we show that training on the layman's terms dataset encourages models to focus on the semantics of the reports, as opposed to overfitting to learning the report templates. We reveal a promising scaling law between the number of training examples and semantics gain provided by our dataset, compared to the inverse pattern brought by the original formats. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/hegehongcha/LaymanRRG}.
Abstract:The long-standing one-to-many problem of gold standard responses in open-domain dialogue systems presents challenges for automatic evaluation metrics. Though prior works have demonstrated some success by applying powerful Large Language Models (LLMs), existing approaches still struggle with the one-to-many problem, and exhibit subpar performance in domain-specific scenarios. We assume the commonsense reasoning biases within LLMs may hinder their performance in domainspecific evaluations. To address both issues, we propose a novel framework SLIDE (Small and Large Integrated for Dialogue Evaluation), that leverages both a small, specialised model (SLM), and LLMs for the evaluation of open domain dialogues. Our approach introduces several techniques: (1) Contrastive learning to differentiate between robust and non-robust response embeddings; (2) A novel metric for semantic sensitivity that combines embedding cosine distances with similarity learned through neural networks, and (3) a strategy for incorporating the evaluation results from both the SLM and LLMs. Our empirical results demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in both the classification and evaluation tasks, and additionally the SLIDE evaluator exhibits better correlation with human judgements. Our code is available at https:// github.com/hegehongcha/SLIDE-ACL2024.
Abstract:Independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) data is essential to many data analysis and modeling techniques. In the medical domain, collecting data from multiple sites or institutions is a common strategy that guarantees sufficient clinical diversity, determined by the decentralized nature of medical data. However, data from various sites are easily biased by the local environment or facilities, thereby violating the i.i.d. rule. A common strategy is to harmonize the site bias while retaining important biological information. The ComBat is among the most popular harmonization approaches and has recently been extended to handle distributed sites. However, when faced with situations involving newly joined sites in training or evaluating data from unknown/unseen sites, ComBat lacks compatibility and requires retraining with data from all the sites. The retraining leads to significant computational and logistic overhead that is usually prohibitive. In this work, we develop a novel Cluster ComBat harmonization algorithm, which leverages cluster patterns of the data in different sites and greatly advances the usability of ComBat harmonization. We use extensive simulation and real medical imaging data from ADNI to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach.
Abstract:The MRI-derived brain network serves as a pivotal instrument in elucidating both the structural and functional aspects of the brain, encompassing the ramifications of diseases and developmental processes. However, prevailing methodologies, often focusing on synchronous BOLD signals from functional MRI (fMRI), may not capture directional influences among brain regions and rarely tackle temporal functional dynamics. In this study, we first construct the brain-effective network via the dynamic causal model. Subsequently, we introduce an interpretable graph learning framework termed Spatio-Temporal Embedding ODE (STE-ODE). This framework incorporates specifically designed directed node embedding layers, aiming at capturing the dynamic interplay between structural and effective networks via an ordinary differential equation (ODE) model, which characterizes spatial-temporal brain dynamics. Our framework is validated on several clinical phenotype prediction tasks using two independent publicly available datasets (HCP and OASIS). The experimental results clearly demonstrate the advantages of our model compared to several state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Brain network analysis is vital for understanding the neural interactions regarding brain structures and functions, and identifying potential biomarkers for clinical phenotypes. However, widely used brain signals such as Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) time series generated from functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) often manifest three challenges: (1) missing values, (2) irregular samples, and (3) sampling misalignment, due to instrumental limitations, impacting downstream brain network analysis and clinical outcome predictions. In this work, we propose a novel model called BrainODE to achieve continuous modeling of dynamic brain signals using Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE). By learning latent initial values and neural ODE functions from irregular time series, BrainODE effectively reconstructs brain signals at any time point, mitigating the aforementioned three data challenges of brain signals altogether. Comprehensive experimental results on real-world neuroimaging datasets demonstrate the superior performance of BrainODE and its capability of addressing the three data challenges.
Abstract:Automatic open-domain dialogue evaluation has attracted increasing attention. Trainable evaluation metrics are commonly trained with true positive and randomly selected negative responses, resulting in a tendency for them to assign a higher score to the responses that share higher content similarity with a given context. However, adversarial negative responses possess high content similarity with the contexts whilst being semantically different. Therefore, existing evaluation metrics are not robust enough to evaluate such responses, resulting in low correlations with human judgments. While recent studies have shown some efficacy in utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs) for open-domain dialogue evaluation, they still encounter challenges in effectively handling adversarial negative examples. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective framework for open-domain dialogue evaluation, which combines domain-specific language models (SLMs) with LLMs. The SLMs can explicitly incorporate Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) graph information of the dialogue through a gating mechanism for enhanced semantic representation learning. The evaluation result of SLMs and AMR graph information are plugged into the prompt of LLM, for the enhanced in-context learning performance. Experimental results on open-domain dialogue evaluation tasks demonstrate the superiority of our method compared to a wide range of state-of-the-art baselines, especially in discriminating adversarial negative responses. Our code is available at https://github.com/Bernard-Yang/SIMAMR.