Abstract:Graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown promise in integrating protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks for identifying cancer genes in recent studies. However, due to the insufficient modeling of the biological information in PPI networks, more faithfully depiction of complex protein interaction patterns for cancer genes within the graph structure remains largely unexplored. This study takes a pioneering step toward bridging biological anomalies in protein interactions caused by cancer genes to statistical graph anomaly. We find a unique graph anomaly exhibited by cancer genes, namely weight heterogeneity, which manifests as significantly higher variance in edge weights of cancer gene nodes within the graph. Additionally, from the spectral perspective, we demonstrate that the weight heterogeneity could lead to the "flattening out" of spectral energy, with a concentration towards the extremes of the spectrum. Building on these insights, we propose the HIerarchical-Perspective Graph Neural Network (HIPGNN) that not only determines spectral energy distribution variations on the spectral perspective, but also perceives detailed protein interaction context on the spatial perspective. Extensive experiments are conducted on two reprocessed datasets STRINGdb and CPDB, and the experimental results demonstrate the superiority of HIPGNN.
Abstract:With the rapid development of natural language processing technology, large-scale language models (LLM) have achieved remarkable results in a variety of tasks. However, how to effectively train these huge models and improve their performance and computational efficiency remains an important challenge. This paper proposes an improved method based on adaptive optimization algorithm, aiming to improve the training efficiency and final performance of LLM. Through comparative experiments on the SQuAD and GLUE data sets, the experimental results show that compared with traditional optimization algorithms (such as SGD, Momentum, AdaGrad, RMSProp and Adam), the adaptive optimization algorithm we proposed has better accuracy and F1 score. Both have achieved significant improvements, especially showed stronger training capabilities when processed large-scale texts and complex tasks. The research results verify the advantages of adaptive optimization algorithms in large-scale language model training and provide new ideas and directions for future optimization methods.
Abstract:The field of novel view synthesis from images has seen rapid advancements with the introduction of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and more recently with 3D Gaussian Splatting. Gaussian Splatting became widely adopted due to its efficiency and ability to render novel views accurately. While Gaussian Splatting performs well when a sufficient amount of training images are available, its unstructured explicit representation tends to overfit in scenarios with sparse input images, resulting in poor rendering performance. To address this, we present a 3D Gaussian-based novel view synthesis method using sparse input images that can accurately render the scene from the viewpoints not covered by the training images. We propose a multi-stage training scheme with matching-based consistency constraints imposed on the novel views without relying on pre-trained depth estimation or diffusion models. This is achieved by using the matches of the available training images to supervise the generation of the novel views sampled between the training frames with color, geometry, and semantic losses. In addition, we introduce a locality preserving regularization for 3D Gaussians which removes rendering artifacts by preserving the local color structure of the scene. Evaluation on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrates competitive or superior performance of our method in few-shot novel view synthesis compared to existing state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:The rapid proliferation of deep neural networks (DNNs) is driving a surge in model watermarking technologies, as the trained deep models themselves serve as intellectual properties. The core of existing model watermarking techniques involves modifying or tuning the models' weights. However, with the emergence of increasingly complex models, ensuring the efficiency of watermarking process is essential to manage the growing computational demands. Prioritizing efficiency not only optimizes resource utilization, making the watermarking process more applicable, but also minimizes potential impacts on model performance. In this letter, we propose an efficient watermarking method for latent diffusion models (LDMs) which is based on Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA). We specifically choose to add trainable low-rank matrices to the existing weight matrices of the models to embed watermark, while keeping the original weights frozen. Moreover, we also propose a dynamic loss weight tuning algorithm to balance the generative task with the watermark embedding task, ensuring that the model can be watermarked with a limited impact on the quality of the generated images. Experimental results show that the proposed method ensures fast watermark embedding and maintains a very low bit error rate of the watermark, a high-quality of the generated image, and a zero false negative rate (FNR) for verification.
Abstract:In-context learning (ICL) performance is known to be sensitive to the prompt design, yet the impact of class label options in zero-shot classification has been largely overlooked. This study presents the first comprehensive empirical study investigating how label option (e.g., lexical choice, order, and elaboration) influences zero-shot ICL classification performance. Our findings reveal that lexical choices for label names (e.g., agree vs.support in stance classification) play an important role, with effects also linked to label orders. An analysis of the model internal states further shows that optimal label names tend to activate fewer outlier neurons in the feed forward network. Based on this observation, we propose Label set Optimization via Activation Distribution kurtosiS (LOADS), a post-hoc approach requiring no gradient propagation. LOADS not only demonstrates effectiveness with only 100 unlabelled samples across different model types and sizes, but also shows cross-lingual transferability.
Abstract:This paper proposes a Generative Face Video Compression (GFVC) approach using Supplemental Enhancement Information (SEI), where a series of compact spatial and temporal representations of a face video signal (i.e., 2D/3D key-points, facial semantics and compact features) can be coded using SEI message and inserted into the coded video bitstream. At the time of writing, the proposed GFVC approach is an official "technology under consideration" (TuC) for standardization by the Joint Video Experts Team (JVET) of ISO/IEC JVT 1/SC 29 and ITU-T SG16. To the best of the authors' knowledge, the JVET work on the proposed SEI-based GFVC approach is the first standardization activity for generative video compression. The proposed SEI approach has not only advanced the reconstruction quality of early-day Model-Based Coding (MBC) via the state-of-the-art generative technique, but also established a new SEI definition for future GFVC applications and deployment. Experimental results illustrate that the proposed SEI-based GFVC approach can achieve remarkable rate-distortion performance compared with the latest Versatile Video Coding (VVC) standard, whilst also potentially enabling a wide variety of functionalities including user-specified animation/filtering and metaverse-related applications.
Abstract:Automatic subphenotyping from electronic health records (EHRs)provides numerous opportunities to understand diseases with unique subgroups and enhance personalized medicine for patients. However, existing machine learning algorithms either focus on specific diseases for better interpretability or produce coarse-grained phenotype topics without considering nuanced disease patterns. In this study, we propose a guided topic model, MixEHR-Nest, to infer sub-phenotype topics from thousands of disease using multi-modal EHR data. Specifically, MixEHR-Nest detects multiple subtopics from each phenotype topic, whose prior is guided by the expert-curated phenotype concepts such as Phenotype Codes (PheCodes) or Clinical Classification Software (CCS) codes. We evaluated MixEHR-Nest on two EHR datasets: (1) the MIMIC-III dataset consisting of over 38 thousand patients from intensive care unit (ICU) from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) in Boston, USA; (2) the healthcare administrative database PopHR, comprising 1.3 million patients from Montreal, Canada. Experimental results demonstrate that MixEHR-Nest can identify subphenotypes with distinct patterns within each phenotype, which are predictive for disease progression and severity. Consequently, MixEHR-Nest distinguishes between type 1 and type 2 diabetes by inferring subphenotypes using CCS codes, which do not differentiate these two subtype concepts. Additionally, MixEHR-Nest not only improved the prediction accuracy of short-term mortality of ICU patients and initial insulin treatment in diabetic patients but also revealed the contributions of subphenotypes. For longitudinal analysis, MixEHR-Nest identified subphenotypes of distinct age prevalence under the same phenotypes, such as asthma, leukemia, epilepsy, and depression. The MixEHR-Nest software is available at GitHub: https://github.com/li-lab-mcgill/MixEHR-Nest.
Abstract:For decades, video compression technology has been a prominent research area. Traditional hybrid video compression framework and end-to-end frameworks continue to explore various intra- and inter-frame reference and prediction strategies based on discrete transforms and deep learning techniques. However, the emerging implicit neural representation (INR) technique models entire videos as basic units, automatically capturing intra-frame and inter-frame correlations and obtaining promising performance. INR uses a compact neural network to store video information in network parameters, effectively eliminating spatial and temporal redundancy in the original video. However, in this paper, our exploration and verification reveal that current INR video compression methods do not fully exploit their potential to preserve information. We investigate the potential of enhancing network parameter storage through parameter reuse. By deepening the network, we designed a feasible INR parameter reuse scheme to further improve compression performance. Extensive experimental results show that our method significantly enhances the rate-distortion performance of INR video compression.
Abstract:In many domains, such as healthcare, time-series data is often irregularly sampled with varying intervals between observations. This poses challenges for classical time-series models that require equally spaced data. To address this, we propose a novel time-series Transformer called Trajectory Generative Pre-trained Transformer (TrajGPT). TrajGPT employs a novel Selective Recurrent Attention (SRA) mechanism, which utilizes a data-dependent decay to adaptively filter out irrelevant past information based on contexts. By interpreting TrajGPT as discretized ordinary differential equations (ODEs), it effectively captures the underlying continuous dynamics and enables time-specific inference for forecasting arbitrary target timesteps. Experimental results demonstrate that TrajGPT excels in trajectory forecasting, drug usage prediction, and phenotype classification without requiring task-specific fine-tuning. By evolving the learned continuous dynamics, TrajGPT can interpolate and extrapolate disease risk trajectories from partially-observed time series. The visualization of predicted health trajectories shows that TrajGPT forecasts unseen diseases based on the history of clinically relevant phenotypes (i.e., contexts).
Abstract:For decades, video compression technology has been a prominent research area. Traditional hybrid video compression framework and end-to-end frameworks continue to explore various intra- and inter-frame reference and prediction strategies based on discrete transforms and deep learning techniques. However, the emerging implicit neural representation (INR) technique models entire videos as basic units, automatically capturing intra-frame and inter-frame correlations and obtaining promising performance. INR uses a compact neural network to store video information in network parameters, effectively eliminating spatial and temporal redundancy in the original video. However, in this paper, our exploration and verification reveal that current INR video compression methods do not fully exploit their potential to preserve information. We investigate the potential of enhancing network parameter storage through parameter reuse. By deepening the network, we designed a feasible INR parameter reuse scheme to further improve compression performance. Extensive experimental results show that our method significantly enhances the rate-distortion performance of INR video compression.