Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional performance across diverse tasks, yet their training remains highly resource-intensive and susceptible to critical challenges such as training instability. A predominant source of this instability stems from gradient and loss spikes, which disrupt the learning process, often leading to costly interventions like checkpoint recovery and experiment restarts, further amplifying inefficiencies. This paper presents a comprehensive investigation into gradient spikes observed during LLM training, revealing their prevalence across multiple architectures and datasets. Our analysis shows that these spikes can be up to $1000\times$ larger than typical gradients, substantially deteriorating model performance. To address this issue, we propose Spike-Aware Adam with Momentum Reset SPAM, a novel optimizer designed to counteract gradient spikes through momentum reset and spike-aware gradient clipping. Extensive experiments, including both pre-training and fine-tuning, demonstrate that SPAM consistently surpasses Adam and its variants across various tasks, including (1) LLM pre-training from 60M to 1B, (2) 4-bit LLM pre-training,(3) reinforcement learning, and (4) Time Series Forecasting. Additionally, SPAM facilitates memory-efficient training by enabling sparse momentum, where only a subset of momentum terms are maintained and updated. When operating under memory constraints, SPAM outperforms state-of-the-art memory-efficient optimizers such as GaLore and Adam-Mini. Our work underscores the importance of mitigating gradient spikes in LLM training and introduces an effective optimization strategy that enhances both training stability and resource efficiency at scale. Code is available at https://github.com/TianjinYellow/SPAM-Optimizer.git
Abstract:While deep learning has demonstrated impressive progress, it remains a daunting challenge to learn from hard samples as these samples are usually noisy and intricate. These hard samples play a crucial role in the optimal performance of deep neural networks. Most research on Sparse Neural Networks (SNNs) has focused on standard training data, leaving gaps in understanding their effectiveness on complex and challenging data. This paper's extensive investigation across scenarios reveals that most SNNs trained on challenging samples can often match or surpass dense models in accuracy at certain sparsity levels, especially with limited data. We observe that layer-wise density ratios tend to play an important role in SNN performance, particularly for methods that train from scratch without pre-trained initialization. These insights enhance our understanding of SNNs' behavior and potential for efficient learning approaches in data-centric AI. Our code is publicly available at: \url{https://github.com/QiaoXiao7282/hard_sample_learners}.
Abstract:Large-scale neural networks have demonstrated remarkable performance in different domains like vision and language processing, although at the cost of massive computation resources. As illustrated by compression literature, structural model pruning is a prominent algorithm to encourage model efficiency, thanks to its acceleration-friendly sparsity patterns. One of the key questions of structural pruning is how to estimate the channel significance. In parallel, work on data-centric AI has shown that prompting-based techniques enable impressive generalization of large language models across diverse downstream tasks. In this paper, we investigate a charming possibility - \textit{leveraging visual prompts to capture the channel importance and derive high-quality structural sparsity}. To this end, we propose a novel algorithmic framework, namely \texttt{PASS}. It is a tailored hyper-network to take both visual prompts and network weight statistics as input, and output layer-wise channel sparsity in a recurrent manner. Such designs consider the intrinsic channel dependency between layers. Comprehensive experiments across multiple network architectures and six datasets demonstrate the superiority of \texttt{PASS} in locating good structural sparsity. For example, at the same FLOPs level, \texttt{PASS} subnetworks achieve $1\%\sim 3\%$ better accuracy on Food101 dataset; or with a similar performance of $80\%$ accuracy, \texttt{PASS} subnetworks obtain $0.35\times$ more speedup than the baselines.
Abstract:Test-time interventions for language models can enhance factual accuracy, mitigate harmful outputs, and improve model efficiency without costly retraining. But despite a flood of new methods, different types of interventions are largely developing independently. In practice, multiple interventions must be applied sequentially to the same model, yet we lack standardized ways to study how interventions interact. We fill this gap by introducing composable interventions, a framework to study the effects of using multiple interventions on the same language models, featuring new metrics and a unified codebase. Using our framework, we conduct extensive experiments and compose popular methods from three emerging intervention categories -- Knowledge Editing, Model Compression, and Machine Unlearning. Our results from 310 different compositions uncover meaningful interactions: compression hinders editing and unlearning, composing interventions hinges on their order of application, and popular general-purpose metrics are inadequate for assessing composability. Taken together, our findings showcase clear gaps in composability, suggesting a need for new multi-objective interventions. All of our code is public: https://github.com/hartvigsen-group/composable-interventions.
Abstract:Vision Transformers have been rapidly uprising in computer vision thanks to their outstanding scaling trends, and gradually replacing convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Recent works on self-supervised learning (SSL) introduce siamese pre-training tasks, on which Transformer backbones continue to demonstrate ever stronger results than CNNs. People come to believe that Transformers or self-attention modules are inherently more suitable than CNNs in the context of SSL. However, it is noteworthy that most if not all prior arts of SSL with CNNs chose the standard ResNets as their backbones, whose architecture effectiveness is known to already lag behind advanced Vision Transformers. Therefore, it remains unclear whether the self-attention operation is crucial for the recent advances in SSL - or CNNs can deliver the same excellence with more advanced designs, too? Can we close the SSL performance gap between Transformers and CNNs? To answer these intriguing questions, we apply self-supervised pre-training to the recently proposed, stronger lager-kernel CNN architecture and conduct an apple-to-apple comparison with Transformers, in their SSL performance. Our results show that we are able to build pure CNN SSL architectures that perform on par with or better than the best SSL-trained Transformers, by just scaling up convolutional kernel sizes besides other small tweaks. Impressively, when transferring to the downstream tasks \texttt{MS COCO} detection and segmentation, our SSL pre-trained CNN model (trained in 100 epochs) achieves the same good performance as the 300-epoch pre-trained Transformer counterpart. We hope this work can help to better understand what is essential (or not) for self-supervised learning backbones.
Abstract:The rapid development of large-scale deep learning models questions the affordability of hardware platforms, which necessitates the pruning to reduce their computational and memory footprints. Sparse neural networks as the product, have demonstrated numerous favorable benefits like low complexity, undamaged generalization, etc. Most of the prominent pruning strategies are invented from a model-centric perspective, focusing on searching and preserving crucial weights by analyzing network topologies. However, the role of data and its interplay with model-centric pruning has remained relatively unexplored. In this research, we introduce a novel data-model co-design perspective: to promote superior weight sparsity by learning important model topology and adequate input data in a synergetic manner. Specifically, customized Visual Prompts are mounted to upgrade neural Network sparsification in our proposed VPNs framework. As a pioneering effort, this paper conducts systematic investigations about the impact of different visual prompts on model pruning and suggests an effective joint optimization approach. Extensive experiments with 3 network architectures and 8 datasets evidence the substantial performance improvements from VPNs over existing start-of-the-art pruning algorithms. Furthermore, we find that subnetworks discovered by VPNs from pre-trained models enjoy better transferability across diverse downstream scenarios. These insights shed light on new promising possibilities of data-model co-designs for vision model sparsification.
Abstract:Graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown promise in addressing graph-related problems, including node classification. However, conventional GNNs assume an even distribution of data across classes, which is often not the case in real-world scenarios, where certain classes are severely underrepresented. This leads to suboptimal performance of standard GNNs on imbalanced graphs. In this paper, we introduce a unique approach that tackles imbalanced classification on graphs by considering graph heterophily. We investigate the intricate relationship between class imbalance and graph heterophily, revealing that minority classes not only exhibit a scarcity of samples but also manifest lower levels of homophily, facilitating the propagation of erroneous information among neighboring nodes. Drawing upon this insight, we propose an efficient method, called Fast Im-GBK, which integrates an imbalance classification strategy with heterophily-aware GNNs to effectively address the class imbalance problem while significantly reducing training time. Our experiments on real-world graphs demonstrate our model's superiority in classification performance and efficiency for node classification tasks compared to existing baselines.
Abstract:Despite the fact that adversarial training has become the de facto method for improving the robustness of deep neural networks, it is well-known that vanilla adversarial training suffers from daunting robust overfitting, resulting in unsatisfactory robust generalization. A number of approaches have been proposed to address these drawbacks such as extra regularization, adversarial weights perturbation, and training with more data over the last few years. However, the robust generalization improvement is yet far from satisfactory. In this paper, we approach this challenge with a brand new perspective -- refining historical optimization trajectories. We propose a new method named \textbf{Weighted Optimization Trajectories (WOT)} that leverages the optimization trajectories of adversarial training in time. We have conducted extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of WOT under various state-of-the-art adversarial attacks. Our results show that WOT integrates seamlessly with the existing adversarial training methods and consistently overcomes the robust overfitting issue, resulting in better adversarial robustness. For example, WOT boosts the robust accuracy of AT-PGD under AA-$L_{\infty}$ attack by 1.53\% $\sim$ 6.11\% and meanwhile increases the clean accuracy by 0.55\%$\sim$5.47\% across SVHN, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and Tiny-ImageNet datasets.
Abstract:Sparse training has received an upsurging interest in machine learning due to its tantalizing saving potential for the entire training process as well as inference. Dynamic sparse training (DST), as a leading sparse training approach, can train deep neural networks at high sparsity from scratch to match the performance of their dense counterparts. However, most if not all DST prior arts demonstrate their effectiveness on unstructured sparsity with highly irregular sparse patterns, which receives limited support in common hardware. This limitation hinders the usage of DST in practice. In this paper, we propose Channel-aware dynamic sparse (Chase), which for the first time seamlessly translates the promise of unstructured dynamic sparsity to GPU-friendly channel-level sparsity (not fine-grained N:M or group sparsity) during one end-to-end training process, without any ad-hoc operations. The resulting small sparse networks can be directly accelerated by commodity hardware, without using any particularly sparsity-aware hardware accelerators. This appealing outcome is partially motivated by a hidden phenomenon of dynamic sparsity: off-the-shelf unstructured DST implicitly involves biased parameter reallocation across channels, with a large fraction of channels (up to 60\%) being sparser than others. By progressively identifying and removing these channels during training, our approach translates unstructured sparsity to channel-wise sparsity. Our experimental results demonstrate that Chase achieves 1.7 X inference throughput speedup on common GPU devices without compromising accuracy with ResNet-50 on ImageNet. We release our codes in https://github.com/luuyin/chase.
Abstract:This paper reveals a new appeal of the recently emerged large-kernel Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets): as the teacher in Knowledge Distillation (KD) for small-kernel ConvNets. While Transformers have led state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in various fields with ever-larger models and labeled data, small-kernel ConvNets are considered more suitable for resource-limited applications due to the efficient convolution operation and compact weight sharing. KD is widely used to boost the performance of small-kernel ConvNets. However, previous research shows that it is not quite effective to distill knowledge (e.g., global information) from Transformers to small-kernel ConvNets, presumably due to their disparate architectures. We hereby carry out a first-of-its-kind study unveiling that modern large-kernel ConvNets, a compelling competitor to Vision Transformers, are remarkably more effective teachers for small-kernel ConvNets, due to more similar architectures. Our findings are backed up by extensive experiments on both logit-level and feature-level KD ``out of the box", with no dedicated architectural nor training recipe modifications. Notably, we obtain the \textbf{best-ever pure ConvNet} under 30M parameters with \textbf{83.1\%} top-1 accuracy on ImageNet, outperforming current SOTA methods including ConvNeXt V2 and Swin V2. We also find that beneficial characteristics of large-kernel ConvNets, e.g., larger effective receptive fields, can be seamlessly transferred to students through this large-to-small kernel distillation. Code is available at: \url{https://github.com/VITA-Group/SLaK}.