Abstract:We introduce MiniMax-01 series, including MiniMax-Text-01 and MiniMax-VL-01, which are comparable to top-tier models while offering superior capabilities in processing longer contexts. The core lies in lightning attention and its efficient scaling. To maximize computational capacity, we integrate it with Mixture of Experts (MoE), creating a model with 32 experts and 456 billion total parameters, of which 45.9 billion are activated for each token. We develop an optimized parallel strategy and highly efficient computation-communication overlap techniques for MoE and lightning attention. This approach enables us to conduct efficient training and inference on models with hundreds of billions of parameters across contexts spanning millions of tokens. The context window of MiniMax-Text-01 can reach up to 1 million tokens during training and extrapolate to 4 million tokens during inference at an affordable cost. Our vision-language model, MiniMax-VL-01 is built through continued training with 512 billion vision-language tokens. Experiments on both standard and in-house benchmarks show that our models match the performance of state-of-the-art models like GPT-4o and Claude-3.5-Sonnet while offering 20-32 times longer context window. We publicly release MiniMax-01 at https://github.com/MiniMax-AI.
Abstract:In federated learning (FL), the common paradigm that FedAvg proposes and most algorithms follow is that clients train local models with their private data, and the model parameters are shared for central aggregation, mostly averaging. In this paradigm, the communication cost is often a challenge, as modern massive neural networks can contain millions to billions parameters. We suggest that clients do not share model parameters but local data summaries, to decrease the cost of sharing. We develop a new algorithm FedLog with Bayesian inference, which shares only sufficient statistics of local data. FedLog transmits messages as small as the last layer of the original model. We conducted comprehensive experiments to show we outperform other FL algorithms that aim at decreasing the communication cost. To provide formal privacy guarantees, we further extend FedLog with differential privacy and show the trade-off between privacy budget and accuracy.
Abstract:Machine unlearning provides viable solutions to revoke the effect of certain training data on pre-trained model parameters. Existing approaches provide unlearning recipes for classification and generative models. However, a category of important machine learning models, i.e., contrastive learning (CL) methods, is overlooked. In this paper, we fill this gap by first proposing the framework of Machine Unlearning for Contrastive learning (MUC) and adapting existing methods. Furthermore, we observe that several methods are mediocre unlearners and existing auditing tools may not be sufficient for data owners to validate the unlearning effects in contrastive learning. We thus propose a novel method called Alignment Calibration (AC) by explicitly considering the properties of contrastive learning and optimizing towards novel auditing metrics to easily verify unlearning. We empirically compare AC with baseline methods on SimCLR, MoCo and CLIP. We observe that AC addresses drawbacks of existing methods: (1) achieving state-of-the-art performance and approximating exact unlearning (retraining); (2) allowing data owners to clearly visualize the effect caused by unlearning through black-box auditing.
Abstract:Parameter-efficient fine-tuning stands as the standard for efficiently fine-tuning large language and vision models on downstream tasks. Specifically, the efficiency of low-rank adaptation has facilitated the creation and sharing of hundreds of custom LoRA modules, each trained on distinct data from various downstream tasks. In this paper, we explore the composability of LoRA modules, examining if combining these pre-trained modules enhances generalization to unseen downstream tasks. Our investigation involves evaluating two approaches: (a) uniform composition, involving averaging upstream LoRA modules with equal weights, and (b) learned composition, where we learn the weights for each upstream module and perform weighted averaging. Our experimental results on both vision and language models reveal that in few-shot settings, where only a limited number of samples are available for the downstream task, both uniform and learned composition methods result in better transfer accuracy; outperforming full fine-tuning and training a LoRA from scratch. Moreover, in full-shot settings, learned composition performs comparably to regular LoRA training with significantly fewer number of trainable parameters. Our research unveils the potential of uniform composition for enhancing transferability in low-shot settings, without introducing additional learnable parameters.
Abstract:In self-supervised contrastive learning, a widely-adopted objective function is InfoNCE, which uses the heuristic cosine similarity for the representation comparison, and is closely related to maximizing the Kullback-Leibler (KL)-based mutual information. In this paper, we aim at answering two intriguing questions: (1) Can we go beyond the KL-based objective? (2) Besides the popular cosine similarity, can we design a better similarity function? We provide answers to both questions by generalizing the KL-based mutual information to the $f$-Mutual Information in Contrastive Learning ($f$-MICL) using the $f$-divergences. To answer the first question, we provide a wide range of $f$-MICL objectives which share the nice properties of InfoNCE (e.g., alignment and uniformity), and meanwhile result in similar or even superior performance. For the second question, assuming that the joint feature distribution is proportional to the Gaussian kernel, we derive an $f$-Gaussian similarity with better interpretability and empirical performance. Finally, we identify close relationships between the $f$-MICL objective and several popular InfoNCE-based objectives. Using benchmark tasks from both vision and natural language, we empirically evaluate $f$-MICL with different $f$-divergences on various architectures (SimCLR, MoCo, and MoCo v3) and datasets. We observe that $f$-MICL generally outperforms the benchmarks and the best-performing $f$-divergence is task and dataset dependent.
Abstract:Multi-task learning (MTL) considers learning a joint model for multiple tasks by optimizing a convex combination of all task losses. To solve the optimization problem, existing methods use an adaptive weight updating scheme, where task weights are dynamically adjusted based on their respective losses to prioritize difficult tasks. However, these algorithms face a great challenge whenever label noise is present, in which case excessive weights tend to be assigned to noisy tasks that have relatively large Bayes optimal errors, thereby overshadowing other tasks and causing performance to drop across the board. To overcome this limitation, we propose Multi-Task Learning with Excess Risks (ExcessMTL), an excess risk-based task balancing method that updates the task weights by their distances to convergence instead. Intuitively, ExcessMTL assigns higher weights to worse-trained tasks that are further from convergence. To estimate the excess risks, we develop an efficient and accurate method with Taylor approximation. Theoretically, we show that our proposed algorithm achieves convergence guarantees and Pareto stationarity. Empirically, we evaluate our algorithm on various MTL benchmarks and demonstrate its superior performance over existing methods in the presence of label noise.
Abstract:In the realm of real-world devices, centralized servers in Federated Learning (FL) present challenges including communication bottlenecks and susceptibility to a single point of failure. Additionally, contemporary devices inherently exhibit model and data heterogeneity. Existing work lacks a Decentralized FL (DFL) framework capable of accommodating such heterogeneity without imposing architectural restrictions or assuming the availability of public data. To address these issues, we propose a Decentralized Federated Mutual Learning (DFML) framework that is serverless, supports nonrestrictive heterogeneous models, and avoids reliance on public data. DFML effectively handles model and data heterogeneity through mutual learning, which distills knowledge between clients, and cyclically varying the amount of supervision and distillation signals. Extensive experimental results demonstrate consistent effectiveness of DFML in both convergence speed and global accuracy, outperforming prevalent baselines under various conditions. For example, with the CIFAR-100 dataset and 50 clients, DFML achieves a substantial increase of +17.20% and +19.95% in global accuracy under Independent and Identically Distributed (IID) and non-IID data shifts, respectively.
Abstract:In one-shot federated learning (FL), clients collaboratively train a global model in a single round of communication. Existing approaches for one-shot FL enhance communication efficiency at the expense of diminished accuracy. This paper introduces FedPFT (Federated Learning with Parametric Feature Transfer), a methodology that harnesses the transferability of foundation models to enhance both accuracy and communication efficiency in one-shot FL. The approach involves transferring per-client parametric models (specifically, Gaussian mixtures) of features extracted from foundation models. Subsequently, each parametric model is employed to generate synthetic features for training a classifier head. Experimental results on eight datasets demonstrate that FedPFT enhances the communication-accuracy frontier in both centralized and decentralized FL scenarios, as well as across diverse data-heterogeneity settings such as covariate shift and task shift, with improvements of up to 20.6%. Additionally, FedPFT adheres to the data minimization principle of FL, as clients do not send real features. We demonstrate that sending real features is vulnerable to potent reconstruction attacks. Moreover, we show that FedPFT is amenable to formal privacy guarantees via differential privacy, demonstrating favourable privacy-accuracy tradeoffs.
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) involves training a model over a dataset distributed among clients, with the constraint that each client's dataset is localized and possibly heterogeneous. In FL, small and noisy datasets are common, highlighting the need for well-calibrated models that represent the uncertainty of predictions. The closest FL techniques to achieving such goals are the Bayesian FL methods which collect parameter samples from local posteriors, and aggregate them to approximate the global posterior. To improve scalability for larger models, one common Bayesian approach is to approximate the global predictive posterior by multiplying local predictive posteriors. In this work, we demonstrate that this method gives systematically overconfident predictions, and we remedy this by proposing $\beta$-Predictive Bayes, a Bayesian FL algorithm that interpolates between a mixture and product of the predictive posteriors, using a tunable parameter $\beta$. This parameter is tuned to improve the global ensemble's calibration, before it is distilled to a single model. Our method is evaluated on a variety of regression and classification datasets to demonstrate its superiority in calibration to other baselines, even as data heterogeneity increases. Code available at https://github.com/hasanmohsin/betaPredBayes_FL
Abstract:Despite the huge effort in developing novel regularizers for Domain Generalization (DG), adding simple data augmentation to the vanilla ERM which is a practical implementation of the Vicinal Risk Minimization principle (VRM) \citep{chapelle2000vicinal} outperforms or stays competitive with many of the proposed regularizers. The VRM reduces the estimation error in ERM by replacing the point-wise kernel estimates with a more precise estimation of true data distribution that reduces the gap between data points \textbf{within each domain}. However, in the DG setting, the estimation error of true data distribution by ERM is mainly caused by the distribution shift \textbf{between domains} which cannot be fully addressed by simple data augmentation techniques within each domain. Inspired by this limitation of VRM, we propose a novel data augmentation named Cross Domain Generative Augmentation (CDGA) that replaces the pointwise kernel estimates in ERM with new density estimates in the \textbf{vicinity of domain pairs} so that the gap between domains is further reduced. To this end, CDGA, which is built upon latent diffusion models (LDM), generates synthetic images to fill the gap between all domains and as a result, reduces the non-iidness. We show that CDGA outperforms SOTA DG methods under the Domainbed benchmark. To explain the effectiveness of CDGA, we generate more than 5 Million synthetic images and perform extensive ablation studies including data scaling laws, distribution visualization, domain shift quantification, adversarial robustness, and loss landscape analysis.