Abstract:Effective image tokenization is crucial for both multi-modal understanding and generation tasks due to the necessity of the alignment with discrete text data. To this end, existing approaches utilize vector quantization (VQ) to project pixels onto a discrete codebook and reconstruct images from the discrete representation. However, compared with the continuous latent space, the limited discrete codebook space significantly restrict the representational ability of these image tokenizers. In this paper, we propose GaussianToken: An Effective Image Tokenizer with 2D Gaussian Splatting as a solution. We first represent the encoded samples as multiple flexible featured 2D Gaussians characterized by positions, rotation angles, scaling factors, and feature coefficients. We adopt the standard quantization for the Gaussian features and then concatenate the quantization results with the other intrinsic Gaussian parameters before the corresponding splatting operation and the subsequent decoding module. In general, GaussianToken integrates the local influence of 2D Gaussian distribution into the discrete space and thus enhances the representation capability of the image tokenizer. Competitive reconstruction performances on CIFAR, Mini-ImageNet, and ImageNet-1K demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework. Our code is available at: https://github.com/ChrisDong-THU/GaussianToken.
Abstract:Repetitive action counting (RAC) aims to estimate the number of class-agnostic action occurrences in a video without exemplars. Most current RAC methods rely on a raw frame-to-frame similarity representation for period prediction. However, this approach can be significantly disrupted by common noise such as action interruptions and inconsistencies, leading to sub-optimal counting performance in realistic scenarios. In this paper, we introduce a foreground localization optimization objective into similarity representation learning to obtain more robust and efficient video features. We propose a Localization-Aware Multi-Scale Representation Learning (LMRL) framework. Specifically, we apply a Multi-Scale Period-Aware Representation (MPR) with a scale-specific design to accommodate various action frequencies and learn more flexible temporal correlations. Furthermore, we introduce the Repetition Foreground Localization (RFL) method, which enhances the representation by coarsely identifying periodic actions and incorporating global semantic information. These two modules can be jointly optimized, resulting in a more discerning periodic action representation. Our approach significantly reduces the impact of noise, thereby improving counting accuracy. Additionally, the framework is designed to be scalable and adaptable to different types of video content. Experimental results on the RepCountA and UCFRep datasets demonstrate that our proposed method effectively handles repetitive action counting.
Abstract:Performing general language-conditioned bimanual manipulation tasks is of great importance for many applications ranging from household service to industrial assembly. However, collecting bimanual manipulation data is expensive due to the high-dimensional action space, which poses challenges for conventional methods to handle general bimanual manipulation tasks. In contrast, unimanual policy has recently demonstrated impressive generalizability across a wide range of tasks because of scaled model parameters and training data, which can provide sharable manipulation knowledge for bimanual systems. To this end, we propose a plug-and-play method named AnyBimanual, which transfers pre-trained unimanual policy to general bimanual manipulation policy with few bimanual demonstrations. Specifically, we first introduce a skill manager to dynamically schedule the skill representations discovered from pre-trained unimanual policy for bimanual manipulation tasks, which linearly combines skill primitives with task-oriented compensation to represent the bimanual manipulation instruction. To mitigate the observation discrepancy between unimanual and bimanual systems, we present a visual aligner to generate soft masks for visual embedding of the workspace, which aims to align visual input of unimanual policy model for each arm with those during pretraining stage. AnyBimanual shows superiority on 12 simulated tasks from RLBench2 with a sizable 12.67% improvement in success rate over previous methods. Experiments on 9 real-world tasks further verify its practicality with an average success rate of 84.62%.
Abstract:3D Gaussian Splatting has demonstrated notable success in large-scale scene reconstruction, but challenges persist due to high training memory consumption and storage overhead. Hybrid representations that integrate implicit and explicit features offer a way to mitigate these limitations. However, when applied in parallelized block-wise training, two critical issues arise since reconstruction accuracy deteriorates due to reduced data diversity when training each block independently, and parallel training restricts the number of divided blocks to the available number of GPUs. To address these issues, we propose Momentum-GS, a novel approach that leverages momentum-based self-distillation to promote consistency and accuracy across the blocks while decoupling the number of blocks from the physical GPU count. Our method maintains a teacher Gaussian decoder updated with momentum, ensuring a stable reference during training. This teacher provides each block with global guidance in a self-distillation manner, promoting spatial consistency in reconstruction. To further ensure consistency across the blocks, we incorporate block weighting, dynamically adjusting each block's weight according to its reconstruction accuracy. Extensive experiments on large-scale scenes show that our method consistently outperforms existing techniques, achieving a 12.8% improvement in LPIPS over CityGaussian with much fewer divided blocks and establishing a new state of the art. Project page: https://jixuan-fan.github.io/Momentum-GS_Page/
Abstract:Most existing GUI agents typically depend on non-vision inputs like HTML source code or accessibility trees, limiting their flexibility across diverse software environments and platforms. Current multimodal large language models (MLLMs), which excel at using vision to ground real-world objects, offer a potential alternative. However, they often struggle with accurately localizing GUI elements -- a critical requirement for effective GUI automation -- due to the semantic gap between real-world objects and GUI elements. In this work, we introduce Ponder & Press, a divide-and-conquer framework for general computer control using only visual input. Our approach combines an general-purpose MLLM as an 'interpreter', responsible for translating high-level user instructions into detailed action descriptions, with a GUI-specific MLLM as a 'locator' that precisely locates GUI elements for action placement. By leveraging a purely visual input, our agent offers a versatile, human-like interaction paradigm applicable to a wide range of applications. Ponder & Press locator outperforms existing models by +22.5% on the ScreenSpot GUI grounding benchmark. Both offline and interactive agent benchmarks across various GUI environments -- including web pages, desktop software, and mobile UIs -- demonstrate that Ponder & Press framework achieves state-of-the-art performance, highlighting the potential of visual GUI agents. Refer to the project homepage https://invinciblewyq.github.io/ponder-press-page/
Abstract:Large Vision Language Models (LVLMs) have achieved significant success across multi-modal tasks. However, the computational cost of processing long visual tokens can be prohibitively expensive on resource-limited devices. Previous methods have identified redundancy in visual tokens within the Large Language Model (LLM) decoder layers and have mitigated this by pruning tokens using a pre-defined or fixed ratio, thereby reducing computational overhead. Nonetheless, we observe that the impact of pruning ratio varies across different LLM layers and instances (image-prompt pairs). Therefore, it is essential to develop a layer-wise and instance-wise vision token pruning strategy to balance computational cost and model performance effectively. We propose ATP-LLaVA, a novel approach that adaptively determines instance-specific token pruning ratios for each LLM layer. Specifically, we introduce an Adaptive Token Pruning (ATP) module, which computes the importance score and pruning threshold based on input instance adaptively. The ATP module can be seamlessly integrated between any two LLM layers with negligible computational overhead. Additionally, we develop a Spatial Augmented Pruning (SAP) strategy that prunes visual tokens with both token redundancy and spatial modeling perspectives. Our approach reduces the average token count by 75% while maintaining performance, with only a minimal 1.9% degradation across seven widely used benchmarks. The project page can be accessed via https://yxxxb.github.io/ATP-LLaVA-page/.
Abstract:The security risks of AI-driven video editing have garnered significant attention. Although recent studies indicate that adding perturbations to images can protect them from malicious edits, directly applying image-based methods to perturb each frame in a video becomes ineffective, as video editing techniques leverage the consistency of inter-frame information to restore individually perturbed content. To address this challenge, we leverage the temporal consistency of video content to propose a straightforward and efficient, yet highly effective and broadly applicable approach, Universal Video Consistency Guard (UVCG). UVCG embeds the content of another video(target video) within a protected video by introducing continuous, imperceptible perturbations which has the ability to force the encoder of editing models to map continuous inputs to misaligned continuous outputs, thereby inhibiting the generation of videos consistent with the intended textual prompts. Additionally leveraging similarity in perturbations between adjacent frames, we improve the computational efficiency of perturbation generation by employing a perturbation-reuse strategy. We applied UVCG across various versions of Latent Diffusion Models (LDM) and assessed its effectiveness and generalizability across multiple LDM-based editing pipelines. The results confirm the effectiveness, transferability, and efficiency of our approach in safeguarding video content from unauthorized modifications.
Abstract:We introduce NovelGS, a diffusion model for Gaussian Splatting (GS) given sparse-view images. Recent works leverage feed-forward networks to generate pixel-aligned Gaussians, which could be fast rendered. Unfortunately, the method was unable to produce satisfactory results for areas not covered by the input images due to the formulation of these methods. In contrast, we leverage the novel view denoising through a transformer-based network to generate 3D Gaussians. Specifically, by incorporating both conditional views and noisy target views, the network predicts pixel-aligned Gaussians for each view. During training, the rendered target and some additional views of the Gaussians are supervised. During inference, the target views are iteratively rendered and denoised from pure noise. Our approach demonstrates state-of-the-art performance in addressing the multi-view image reconstruction challenge. Due to generative modeling of unseen regions, NovelGS effectively reconstructs 3D objects with consistent and sharp textures. Experimental results on publicly available datasets indicate that NovelGS substantially surpasses existing image-to-3D frameworks, both qualitatively and quantitatively. We also demonstrate the potential of NovelGS in generative tasks, such as text-to-3D and image-to-3D, by integrating it with existing multiview diffusion models. We will make the code publicly accessible.
Abstract:Recent advancements in pre-trained vision-language models like CLIP, have enabled the task of open-vocabulary segmentation. CLIP demonstrates impressive zero-shot capabilities in various downstream tasks that require holistic image understanding. However, due to its image-level pre-training, CLIP struggles to capture local details, resulting in poor performance in segmentation tasks. Our analysis reveals that anomaly tokens emerge during the forward pass, drawing excessive attention from normal patch tokens, thereby diminishing spatial awareness. To address this issue, we propose Self-Calibrated CLIP (SC-CLIP), a training-free method that calibrates CLIP to produce finer-grained representations while preserving its original generalization ability, without introducing new parameters or relying on additional backbones. Specifically, we first identify and resolve the anomaly tokens to mitigate their negative impact. Next, we enhance feature discriminability and attention correlation by leveraging the semantic consistency found in CLIP's intermediate features. Furthermore, we employ multi-level feature fusion to enrich details. Collectively, these strategies enhance CLIP's feature representation with greater granularity and coherence. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of SC-CLIP, achieving state-of-the-art results across eight semantic segmentation datasets and surpassing previous methods by 9.5%. Notably, SC-CLIP boosts the performance of vanilla CLIP ViT-L/14 by 6.8 times. Our source code is available at https://github.com/SuleBai/SC-CLIP.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a post-training quantization framework of large vision-language models (LVLMs) for efficient multi-modal inference. Conventional quantization methods sequentially search the layer-wise rounding functions by minimizing activation discretization errors, which fails to acquire optimal quantization strategy without considering cross-layer dependency. On the contrary, we mine the cross-layer dependency that significantly influences discretization errors of the entire vision-language model, and embed this dependency into optimal quantization strategy searching with low search cost. Specifically, we observe the strong correlation between the activation entropy and the cross-layer dependency concerning output discretization errors. Therefore, we employ the entropy as the proxy to partition blocks optimally, which aims to achieve satisfying trade-offs between discretization errors and the search cost. Moreover, we optimize the visual encoder to disentangle the cross-layer dependency for fine-grained decomposition of search space, so that the search cost is further reduced without harming the quantization accuracy. Experimental results demonstrate that our method compresses the memory by 2.78x and increase generate speed by 1.44x about 13B LLaVA model without performance degradation on diverse multi-modal reasoning tasks. Code is available at https://github.com/ChangyuanWang17/QVLM.