Abstract:Traditional Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) networks benefit from utilizing multiple smaller expert models as opposed to a single large network. However, these experts typically operate independently, leaving a question open about whether interconnecting these models could enhance the performance of MoE networks. In response, we introduce GRAPHMOE, a novel method aimed at augmenting the cognitive depth of language models via a self-rethinking mechanism constructed on Pseudo GraphMoE networks. GRAPHMOE employs a recurrent routing strategy to simulate iterative thinking steps, thereby facilitating the flow of information among expert nodes. We implement the GRAPHMOE architecture using Low-Rank Adaptation techniques (LoRA) and conduct extensive experiments on various benchmark datasets. The experimental results reveal that GRAPHMOE outperforms other LoRA based models, achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance. Additionally, this study explores a novel recurrent routing strategy that may inspire further advancements in enhancing the reasoning capabilities of language models.
Abstract:At present, neural network models show powerful sequence prediction ability and are used in many automatic composition models. In comparison, the way humans compose music is very different from it. Composers usually start by creating musical motifs and then develop them into music through a series of rules. This process ensures that the music has a specific structure and changing pattern. However, it is difficult for neural network models to learn these composition rules from training data, which results in a lack of musicality and diversity in the generated music. This paper posits that integrating the learning capabilities of neural networks with human-derived knowledge may lead to better results. To archive this, we develop the POP909$\_$M dataset, the first to include labels for musical motifs and their variants, providing a basis for mimicking human compositional habits. Building on this, we propose MeloTrans, a text-to-music composition model that employs principles of motif development rules. Our experiments demonstrate that MeloTrans excels beyond existing music generation models and even surpasses Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT-4. This highlights the importance of merging human insights with neural network capabilities to achieve superior symbolic music generation.
Abstract:Motion prediction is an important aspect for Autonomous Driving (AD) and Advance Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). Current state-of-the-art motion prediction methods rely on High Definition (HD) maps for capturing the surrounding context of the ego vehicle. Such systems lack scalability in real-world deployment as HD maps are expensive to produce and update in real-time. To overcome this issue, we propose Context Aware Scene Prediction Transformer (CASPFormer), which can perform multi-modal motion prediction from rasterized Bird-Eye-View (BEV) images. Our system can be integrated with any upstream perception module that is capable of generating BEV images. Moreover, CASPFormer directly decodes vectorized trajectories without any postprocessing. Trajectories are decoded recurrently using deformable attention, as it is computationally efficient and provides the network with the ability to focus its attention on the important spatial locations of the BEV images. In addition, we also address the issue of mode collapse for generating multiple scene-consistent trajectories by incorporating learnable mode queries. We evaluate our model on the nuScenes dataset and show that it reaches state-of-the-art across multiple metrics
Abstract:Researching the specificity of TCR contributes to the development of immunotherapy and provides new opportunities and strategies for personalized cancer immunotherapy. Therefore, we established a TCR generative specificity detection framework consisting of an antigen selector and a TCR classifier based on the Random Forest algorithm, aiming to efficiently screen out TCRs and target antigens and achieve TCR specificity prediction. Furthermore, we used the k-fold validation method to compare the performance of our model with ordinary deep learning methods. The result proves that adding a classifier to the model based on the random forest algorithm is very effective, and our model generally outperforms ordinary deep learning methods. Moreover, we put forward feasible optimization suggestions for the shortcomings and challenges of our model found during model implementation.
Abstract:Mammography is crucial for breast cancer surveillance and early diagnosis. However, analyzing mammography images is a demanding task for radiologists, who often review hundreds of mammograms daily, leading to overdiagnosis and overtreatment. Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems have been developed to assist in this process, but their capabilities, particularly in lesion segmentation, remained limited. With the contemporary advances in deep learning their performance may be improved. Recently, vision-language diffusion models emerged, demonstrating outstanding performance in image generation and transferability to various downstream tasks. We aim to harness their capabilities for breast lesion segmentation in a panoptic setting, which encompasses both semantic and instance-level predictions. Specifically, we propose leveraging pretrained features from a Stable Diffusion model as inputs to a state-of-the-art panoptic segmentation architecture, resulting in accurate delineation of individual breast lesions. To bridge the gap between natural and medical imaging domains, we incorporated a mammography-specific MAM-E diffusion model and BiomedCLIP image and text encoders into this framework. We evaluated our approach on two recently published mammography datasets, CDD-CESM and VinDr-Mammo. For the instance segmentation task, we noted 40.25 AP0.1 and 46.82 AP0.05, as well as 25.44 PQ0.1 and 26.92 PQ0.05. For the semantic segmentation task, we achieved Dice scores of 38.86 and 40.92, respectively.
Abstract:Named entity recognition (NER) stands as a fundamental and pivotal task within the realm of Natural Language Processing. Particularly within the domain of Biomedical Method NER, this task presents notable challenges, stemming from the continual influx of domain-specific terminologies in scholarly literature. Current research in Biomedical Method (BioMethod) NER suffers from a scarcity of resources, primarily attributed to the intricate nature of methodological concepts, which necessitate a profound understanding for precise delineation. In this study, we propose a novel dataset for biomedical method entity recognition, employing an automated BioMethod entity recognition and information retrieval system to assist human annotation. Furthermore, we comprehensively explore a range of conventional and contemporary open-domain NER methodologies, including the utilization of cutting-edge large-scale language models (LLMs) customised to our dataset. Our empirical findings reveal that the large parameter counts of language models surprisingly inhibit the effective assimilation of entity extraction patterns pertaining to biomedical methods. Remarkably, the approach, leveraging the modestly sized ALBERT model (only 11MB), in conjunction with conditional random fields (CRF), achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance.
Abstract:Radiology Report Generation (RRG) has achieved significant progress with the advancements of multimodal generative models. However, the evaluation in the domain suffers from a lack of fair and robust metrics. We reveal that, high performance on RRG with existing lexical-based metrics (e.g. BLEU) might be more of a mirage - a model can get a high BLEU only by learning the template of reports. This has become an urgent problem for RRG due to the highly patternized nature of these reports. In this work, we un-intuitively approach this problem by proposing the Layman's RRG framework, a layman's terms-based dataset, evaluation and training framework that systematically improves RRG with day-to-day language. We first contribute the translated Layman's terms dataset. Building upon the dataset, we then propose a semantics-based evaluation method, which is proved to mitigate the inflated numbers of BLEU and provides fairer evaluation. Last, we show that training on the layman's terms dataset encourages models to focus on the semantics of the reports, as opposed to overfitting to learning the report templates. We reveal a promising scaling law between the number of training examples and semantics gain provided by our dataset, compared to the inverse pattern brought by the original formats. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/hegehongcha/LaymanRRG}.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) possess the remarkable capability to understand human instructions and generate high-quality text, enabling them to act as agents that simulate human behaviours. This capability allows LLMs to emulate human beings in a more advanced manner, beyond merely replicating simple human behaviours. However, there is a lack of exploring into leveraging LLMs to craft characters from several aspects. In this work, we introduce the Customisable Conversation Agent Framework, which employs LLMs to simulate real-world characters that can be freely customised according to different user preferences. The customisable framework is helpful for designing customisable characters and role-playing agents according to human's preferences. We first propose the SimsConv dataset, which comprises 68 different customised characters, 1,360 multi-turn role-playing dialogues, and encompasses 13,971 interaction dialogues in total. The characters are created from several real-world elements, such as career, aspiration, trait, and skill. Building on these foundations, we present SimsChat, a freely customisable role-playing agent. It incorporates different real-world scenes and topic-specific character interaction dialogues, simulating characters' life experiences in various scenarios and topic-specific interactions with specific emotions. Experimental results show that our proposed framework achieves desirable performance and provides helpful guideline for building better simulacra of human beings in the future. Our data and code are available at https://github.com/Bernard-Yang/SimsChat.
Abstract:The long-standing one-to-many problem of gold standard responses in open-domain dialogue systems presents challenges for automatic evaluation metrics. Though prior works have demonstrated some success by applying powerful Large Language Models (LLMs), existing approaches still struggle with the one-to-many problem, and exhibit subpar performance in domain-specific scenarios. We assume the commonsense reasoning biases within LLMs may hinder their performance in domainspecific evaluations. To address both issues, we propose a novel framework SLIDE (Small and Large Integrated for Dialogue Evaluation), that leverages both a small, specialised model (SLM), and LLMs for the evaluation of open domain dialogues. Our approach introduces several techniques: (1) Contrastive learning to differentiate between robust and non-robust response embeddings; (2) A novel metric for semantic sensitivity that combines embedding cosine distances with similarity learned through neural networks, and (3) a strategy for incorporating the evaluation results from both the SLM and LLMs. Our empirical results demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in both the classification and evaluation tasks, and additionally the SLIDE evaluator exhibits better correlation with human judgements. Our code is available at https:// github.com/hegehongcha/SLIDE-ACL2024.
Abstract:The MRI-derived brain network serves as a pivotal instrument in elucidating both the structural and functional aspects of the brain, encompassing the ramifications of diseases and developmental processes. However, prevailing methodologies, often focusing on synchronous BOLD signals from functional MRI (fMRI), may not capture directional influences among brain regions and rarely tackle temporal functional dynamics. In this study, we first construct the brain-effective network via the dynamic causal model. Subsequently, we introduce an interpretable graph learning framework termed Spatio-Temporal Embedding ODE (STE-ODE). This framework incorporates specifically designed directed node embedding layers, aiming at capturing the dynamic interplay between structural and effective networks via an ordinary differential equation (ODE) model, which characterizes spatial-temporal brain dynamics. Our framework is validated on several clinical phenotype prediction tasks using two independent publicly available datasets (HCP and OASIS). The experimental results clearly demonstrate the advantages of our model compared to several state-of-the-art methods.