Abstract:Language agents have become a promising solution to complex interactive tasks. One of the key ingredients to the success of language agents is the reward model on the trajectory of the agentic workflow, which provides valuable guidance during training or inference. However, due to the lack of annotations of intermediate interactions, most existing works use an outcome reward model to optimize policies across entire trajectories. This may lead to sub-optimal policies and hinder the overall performance. To address this, we propose QLASS (Q-guided Language Agent Stepwise Search), to automatically generate annotations by estimating Q-values in a stepwise manner for open language agents. By introducing a reasoning tree and performing process reward modeling, QLASS provides effective intermediate guidance for each step. With the stepwise guidance, we propose a Q-guided generation strategy to enable language agents to better adapt to long-term value, resulting in significant performance improvement during model inference on complex interactive agent tasks. Notably, even with almost half the annotated data, QLASS retains strong performance, demonstrating its efficiency in handling limited supervision. We also empirically demonstrate that QLASS can lead to more effective decision making through qualitative analysis. We will release our code and data.
Abstract:Masked prediction has emerged as a promising pretraining paradigm in offline reinforcement learning (RL) due to its versatile masking schemes, enabling flexible inference across various downstream tasks with a unified model. Despite the versatility of masked prediction, it remains unclear how to balance the learning of skills at different levels of complexity. To address this, we propose CurrMask, a curriculum masking pretraining paradigm for sequential decision making. Motivated by how humans learn by organizing knowledge in a curriculum, CurrMask adjusts its masking scheme during pretraining for learning versatile skills. Through extensive experiments, we show that CurrMask exhibits superior zero-shot performance on skill prompting tasks, goal-conditioned planning tasks, and competitive finetuning performance on offline RL tasks. Additionally, our analysis of training dynamics reveals that CurrMask gradually acquires skills of varying complexity by dynamically adjusting its masking scheme.
Abstract:Multi-view egocentric hand tracking is a challenging task and plays a critical role in VR interaction. In this report, we present a method that uses multi-view input images and camera extrinsic parameters to estimate both hand shape and pose. To reduce overfitting to the camera layout, we apply crop jittering and extrinsic parameter noise augmentation. Additionally, we propose an offline neural smoothing post-processing method to further improve the accuracy of hand position and pose. Our method achieves 13.92mm MPJPE on the Umetrack dataset and 21.66mm MPJPE on the HOT3D dataset.
Abstract:The effectiveness of central bank communication is a crucial aspect of monetary policy transmission. While recent research has examined the influence of policy communication by the chairs of the Federal Reserve on various financial variables, much of the literature relies on rule-based or dictionary-based methods in parsing the language of the chairs, leaving nuanced information about policy stance contained in nonverbal emotion out of the analysis. In the current study, we propose the Fine-Grained Monetary Policy Analysis Framework (FMPAF), a novel approach that integrates large language models (LLMs) with regression analysis to provide a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the press-conference communications of chairs of the Federal Reserve on financial markets. We conduct extensive comparisons of model performance under different levels of granularity, modalities, and communication scenarios. Based on our preferred specification, a one-unit increase in the sentiment score is associated with an increase of the price of S\&P 500 Exchange-Traded Fund by approximately 500 basis points, a 15-basis-point decrease in the policy interest rate, while not leading to a significant response in exchange rates.
Abstract:3D hand pose estimation has found broad application in areas such as gesture recognition and human-machine interaction tasks. As performance improves, the complexity of the systems also increases, which can limit the comparative analysis and practical implementation of these methods. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective baseline that not only surpasses state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods but also demonstrates computational efficiency. To establish this baseline, we abstract existing work into two components: a token generator and a mesh regressor, and then examine their core structures. A core structure, in this context, is one that fulfills intrinsic functions, brings about significant improvements, and achieves excellent performance without unnecessary complexities. Our proposed approach is decoupled from any modifications to the backbone, making it adaptable to any modern models. Our method outperforms existing solutions, achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) results across multiple datasets. On the FreiHAND dataset, our approach produced a PA-MPJPE of 5.7mm and a PA-MPVPE of 6.0mm. Similarly, on the Dexycb dataset, we observed a PA-MPJPE of 5.5mm and a PA-MPVPE of 5.0mm. As for performance speed, our method reached up to 33 frames per second (fps) when using HRNet and up to 70 fps when employing FastViT-MA36
Abstract:Over recent years, diffusion models have facilitated significant advancements in video generation. Yet, the creation of face-related videos still confronts issues such as low facial fidelity, lack of frame consistency, limited editability and uncontrollable human poses. To address these challenges, we introduce a facial animation generation method that enhances both face identity fidelity and editing capabilities while ensuring frame consistency. This approach incorporates the concept of an anchor frame to counteract the degradation of generative ability in original text-to-image models when incorporating a motion module. We propose two strategies towards this objective: training-free and training-based anchor frame methods. Our method's efficacy has been validated on multiple representative DreamBooth and LoRA models, delivering substantial improvements over the original outcomes in terms of facial fidelity, text-to-image editability, and video motion. Moreover, we introduce conditional control using a 3D parametric face model to capture accurate facial movements and expressions. This solution augments the creative possibilities for facial animation generation through the integration of multiple control signals. For additional samples, please visit https://paper-faac.github.io/.
Abstract:We introduce HiDiffusion, a tuning-free framework comprised of Resolution-Aware U-Net (RAU-Net) and Modified Shifted Window Multi-head Self-Attention (MSW-MSA) to enable pretrained large text-to-image diffusion models to efficiently generate high-resolution images (e.g. 1024$\times$1024) that surpass the training image resolution. Pretrained diffusion models encounter unreasonable object duplication in generating images beyond the training image resolution. We attribute it to the mismatch between the feature map size of high-resolution images and the receptive field of U-Net's convolution. To address this issue, we propose a simple yet scalable method named RAU-Net. RAU-Net dynamically adjusts the feature map size to match the convolution's receptive field in the deep block of U-Net. Another obstacle in high-resolution synthesis is the slow inference speed of U-Net. Our observations reveal that the global self-attention in the top block, which exhibits locality, however, consumes the majority of computational resources. To tackle this issue, we propose MSW-MSA. Unlike previous window attention mechanisms, our method uses a much larger window size and dynamically shifts windows to better accommodate diffusion models. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our HiDiffusion can scale diffusion models to generate 1024$\times$1024, 2048$\times$2048, or even 4096$\times$4096 resolution images, while simultaneously reducing inference time by 40\%-60\%, achieving state-of-the-art performance on high-resolution image synthesis. The most significant revelation of our work is that a pretrained diffusion model on low-resolution images is scalable for high-resolution generation without further tuning. We hope this revelation can provide insights for future research on the scalability of diffusion models.
Abstract:We introduce a high-performance fingerprint liveness feature extraction technique that secured first place in LivDet 2023 Fingerprint Representation Challenge. Additionally, we developed a practical fingerprint recognition system with 94.68% accuracy, earning second place in LivDet 2023 Liveness Detection in Action. By investigating various methods, particularly style transfer, we demonstrate improvements in accuracy and generalization when faced with limited training data. As a result, our approach achieved state-of-the-art performance in LivDet 2023 Challenges.
Abstract:This report introduce our work on Egocentric 3D Hand Pose Estimation workshop. Using AssemblyHands, this challenge focuses on egocentric 3D hand pose estimation from a single-view image. In the competition, we adopt ViT based backbones and a simple regressor for 3D keypoints prediction, which provides strong model baselines. We noticed that Hand-objects occlusions and self-occlusions lead to performance degradation, thus proposed a non-model method to merge multi-view results in the post-process stage. Moreover, We utilized test time augmentation and model ensemble to make further improvement. We also found that public dataset and rational preprocess are beneficial. Our method achieved 12.21mm MPJPE on test dataset, achieve the first place in Egocentric 3D Hand Pose Estimation challenge.
Abstract:Federated edge learning (FEEL) enables privacy-preserving model training through periodic communication between edge devices and the server. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-mounted edge devices are particularly advantageous for FEEL due to their flexibility and mobility in efficient data collection. In UAV-assisted FEEL, sensing, computation, and communication are coupled and compete for limited onboard resources, and UAV deployment also affects sensing and communication performance. Therefore, the joint design of UAV deployment and resource allocation is crucial to achieving the optimal training performance. In this paper, we address the problem of joint UAV deployment design and resource allocation for FEEL via a concrete case study of human motion recognition based on wireless sensing. We first analyze the impact of UAV deployment on the sensing quality and identify a threshold value for the sensing elevation angle that guarantees a satisfactory quality of data samples. Due to the non-ideal sensing channels, we consider the probabilistic sensing model, where the successful sensing probability of each UAV is determined by its position. Then, we derive the upper bound of the FEEL training loss as a function of the sensing probability. Theoretical results suggest that the convergence rate can be improved if UAVs have a uniform successful sensing probability. Based on this analysis, we formulate a training time minimization problem by jointly optimizing UAV deployment, integrated sensing, computation, and communication (ISCC) resources under a desirable optimality gap constraint. To solve this challenging mixed-integer non-convex problem, we apply the alternating optimization technique, and propose the bandwidth, batch size, and position optimization (BBPO) scheme to optimize these three decision variables alternately.