Abstract:With the rapid advancement of remote sensing technology, high-resolution multi-modal imagery is now more widely accessible. Conventional Object detection models are trained on a single dataset, often restricted to a specific imaging modality and annotation format. However, such an approach overlooks the valuable shared knowledge across multi-modalities and limits the model's applicability in more versatile scenarios. This paper introduces a new task called Multi-Modal Datasets and Multi-Task Object Detection (M2Det) for remote sensing, designed to accurately detect horizontal or oriented objects from any sensor modality. This task poses challenges due to 1) the trade-offs involved in managing multi-modal modelling and 2) the complexities of multi-task optimization. To address these, we establish a benchmark dataset and propose a unified model, SM3Det (Single Model for Multi-Modal datasets and Multi-Task object Detection). SM3Det leverages a grid-level sparse MoE backbone to enable joint knowledge learning while preserving distinct feature representations for different modalities. Furthermore, it integrates a consistency and synchronization optimization strategy using dynamic learning rate adjustment, allowing it to effectively handle varying levels of learning difficulty across modalities and tasks. Extensive experiments demonstrate SM3Det's effectiveness and generalizability, consistently outperforming specialized models on individual datasets. The code is available at https://github.com/zcablii/SM3Det.
Abstract:Drone-based object detection in adverse weather conditions is crucial for enhancing drones' environmental perception, yet it remains largely unexplored due to the lack of relevant benchmarks. To bridge this gap, we introduce HazyDet, a large-scale dataset tailored for drone-based object detection in hazy scenes. It encompasses 383,000 real-world instances, collected from both naturally hazy environments and normal scenes with synthetically imposed haze effects to simulate adverse weather conditions. By observing the significant variations in object scale and clarity under different depth and haze conditions, we designed a Depth Conditioned Detector (DeCoDet) to incorporate this prior knowledge. DeCoDet features a Multi-scale Depth-aware Detection Head that seamlessly integrates depth perception, with the resulting depth cues harnessed by a dynamic Depth Condition Kernel module. Furthermore, we propose a Scale Invariant Refurbishment Loss to facilitate the learning of robust depth cues from pseudo-labels. Extensive evaluations on the HazyDet dataset demonstrate the flexibility and effectiveness of our method, yielding significant performance improvements. Our dataset and toolkit are available at https://github.com/GrokCV/HazyDet.
Abstract:Land Surface Temperature (LST) is a critical parameter for environmental studies, but obtaining high-resolution LST data remains challenging due to the spatio-temporal trade-off in satellite remote sensing. Guided LST downscaling has emerged as a solution, but current methods often neglect spatial non-stationarity and lack a open-source ecosystem for deep learning methods. To address these limitations, we propose the Modality-Conditional Large Selective Kernel (MoCoLSK) Networks, a novel architecture that dynamically fuses multi-modal data through modality-conditioned projections. MoCoLSK re-engineers our previous LSKNet to achieve a confluence of dynamic receptive field adjustment and multi-modal feature integration, leading to enhanced LST prediction accuracy. Furthermore, we establish the GrokLST project, a comprehensive open-source ecosystem featuring the GrokLST dataset, a high-resolution benchmark, and the GrokLST toolkit, an open-source PyTorch-based toolkit encapsulating MoCoLSK alongside 40+ state-of-the-art approaches. Extensive experimental results validate MoCoLSK's effectiveness in capturing complex dependencies and subtle variations within multispectral data, outperforming existing methods in LST downscaling. Our code, dataset, and toolkit are available at https://github.com/GrokCV/GrokLST.
Abstract:Infrared small target detection faces the inherent challenge of precisely localizing dim targets amidst complex background clutter. Traditional approaches struggle to balance detection precision and false alarm rates. To break this dilemma, we propose SeRankDet, a deep network that achieves high accuracy beyond the conventional hit-miss trade-off, by following the ``Pick of the Bunch'' principle. At its core lies our Selective Rank-Aware Attention (SeRank) module, employing a non-linear Top-K selection process that preserves the most salient responses, preventing target signal dilution while maintaining constant complexity. Furthermore, we replace the static concatenation typical in U-Net structures with our Large Selective Feature Fusion (LSFF) module, a dynamic fusion strategy that empowers SeRankDet with adaptive feature integration, enhancing its ability to discriminate true targets from false alarms. The network's discernment is further refined by our Dilated Difference Convolution (DDC) module, which merges differential convolution aimed at amplifying subtle target characteristics with dilated convolution to expand the receptive field, thereby substantially improving target-background separation. Despite its lightweight architecture, the proposed SeRankDet sets new benchmarks in state-of-the-art performance across multiple public datasets. The code is available at https://github.com/GrokCV/SeRankDet.
Abstract:Infrared small target detection poses unique challenges due to the scarcity of intrinsic target features and the abundance of similar background distractors. We argue that background semantics play a pivotal role in distinguishing visually similar objects for this task. To address this, we introduce a new task -- clustered infrared small target detection, and present DenseSIRST, a novel benchmark dataset that provides per-pixel semantic annotations for background regions, enabling the transition from sparse to dense target detection. Leveraging this dataset, we propose the Background-Aware Feature Exchange Network (BAFE-Net), which transforms the detection paradigm from a single task focused on the foreground to a multi-task architecture that jointly performs target detection and background semantic segmentation. BAFE-Net introduces a cross-task feature hard-exchange mechanism to embed target and background semantics between the two tasks. Furthermore, we propose the Background-Aware Gaussian Copy-Paste (BAG-CP) method, which selectively pastes small targets into sky regions during training, avoiding the creation of false alarm targets in complex non-sky backgrounds. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of BAG-CP and BAFE-Net in improving target detection accuracy while reducing false alarms. The DenseSIRST dataset, code, and trained models are available at https://github.com/GrokCV/BAFE-Net.
Abstract:Infrared small target detection is crucial for the efficacy of infrared search and tracking systems. Current tensor decomposition methods emphasize representing small targets with sparsity but struggle to separate targets from complex backgrounds due to insufficient use of intrinsic directional information and reduced target visibility during decomposition. To address these challenges, this study introduces a Sparse Differential Directionality prior (SDD) framework. SDD leverages the distinct directional characteristics of targets to differentiate them from the background, applying mixed sparse constraints on the differential directional images and continuity difference matrix of the temporal component, both derived from Tucker decomposition. We further enhance target detectability with a saliency coherence strategy that intensifies target contrast against the background during hierarchical decomposition. A Proximal Alternating Minimization-based (PAM) algorithm efficiently solves our proposed model. Experimental results on several real-world datasets validate our method's effectiveness, outperforming ten state-of-the-art methods in target detection and clutter suppression. Our code is available at https://github.com/GrokCV/SDD.
Abstract:Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) target detection has long been impeded by inherent speckle noise and the prevalence of diminutive, ambiguous targets. While deep neural networks have advanced SAR target detection, their intrinsic low-frequency bias and static post-training weights falter with coherent noise and preserving subtle details across heterogeneous terrains. Motivated by traditional SAR image denoising, we propose DenoDet, a network aided by explicit frequency domain transform to calibrate convolutional biases and pay more attention to high-frequencies, forming a natural multi-scale subspace representation to detect targets from the perspective of multi-subspace denoising. We design TransDeno, a dynamic frequency domain attention module that performs as a transform domain soft thresholding operation, dynamically denoising across subspaces by preserving salient target signals and attenuating noise. To adaptively adjust the granularity of subspace processing, we also propose a deformable group fully-connected layer (DeGroFC) that dynamically varies the group conditioned on the input features. Without bells and whistles, our plug-and-play TransDeno sets state-of-the-art scores on multiple SAR target detection datasets. The code is available at https://github.com/GrokCV/GrokSAR.
Abstract:Single-frame InfraRed Small Target (SIRST) detection has been a challenging task due to a lack of inherent characteristics, imprecise bounding box regression, a scarcity of real-world datasets, and sensitive localization evaluation. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive solution to these challenges. First, we find that the existing anchor-free label assignment method is prone to mislabeling small targets as background, leading to their omission by detectors. To overcome this issue, we propose an all-scale pseudo-box-based label assignment scheme that relaxes the constraints on scale and decouples the spatial assignment from the size of the ground-truth target. Second, motivated by the structured prior of feature pyramids, we introduce the one-stage cascade refinement network (OSCAR), which uses the high-level head as soft proposals for the low-level refinement head. This allows OSCAR to process the same target in a cascade coarse-to-fine manner. Finally, we present a new research benchmark for infrared small target detection, consisting of the SIRST-V2 dataset of real-world, high-resolution single-frame targets, the normalized contrast evaluation metric, and the DeepInfrared toolkit for detection. We conduct extensive ablation studies to evaluate the components of OSCAR and compare its performance to state-of-the-art model-driven and data-driven methods on the SIRST-V2 benchmark. Our results demonstrate that a top-down cascade refinement framework can improve the accuracy of infrared small target detection without sacrificing efficiency. The DeepInfrared toolkit, dataset, and trained models are available at https://github.com/YimianDai/open-deepinfrared to advance further research in this field.
Abstract:To mitigate the issue of minimal intrinsic features for pure data-driven methods, in this paper, we propose a novel model-driven deep network for infrared small target detection, which combines discriminative networks and conventional model-driven methods to make use of both labeled data and the domain knowledge. By designing a feature map cyclic shift scheme, we modularize a conventional local contrast measure method as a depth-wise parameterless nonlinear feature refinement layer in an end-to-end network, which encodes relatively long-range contextual interactions with clear physical interpretability. To highlight and preserve the small target features, we also exploit a bottom-up attentional modulation integrating the smaller scale subtle details of low-level features into high-level features of deeper layers. We conduct detailed ablation studies with varying network depths to empirically verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the design of each component in our network architecture. We also compare the performance of our network against other model-driven methods and deep networks on the open SIRST dataset as well. The results suggest that our network yields a performance boost over its competitors. Our code, trained models, and results are available online.
Abstract:Single-frame infrared small target detection remains a challenge not only due to the scarcity of intrinsic target characteristics but also because of lacking a public dataset. In this paper, we first contribute an open dataset with high-quality annotations to advance the research in this field. We also propose an asymmetric contextual modulation module specially designed for detecting infrared small targets. To better highlight small targets, besides a top-down global contextual feedback, we supplement a bottom-up modulation pathway based on point-wise channel attention for exchanging high-level semantics and subtle low-level details. We report ablation studies and comparisons to state-of-the-art methods, where we find that our approach performs significantly better. Our dataset and code are available online.