Abstract:In this work, we propose a novel variational Bayesian adaptive learning approach for cross-domain knowledge transfer to address acoustic mismatches between training and testing conditions, such as recording devices and environmental noise. Different from the traditional Bayesian approaches that impose uncertainties on model parameters risking the curse of dimensionality due to the huge number of parameters, we focus on estimating a manageable number of latent variables in deep neural models. Knowledge learned from a source domain is thus encoded in prior distributions of deep latent variables and optimally combined, in a Bayesian sense, with a small set of adaptation data from a target domain to approximate the corresponding posterior distributions. Two different strategies are proposed and investigated to estimate the posterior distributions: Gaussian mean-field variational inference, and empirical Bayes. These strategies address the presence or absence of parallel data in the source and target domains. Furthermore, structural relationship modeling is investigated to enhance the approximation. We evaluated our proposed approaches on two acoustic adaptation tasks: 1) device adaptation for acoustic scene classification, and 2) noise adaptation for spoken command recognition. Experimental results show that the proposed variational Bayesian adaptive learning approach can obtain good improvements on target domain data, and consistently outperforms state-of-the-art knowledge transfer methods.
Abstract:In this work, we aim to establish a Bayesian adaptive learning framework by focusing on estimating latent variables in deep neural network (DNN) models. Latent variables indeed encode both transferable distributional information and structural relationships. Thus the distributions of the source latent variables (prior) can be combined with the knowledge learned from the target data (likelihood) to yield the distributions of the target latent variables (posterior) with the goal of addressing acoustic mismatches between training and testing conditions. The prior knowledge transfer is accomplished through Variational Bayes (VB). In addition, we also investigate Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) based Bayesian adaptation. Experimental results on device adaptation in acoustic scene classification show that our proposed approaches can obtain good improvements on target devices, and consistently outperforms other cut-edging algorithms.
Abstract:For text-to-video retrieval (T2VR), which aims to retrieve unlabeled videos by ad-hoc textual queries, CLIP-based methods are dominating. Compared to CLIP4Clip which is efficient and compact, the state-of-the-art models tend to compute video-text similarity by fine-grained cross-modal feature interaction and matching, putting their scalability for large-scale T2VR into doubt. For efficient T2VR, we propose TeachCLIP with multi-grained teaching to let a CLIP4Clip based student network learn from more advanced yet computationally heavy models such as X-CLIP, TS2-Net and X-Pool . To improve the student's learning capability, we add an Attentional frame-Feature Aggregation (AFA) block, which by design adds no extra storage/computation overhead at the retrieval stage. While attentive weights produced by AFA are commonly used for combining frame-level features, we propose a novel use of the weights to let them imitate frame-text relevance estimated by the teacher network. As such, AFA provides a fine-grained learning (teaching) channel for the student (teacher). Extensive experiments on multiple public datasets justify the viability of the proposed method.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose two techniques, namely joint modeling and data augmentation, to improve system performances for audio-visual scene classification (AVSC). We employ pre-trained networks trained only on image data sets to extract video embedding; whereas for audio embedding models, we decide to train them from scratch. We explore different neural network architectures for joint modeling to effectively combine the video and audio modalities. Moreover, data augmentation strategies are investigated to increase audio-visual training set size. For the video modality the effectiveness of several operations in RandAugment is verified. An audio-video joint mixup scheme is proposed to further improve AVSC performances. Evaluated on the development set of TAU Urban Audio Visual Scenes 2021, our final system can achieve the best accuracy of 94.2% among all single AVSC systems submitted to DCASE 2021 Task 1b.
Abstract:We propose a variational Bayesian (VB) approach to learning distributions of latent variables in deep neural network (DNN) models for cross-domain knowledge transfer, to address acoustic mismatches between training and testing conditions. Instead of carrying out point estimation in conventional maximum a posteriori estimation with a risk of having a curse of dimensionality in estimating a huge number of model parameters, we focus our attention on estimating a manageable number of latent variables of DNNs via a VB inference framework. To accomplish model transfer, knowledge learnt from a source domain is encoded in prior distributions of latent variables and optimally combined, in a Bayesian sense, with a small set of adaptation data from a target domain to approximate the corresponding posterior distributions. Experimental results on device adaptation in acoustic scene classification show that our proposed VB approach can obtain good improvements on target devices, and consistently outperforms 13 state-of-the-art knowledge transfer algorithms.
Abstract:In this study, we propose a novel adversarial reprogramming (AR) approach for low-resource spoken command recognition (SCR), and build an AR-SCR system. The AR procedure aims to modify the acoustic signals (from the target domain) to repurpose a pretrained SCR model (from the source domain). To solve the label mismatches between source and target domains, and further improve the stability of AR, we propose a novel similarity-based label mapping technique to align classes. In addition, the transfer learning (TL) technique is combined with the original AR process to improve the model adaptation capability. We evaluate the proposed AR-SCR system on three low-resource SCR datasets, including Arabic, Lithuanian, and dysarthric Mandarin speech. Experimental results show that with a pretrained AM trained on a large-scale English dataset, the proposed AR-SCR system outperforms the current state-of-the-art results on Arabic and Lithuanian speech commands datasets, with only a limited amount of training data.
Abstract:We propose a novel neural model compression strategy combining data augmentation, knowledge transfer, pruning, and quantization for device-robust acoustic scene classification (ASC). Specifically, we tackle the ASC task in a low-resource environment leveraging a recently proposed advanced neural network pruning mechanism, namely Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH), to find a sub-network neural model associated with a small amount non-zero model parameters. The effectiveness of LTH for low-complexity acoustic modeling is assessed by investigating various data augmentation and compression schemes, and we report an efficient joint framework for low-complexity multi-device ASC, called Acoustic Lottery. Acoustic Lottery could compress an ASC model over $1/10^{4}$ and attain a superior performance (validation accuracy of 74.01% and Log loss of 0.76) compared to its not compressed seed model. All results reported in this work are based on a joint effort of four groups, namely GT-USTC-UKE-Tencent, aiming to address the "Low-Complexity Acoustic Scene Classification (ASC) with Multiple Devices" in the DCASE 2021 Challenge Task 1a.
Abstract:Accents mismatching is a critical problem for end-to-end ASR. This paper aims to address this problem by building an accent-robust RNN-T system with domain adversarial training (DAT). We unveil the magic behind DAT and provide, for the first time, a theoretical guarantee that DAT learns accent-invariant representations. We also prove that performing the gradient reversal in DAT is equivalent to minimizing the Jensen-Shannon divergence between domain output distributions. Motivated by the proof of equivalence, we introduce reDAT, a novel technique based on DAT, which relabels data using either unsupervised clustering or soft labels. Experiments on 23K hours of multi-accent data show that DAT achieves competitive results over accent-specific baselines on both native and non-native English accents but up to 13% relative WER reduction on unseen accents; our reDAT yields further improvements over DAT by 3% and 8% relatively on non-native accents of American and British English.
Abstract:To improve device robustness, a highly desirable key feature of a competitive data-driven acoustic scene classification (ASC) system, a novel two-stage system based on fully convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is proposed. Our two-stage system leverages on an ad-hoc score combination based on two CNN classifiers: (i) the first CNN classifies acoustic inputs into one of three broad classes, and (ii) the second CNN classifies the same inputs into one of ten finer-grained classes. Three different CNN architectures are explored to implement the two-stage classifiers, and a frequency sub-sampling scheme is investigated. Moreover, novel data augmentation schemes for ASC are also investigated. Evaluated on DCASE 2020 Task 1a, our results show that the proposed ASC system attains a state-of-the-art accuracy on the development set, where our best system, a two-stage fusion of CNN ensembles, delivers a 81.9% average accuracy among multi-device test data, and it obtains a significant improvement on unseen devices. Finally, neural saliency analysis with class activation mapping (CAM) gives new insights on the patterns learnt by our models.
Abstract:In this technical report, we present a joint effort of four groups, namely GT, USTC, Tencent, and UKE, to tackle Task 1 - Acoustic Scene Classification (ASC) in the DCASE 2020 Challenge. Task 1 comprises two different sub-tasks: (i) Task 1a focuses on ASC of audio signals recorded with multiple (real and simulated) devices into ten different fine-grained classes, and (ii) Task 1b concerns with classification of data into three higher-level classes using low-complexity solutions. For Task 1a, we propose a novel two-stage ASC system leveraging upon ad-hoc score combination of two convolutional neural networks (CNNs), classifying the acoustic input according to three classes, and then ten classes, respectively. Four different CNN-based architectures are explored to implement the two-stage classifiers, and several data augmentation techniques are also investigated. For Task 1b, we leverage upon a quantization method to reduce the complexity of two of our top-accuracy three-classes CNN-based architectures. On Task 1a development data set, an ASC accuracy of 76.9\% is attained using our best single classifier and data augmentation. An accuracy of 81.9\% is then attained by a final model fusion of our two-stage ASC classifiers. On Task 1b development data set, we achieve an accuracy of 96.7\% with a model size smaller than 500KB. Code is available: https://github.com/MihawkHu/DCASE2020_task1.