Abstract:Text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models have revolutionized generative modeling by producing high-fidelity, diverse, and visually realistic images from textual prompts. Despite these advances, existing models struggle with complex prompts involving multiple objects and attributes, often misaligning modifiers with their corresponding nouns or neglecting certain elements. Recent attention-based methods have improved object inclusion and linguistic binding, but still face challenges such as attribute misbinding and a lack of robust generalization guarantees. Leveraging the PAC-Bayes framework, we propose a Bayesian approach that designs custom priors over attention distributions to enforce desirable properties, including divergence between objects, alignment between modifiers and their corresponding nouns, minimal attention to irrelevant tokens, and regularization for better generalization. Our approach treats the attention mechanism as an interpretable component, enabling fine-grained control and improved attribute-object alignment. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on standard benchmarks, achieving state-of-the-art results across multiple metrics. By integrating custom priors into the denoising process, our method enhances image quality and addresses long-standing challenges in T2I diffusion models, paving the way for more reliable and interpretable generative models.
Abstract:Lifelong reinforcement learning (RL) has been developed as a paradigm for extending single-task RL to more realistic, dynamic settings. In lifelong RL, the "life" of an RL agent is modeled as a stream of tasks drawn from a task distribution. We propose EPIC (\underline{E}mpirical \underline{P}AC-Bayes that \underline{I}mproves \underline{C}ontinuously), a novel algorithm designed for lifelong RL using PAC-Bayes theory. EPIC learns a shared policy distribution, referred to as the \textit{world policy}, which enables rapid adaptation to new tasks while retaining valuable knowledge from previous experiences. Our theoretical analysis establishes a relationship between the algorithm's generalization performance and the number of prior tasks preserved in memory. We also derive the sample complexity of EPIC in terms of RL regret. Extensive experiments on a variety of environments demonstrate that EPIC significantly outperforms existing methods in lifelong RL, offering both theoretical guarantees and practical efficacy through the use of the world policy.
Abstract:Advancements in reinforcement learning have led to the development of sophisticated models capable of learning complex decision-making tasks. However, efficiently integrating world models with decision transformers remains a challenge. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach that combines the Dreamer algorithm's ability to generate anticipatory trajectories with the adaptive learning strengths of the Online Decision Transformer. Our methodology enables parallel training where Dreamer-produced trajectories enhance the contextual decision-making of the transformer, creating a bidirectional enhancement loop. We empirically demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on a suite of challenging benchmarks, achieving notable improvements in sample efficiency and reward maximization over existing methods. Our results indicate that the proposed integrated framework not only accelerates learning but also showcases robustness in diverse and dynamic scenarios, marking a significant step forward in model-based reinforcement learning.
Abstract:Recent studies demonstrate that diffusion models can serve as a strong prior for solving inverse problems. A prominent example is Diffusion Posterior Sampling (DPS), which approximates the posterior distribution of data given the measure using Tweedie's formula. Despite the merits of being versatile in solving various inverse problems without re-training, the performance of DPS is hindered by the fact that this posterior approximation can be inaccurate especially for high noise levels. Therefore, we propose \textbf{D}iffusion \textbf{P}osterior \textbf{MC}MC (\textbf{DPMC}), a novel inference algorithm based on Annealed MCMC to solve inverse problems with pretrained diffusion models. We define a series of intermediate distributions inspired by the approximated conditional distributions used by DPS. Through annealed MCMC sampling, we encourage the samples to follow each intermediate distribution more closely before moving to the next distribution at a lower noise level, and therefore reduce the accumulated error along the path. We test our algorithm in various inverse problems, including super resolution, Gaussian deblurring, motion deblurring, inpainting, and phase retrieval. Our algorithm outperforms DPS with less number of evaluations across nearly all tasks, and is competitive among existing approaches.
Abstract:Generative models based on flow matching have attracted significant attention for their simplicity and superior performance in high-resolution image synthesis. By leveraging the instantaneous change-of-variables formula, one can directly compute image likelihoods from a learned flow, making them enticing candidates as priors for downstream tasks such as inverse problems. In particular, a natural approach would be to incorporate such image probabilities in a maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) estimation problem. A major obstacle, however, lies in the slow computation of the log-likelihood, as it requires backpropagating through an ODE solver, which can be prohibitively slow for high-dimensional problems. In this work, we propose an iterative algorithm to approximate the MAP estimator efficiently to solve a variety of linear inverse problems. Our algorithm is mathematically justified by the observation that the MAP objective can be approximated by a sum of $N$ ``local MAP'' objectives, where $N$ is the number of function evaluations. By leveraging Tweedie's formula, we show that we can perform gradient steps to sequentially optimize these objectives. We validate our approach for various linear inverse problems, such as super-resolution, deblurring, inpainting, and compressed sensing, and demonstrate that we can outperform other methods based on flow matching.
Abstract:Offline Black-Box Optimization (BBO) aims at optimizing a black-box function using the knowledge from a pre-collected offline dataset of function values and corresponding input designs. However, the high-dimensional and highly-multimodal input design space of black-box function pose inherent challenges for most existing methods that model and operate directly upon input designs. These issues include but are not limited to high sample complexity, which relates to inaccurate approximation of black-box function; and insufficient coverage and exploration of input design modes, which leads to suboptimal proposal of new input designs. In this work, we consider finding a latent space that serves as a compressed yet accurate representation of the design-value joint space, enabling effective latent exploration of high-value input design modes. To this end, we formulate an learnable energy-based latent space, and propose Noise-intensified Telescoping density-Ratio Estimation (NTRE) scheme for variational learning of an accurate latent space model without costly Markov Chain Monte Carlo. The optimization process is then exploration of high-value designs guided by the learned energy-based model in the latent space, formulated as gradient-based sampling from a latent-variable-parameterized inverse model. We show that our particular parameterization encourages expanded exploration around high-value design modes, motivated by inversion thinking of a fundamental result of conditional covariance matrix typically used for variance reduction. We observe that our method, backed by an accurately learned informative latent space and an expanding-exploration model design, yields significant improvements over strong previous methods on both synthetic and real world datasets such as the design-bench suite.
Abstract:Text-to-image diffusion models have shown great success in generating high-quality text-guided images. Yet, these models may still fail to semantically align generated images with the provided text prompts, leading to problems like incorrect attribute binding and/or catastrophic object neglect. Given the pervasive object-oriented structure underlying text prompts, we introduce a novel object-conditioned Energy-Based Attention Map Alignment (EBAMA) method to address the aforementioned problems. We show that an object-centric attribute binding loss naturally emerges by approximately maximizing the log-likelihood of a $z$-parameterized energy-based model with the help of the negative sampling technique. We further propose an object-centric intensity regularizer to prevent excessive shifts of objects attention towards their attributes. Extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments, including human evaluation, on several challenging benchmarks demonstrate the superior performance of our method over previous strong counterparts. With better aligned attention maps, our approach shows great promise in further enhancing the text-controlled image editing ability of diffusion models.
Abstract:The literature on text-to-image generation is plagued by issues of faithfully composing entities with relations. But there lacks a formal understanding of how entity-relation compositions can be effectively learned. Moreover, the underlying phenomenon space that meaningfully reflects the problem structure is not well-defined, leading to an arms race for larger quantities of data in the hope that generalization emerges out of large-scale pretraining. We hypothesize that the underlying phenomenological coverage has not been proportionally scaled up, leading to a skew of the presented phenomenon which harms generalization. We introduce statistical metrics that quantify both the linguistic and visual skew of a dataset for relational learning, and show that generalization failures of text-to-image generation are a direct result of incomplete or unbalanced phenomenological coverage. We first perform experiments in a synthetic domain and demonstrate that systematically controlled metrics are strongly predictive of generalization performance. Then we move to natural images and show that simple distribution perturbations in light of our theories boost generalization without enlarging the absolute data size. This work informs an important direction towards quality-enhancing the data diversity or balance orthogonal to scaling up the absolute size. Our discussions point out important open questions on 1) Evaluation of generated entity-relation compositions, and 2) Better models for reasoning with abstract relations.
Abstract:Multi-task learning has attracted much attention due to growing multi-purpose research with multiple related data sources. Moreover, transduction with matrix completion is a useful method in multi-label learning. In this paper, we propose a transductive matrix completion algorithm that incorporates a calibration constraint for the features under the multi-task learning framework. The proposed algorithm recovers the incomplete feature matrix and target matrix simultaneously. Fortunately, the calibration information improves the completion results. In particular, we provide a statistical guarantee for the proposed algorithm, and the theoretical improvement induced by calibration information is also studied. Moreover, the proposed algorithm enjoys a sub-linear convergence rate. Several synthetic data experiments are conducted, which show the proposed algorithm out-performs other existing methods, especially when the target matrix is associated with the feature matrix in a nonlinear way.