Abstract:Post-click conversion rate (CVR) estimation is a vital task in many recommender systems of revenue businesses, e.g., e-commerce and advertising. In a perspective of sample, a typical CVR positive sample usually goes through a funnel of exposure to click to conversion. For lack of post-event labels for un-clicked samples, CVR learning task commonly only utilizes clicked samples, rather than all exposed samples as for click-through rate (CTR) learning task. However, during online inference, CVR and CTR are estimated on the same assumed exposure space, which leads to a inconsistency of sample space between training and inference, i.e., sample selection bias (SSB). To alleviate SSB, previous wisdom proposes to design novel auxiliary tasks to enable the CVR learning on un-click training samples, such as CTCVR and counterfactual CVR, etc. Although alleviating SSB to some extent, none of them pay attention to the discrimination between ambiguous negative samples (un-clicked) and factual negative samples (clicked but un-converted) during modelling, which makes CVR model lacks robustness. To full this gap, we propose a novel ChorusCVR model to realize debiased CVR learning in entire-space.
Abstract:Live-streaming, as a new-generation media to connect users and authors, has attracted a lot of attention and experienced rapid growth in recent years. Compared with the content-static short-video recommendation, the live-streaming recommendation faces more challenges in giving our users a satisfactory experience: (1) Live-streaming content is dynamically ever-changing along time. (2) valuable behaviors (e.g., send digital-gift, buy products) always require users to watch for a long-time (>10 min). Combining the two attributes, here raising a challenging question for live-streaming recommendation: How to discover the live-streamings that the content user is interested in at the current moment, and further a period in the future?
Abstract:Current transferability estimation methods designed for natural image datasets are often suboptimal in medical image classification. These methods primarily focus on estimating the suitability of pre-trained source model features for a target dataset, which can lead to unrealistic predictions, such as suggesting that the target dataset is the best source for itself. To address this, we propose a novel transferability metric that combines feature quality with gradients to evaluate both the suitability and adaptability of source model features for target tasks. We evaluate our approach in two new scenarios: source dataset transferability for medical image classification and cross-domain transferability. Our results show that our method outperforms existing transferability metrics in both settings. We also provide insight into the factors influencing transfer performance in medical image classification, as well as the dynamics of cross-domain transfer from natural to medical images. Additionally, we provide ground-truth transfer performance benchmarking results to encourage further research into transferability estimation for medical image classification. Our code and experiments are available at https://github.com/DovileDo/transferability-in-medical-imaging.
Abstract:In this paper, we use spectral analysis to investigate transfer learning and study model sensitivity to frequency shortcuts in medical imaging. By analyzing the power spectrum density of both pre-trained and fine-tuned model gradients, as well as artificially generated frequency shortcuts, we observe notable differences in learning priorities between models pre-trained on natural vs medical images, which generally persist during fine-tuning. We find that when a model's learning priority aligns with the power spectrum density of an artifact, it results in overfitting to that artifact. Based on these observations, we show that source data editing can alter the model's resistance to shortcut learning.
Abstract:Transfer learning has become an essential part of medical imaging classification algorithms, often leveraging ImageNet weights. However, the domain shift from natural to medical images has prompted alternatives such as RadImageNet, often demonstrating comparable classification performance. However, it remains unclear whether the performance gains from transfer learning stem from improved generalization or shortcut learning. To address this, we investigate potential confounders -- whether synthetic or sampled from the data -- across two publicly available chest X-ray and CT datasets. We show that ImageNet and RadImageNet achieve comparable classification performance, yet ImageNet is much more prone to overfitting to confounders. We recommend that researchers using ImageNet-pretrained models reexamine their model robustness by conducting similar experiments. Our code and experiments are available at https://github.com/DovileDo/source-matters.
Abstract:Computed tomography (CT) has been used worldwide for decades as one of the most important non-invasive tests in assisting diagnosis. However, the ionizing nature of X-ray exposure raises concerns about potential health risks such as cancer. The desire for lower radiation dose has driven researchers to improve the reconstruction quality, especially by removing noise and artifacts. Although previous studies on low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) denoising have demonstrated the potential of learning-based methods, most of them were developed on the simulated data collected using Radon transform. However, the real-world scenario significantly differs from the simulation domain, and the joint optimization of denoising with the modern CT image reconstruction pipeline is still missing. In this paper, for the commercially available third-generation multi-slice spiral CT scanners, we propose a two-stage method that better exploits the complete reconstruction pipeline for LDCT denoising across different domains. Our method makes good use of the high redundancy of both the multi-slice projections and the volumetric reconstructions while avoiding the collapse of information in conventional cascaded frameworks. The dedicated design also provides a clearer interpretation of the workflow. Through extensive evaluations, we demonstrate its superior performance against state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Gradient Balancing (GraB) is a recently proposed technique that finds provably better data permutations when training models with multiple epochs over a finite dataset. It converges at a faster rate than the widely adopted Random Reshuffling, by minimizing the discrepancy of the gradients on adjacently selected examples. However, GraB only operates under critical assumptions such as small batch sizes and centralized data, leaving open the question of how to order examples at large scale -- i.e. distributed learning with decentralized data. To alleviate the limitation, in this paper we propose D-GraB that involves two novel designs: (1) $\textsf{PairBalance}$ that eliminates the requirement to use stale gradient mean in GraB which critically relies on small learning rates; (2) an ordering protocol that runs $\textsf{PairBalance}$ in a distributed environment with negligible overhead, which benefits from both data ordering and parallelism. We prove D-GraB enjoys linear speed up at rate $\tilde{O}((mnT)^{-2/3})$ on smooth non-convex objectives and $\tilde{O}((mnT)^{-2})$ under PL condition, where $n$ denotes the number of parallel workers, $m$ denotes the number of examples per worker and $T$ denotes the number of epochs. Empirically, we show on various applications including GLUE, CIFAR10 and WikiText-2 that D-GraB outperforms naive parallel GraB and Distributed Random Reshuffling in terms of both training and validation performance.
Abstract:Recent innovations on hardware (e.g. Nvidia A100) have motivated learning N:M structured sparsity masks from scratch for fast model inference. However, state-of-the-art learning recipes in this regime (e.g. SR-STE) are proposed for non-adaptive optimizers like momentum SGD, while incurring non-trivial accuracy drop for Adam-trained models like attention-based LLMs. In this paper, we first demonstrate such gap origins from poorly estimated second moment (i.e. variance) in Adam states given by the masked weights. We conjecture that learning N:M masks with Adam should take the critical regime of variance estimation into account. In light of this, we propose STEP, an Adam-aware recipe that learns N:M masks with two phases: first, STEP calculates a reliable variance estimate (precondition phase) and subsequently, the variance remains fixed and is used as a precondition to learn N:M masks (mask-learning phase). STEP automatically identifies the switching point of two phases by dynamically sampling variance changes over the training trajectory and testing the sample concentration. Empirically, we evaluate STEP and other baselines such as ASP and SR-STE on multiple tasks including CIFAR classification, machine translation and LLM fine-tuning (BERT-Base, GPT-2). We show STEP mitigates the accuracy drop of baseline recipes and is robust to aggressive structured sparsity ratios.
Abstract:Recent methods for single image super-resolution (SISR) have demonstrated outstanding performance in generating high-resolution (HR) images from low-resolution (LR) images. However, most of these methods show their superiority using synthetically generated LR images, and their generalizability to real-world images is often not satisfactory. In this paper, we pay attention to two well-known strategies developed for robust super-resolution (SR), i.e., reference-based SR (RefSR) and zero-shot SR (ZSSR), and propose an integrated solution, called reference-based zero-shot SR (RZSR). Following the principle of ZSSR, we train an image-specific SR network at test time using training samples extracted only from the input image itself. To advance ZSSR, we obtain reference image patches with rich textures and high-frequency details which are also extracted only from the input image using cross-scale matching. To this end, we construct an internal reference dataset and retrieve reference image patches from the dataset using depth information. Using LR patches and their corresponding HR reference patches, we train a RefSR network that is embodied with a non-local attention module. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed RZSR compared to the previous ZSSR methods and robustness to unseen images compared to other fully supervised SISR methods.
Abstract:Random reshuffling, which randomly permutes the dataset each epoch, is widely adopted in model training because it yields faster convergence than with-replacement sampling. Recent studies indicate greedily chosen data orderings can further speed up convergence empirically, at the cost of using more computation and memory. However, greedy ordering lacks theoretical justification and has limited utility due to its non-trivial memory and computation overhead. In this paper, we first formulate an example-ordering framework named herding and answer affirmatively that SGD with herding converges at the rate $O(T^{-2/3})$ on smooth, non-convex objectives, faster than the $O(n^{1/3}T^{-2/3})$ obtained by random reshuffling, where $n$ denotes the number of data points and $T$ denotes the total number of iterations. To reduce the memory overhead, we leverage discrepancy minimization theory to propose an online Gradient Balancing algorithm (GraB) that enjoys the same rate as herding, while reducing the memory usage from $O(nd)$ to just $O(d)$ and computation from $O(n^2)$ to $O(n)$, where $d$ denotes the model dimension. We show empirically on applications including MNIST, CIFAR10, WikiText and GLUE that GraB can outperform random reshuffling in terms of both training and validation performance, and even outperform state-of-the-art greedy ordering while reducing memory usage over $100\times$.