Abstract:Sparsely activated Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) models are widely adopted to scale up model capacity without increasing the computation budget. However, vanilla TopK routers are trained in a discontinuous, non-differentiable way, limiting their performance and scalability. To address this issue, we propose ReMoE, a fully differentiable MoE architecture that offers a simple yet effective drop-in replacement for the conventional TopK+Softmax routing, utilizing ReLU as the router instead. We further propose methods to regulate the router's sparsity while balancing the load among experts. ReMoE's continuous nature enables efficient dynamic allocation of computation across tokens and layers, while also exhibiting domain specialization. Our experiments demonstrate that ReMoE consistently outperforms vanilla TopK-routed MoE across various model sizes, expert counts, and levels of granularity. Furthermore, ReMoE exhibits superior scalability with respect to the number of experts, surpassing traditional MoE architectures. The implementation based on Megatron-LM is available at https://github.com/thu-ml/ReMoE.
Abstract:Sampling-based algorithms, which eliminate ''unimportant'' computations during forward and/or back propagation (BP), offer potential solutions to accelerate neural network training. However, since sampling introduces approximations to training, such algorithms may not consistently maintain accuracy across various tasks. In this work, we introduce a variance-controlled adaptive sampling (VCAS) method designed to accelerate BP. VCAS computes an unbiased stochastic gradient with fine-grained layerwise importance sampling in data dimension for activation gradient calculation and leverage score sampling in token dimension for weight gradient calculation. To preserve accuracy, we control the additional variance by learning the sample ratio jointly with model parameters during training. We assessed VCAS on multiple fine-tuning and pre-training tasks in both vision and natural language domains. On all the tasks, VCAS can preserve the original training loss trajectory and validation accuracy with an up to 73.87% FLOPs reduction of BP and 49.58% FLOPs reduction of the whole training process. The implementation is available at https://github.com/thu-ml/VCAS .
Abstract:This paper proposes a joint acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) and speech dereverberation (DR) algorithm in the short-time Fourier transform domain. The reverberant microphone signals are described using an auto-regressive (AR) model. The AR coefficients and the loudspeaker-to-microphone acoustic transfer functions (ATFs) are considered time-varying and are modeled simultaneously using a first-order Markov process. This leads to a solution where these parameters can be optimally estimated using Kalman filters. It is shown that the proposed algorithm outperforms vanilla solutions that solve AEC and DR sequentially and one state-of-the-art joint DRAEC algorithm based on semi-blind source separation, in terms of both speech quality and echo reduction performance.
Abstract:Detecting mass in mammogram is significant due to the high occurrence and mortality of breast cancer. In mammogram mass detection, modeling pairwise lesion correspondence explicitly is particularly important. However, most of the existing methods build relatively coarse correspondence and have not utilized correspondence supervision. In this paper, we propose a new transformer-based framework CL-Net to learn lesion detection and pairwise correspondence in an end-to-end manner. In CL-Net, View-Interactive Lesion Detector is proposed to achieve dynamic interaction across candidates of cross views, while Lesion Linker employs the correspondence supervision to guide the interaction process more accurately. The combination of these two designs accomplishes precise understanding of pairwise lesion correspondence for mammograms. Experiments show that CL-Net yields state-of-the-art performance on the public DDSM dataset and our in-house dataset. Moreover, it outperforms previous methods by a large margin in low FPI regime.
Abstract:Deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown promising results for acoustic echo cancellation (AEC). But the DNN-based AEC models let through all near-end speakers including the interfering speech. In light of recent studies on personalized speech enhancement, we investigate the feasibility of personalized acoustic echo cancellation (PAEC) in this paper for full-duplex communications, where background noise and interfering speakers may coexist with acoustic echoes. Specifically, we first propose a novel backbone neural network termed as gated temporal convolutional neural network (GTCNN) that outperforms state-of-the-art AEC models in performance. Speaker embeddings like d-vectors are further adopted as auxiliary information to guide the GTCNN to focus on the target speaker. A special case in PAEC is that speech snippets of both parties on the call are enrolled. Experimental results show that auxiliary information from either the near-end speaker or the far-end speaker can improve the DNN-based AEC performance. Nevertheless, there is still much room for improvement in the utilization of the finite-dimensional speaker embeddings.
Abstract:Domain generalization (DG) is essentially an out-of-distribution problem, aiming to generalize the knowledge learned from multiple source domains to an unseen target domain. The mainstream is to leverage statistical models to model the dependence between data and labels, intending to learn representations independent of domain. Nevertheless, the statistical models are superficial descriptions of reality since they are only required to model dependence instead of the intrinsic causal mechanism. When the dependence changes with the target distribution, the statistic models may fail to generalize. In this regard, we introduce a general structural causal model to formalize the DG problem. Specifically, we assume that each input is constructed from a mix of causal factors (whose relationship with the label is invariant across domains) and non-causal factors (category-independent), and only the former cause the classification judgments. Our goal is to extract the causal factors from inputs and then reconstruct the invariant causal mechanisms. However, the theoretical idea is far from practical of DG since the required causal/non-causal factors are unobserved. We highlight that ideal causal factors should meet three basic properties: separated from the non-causal ones, jointly independent, and causally sufficient for the classification. Based on that, we propose a Causality Inspired Representation Learning (CIRL) algorithm that enforces the representations to satisfy the above properties and then uses them to simulate the causal factors, which yields improved generalization ability. Extensive experimental results on several widely used datasets verify the effectiveness of our approach.
Abstract:This paper introduces the NWPU Team's entry to the ICASSP 2022 AEC Challenge. We take a hybrid approach that cascades a linear AEC with a neural post-filter. The former is used to deal with the linear echo components while the latter suppresses the residual non-linear echo components. We use gated convolutional F-T-LSTM neural network (GFTNN) as the backbone and shape the post-filter by a multi-task learning (MTL) framework, where a voice activity detection (VAD) module is adopted as an auxiliary task along with echo suppression, with the aim to avoid over suppression that may cause speech distortion. Moreover, we adopt an echo-aware loss function, where the mean square error (MSE) loss can be optimized particularly for every time-frequency bin (TF-bin) according to the signal-to-echo ratio (SER), leading to further suppression on the echo. Extensive ablation study shows that the time delay estimation (TDE) module in neural post-filter leads to better perceptual quality, and an adaptive filter with better convergence will bring consistent performance gain for the post-filter. Besides, we find that using the linear echo as the input of our neural post-filter is a better choice than using the reference signal directly. In the ICASSP 2022 AEC-Challenge, our approach has ranked the 1st place on word accuracy (WAcc) (0.817) and the 3rd place on both mean opinion score (MOS) (4.502) and the final score (0.864).
Abstract:Neural network based speech dereverberation has achieved promising results in recent studies. Nevertheless, many are focused on recovery of only the direct path sound and early reflections, which could be beneficial to speech perception, are discarded. The performance of a model trained to recover clean speech degrades when evaluated on early reverberation targets, and vice versa. This paper proposes a novel deep neural network based multichannel speech dereverberation algorithm, in which the dereverberation level is controllable. This is realized by adding a simple floating-point number as target controller of the model. Experiments are conducted using spatially distributed microphones, and the efficacy of the proposed algorithm is confirmed in various simulated conditions.
Abstract:Acoustic echo cancellation (AEC), noise suppression (NS) and automatic gain control (AGC) are three often required modules for real-time communications (RTC). This paper proposes a neural network supported algorithm for RTC, namely NN3A, which incorporates an adaptive filter and a multi-task model for residual echo suppression, noise reduction and near-end speech activity detection. The proposed algorithm is shown to outperform both a method using separate models and an end-to-end alternative. It is further shown that there exists a trade-off in the model between residual suppression and near-end speech distortion, which could be balanced by a novel loss weighting function. Several practical aspects of training the joint model are also investigated to push its performance to limit.
Abstract:Fused deposition modeling (FDM) using mobile robots instead of the gantry-based 3D printer enables additive manufacturing at a larger scale with higher speed. This introduces challenges including accurate localization, control of the printhead, and design of a stable mobile manipulator with low vibrations and proper degrees of freedom. We proposed and developed a low-cost non-holonomic mobile 3D printing system guided by a projector via learning-based visual servo-ing. It requires almost no manual calibration of the system parameters. Using a regular top-down projector without any expensive external localization device for pose feedback, this system enabled mobile robots to accurately follow pre-designed millimeter-level printing trajectories with speed control. We evaluate the system in terms of its trajectory accuracy and printing quality compared with original 3D designs. We further demonstrated the potential of this system using two such mobile robots to collaboratively print a 3D object with dimensions of 80cm x 30cm size, which exceeds the limitation of common desktop FDM 3D printers.