Abstract:We introduce EgoPoints, a benchmark for point tracking in egocentric videos. We annotate 4.7K challenging tracks in egocentric sequences. Compared to the popular TAP-Vid-DAVIS evaluation benchmark, we include 9x more points that go out-of-view and 59x more points that require re-identification (ReID) after returning to view. To measure the performance of models on these challenging points, we introduce evaluation metrics that specifically monitor tracking performance on points in-view, out-of-view, and points that require re-identification. We then propose a pipeline to create semi-real sequences, with automatic ground truth. We generate 11K such sequences by combining dynamic Kubric objects with scene points from EPIC Fields. When fine-tuning point tracking methods on these sequences and evaluating on our annotated EgoPoints sequences, we improve CoTracker across all metrics, including the tracking accuracy $\delta^\star_{\text{avg}}$ by 2.7 percentage points and accuracy on ReID sequences (ReID$\delta_{\text{avg}}$) by 2.4 points. We also improve $\delta^\star_{\text{avg}}$ and ReID$\delta_{\text{avg}}$ of PIPs++ by 0.3 and 2.8 respectively.
Abstract:Gaussian splatting methods are emerging as a popular approach for converting multi-view image data into scene representations that allow view synthesis. In particular, there is interest in enabling view synthesis for dynamic scenes using only monocular input data -- an ill-posed and challenging problem. The fast pace of work in this area has produced multiple simultaneous papers that claim to work best, which cannot all be true. In this work, we organize, benchmark, and analyze many Gaussian-splatting-based methods, providing apples-to-apples comparisons that prior works have lacked. We use multiple existing datasets and a new instructive synthetic dataset designed to isolate factors that affect reconstruction quality. We systematically categorize Gaussian splatting methods into specific motion representation types and quantify how their differences impact performance. Empirically, we find that their rank order is well-defined in synthetic data, but the complexity of real-world data currently overwhelms the differences. Furthermore, the fast rendering speed of all Gaussian-based methods comes at the cost of brittleness in optimization. We summarize our experiments into a list of findings that can help to further progress in this lively problem setting. Project Webpage: https://lynl7130.github.io/MonoDyGauBench.github.io/
Abstract:Large-scale vision foundation models such as Segment Anything (SAM) demonstrate impressive performance in zero-shot image segmentation at multiple levels of granularity. However, these zero-shot predictions are rarely 3D-consistent. As the camera viewpoint changes in a scene, so do the segmentation predictions, as well as the characterizations of ``coarse" or ``fine" granularity. In this work, we address the challenging task of lifting multi-granular and view-inconsistent image segmentations into a hierarchical and 3D-consistent representation. We learn a novel feature field within a Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) representing a 3D scene, whose segmentation structure can be revealed at different scales by simply using different thresholds on feature distance. Our key idea is to learn an ultrametric feature space, which unlike a Euclidean space, exhibits transitivity in distance-based grouping, naturally leading to a hierarchical clustering. Put together, our method takes view-inconsistent multi-granularity 2D segmentations as input and produces a hierarchy of 3D-consistent segmentations as output. We evaluate our method and several baselines on synthetic datasets with multi-view images and multi-granular segmentation, showcasing improved accuracy and viewpoint-consistency. We additionally provide qualitative examples of our model's 3D hierarchical segmentations in real world scenes.\footnote{The code and dataset are available at:
Abstract:State-of-the-art models on contemporary 3D perception benchmarks like ScanNet consume and label dataset-provided 3D point clouds, obtained through post processing of sensed multiview RGB-D images. They are typically trained in-domain, forego large-scale 2D pre-training and outperform alternatives that featurize the posed RGB-D multiview images instead. The gap in performance between methods that consume posed images versus post-processed 3D point clouds has fueled the belief that 2D and 3D perception require distinct model architectures. In this paper, we challenge this view and propose ODIN (Omni-Dimensional INstance segmentation), a model that can segment and label both 2D RGB images and 3D point clouds, using a transformer architecture that alternates between 2D within-view and 3D cross-view information fusion. Our model differentiates 2D and 3D feature operations through the positional encodings of the tokens involved, which capture pixel coordinates for 2D patch tokens and 3D coordinates for 3D feature tokens. ODIN achieves state-of-the-art performance on ScanNet200, Matterport3D and AI2THOR 3D instance segmentation benchmarks, and competitive performance on ScanNet, S3DIS and COCO. It outperforms all previous works by a wide margin when the sensed 3D point cloud is used in place of the point cloud sampled from 3D mesh. When used as the 3D perception engine in an instructable embodied agent architecture, it sets a new state-of-the-art on the TEACh action-from-dialogue benchmark. Our code and checkpoints can be found at the project website: https://odin-seg.github.io.
Abstract:Given the difficulty of manually annotating motion in video, the current best motion estimation methods are trained with synthetic data, and therefore struggle somewhat due to a train/test gap. Self-supervised methods hold the promise of training directly on real video, but typically perform worse. These include methods trained with warp error (i.e., color constancy) combined with smoothness terms, and methods that encourage cycle-consistency in the estimates (i.e., tracking backwards should yield the opposite trajectory as tracking forwards). In this work, we take on the challenge of improving state-of-the-art supervised models with self-supervised training. We find that when the initialization is supervised weights, most existing self-supervision techniques actually make performance worse instead of better, which suggests that the benefit of seeing the new data is overshadowed by the noise in the training signal. Focusing on obtaining a ``clean'' training signal from real-world unlabelled video, we propose to separate label-making and training into two distinct stages. In the first stage, we use the pre-trained model to estimate motion in a video, and then select the subset of motion estimates which we can verify with cycle-consistency. This produces a sparse but accurate pseudo-labelling of the video. In the second stage, we fine-tune the model to reproduce these outputs, while also applying augmentations on the input. We complement this boot-strapping method with simple techniques that densify and re-balance the pseudo-labels, ensuring that we do not merely train on ``easy'' tracks. We show that our method yields reliable gains over fully-supervised methods in real videos, for both short-term (flow-based) and long-range (multi-frame) pixel tracking.
Abstract:Pose estimation is a crucial task in computer vision, enabling tracking and manipulating objects in images or videos. While several datasets exist for pose estimation, there is a lack of large-scale datasets specifically focusing on cluttered scenes with occlusions. This limitation is a bottleneck in the development and evaluation of pose estimation methods, particularly toward the goal of real-world application in environments where occlusions are common. Addressing this, we introduce PACE (Pose Annotations in Cluttered Environments), a large-scale benchmark designed to advance the development and evaluation of pose estimation methods in cluttered scenarios. PACE encompasses 54,945 frames with 257,673 annotations across 300 videos, covering 576 objects from 44 categories and featuring a mix of rigid and articulated items in cluttered scenes. To annotate the real-world data efficiently, we developed an innovative annotation system utilizing a calibrated 3-camera setup. We test state-of-the-art algorithms in PACE along two tracks: pose estimation, and object pose tracking, revealing the benchmark's challenges and research opportunities. We plan to release PACE as a public evaluation benchmark, along the annotations tools we developed, to stimulate further advancements in the field. Our code and data is available on https://github.com/qq456cvb/PACE.
Abstract:Object tracking is central to robot perception and scene understanding. Tracking-by-detection has long been a dominant paradigm for object tracking of specific object categories. Recently, large-scale pre-trained models have shown promising advances in detecting and segmenting objects and parts in 2D static images in the wild. This begs the question: can we re-purpose these large-scale pre-trained static image models for open-vocabulary video tracking? In this paper, we re-purpose an open-vocabulary detector, segmenter, and dense optical flow estimator, into a model that tracks and segments objects of any category in 2D videos. Our method predicts object and part tracks with associated language descriptions in monocular videos, rebuilding the pipeline of Tractor with modern large pre-trained models for static image detection and segmentation: we detect open-vocabulary object instances and propagate their boxes from frame to frame using a flow-based motion model, refine the propagated boxes with the box regression module of the visual detector, and prompt an open-world segmenter with the refined box to segment the objects. We decide the termination of an object track based on the objectness score of the propagated boxes, as well as forward-backward optical flow consistency. We re-identify objects across occlusions using deep feature matching. We show that our model achieves strong performance on multiple established video object segmentation and tracking benchmarks, and can produce reasonable tracks in manipulation data. In particular, our model outperforms previous state-of-the-art in UVO and BURST, benchmarks for open-world object tracking and segmentation, despite never being explicitly trained for tracking. We hope that our approach can serve as a simple and extensible framework for future research.
Abstract:Current machine learning methods struggle to solve Bongard problems, which are a type of IQ test that requires deriving an abstract "concept" from a set of positive and negative "support" images, and then classifying whether or not a new query image depicts the key concept. On Bongard-HOI, a benchmark for natural-image Bongard problems, existing methods have only reached 66% accuracy (where chance is 50%). Low accuracy is often attributed to neural nets' lack of ability to find human-like symbolic rules. In this work, we point out that many existing methods are forfeiting accuracy due to a much simpler problem: they do not incorporate information contained in the support set as a whole, and rely instead on information extracted from individual supports. This is a critical issue, because unlike in few-shot learning tasks concerning object classification, the "key concept" in a typical Bongard problem can only be distinguished using multiple positives and multiple negatives. We explore a variety of simple methods to take this cross-image context into account, and demonstrate substantial gains over prior methods, leading to new state-of-the-art performance on Bongard-LOGO (75.3%) and Bongard-HOI (72.45%) and strong performance on the original Bongard problem set (60.84%).
Abstract:We introduce PointOdyssey, a large-scale synthetic dataset, and data generation framework, for the training and evaluation of long-term fine-grained tracking algorithms. Our goal is to advance the state-of-the-art by placing emphasis on long videos with naturalistic motion. Toward the goal of naturalism, we animate deformable characters using real-world motion capture data, we build 3D scenes to match the motion capture environments, and we render camera viewpoints using trajectories mined via structure-from-motion on real videos. We create combinatorial diversity by randomizing character appearance, motion profiles, materials, lighting, 3D assets, and atmospheric effects. Our dataset currently includes 104 videos, averaging 2,000 frames long, with orders of magnitude more correspondence annotations than prior work. We show that existing methods can be trained from scratch in our dataset and outperform the published variants. Finally, we introduce modifications to the PIPs point tracking method, greatly widening its temporal receptive field, which improves its performance on PointOdyssey as well as on two real-world benchmarks. Our data and code are publicly available at: https://pointodyssey.com
Abstract:We introduce TIDEE, an embodied agent that tidies up a disordered scene based on learned commonsense object placement and room arrangement priors. TIDEE explores a home environment, detects objects that are out of their natural place, infers plausible object contexts for them, localizes such contexts in the current scene, and repositions the objects. Commonsense priors are encoded in three modules: i) visuo-semantic detectors that detect out-of-place objects, ii) an associative neural graph memory of objects and spatial relations that proposes plausible semantic receptacles and surfaces for object repositions, and iii) a visual search network that guides the agent's exploration for efficiently localizing the receptacle-of-interest in the current scene to reposition the object. We test TIDEE on tidying up disorganized scenes in the AI2THOR simulation environment. TIDEE carries out the task directly from pixel and raw depth input without ever having observed the same room beforehand, relying only on priors learned from a separate set of training houses. Human evaluations on the resulting room reorganizations show TIDEE outperforms ablative versions of the model that do not use one or more of the commonsense priors. On a related room rearrangement benchmark that allows the agent to view the goal state prior to rearrangement, a simplified version of our model significantly outperforms a top-performing method by a large margin. Code and data are available at the project website: https://tidee-agent.github.io/.