Abstract:The pre-training and fine-tuning paradigm has revolutionized satellite remote sensing applications. However, this approach remains largely underexplored for airborne laser scanning (ALS), an important technology for applications such as forest management and urban planning. In this study, we address this gap by constructing a large-scale ALS point cloud dataset and evaluating its impact on downstream applications. Our dataset comprises ALS point clouds collected across the contiguous United States, provided by the United States Geological Survey's 3D Elevation Program. To ensure efficient data collection while capturing diverse land cover and terrain types, we introduce a geospatial sampling method that selects point cloud tiles based on land cover maps and digital elevation models. As a baseline self-supervised learning model, we adopt BEV-MAE, a state-of-the-art masked autoencoder for 3D outdoor point clouds, and pre-train it on the constructed dataset. The pre-trained models are subsequently fine-tuned for downstream tasks, including tree species classification, terrain scene recognition, and point cloud semantic segmentation. Our results show that the pre-trained models significantly outperform their scratch counterparts across all downstream tasks, demonstrating the transferability of the representations learned from the proposed dataset. Furthermore, we observe that scaling the dataset using our geospatial sampling method consistently enhances performance, whereas pre-training on datasets constructed with random sampling fails to achieve similar improvements. These findings highlight the utility of the constructed dataset and the effectiveness of our sampling strategy in the pre-training and fine-tuning paradigm. The source code and pre-trained models will be made publicly available at \url{https://github.com/martianxiu/ALS_pretraining}.
Abstract:This paper presents an I/O interface with Xtalk Minimizing Affine Signaling (XMAS), which is designed to support high-speed data transmission in die-to-die communication over silicon interposers or similar high-density interconnects susceptible to crosstalk. The operating principles of XMAS are elucidated through rigorous analyses, and its advantages over existing signaling are validated through numerical experiments. XMAS not only demonstrates exceptional crosstalk removing capabilities but also exhibits robustness against noise, especially simultaneous switching noise. Fabricated in a 28-nm CMOS process, the prototype XMAS transceiver achieves an edge density of 3.6TB/s/mm and an energy efficiency of 0.65pJ/b. Compared to the single-ended signaling, the crosstalk-induced peak-to-peak jitter of the received eye with XMAS is reduced by 75% at 10GS/s/pin data rate, and the horizontal eye opening extends to 0.2UI at a bit error rate < 10$^{-12}$.
Abstract:Multi-target domain adaptation (MTDA) for semantic segmentation poses a significant challenge, as it involves multiple target domains with varying distributions. The goal of MTDA is to minimize the domain discrepancies among a single source and multi-target domains, aiming to train a single model that excels across all target domains. Previous MTDA approaches typically employ multiple teacher architectures, where each teacher specializes in one target domain to simplify the task. However, these architectures hinder the student model from fully assimilating comprehensive knowledge from all target-specific teachers and escalate training costs with increasing target domains. In this paper, we propose an ouroboric domain bridging (OurDB) framework, offering an efficient solution to the MTDA problem using a single teacher architecture. This framework dynamically cycles through multiple target domains, aligning each domain individually to restrain the biased alignment problem, and utilizes Fisher information to minimize the forgetting of knowledge from previous target domains. We also propose a context-guided class-wise mixup (CGMix) that leverages contextual information tailored to diverse target contexts in MTDA. Experimental evaluations conducted on four urban driving datasets (i.e., GTA5, Cityscapes, IDD, and Mapillary) demonstrate the superiority of our method over existing state-of-the-art approaches.
Abstract:Domain adaptation for object detection typically entails transferring knowledge from one visible domain to another visible domain. However, there are limited studies on adapting from the visible to the thermal domain, because the domain gap between the visible and thermal domains is much larger than expected, and traditional domain adaptation can not successfully facilitate learning in this situation. To overcome this challenge, we propose a Distinctive Dual-Domain Teacher (D3T) framework that employs distinct training paradigms for each domain. Specifically, we segregate the source and target training sets for building dual-teachers and successively deploy exponential moving average to the student model to individual teachers of each domain. The framework further incorporates a zigzag learning method between dual teachers, facilitating a gradual transition from the visible to thermal domains during training. We validate the superiority of our method through newly designed experimental protocols with well-known thermal datasets, i.e., FLIR and KAIST. Source code is available at https://github.com/EdwardDo69/D3T .
Abstract:This paper presents a new approach for the detection of fake videos, based on the analysis of style latent vectors and their abnormal behavior in temporal changes in the generated videos. We discovered that the generated facial videos suffer from the temporal distinctiveness in the temporal changes of style latent vectors, which are inevitable during the generation of temporally stable videos with various facial expressions and geometric transformations. Our framework utilizes the StyleGRU module, trained by contrastive learning, to represent the dynamic properties of style latent vectors. Additionally, we introduce a style attention module that integrates StyleGRU-generated features with content-based features, enabling the detection of visual and temporal artifacts. We demonstrate our approach across various benchmark scenarios in deepfake detection, showing its superiority in cross-dataset and cross-manipulation scenarios. Through further analysis, we also validate the importance of using temporal changes of style latent vectors to improve the generality of deepfake video detection.
Abstract:In this report, we introduce NICE (New frontiers for zero-shot Image Captioning Evaluation) project and share the results and outcomes of 2023 challenge. This project is designed to challenge the computer vision community to develop robust image captioning models that advance the state-of-the-art both in terms of accuracy and fairness. Through the challenge, the image captioning models were tested using a new evaluation dataset that includes a large variety of visual concepts from many domains. There was no specific training data provided for the challenge, and therefore the challenge entries were required to adapt to new types of image descriptions that had not been seen during training. This report includes information on the newly proposed NICE dataset, evaluation methods, challenge results, and technical details of top-ranking entries. We expect that the outcomes of the challenge will contribute to the improvement of AI models on various vision-language tasks.
Abstract:Although many recent works have made advancements in the image restoration (IR) field, they often suffer from an excessive number of parameters. Another issue is that most Transformer-based IR methods focus only on either local or global features, leading to limited receptive fields or deficient parameter issues. To address these problems, we propose a lightweight IR network, Reciprocal Attention Mixing Transformer (RAMiT). It employs our proposed dimensional reciprocal attention mixing Transformer (D-RAMiT) blocks, which compute bi-dimensional (spatial and channel) self-attentions in parallel with different numbers of multi-heads. The bi-dimensional attentions help each other to complement their counterpart's drawbacks and are then mixed. Additionally, we introduce a hierarchical reciprocal attention mixing (H-RAMi) layer that compensates for pixel-level information losses and utilizes semantic information while maintaining an efficient hierarchical structure. Furthermore, we revisit and modify MobileNet V1 and V2 to attach efficient convolutions to our proposed components. The experimental results demonstrate that RAMiT achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple lightweight IR tasks, including super-resolution, color denoising, grayscale denoising, low-light enhancement, and deraining. Codes will be available soon.
Abstract:We propose a novel class incremental learning approach by incorporating a feature augmentation technique motivated by adversarial attacks. We employ a classifier learned in the past to complement training examples rather than simply play a role as a teacher for knowledge distillation towards subsequent models. The proposed approach has a unique perspective to utilize the previous knowledge in class incremental learning since it augments features of arbitrary target classes using examples in other classes via adversarial attacks on a previously learned classifier. By allowing the cross-class feature augmentations, each class in the old tasks conveniently populates samples in the feature space, which alleviates the collapse of the decision boundaries caused by sample deficiency for the previous tasks, especially when the number of stored exemplars is small. This idea can be easily incorporated into existing class incremental learning algorithms without any architecture modification. Extensive experiments on the standard benchmarks show that our method consistently outperforms existing class incremental learning methods by significant margins in various scenarios, especially under an environment with an extremely limited memory budget.
Abstract:We propose a novel domain generalization technique, referred to as Randomized Adversarial Style Perturbation (RASP), which is motivated by the observation that the characteristics of each domain are captured by the feature statistics corresponding to style. The proposed algorithm perturbs the style of a feature in an adversarial direction towards a randomly selected class, and makes the model learn against being misled by the unexpected styles observed in unseen target domains. While RASP is effective to handle domain shifts, its naive integration into the training procedure might degrade the capability of learning knowledge from source domains because it has no restriction on the perturbations of representations. This challenge is alleviated by Normalized Feature Mixup (NFM), which facilitates the learning of the original features while achieving robustness to perturbed representations via their mixup during training. We evaluate the proposed algorithm via extensive experiments on various benchmarks and show that our approach improves domain generalization performance, especially in large-scale benchmarks.
Abstract:When trained on large-scale datasets, image captioning models can understand the content of images from a general domain but often fail to generate accurate, detailed captions. To improve performance, pretraining-and-finetuning has been a key strategy for image captioning. However, we find that large-scale bidirectional training between image and text enables zero-shot image captioning. In this paper, we introduce Bidirectional Image Text Training in largER Scale, BITTERS, an efficient training and inference framework for zero-shot image captioning. We also propose a new evaluation benchmark which comprises of high quality datasets and an extensive set of metrics to properly evaluate zero-shot captioning accuracy and societal bias. We additionally provide an efficient finetuning approach for keyword extraction. We show that careful selection of large-scale training set and model architecture is the key to achieving zero-shot image captioning.