Abstract:The increasing severity of climate change necessitates an urgent transition to renewable energy sources, making the large-scale adoption of wind energy crucial for mitigating environmental impact. However, the inherent uncertainty of wind power poses challenges for grid stability, underscoring the need for accurate wind energy prediction models to enable effective power system planning and operation. While many existing studies on wind power prediction focus on short-term forecasting, they often overlook the importance of long-term predictions. Long-term wind power forecasting is essential for effective power grid dispatch and market transactions, as it requires careful consideration of weather features such as wind speed and direction, which directly influence power output. Consequently, methods designed for short-term predictions may lead to inaccurate results and high computational costs in long-term settings. To adress these limitations, we propose a novel approach called Hybrid Frequency Feature Enhancement Inverted Transformer (Hiformer). Hiformer introduces a unique structure that integrates signal decomposition technology with weather feature extraction technique to enhance the modeling of correlations between meteorological conditions and wind power generation. Additionally, Hiformer employs an encoder-only architecture, which reduces the computational complexity associated with long-term wind power forecasting. Compared to the state-of-the-art methods, Hiformer: (i) can improve the prediction accuracy by up to 52.5\%; and (ii) can reduce computational time by up to 68.5\%.
Abstract:With the increasingly widespread application of machine learning, how to strike a balance between protecting the privacy of data and algorithm parameters and ensuring the verifiability of machine learning has always been a challenge. This study explores the intersection of reinforcement learning and data privacy, specifically addressing the Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) problem with the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algorithm. We introduce zkUCB, an innovative algorithm that employs the Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge (zk-SNARKs) to enhance UCB. zkUCB is carefully designed to safeguard the confidentiality of training data and algorithmic parameters, ensuring transparent UCB decision-making. Experiments highlight zkUCB's superior performance, attributing its enhanced reward to judicious quantization bit usage that reduces information entropy in the decision-making process. zkUCB's proof size and verification time scale linearly with the execution steps of zkUCB. This showcases zkUCB's adept balance between data security and operational efficiency. This approach contributes significantly to the ongoing discourse on reinforcing data privacy in complex decision-making processes, offering a promising solution for privacy-sensitive applications.
Abstract:Domain generalization~(DG) aims at solving distribution shift problems in various scenes. Existing approaches are based on Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) or Vision Transformers (ViTs), which suffer from limited receptive fields or quadratic complexities issues. Mamba, as an emerging state space model (SSM), possesses superior linear complexity and global receptive fields. Despite this, it can hardly be applied to DG to address distribution shifts, due to the hidden state issues and inappropriate scan mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for DG, named DGMamba, that excels in strong generalizability toward unseen domains and meanwhile has the advantages of global receptive fields, and efficient linear complexity. Our DGMamba compromises two core components: Hidden State Suppressing~(HSS) and Semantic-aware Patch refining~(SPR). In particular, HSS is introduced to mitigate the influence of hidden states associated with domain-specific features during output prediction. SPR strives to encourage the model to concentrate more on objects rather than context, consisting of two designs: Prior-Free Scanning~(PFS), and Domain Context Interchange~(DCI). Concretely, PFS aims to shuffle the non-semantic patches within images, creating more flexible and effective sequences from images, and DCI is designed to regularize Mamba with the combination of mismatched non-semantic and semantic information by fusing patches among domains. Extensive experiments on four commonly used DG benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed DGMamba achieves remarkably superior results to state-of-the-art models. The code will be made publicly available.
Abstract:In the context of deep neural networks, we expose the existence of a harmless perturbation space, where perturbations leave the network output entirely unaltered. Perturbations within this harmless perturbation space, regardless of their magnitude when applied to images, exhibit no impact on the network's outputs of the original images. Specifically, given any linear layer within the network, where the input dimension $n$ exceeds the output dimension $m$, we demonstrate the existence of a continuous harmless perturbation subspace with a dimension of $(n-m)$. Inspired by this, we solve for a family of general perturbations that consistently influence the network output, irrespective of their magnitudes. With these theoretical findings, we explore the application of harmless perturbations for privacy-preserving data usage. Our work reveals the difference between DNNs and human perception that the significant perturbations captured by humans may not affect the recognition of DNNs. As a result, we utilize this gap to design a type of harmless perturbation that is meaningless for humans while maintaining its recognizable features for DNNs.
Abstract:Machine learning is expected to enable the next Industrial Revolution. However, lacking standardized and automated assembly networks, ML faces significant challenges to meet ever-growing enterprise demands and empower broad industries. In the Perspective, we argue that ML needs to first complete its own Industrial Revolution, elaborate on how to best achieve its goals, and discuss new opportunities to enable rapid translation from ML's innovation frontier to mass production and utilization.
Abstract:Domain generalization (DG) endeavors to develop robust models that possess strong generalizability while preserving excellent discriminability. Nonetheless, pivotal DG techniques tend to improve the feature generalizability by learning domain-invariant representations, inadvertently overlooking the feature discriminability. On the one hand, the simultaneous attainment of generalizability and discriminability of features presents a complex challenge, often entailing inherent contradictions. This challenge becomes particularly pronounced when domain-invariant features manifest reduced discriminability owing to the inclusion of unstable factors, \emph{i.e.,} spurious correlations. On the other hand, prevailing domain-invariant methods can be categorized as category-level alignment, susceptible to discarding indispensable features possessing substantial generalizability and narrowing intra-class variations. To surmount these obstacles, we rethink DG from a new perspective that concurrently imbues features with formidable discriminability and robust generalizability, and present a novel framework, namely, Discriminative Microscopic Distribution Alignment (DMDA). DMDA incorporates two core components: Selective Channel Pruning~(SCP) and Micro-level Distribution Alignment (MDA). Concretely, SCP attempts to curtail redundancy within neural networks, prioritizing stable attributes conducive to accurate classification. This approach alleviates the adverse effect of spurious domain invariance and amplifies the feature discriminability. Besides, MDA accentuates micro-level alignment within each class, going beyond mere category-level alignment. This strategy accommodates sufficient generalizable features and facilitates within-class variations. Extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets corroborate the efficacy of our method.
Abstract:Generalization under the distribution shift has been a great challenge in computer vision. The prevailing practice of directly employing the one-hot labels as the training targets in domain generalization~(DG) can lead to gradient conflicts, making it insufficient for capturing the intrinsic class characteristics and hard to increase the intra-class variation. Besides, existing methods in DG mostly overlook the distinct contributions of source (seen) domains, resulting in uneven learning from these domains. To address these issues, we firstly present a theoretical and empirical analysis of the existence of gradient conflicts in DG, unveiling the previously unexplored relationship between distribution shifts and gradient conflicts during the optimization process. In this paper, we present a novel perspective of DG from the empirical source domain's risk and propose a new paradigm for DG called Diverse Target and Contribution Scheduling (DTCS). DTCS comprises two innovative modules: Diverse Target Supervision (DTS) and Diverse Contribution Balance (DCB), with the aim of addressing the limitations associated with the common utilization of one-hot labels and equal contributions for source domains in DG. In specific, DTS employs distinct soft labels as training targets to account for various feature distributions across domains and thereby mitigates the gradient conflicts, and DCB dynamically balances the contributions of source domains by ensuring a fair decline in losses of different source domains. Extensive experiments with analysis on four benchmark datasets show that the proposed method achieves a competitive performance in comparison with the state-of-the-art approaches, demonstrating the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed DTCS.
Abstract:Scarcity of health care resources could result in the unavoidable consequence of rationing. For example, ventilators are often limited in supply, especially during public health emergencies or in resource-constrained health care settings, such as amid the pandemic of COVID-19. Currently, there is no universally accepted standard for health care resource allocation protocols, resulting in different governments prioritizing patients based on various criteria and heuristic-based protocols. In this study, we investigate the use of reinforcement learning for critical care resource allocation policy optimization to fairly and effectively ration resources. We propose a transformer-based deep Q-network to integrate the disease progression of individual patients and the interaction effects among patients during the critical care resource allocation. We aim to improve both fairness of allocation and overall patient outcomes. Our experiments demonstrate that our method significantly reduces excess deaths and achieves a more equitable distribution under different levels of ventilator shortage, when compared to existing severity-based and comorbidity-based methods in use by different governments. Our source code is included in the supplement and will be released on Github upon publication.
Abstract:Knowledge graphs play a vital role in numerous artificial intelligence tasks, yet they frequently face the issue of incompleteness. In this study, we explore utilizing Large Language Models (LLM) for knowledge graph completion. We consider triples in knowledge graphs as text sequences and introduce an innovative framework called Knowledge Graph LLM (KG-LLM) to model these triples. Our technique employs entity and relation descriptions of a triple as prompts and utilizes the response for predictions. Experiments on various benchmark knowledge graphs demonstrate that our method attains state-of-the-art performance in tasks such as triple classification and relation prediction. We also find that fine-tuning relatively smaller models (e.g., LLaMA-7B, ChatGLM-6B) outperforms recent ChatGPT and GPT-4.
Abstract:Leveraging medical record information in the era of big data and machine learning comes with the caveat that data must be cleaned and deidentified. Facilitating data sharing and harmonization for multi-center collaborations are particularly difficult when protected health information (PHI) is contained or embedded in image meta-data. We propose a novel library in the Python framework, called PyLogik, to help alleviate this issue for ultrasound images, which are particularly challenging because of the frequent inclusion of PHI directly on the images. PyLogik processes the image volumes through a series of text detection/extraction, filtering, thresholding, morphological and contour comparisons. This methodology deidentifies the images, reduces file sizes, and prepares image volumes for applications in deep learning and data sharing. To evaluate its effectiveness in the identification of regions of interest (ROI), a random sample of 50 cardiac ultrasounds (echocardiograms) were processed through PyLogik, and the outputs were compared with the manual segmentations by an expert user. The Dice coefficient of the two approaches achieved an average value of 0.976. Next, an investigation was conducted to ascertain the degree of information compression achieved using the algorithm. Resultant data was found to be on average approximately 72% smaller after processing by PyLogik. Our results suggest that PyLogik is a viable methodology for ultrasound data cleaning and deidentification, determining ROI, and file compression which will facilitate efficient storage, use, and dissemination of ultrasound data.