Abstract:Precise alignment in Text-to-Image (T2I) systems is crucial to ensure that generated visuals not only accurately encapsulate user intents but also conform to stringent ethical and aesthetic benchmarks. Incidents like the Google Gemini fiasco, where misaligned outputs triggered significant public backlash, underscore the critical need for robust alignment mechanisms. In contrast, Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved notable success in alignment. Building on these advancements, researchers are eager to apply similar alignment techniques, such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), to T2I systems to enhance image generation fidelity and reliability. We present YinYangAlign, an advanced benchmarking framework that systematically quantifies the alignment fidelity of T2I systems, addressing six fundamental and inherently contradictory design objectives. Each pair represents fundamental tensions in image generation, such as balancing adherence to user prompts with creative modifications or maintaining diversity alongside visual coherence. YinYangAlign includes detailed axiom datasets featuring human prompts, aligned (chosen) responses, misaligned (rejected) AI-generated outputs, and explanations of the underlying contradictions.
Abstract:The rapid rise of large language models (LLMs) has unlocked many applications but also underscores the challenge of aligning them with diverse values and preferences. Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) is central to alignment but constrained by fixed divergences and limited feature transformations. We propose DPO-Kernels, which integrates kernel methods to address these issues through four key contributions: (i) Kernelized Representations with polynomial, RBF, Mahalanobis, and spectral kernels for richer transformations, plus a hybrid loss combining embedding-based and probability-based objectives; (ii) Divergence Alternatives (Jensen-Shannon, Hellinger, Renyi, Bhattacharyya, Wasserstein, and f-divergences) for greater stability; (iii) Data-Driven Selection metrics that automatically choose the best kernel-divergence pair; and (iv) a Hierarchical Mixture of Kernels for both local precision and global modeling. Evaluations on 12 datasets demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in factuality, safety, reasoning, and instruction following. Grounded in Heavy-Tailed Self-Regularization, DPO-Kernels maintains robust generalization for LLMs, offering a comprehensive resource for further alignment research.
Abstract:The rapid advancement of text-to-image generation systems, exemplified by models like Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, Imagen, and DALL-E, has heightened concerns about their potential misuse. In response, companies like Meta and Google have intensified their efforts to implement watermarking techniques on AI-generated images to curb the circulation of potentially misleading visuals. However, in this paper, we argue that current image watermarking methods are fragile and susceptible to being circumvented through visual paraphrase attacks. The proposed visual paraphraser operates in two steps. First, it generates a caption for the given image using KOSMOS-2, one of the latest state-of-the-art image captioning systems. Second, it passes both the original image and the generated caption to an image-to-image diffusion system. During the denoising step of the diffusion pipeline, the system generates a visually similar image that is guided by the text caption. The resulting image is a visual paraphrase and is free of any watermarks. Our empirical findings demonstrate that visual paraphrase attacks can effectively remove watermarks from images. This paper provides a critical assessment, empirically revealing the vulnerability of existing watermarking techniques to visual paraphrase attacks. While we do not propose solutions to this issue, this paper serves as a call to action for the scientific community to prioritize the development of more robust watermarking techniques. Our first-of-its-kind visual paraphrase dataset and accompanying code are publicly available.
Abstract:Following the recent popularity of Large Language Models (LLMs), several attempts have been made to extend them to the visual domain. From having a visual assistant that could guide us through unfamiliar environments to generative models that produce images using only a high-level text description, the vision-language model (VLM) applications will significantly impact our relationship with technology. However, there are many challenges that need to be addressed to improve the reliability of those models. While language is discrete, vision evolves in a much higher dimensional space in which concepts cannot always be easily discretized. To better understand the mechanics behind mapping vision to language, we present this introduction to VLMs which we hope will help anyone who would like to enter the field. First, we introduce what VLMs are, how they work, and how to train them. Then, we present and discuss approaches to evaluate VLMs. Although this work primarily focuses on mapping images to language, we also discuss extending VLMs to videos.
Abstract:In recent times training Language Models (LMs) have relied on computationally heavy training over massive datasets which makes this training process extremely laborious. In this paper we propose a novel method for numerically evaluating text quality in large unlabelled NLP datasets in a model agnostic manner to assign the text instances a "quality score". By proposing the text quality metric, the paper establishes a framework to identify and eliminate low-quality text instances, leading to improved training efficiency for LM models. Experimental results over multiple models and datasets demonstrate the efficacy of this approach, showcasing substantial gains in training effectiveness and highlighting the potential for resource-efficient LM training. For example, we observe an absolute accuracy improvement of 0.9% averaged over 14 downstream evaluation tasks for multiple LM models while using 40% lesser data and training 42% faster when training on the OpenWebText dataset and 0.8% average absolute accuracy improvement while using 20% lesser data and training 21% faster on the Wikipedia dataset.
Abstract:We investigate efficient methods for training Large Language Models (LLMs) to possess capabilities in multiple specialized domains, such as coding, math reasoning and world knowledge. Our method, named Branch-Train-MiX (BTX), starts from a seed model, which is branched to train experts in embarrassingly parallel fashion with high throughput and reduced communication cost. After individual experts are asynchronously trained, BTX brings together their feedforward parameters as experts in Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) layers and averages the remaining parameters, followed by an MoE-finetuning stage to learn token-level routing. BTX generalizes two special cases, the Branch-Train-Merge method, which does not have the MoE finetuning stage to learn routing, and sparse upcycling, which omits the stage of training experts asynchronously. Compared to alternative approaches, BTX achieves the best accuracy-efficiency tradeoff.
Abstract:Curation methods for massive vision-language datasets trade off between dataset size and quality. However, even the highest quality of available curated captions are far too short to capture the rich visual detail in an image. To show the value of dense and highly-aligned image-text pairs, we collect the Densely Captioned Images (DCI) dataset, containing 8012 natural images human-annotated with mask-aligned descriptions averaging above 1000 words each. With precise and reliable captions associated with specific parts of an image, we can evaluate vision-language models' (VLMs) understanding of image content with a novel task that matches each caption with its corresponding subcrop. As current models are often limited to 77 text tokens, we also introduce a summarized version (sDCI) in which each caption length is limited. We show that modern techniques that make progress on standard benchmarks do not correspond with significant improvement on our sDCI based benchmark. Lastly, we finetune CLIP using sDCI and show significant improvements over the baseline despite a small training set. By releasing the first human annotated dense image captioning dataset, we hope to enable the development of new benchmarks or fine-tuning recipes for the next generation of VLMs to come.
Abstract:To build scalable models for challenging real-world tasks, it is important to learn from diverse, multi-modal data in various forms (e.g., videos, text, and images). Among the existing works, a plethora of them have focused on leveraging large but cumbersome cross-modal architectures. Regardless of their effectiveness, larger architectures unavoidably prevent the models from being extended to real-world applications, so building a lightweight VL architecture and an efficient learning schema is of great practical value. In this paper, we propose an Efficient Video-Language Model (dubbed as E-ViLM) and a masked video modeling (MVM) schema, assisted with a semantic vector-quantized tokenizer. In particular, our E-ViLM learns to reconstruct the semantic labels of masked video regions, produced by the pre-trained vector-quantized tokenizer, which discretizes the continuous visual signals into labels. We show that with our simple MVM task and regular VL pre-training modelings, our E-ViLM, despite its compactness, is able to learn expressive representations from Video-Language corpus and generalize well to extensive Video-Language tasks including video question answering, text-to-video retrieval, etc. In particular, our E-ViLM obtains obvious efficiency improvements by reaching competing performances with faster inference speed, i.e., our model reaches $39.3$% Top-$1$ accuracy on the MSRVTT benchmark, retaining $91.4$% of the accuracy of state-of-the-art larger VL architecture with only $15%$ parameters and $94.8%$ fewer GFLOPs. We also provide extensive ablative studies that validate the effectiveness of our proposed learning schema for E-ViLM.
Abstract:We propose Fast Language-Audio Pre-training (FLAP), a self-supervised approach that efficiently and effectively learns aligned audio and language representations through masking, contrastive learning and reconstruction. For efficiency, FLAP randomly drops audio spectrogram tokens, focusing solely on the remaining ones for self-supervision. Through inter-modal contrastive learning, FLAP learns to align paired audio and text representations in a shared latent space. Notably, FLAP leverages multiple augmented views via masking for inter-modal contrast and learns to reconstruct the masked portion of audio tokens. Moreover, FLAP leverages large language models (LLMs) to augment the text inputs, contributing to improved performance. These approaches lead to more robust and informative audio-text representations, enabling FLAP to achieve state-of-the-art (SoTA) performance on audio-text retrieval tasks on AudioCaps (achieving 53.0% R@1) and Clotho (achieving 25.5% R@1).
Abstract:Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) is an approach that has advanced research and applications in computer vision, fueling modern recognition systems and generative models. We believe that the main ingredient to the success of CLIP is its data and not the model architecture or pre-training objective. However, CLIP only provides very limited information about its data and how it has been collected, leading to works that aim to reproduce CLIP's data by filtering with its model parameters. In this work, we intend to reveal CLIP's data curation approach and in our pursuit of making it open to the community introduce Metadata-Curated Language-Image Pre-training (MetaCLIP). MetaCLIP takes a raw data pool and metadata (derived from CLIP's concepts) and yields a balanced subset over the metadata distribution. Our experimental study rigorously isolates the model and training settings, concentrating solely on data. MetaCLIP applied to CommonCrawl with 400M image-text data pairs outperforms CLIP's data on multiple standard benchmarks. In zero-shot ImageNet classification, MetaCLIP achieves 70.8% accuracy, surpassing CLIP's 68.3% on ViT-B models. Scaling to 1B data, while maintaining the same training budget, attains 72.4%. Our observations hold across various model sizes, exemplified by ViT-H achieving 80.5%, without any bells-and-whistles. Curation code and training data distribution on metadata is made available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/MetaCLIP.