Abstract:Entity retrieval plays a crucial role in the utilization of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and is applied across a wide range of clinical practices. However, a comprehensive evaluation of this task is lacking due to the absence of a public benchmark. In this paper, we propose the development and release of a novel benchmark for evaluating entity retrieval in EHRs, with a particular focus on the semantic gap issue. Using discharge summaries from the MIMIC-III dataset, we incorporate ICD codes and prescription labels associated with the notes as queries, and annotate relevance judgments using GPT-4. In total, we use 1,000 patient notes, generate 1,246 queries, and provide over 77,000 relevance annotations. To offer the first assessment of the semantic gap, we introduce a novel classification system for relevance matches. Leveraging GPT-4, we categorize each relevant pair into one of five categories: string, synonym, abbreviation, hyponym, and implication. Using the proposed benchmark, we evaluate several retrieval methods, including BM25, query expansion, and state-of-the-art dense retrievers. Our findings show that BM25 provides a strong baseline but struggles with semantic matches. Query expansion significantly improves performance, though it slightly reduces string match capabilities. Dense retrievers outperform traditional methods, particularly for semantic matches, and general-domain dense retrievers often surpass those trained specifically in the biomedical domain.
Abstract:While attention-based approaches have shown considerable progress in enhancing image fusion and addressing the challenges posed by long-range feature dependencies, their efficacy in capturing local features is compromised by the lack of diverse receptive field extraction techniques. To overcome the shortcomings of existing fusion methods in extracting multi-scale local features and preserving global features, this paper proposes a novel cross-modal image fusion approach based on a multi-scale convolutional neural network with attention Transformer (MATCNN). MATCNN utilizes the multi-scale fusion module (MSFM) to extract local features at different scales and employs the global feature extraction module (GFEM) to extract global features. Combining the two reduces the loss of detail features and improves the ability of global feature representation. Simultaneously, an information mask is used to label pertinent details within the images, aiming to enhance the proportion of preserving significant information in infrared images and background textures in visible images in fused images. Subsequently, a novel optimization algorithm is developed, leveraging the mask to guide feature extraction through the integration of content, structural similarity index measurement, and global feature loss. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations are conducted across various datasets, revealing that MATCNN effectively highlights infrared salient targets, preserves additional details in visible images, and achieves better fusion results for cross-modal images. The code of MATCNN will be available at https://github.com/zhang3849/MATCNN.git.
Abstract:Generative modeling of crystal data distribution is an important yet challenging task due to the unique periodic physical symmetry of crystals. Diffusion-based methods have shown early promise in modeling crystal distribution. More recently, Bayesian Flow Networks were introduced to aggregate noisy latent variables, resulting in a variance-reduced parameter space that has been shown to be advantageous for modeling Euclidean data distributions with structural constraints (Song et al., 2023). Inspired by this, we seek to unlock its potential for modeling variables located in non-Euclidean manifolds e.g. those within crystal structures, by overcoming challenging theoretical issues. We introduce CrysBFN, a novel crystal generation method by proposing a periodic Bayesian flow, which essentially differs from the original Gaussian-based BFN by exhibiting non-monotonic entropy dynamics. To successfully realize the concept of periodic Bayesian flow, CrysBFN integrates a new entropy conditioning mechanism and empirically demonstrates its significance compared to time-conditioning. Extensive experiments over both crystal ab initio generation and crystal structure prediction tasks demonstrate the superiority of CrysBFN, which consistently achieves new state-of-the-art on all benchmarks. Surprisingly, we found that CrysBFN enjoys a significant improvement in sampling efficiency, e.g., ~100x speedup 10 v.s. 2000 steps network forwards) compared with previous diffusion-based methods on MP-20 dataset. Code is available at https://github.com/wu-han-lin/CrysBFN.
Abstract:Recent advancements in diffusion models have been leveraged to address inverse problems without additional training, and Diffusion Posterior Sampling (DPS) (Chung et al., 2022a) is among the most popular approaches. Previous analyses suggest that DPS accomplishes posterior sampling by approximating the conditional score. While in this paper, we demonstrate that the conditional score approximation employed by DPS is not as effective as previously assumed, but rather aligns more closely with the principle of maximizing a posterior (MAP). This assertion is substantiated through an examination of DPS on 512x512 ImageNet images, revealing that: 1) DPS's conditional score estimation significantly diverges from the score of a well-trained conditional diffusion model and is even inferior to the unconditional score; 2) The mean of DPS's conditional score estimation deviates significantly from zero, rendering it an invalid score estimation; 3) DPS generates high-quality samples with significantly lower diversity. In light of the above findings, we posit that DPS more closely resembles MAP than a conditional score estimator, and accordingly propose the following enhancements to DPS: 1) we explicitly maximize the posterior through multi-step gradient ascent and projection; 2) we utilize a light-weighted conditional score estimator trained with only 100 images and 8 GPU hours. Extensive experimental results indicate that these proposed improvements significantly enhance DPS's performance. The source code for these improvements is provided in https://github.com/tongdaxu/Rethinking-Diffusion-Posterior-Sampling-From-Conditional-Score-Estimator-to-Maximizing-a-Posterior.
Abstract:In autonomous driving, The perception capabilities of the ego-vehicle can be improved with roadside sensors, which can provide a holistic view of the environment. However, existing monocular detection methods designed for vehicle cameras are not suitable for roadside cameras due to viewpoint domain gaps. To bridge this gap and Improve ROAdside Monocular 3D object detection, we propose IROAM, a semantic-geometry decoupled contrastive learning framework, which takes vehicle-side and roadside data as input simultaneously. IROAM has two significant modules. In-Domain Query Interaction module utilizes a transformer to learn content and depth information for each domain and outputs object queries. Cross-Domain Query Enhancement To learn better feature representations from two domains, Cross-Domain Query Enhancement decouples queries into semantic and geometry parts and only the former is used for contrastive learning. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of IROAM in improving roadside detector's performance. The results validate that IROAM has the capabilities to learn cross-domain information.
Abstract:Achieving human-like driving behaviors in complex open-world environments is a critical challenge in autonomous driving. Contemporary learning-based planning approaches such as imitation learning methods often struggle to balance competing objectives and lack of safety assurance,due to limited adaptability and inadequacy in learning complex multi-modal behaviors commonly exhibited in human planning, not to mention their strong reliance on the fallback strategy with predefined rules. We propose a novel transformer-based Diffusion Planner for closed-loop planning, which can effectively model multi-modal driving behavior and ensure trajectory quality without any rule-based refinement. Our model supports joint modeling of both prediction and planning tasks under the same architecture, enabling cooperative behaviors between vehicles. Moreover, by learning the gradient of the trajectory score function and employing a flexible classifier guidance mechanism, Diffusion Planner effectively achieves safe and adaptable planning behaviors. Evaluations on the large-scale real-world autonomous planning benchmark nuPlan and our newly collected 200-hour delivery-vehicle driving dataset demonstrate that Diffusion Planner achieves state-of-the-art closed-loop performance with robust transferability in diverse driving styles.
Abstract:Training on diverse, internet-scale data is a key factor in the success of recent large foundation models. Yet, using the same recipe for building embodied agents has faced noticeable difficulties. Despite the availability of many crowd-sourced embodied datasets, their action spaces often exhibit significant heterogeneity due to distinct physical embodiment and control interfaces for different robots, causing substantial challenges in developing embodied foundation models using cross-domain data. In this paper, we introduce UniAct, a new embodied foundation modeling framework operating in a tokenized Universal Action Space. Our learned universal actions capture the generic atomic behaviors across diverse robots by exploiting their shared structural features, and enable enhanced cross-domain data utilization and cross-embodiment generalizations by eliminating the notorious heterogeneity. The universal actions can be efficiently translated back to heterogeneous actionable commands by simply adding embodiment-specific details, from which fast adaptation to new robots becomes simple and straightforward. Our 0.5B instantiation of UniAct outperforms 14X larger SOTA embodied foundation models in extensive evaluations on various real-world and simulation robots, showcasing exceptional cross-embodiment control and adaptation capability, highlighting the crucial benefit of adopting universal actions. Project page: https://github.com/2toinf/UniAct
Abstract:Recently, tampered text detection has attracted increasing attention due to its essential role in information security. Although existing methods can detect the tampered text region, the interpretation of such detection remains unclear, making the prediction unreliable. To address this black-box problem, we propose to explain the basis of tampered text detection with natural language via large multimodal models. To fill the data gap for this task, we propose a large-scale, comprehensive dataset, ETTD, which contains both pixel-level annotations indicating the tampered text region and natural language annotations describing the anomaly of the tampered text. Multiple methods are employed to improve the quality of the proposed data. For example, a fused mask prompt is proposed to reduce confusion when querying GPT4o to generate anomaly descriptions. By weighting the input image with the mask annotation, the tampered region can be clearly indicated and the content in and around the tampered region can also be preserved. We also propose prompting GPT4o to recognize tampered texts and filtering out the responses with low OCR accuracy, which can effectively improve annotation quality in an automatic manner. To further improve explainable tampered text detection, we propose a simple yet effective model called TTD, which benefits from improved fine-grained perception by paying attention to the suspected region with auxiliary reference grounding query. Extensive experiments on both the ETTD dataset and the public dataset have verified the effectiveness of the proposed methods. In-depth analysis is also provided to inspire further research. The dataset and code will be made publicly available.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in machine translation (MT), even without specific training on the languages in question. However, translating rare words in low-resource or domain-specific contexts remains challenging for LLMs. To address this issue, we propose a multi-step prompt chain that enhances translation faithfulness by prioritizing key terms crucial for semantic accuracy. Our method first identifies these keywords and retrieves their translations from a bilingual dictionary, integrating them into the LLM's context using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). We further mitigate potential output hallucinations caused by long prompts through an iterative self-checking mechanism, where the LLM refines its translations based on lexical and semantic constraints. Experiments using Llama and Qwen as base models on the FLORES-200 and WMT datasets demonstrate significant improvements over baselines, highlighting the effectiveness of our approach in enhancing translation faithfulness and robustness, particularly in low-resource scenarios.
Abstract:Large language models (LLMs), although having revolutionized many fields, still suffer from the challenging extrapolation problem, where the inference ability of LLMs sharply declines beyond their max training lengths. In this work, we conduct a theoretical analysis to better understand why No Position Encoding (NoPE) fails outside its effective range, as well as examining the power of Position Encoding (PE) in this context. Our findings reveal that with meticulous weave position, PE can indeed be extended beyond effective range. Our theorems establish that LLMs equipped with weave PE can achieve improved extrapolation performance without additional cost. Furthermore, we introduce a novel weave PE method, Mesa-Extrapolation, which utilizes a chunk-based triangular attention matrix and applies Stair PE to manage the final chunk. This method not only retains competitive performance but also offers substantial benefits such as significantly reduced memory demand and faster inference speed. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of Mesa-Extrapolation, demonstrating its potential as a scalable solution to enhancing LLMs applicative reach.